ALMANDAL, version F2

Translation © 2022 by Joseph H. Peterson, all rights reserved. Updated Mar 13, 2025.

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The mandal (or Almandal, al-Mandal, Almadel, almodal, Almodellum Salomonis) referred to in this text is a kind of portable altar used for consecrations and for summoning spirits.1 Versions of the text go back at least to the thirteenth century, and vary widely.2 The text was apparently translated into Latin in the twelfth century from a now-lost Arabic version. It is possible the original was Sanskrit or even Persian.3

1. For a fuller introduction, see Veenstra, 2002.

2. See Vajra Regan, 2018, pp. 277–333.

3. Pingree 1994, p. 48; Klaassen 2019 p. 129 n 122; Veenstra 2002, p. 192.

Version F2 shows influences of the compiler's keen interest in "nigromancy," and in particular by the Liber Consecrationum ("Book of Consecrations"). The contents of F2 have been summarized by Véronèse as follows:

  • It should be "composed of red brass (F2, § 3 = F, 1st section, § 1 and 2nd section, § 18),
  • the constellated perimeter of nomina (F2, § 3 and 9 = F, first section, § 1, and 2nd section, § 18),
  • this must also be furnished with colored candle holders (F2, § 5 = F, section I, § 1)
  • and pierced with holes allowing "good" or "bad" fumigations to pass (F2, § 5-6 = F, 2nd section, § 28).
  • Preserved in a clean and secret place for seven days and seven nights (F2, § 3 = F, 2nd section, § 18),
  • it must then be consecrated with the aid of four 'exorcisms' pronounced twelve times (F2, § 4 = F 1st section, § 1, and 2nd section, § 18).
  • The 'exorcisms' or 'conjurations' (§ 10-13) are in themselves morphologically very close to § 24-27 of the second section of the F version. These include algyn and assayathyn."

Manuscript: Almandal "version F2"
"F2" (=Gehr Fi2)Firenze, BML, Plut. 89 sup. 38, fols. 268r-278v. Latin1494 CE

For edition of the Latin text, see Véronèse, 2012, pp. 93-118.


Albrile, Ezio, and Elisabetta Tortelli. Almandal: trattato ermetico di magia salomonica. Milano: Mimesis, 2018.

Boudet, Jean-Patrice, Entre science et nigromancie, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006.

Gehr, Damaris Aschera, «Gaudent brevitatem moderni»: Rielaborazioni della teoria magica nel tardo medioevo sull'esempio dell'Almandal di Salomone in Società e storia 2013.

Gohory, Jacques, and Paracelsus, Theophrasti Paracelsi philosophiae et medicinae utriusque universae compendium: ... Cum scholiis in libros 4 eiusdem De vita longa, Paris, 1567.

Kieckhefer, Richard. Forbidden Rites A Necromancer's Manual of the Fifteenth Century, University Park, (Pennsylvania): Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1998.

Klaassen, Frank, Making Magic in Elizabethan England: Two Early Modern Vernacular Books of Magic, University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2019.

Pingree, David, "Learned Magic in the Time of Frederick II," in Micrologus, 2, 1994, pp. 39-56.

Trithemius, Johann, Antipalus Maleficiorum 1605 (written in 1508).

Vajra Regan, “The De consecratione lapidum: A Previously Unknown Thirteenth-Century Version of the Liber Almandal Salomonis, Newly Introduced with a Critical Edition and Translation,” Journal of Medieval Latin, vol. 28 (2018): 277–333.

Veenstra, Jan R., "the Holy Almandal", in Bremmer, Jan N., and Jan R. Veenstra. The Metamorphosis of Magic from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period. Groningen studies in cultural change, v. 1. Leuven: Peeters, 2002, pp. 189 ff.

Véronèse, Julien, L'Almandal et l'Almadel latins au Moyen Âge: introduction et éditions critiques. Firenze: SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo, 2012.




[1] These are the four conjurations which are to be recited or perceived before the table of the spirits or mandal, which is one and the same, and it is the truest and most virtuous work from Solomon, the son of King David, who was the king and master of this work.

[2] The teaching of Solomon is this: That if anyone wishes to work with this mandal, must be very fresh and pure, and confessed with a general confession, and for this reason he must abstain from sin for nine days, in order that you have your intent on the greatest danger you will incur in perceiving the spirits if you might not be thoroughly purified and clean, on account of the power of those same names which are specified below, and which have much force and virtue over the spirits, in order that all must obey the names of the conjurations, which are four.

[3] This mandal must be made thus: On the day of Mercury, in the first hour, start with pure red brass. The artist must approach this work completely clean, because the sigil (i.e. Almandal)1 is of great virtue for many needs. You should know that it is not permitted to work on that day after the ninth hour. On the day of Jupiter after sunrise he may begin, all the way up to the seventh hour, he should complete the work with its names, and in the said days he should make the four candle holders that are needed for the work. But if you make this mandal while it is still dark, you should place candles, and if it is still day, instead of the candles you should place four flags from sandalwood: one green, another white, the third red, and the fourth yellow, and over the flags place herbs from a certain plant which is called Jupiter’s beard,2 therefore a third part of the said candle holders should be above, and the rest should be below,3 and place the said table in a secure place, to be preserved fresh and secret for seven days and nights, and they should be suffumigated all around with fragrant spices, and the master should stand before it with bare feet, and for four days he should recite the four exorcisms.

1. This is the Almandal, also referred to as a seal in version F, 2nd section, § 19, where it is a question of the “mandal sigillum”.

2. Véronèse identifies this as Anthyllis barba-jovis — an evergreen shrub native to the mediterranean region. Less likely seems Albrile and Tortelli's 2018 identification as the succulent dewflower (Drosanthemum), which is native to South Africa.

3. Other versions of the Almandal specify that two thirds of the candleholder should extend above the table, and one-third below.

[4] Afterwards he should light the candles, and repeat again the four exorcisms twelve times, and at the end of each exorcism he should say:

Come and consecrate this table, so that it may have the virtue and power over all princes of jinns and shayatin,4 and the power to bring together (or gather) all aerial and infernal powers before the lids of my eyes, through the virtue of those same names, and through the Creator who made all things out of nothing.

4. Ms. reads alchyn vel algyn, et seytim vel asaytin.

[5] And this should be done for seven days after the table will have been consecrated. When you want to work for other things, always say what is contained at the end of the exorcisms, namely, “make such-and-such a daughter sick!” or whatever you want. And note that the candles must be made from the four colors, as said earlier concerning the flags, when working while it is yet dark. During the day, as said above regarding flags, and while working, suffumigate the mandal with roses and all fragrant suffumigations, and bad suffumigations must be made with the bad smelling substances.

[6] The preceding suffumigation must first be made all around the mandal, that is, when you consecrate the mandal. Afterwards it should be placed under the mandal, so that the fragrant smoke can rise up through the holes, when you wish to consecrate some experiment or other things.

[7] Note, O my son, that the preceding table or mandal must be a perfect square, and carefully made. And note that it is called the Treasury of Teachings of Necromancy. And further note that the aforesaid mandal must be one foot on each side, and the height should be the size of the middle finger.

[8] You should know that this mandal is extremely powerful and has the greatest virtue, and in the same way you can accomplish all experiments, when many people have found themselves confounded therein, and the reason is this: because they4b must be placed upon the mandal, which is consecrated. Afterwards you will be able to perform any experiment you wish reliably.

4b. See experiments in ms. F, §§ 2-12 for the sorts of objects to be placed on the mandal.

[9] And these are the letters and names which must be around the mandal, namely:5

5. The "uƚ" is a standard scribal abbreviation for vel ("or"), seen frequently in this text to note the scribe is uncertain of the source reading, or that he is dealing with multiple sources that differ. In this case he appears to be uncertain if the first letter should be 'v' or 'y'.

Compare version F, where the names or words around the almandal read: "Utim, Elatym, Alphea, Auphy, Hyn, Haralatym, / Haymeventi, Gregoniat, Claryn, Gergelatym, Gerahatyn, Gerhacym, / avedoch menbedach menedach nebedach heydach rabcheysaym, / hesatyn lachar nebesatyn lacarasatyn saatyn sephetim."

[10] These are the four main conjurations for the table of spirits, namely:

[Conjuration 1.]

“In the name of the pious merciful God, obey all jinns and shayatin; it is Michael6 who has called you to obey! Bienbulatyn, Chahuyn, Sepheatyn, Nacyrin (or Varyryn or Satsatyn).”

6. Ms: Maelchyl.

[Conjuration 2.]

[11] "Aythyn, Hauhemus, Mathynatyn, Pheiormym, Neysym, Leysym (or Bethebosyn), Barachyym, Sepheatym (or Sephehahym), Lephezantym, Aphatym, Aras, Maras, Beremiathym, Bynheliathym, Rasithyn, Sephehatym (or Sepheathymus), Sechsatym, Tayosathym (or Sephatym)."

[Conjuration 3.]

[12] "Abrasi, Faynymus (or Faymyn), Fachluorinus (or Sachluorym), Hemathyn, Beylutyn, Ceyhuda, Sepheatym, Layntaschyassatyn, Ascarytym, Helhatyn, Rechklatym (or Rechiaalatym), Nesslym (or Neskyn), Sephehatym, Rasphasym, Albasym, Tastassym, Agelesyn (or Agelasym or Agelsyn), Reschalatyn, Hylhephatyn, Calphatyn, Sephratym, Fessatym, Halsa, Aluhaha, through the brightness of the Sun and the light of the Moon, and through the rays of the stars, hasten to obey God, and maintain obedience to Michael, Astyach (or Isahue), that is in the same way that I have adjured you, or the Lord has adjured you, over or above, and the earth beneath you, and the air within you. Respond, O disobedient ones, just as the God of the ages commanded you.”

[Conjuration 4.]

[13] “In the name of the holy and merciful God, obey God, all you jinns and shayatin, and obeying Michael his servant, and attend at his calling, whenever he might call you, Bygiensatyn (or Bigensatyn), Taussatyn (or Causatyn), Haylatym, Spheatyn, Thassalatyn, Lacazazatyn (or Lacasasatyn, or Lataysatyn), Barahyhatyn, Reykaratyn, Spheatyn, Larchasachatyn (or Larchalasatyn), Hahucharatyn (or Haucharathyn), Vaunemathyn (or Vaunenyatyn, or Vaunenmathyn), Saphatyn, Kassatyn, Leochassatyn (or Lecaslatyn), hasten and be prepared to appear at the calling of Michael, and obeying in all things.”

[14] “And my petition concerning whatever pleases you”, namely “Make so-and-so sick,” (fol. 1) or whatever else you wish to say, and write your petitions and place them upon the mandal, and say in a humble voice that which is to be said according to what is contained there. Afterwards go and return, and it will have been performed, and you will have been secret.

[15] Whatever person wishes to do the work of this sacrament, it is first necessary that he be pure in the presence of God, and free from bad desires of mind and body, and he must abstain from food and from idle words, and he must be temperate, and he should put on clean white garments, and every day he should fast on bread and water if possible, and for the space of nine days before beginning the work, and moreover, every day of the said nine days he should hear devotedly one Mass, and he should secretly and devoutly place the book under the altar, so that the priest may celebrate the mass over it. And when the Mass has been said, he should carry the book to his house, and remain secret in a remove room, because no one is to know about it. And sprinkle the place where you must place the book with the holy water, and through the whole stanza when the said sacrament is performed. Whenever you carry the book to the house, then you will put on a priestly alb and stola, and tie the cincture around the said book in the manner of a cross, and kneeling toward the East, begin to consecrate the Book of Consecrations, saying the whole “I confess.” Afterwards read the seven psalms7 with the litany and the prayers which follow it, in order that God may grant you grace wherewith to consecrate the book, and so he should do for three days after nine in the morning, and in the evening. Having finished the litany with its prayers, open the book humbly and devotedly, and while opening it, say this prayer, namely:8

7. Namely, the seven penitential psalms: Ps 6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129 and 142. These are also used in the Key of Solomon and other magic texts.

8. The source of this paragraph is the Book of Consecrations; Two versions are found in the Munich necromancer's manual (ms. CLM 849 in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) published by Kieckhefer 1998, pp. 256-76, especially pp. 257-59. (ms. fols. 52v-53r).

[16] May almighty God sanctify this through his mercy and goodness. May he bless and consecrate this book dignified with his most holy names, so that it may obtain the virtue to potently consecrate the Chain (Vinculum) of the Spirits, and for all its invocations and conjurations, and similarly for all other experiments to be done by me, through Jesus Christ our Lord, your own, you who lives and reigns through the endless ages. Amen. May all the saints of God intercede on my behalf. O Lord, hear my prayer, and may my cries come to you.
[17] O Lord my God, have mercy on me, and overlook my evils, heal my soul, because I have sinned against you. Do not turn away from this one, namely me F., because you have conferred to more. O God, hear the prayer of your servant F., as on whichever day I call upon you. Hear me quickly, just as you heard Mary and Martha, asking you to awaken Lazarus, and he was awakened. Accept, O Lord, the cries of my confession, hear the voice of my earnest prayer through the merits and prayers of the blessed virgin Mary, your mother, and all of your holy chosen, in order that my orations and prayers may come to the ears of your kindness, which I pour out before you at this hour, according to this Book of Consecrations, in order that through your most holy names which it contains may be consecrated and confirmed, for whatever I wish, our Lord Jesus Christ willing, who lives and reigns through all the ages. Amen.
[18] O Lord Jesus Christ, through your indescribable mercy, spare me, a sinner, and have pity on me, and hear me now and whenever your name is invoked, namely, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that my words and prayers may be acceptable and agreeable to you, through the invocation of your holy names, which have been humbly and faithfully written in this book. I humbly beg you, although I am unworthy, yet assured of your mercy, that you may sanctify and bless ✝ consecrate ✝ this book ✝ distinguished with your holy names, through these, your most holy names, On, Jesus Christ, Alpha and Omega, El, Ely, Eloy, Eloye, Onoytheron, Stymulamaton, Ezephares, Tet[r]agramaton, Elyoran, Egytion, Usirion, Orision, Eryona, Usirionis, Ovella, Brasyn, Noyn, Mesias, Sother, Emanuel, Sabaoth, Adonay, and through all your secret names which are contained in this book, that by the virtue, sanctity and power of these same names, and through your virtue and divine power may this book be sanctified ✝ blessed ✝ consecrated ✝ and strengthened by the virtue of sacrament of your body and blood, that the virtue which it will contain may be efficatiously contained, and may it truly be contain without deceit, in order to consecrate the chain (Vinculum) of spirits, and for consecrating all experiments, whether corrupted or not, and the invocations and consecrations, that they may have perfect virtue and power for which they were established, our Lord Jesus Christ willing, who sits on the highest, to whom be honor and glory through the infinite ages. Amen.

[19] Note that when the litanies are said, when you come to “we ask you, hear us,” you may say as per this Book of Consecrations:

“✝ May you be blessed, sanctified, and deemed worthy to be consecrated, we ask you; hear us”

through the arrangement up to the end, as found in the book Concerning the Sigils of Bede9.

9. Not identified.

[20] “May God the Father ✝ bless you; may God the Son ✝ bless you; may God the Holy Spirit, saint Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ bless ✝ and sanctify you that you may obtain the virtue of the sacrament which you must contain. May all the holy virgins bless and strengthen you today, and at all times. May all saints and chosen people of God bless you; may all heavenly virtues bless and fortify you; may all Angels and Archangels, Virtues and Powers, Principalities, Thrones, Dominions, Cherubim, and Seraphim bless ✝ you, by the authority and license of God, through the merits and prayers and invocations of all the saints of God. Amen.”10

10. Kieckhefer, 1998, p. 262, CLM 849, fol. 54r-v and 136r-v. Paragraph 20 is also found in Liber Iuratus CXXXVII. (14) Oracio benediccionis, where it is adapted for blessing the sigil of God (Sigillum Dei).

[21] “O Lord Jesus Christ, may you bless and sanctify ✝, consecrate and strengthen this book, through your omnipotence and virtue, that it may obtain the virtue and power, for which it has been prepared, constituted, and arranged, without any deceit, for consecrating the chains of spirits and the exorcisms, and for all other experiments that can be performed, through you, O Jesus Christ our Lord, who with Father and the Holy Spirit lives, reigns, and commands through all the ages. Amen.”

[22] Now this being done, the book consecrated for nine days, however often you wish to consecrate some or other experiment, before the consecration you should have that thing prepared, and you must consecrate your experiments with these instructions. And you should place one or more in front of you on the mandal. First and foremost, say the whole confession (“I confess”), sprinkle holy water, and solemly make the Sign of the Cross on your chest, in order that God may pour his mercy in you, and the grace of his Holy Spirit for completing your work. Afterwards you should say toward them, while holding the book open:

  • “Forsake me not, O Lord my God, do not abandon me. Attend to my help, O Lord, God of my salvation” (Ps:37.22-23).
  • “O Lord, let your mercy be [upon us], as we have hoped in you” (32:22).
  • “In you, O Lord, I have hoped, let me never be put to confusion” (Ps. 70:1).
  • “Let my prayers reach your presence, incline your ear to my petition, O Lord” (Ps. 87:3).
  • O Lord, hear my prayer and let my cry come to you” (Ps. 101:2).
[23] “O invisible God, ineffable God, inestimable God, unchangeable God, incorruptible God, O God most-pious, O God most sweet, O God most powerful, O God most strong, O God most holy, O God most high, O glorious God, O immeasurable God, O God of all mercy, I, although unworthy and full of iniquity, deceit, and vice, I come begging for your mercy, pleading and entreating that you don’t consider all my countless sins, but just as you are accustomed to show mercy on sinners, and to hear the prayers of the humble, crying to you that this experiment (or book), distinguished with the most holy names, may be consecrated, so that it may effectively obtain the power it should contain, namely the aerial powers and infernal princes through this consecrated prayer may it miraculously bind them, so that they will obey human will willingly or unwillingly, and when the exorcist desires, to congregate all together, and when desired disperse, through your most holy name which is written with the four letters, Joth, Heth, A.g.l.a., Vau, Emanuel [*Joth He Vau He], which heard, the sea retreats and the air is changed, the earth quakes, the fire is extinguished, and all the hosts of Heaven, Earth, and Hell tremble and are disturbed, and through these your most holy names, On, Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, and Eloy, Eli, Eloe, Heloyn, Sether [*Sother], Emanuel, Sabaoth, Adonay, Egge Yaya Yeye [*Ehyeh asher Ehyeh], may this experiment (or this book) be consecrated, with Him willing, to whom be honor and glory through the infinite ages. Amen.”11

11. Kieckhefer, 1998, pp. 264-65, CLM 849, fol. 55r-v and 136v-137r. Also, compare Liber Iuratus XCVI (prayer 34), and the Book of Oberon, p. 100.

[24] And when you wish to consecrate any experiment which doesn’t involve the commencing of spirits, you should say:

“May it be deemed worthy that you hear my cries, on behalf of this experiment, that the virtue which it must potently contain it may effectively obtain, through your most holy name which is written with four letters Joth, Heth, ....”

as above.12

12. Kieckhefer, 1998, p. 265, CLM 849, fol. 55v and 137r.

[25] If however you might wish to consecrate some other experiment, that does not involve the invocation of spirits, then you must say:

“May it be deemed worthy that you hear my cries on behalf of this experiment, that it may obtain the virtue which it must potently contain, through your most holy name which is written with four letters, Joth, Heth, Agla, Emanuel [*Joth He Vau He],”

as above.

After finishing the prayer, proceed as follows.

[26] “O God, the originator of the whole world, the sky which you have stretched out above the heights of the clouds, and the earth which you have established in its firmness over the waters, and the sea whose bound they cannot disregard, you who arranged the Sun, Moon, and stars in the highest sky; you who made all things in your wisdom; you who on the sixth day formed man in your image and likeness, and breathed into him the Holy Spirit, and who you gave a pleasurable companion in Paradise; you who drove them out of Paradise for transgressing your command; you who saved Noah and those with him in the Ark, and redeemed the human species; you who appeared as a threefold person at Hebron, at the root of Mamre, you who mercifully freed Lot your servant from the ruin of Sodom and Gomorrah, who spoke to your servant Moses from the midst of the burning bush, who powerfully led your people from the land of the Egypt and out of slavery and captivity, and allowed them to pass through the middle of the sea with dry feet, you who gave the Law into the hands of Moses on Mount Sinai; you who caused abundant water to flow out of dry rock when your people were thirsting; you who led Daniel out of the den of lions healthy and unharmed; you who delivered the three children from the furnace of blazing fire unharmed, namely Shadrach, Meshach, and Abdenago; you who, with good faith and trust, freed Susanna from false accusations; you who expelled the prophet Jonah from the belly of the whale safe and sound, after staying there for three days and nights; you who performed these and innumerable other miracles; kind Jesus, favorably hear the prayer of your servant E., and give to this book or experiment the virtue and power to assemble, bind, disperse, and curse the evil spirits into the deepest abyss if they do not heed the commands of the exorcist, with the Lord willing, who is holy and blessed and reigns through all the ages. Amen. Beryhehy.”

Afterwards say “I confess,” as above.

13. Kieckhefer, 1998, p. 266-267, CLM 849, fol. 55v and 137r.

[27] “O glorious Adonay, by whom all things were created, ruled, and constituted, be present and look favorably on our supplications, and kindly grant that this present book (or experiment) may be consecrated and confirmed, and may they contain the virtue which they must hold, so I can subjugate the evil spirits, whether they are willing or unwilling, and humbly fulfill the exorcist and his commands, with you helping, who sits on the highest and guards all things; to you be honor and power through the infinite ages. Amen.”

14. Kieckhefer, 1998, p. 267, CLM 849, fol. 56v and 137v.

[28] “O kind On, O just On, O most holy Adonay, you who are the fountain of mercy and source of all piety, the king of kings and lord of lords, you who sits in your majesty looking into the deepest abyss, discerning all things, ruling all things, maintaining all things, and with your virtue moderating you fashioned mankind in your image and likeness from the mud of the earth, so that you will be praised and glorified on Earth as in Heaven; all lands honor you and sings psalms to you, and I, although unworthy, shall say a psalm to you and to your name, whereby, O most kind and merciful God, I call upon your greatness and with humble devotion I urgently beseech, that this may be consecrated through your virtue and the gift of your grace, and may the prayers and consecrations be strengthened, the conjurations and invocations which are contained in this book, so that they contain the virtue and effectiveness which they must potently have to give the exorcist full power over the evil spirits, when called upon and exorcised they will immediately assemble from all parts, and give truthful answers, and fulfill all commands of the exorcist, by His (God’s) approval, to whom be praise, power, and authority, who reigns through all the ages of the worlds. Amen.”15

15. Kieckhefer, 1998, p. 267-268, CLM 849, fol. 56v-57r and 137v-138r.

[29] “Adonay, Meloth, Adonay, Malach, Adonay, Smeloch, Adonay, in whom all things were created and sanctified, through your mercy and ineffable power, and through these most holy names I call upon you, as a postulant, although I, F., am your unworthy servant. May you deem me worthy of the assistance of your grace, through these prayers, consecrations, invocations, and conjurations distinguished with your most holy names which are contained in this book, On, El, Eloe, Adonay, Saday, Alpha et ω, Yaeye-Aser-eye, Usion, Pantacrathon, Tetagramaton, Elzephares, Occinomos, Onoyteon, Stimulamathon, Elyeram, Messias, Sother, Emanuel, Sabaoth, Pantaceron (or Prymelus), the Beginning, First-Born, Prudence, Virtue, Grabaton, Hosanna, the Sun, the Brilliance, the Glory, the Light, the Likeness, the Bread, the Fountain of Life, the Mountain, the Army, the Gate, the Rock, the Stone, the Mouth, the Word, the Salvation, the Angel, the Betrothed, the Shepherd, the Prophet, the Mediator, the Lamb, the Sheep, the Calf, Draco, the Priest, Aries, Leo, the Worm, Athanatos, Kyrios, Agios, Ischyrios, Theos. Through these most holy names of almighty God, and through all others which it is not permitted to name, I beg you with supplication, prayers, and invocations, with the consecrations and conjurations which are contained in this book, may you grant the virtue and power to consecrate and strengthen all things which have been devised for assembling the evil spirits by the virtue of your names, conjuring, calling, and exorcising them at once from all parts, and diligently fulfilling the wishes of the exorcist, and completing his orders, not causing any harm or fear, but rather obeying and attending in your districts and completing the orders with virtue. By your command O God, who lives and reigns throughout the infinite ages. Amen.”16

16. Kieckhefer, 1998, p. 268-270, CLM 849, fol. 57r-v and 138r-v.

[30] “O highest and eternal deity, the highest virtue, you who disposes with these names in sacred judgment, o Hoytheon, On, Stimulamaton, Elzefares, Tet[r]agramaton, Elyoran, Egyron, Ysyryon, Orystion, Eyona, Ysyryavis, Onela, Brasmi, Noym, Jocephi, Messias, Sother, Emanuel, Sabaoth, Adonay, I humbly beg you, call upon you, honor you, and invoke you, and implore you with all my mind, that through you these present prayers, consecrations, conjurations, and invocations may be consecrated and prepared in this book may be consecrated as appropriate, namely that whenever the evil spirits are invoked or exorcised by the virtue of your names appearing in this book, they will immediately assemble from all parts and fulfill the desire of the exorcist diligently, not causing any harm or fear, but rather obeying and attending, and fully completing the orders of the exorcist in your districts with virtue. Amen.”17

17. Kieckhefer, 1998, p. 274-275, CLM 849, fol. 59r and 139r.

[31] “O wonderful Divinity, O ineffable Deity, O inseparable Trinity, O undivided Brightness, I, F., call upon you, honor you, I humbly beg you, that through these your most holy names, this book may be consecrated and sanctified, so that it may obtain the virtue which it must have, your help provided, who lives and reigns throughout the ages. Amen.”
[32] “O priceless Wisdom, O wonderful and ineffable Divinity, O admirable Creator of all creations, the premeditating disposer of things, you who lifted up the sky, stretching out on high, and set the earth in a stable foundation, and divided the waters from the waters, and you gave them each their own boundaries, and you strengthened the air, and you have composed a proper nature for each one, and you have established all other things with incomprehensible wisdom, which are beyond human comprehension. I, F., although unworthy, call upon your name over this present book, that by the virtue of your holy names this book may be consecrated, blessed according to my request, that it may contain the virtue which I desire, with you, O Lord, providing, who lives and reigns throughout the ages. Amen.”
[33] “O almighty, eternal God, eternal Father, who in the beginning, with a single word, created all things from nothing, the heaven and the earth, and the sea, all things which are in them, and which all creations obey, to whom all beings kneel – celestial, terrestrial, and infernal, whom the angels and archangels fear, the Dominations and Powers honor and tremble, whose hand holds everything, and who created Adam and Eve in your likeness, and sent them into Paradise, and you warned them about eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and because of their arrogance, you expelled your unbelieving angels into the depths of Hell, who like a king descended into the womb of the Virgin, I beg you and most gently ask and entreat you, almighty Father, through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, in whose power are all things, who sits at your right hand, who will soon come to judge the living and the dead, you who are the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, O Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of Lords, Joth, Agla, Nabaoth, El, Abiel, Onaeyel, Amatiel (or Amiel), Aziel, Sandres, Sodomel, Agyos, Cholymas, Elyas, Yschyros, Athanatos, Ymas, Heli, Messiah. Through these your the most holy names and through all other names I call and entreat you, through your birth, O Lord Jesus Christ, through your circumcision, and carrying the boy,18 and your baptism, through your fasting, your suffering, your resurrection, your restoration, and your five wounds, and through your temptations, your cross and your passion, and through your death, and through the blood and water which flowed from your body, and through your ascension, and through the mission of the Holy Spirit Paraclete, and through the bitterness of your soul when it departed from your body, and through your mercy, omnipotence, and ineffable virtue, and through the sacrament that you gave to your disciples, and through the holy Trinity and indivisible unity, and through the blessed virgin Mary, your mother, and through your angels and archangels, and through the patriarchs and prophets, and through all saints of God – male and female, and through all the holy mysteries and benefices which are done in your honor, and through your most holy names, known and unknown, I beg you, I call upon you, I entreat you, I ask you and bless you, that you may accept my prayers and the words of my mouth which I direct at you, that the prayers, conjurations, and invocations contained in this book may be consecrated and confirmed, that it convenes and has the power over all your evil angels, which were expelled from Heaven for cheating humanity, so that I may be able to attract them and understand their speech, and constrain and assemble them, collect and bind them, to release unbind them, to demand and obtain all things which are possible for them to do, and not scorn my words and voice in any way, but always obey me and my words, and may they fear me because of your humility, mercy, and grace, I beg and entreat you, Athon, Onay, Anay, Anchon, Arathon, Vegedo, Ya, Yray, El, Blemeton, Ussion, Esylesy, and through all your names, and through your saints – male and female, and through all Angels and Archangels, Powers, Dominions, and Virtues, and through the Cherubim and Seraphim, and through that name which Solomon constrained the demons and devils, and imprisoned them, namely, Heoth, Hebateth, Agla, Ioth, Hie, Vauech, Ale, Vau, He, Nabuoch, Vau, Ioth, and through all the holy names which have been written in this book, and through the virtue of the same, that I may have the strength and power to constrain and assemble the evil angels, and subjugate and control them, and get true answers to my queries, without harming my mind, body, or soul, through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, through all the infinite ages. Amen. May it be! May it be! May it be!"19

18. Lat. per puerum bajulantem; So too CLM 849. Recounting Matt. 2:14?

19. Compare Kieckhefer, 1998, pp. 270-74, CLM 849 fol. 57v-58v. The version in CLM 849 is much shorter.

[34] You must also note that all of the Book of Consecrations must be written with the greatest purity and devotion, while fasting, and they must be written on parchment, and the same should be understood for all conjurations, exorcisms, and experiments.

Afterwards, this should be said:

“I conjure you, O creature of paper and ink,20 through the Creator of all creations, which all heed and obey, and through the most holy names which have been written in you, and through the seal of Solomon, and through the nine candaris, and through all celestial and angelic powers, and through the throne and seat of divine majesty, and through all heavenly secrets, that you may obtain the power and virtues which the most wise Solomon established for universally constraining the aerial, earthly, infernal, and all other powers, and through you all demons and wicked spirits, whether greater, lesser, or medium, may be subject and obedient, bowing down before you if they have been called, through him which lives and reigns through the infinite ages. Amen.

20. Reading hincaustrum for inclaustrum.

The End.