John Dee was an influential Renaissance figure. He was Queen Elizabeth's scientific advisor. In later life, he became disillusioned with pure science and started experimenting with occult techniques of the day.
These records of Dee's startling results with angel magic were kept secret and only discovered by accident long after his death.
Revealed to Dr. Dee by the angels, this book is described as 'a Book of Secrets and Key of this World'. Also known as Liber Logaeth, and as The Book of Enoch
From tables 1a, 1b, and 2a of Sl.3188 and Sl.3189.
An early version of Dee's primary magical text, but with valuable materials not found elsewhere.
Dee's own summary, in Grimoire form, of his techniques for communicating with angels, and practical benefits therefrom.
Another partial draft copy of Dee's Heptarchia Mystica with some interesting variants, including text bit found in HM or CHM.
This little magical text written by John Dee predates his magical workings documented in the Mysteriorum Libri. It may be an example of the Ars Steganographiae of Abbott Trithemius. (Latin)