
Spirit name variations

Sheet 1: Spirit name variations

ASV DN91 BNF P GG P2 L Heptameron W4667 L1202 W4669 W983 Alibeck Blocquel Muzzi
Apyruch Exbranor Apyruch Exbranor Apyruch Exbranor

Appruch, Exbranor

Rabidmadar Rabidmadar Rabidmadar Rabidmaclar (1); Rabid Madar (2, 3) Rabid madar Rabid Madar / Rabid Malitor Rabidmadae, Rabidmadao (2)

Rabidinadar Rabidanadas; rabidinadap Rabidanadas; rabidinadap
Sigambach Sigambach Sigamerach Sigambach [missing] Zigambach

Singanbuth Singambuth Singambuth
lucifer Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer Lucyfer Lucifer
Lucifer (408) Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer
Belzebuth Belzebuth belZebuth Belzebuth Belzebut/Belzebuth Belzebub Belzebuth
Belzebu, belzebue (6) Belzebuth Belzebut Belzebuth; Belzebut Beelzebuth Béelzébuth
Elestor Elestor Elestor Elestor Elestor Elester/Elestor Elestor
Elestor, Elelor (6), Clestor (407) Elestor Elestor; Elector Astaroth Astaroth Astaroth
Scirach, Scyrach (7v), Syrach (8r, 15v, 45v, 46r, 48r) Syrach (10, 24, 25), Syrac (11) Scirach, Syrach Syrach, Syrich, Syriach Syrach Syrach, Syrych, Syriach ---
Sirach (19, 408) Sirachi Sirachi; Syrachi Sirach Syrach the duke Syrach
Satanachi Satanachi Satanachi Satanachi Satanachi Satanachi ---

Satanachi Satanachi; Sathanachi Satanachia <Put> Satanakia <Put> Satanakia
Agaleraptarkimath (7v), Agaleraptarchimath (11r) Agaleraptar Kymath (p. 10); Agaleraptar chimath (18) agaleraptarkymath Agataraptor/Agateraptar (duke) Agatheraptar Kimach / Agateraptar Kitnat Agateraptar, Kimath/Agateraptor Kymat ---

Agateraptor Agaterop; Dagoteraptar Agalierap tarchimach; Agalierapth tarichimal Agalierap/Agalierapts Agalierap/Agaliarept

Kymat/Kymath (may be part of preceding name) Kimach

Himacth Hymateh; Hymaeth

Tarchimache/Tarihimal Tarchimache
Ftheruthi Itheruthi Fteruthi Tretuthi Fteruthi Flenilhi ---

Fleruty Fleruty Fleruty
Serphgathana Serphgathana Serphgathana Serphagathana Serphagatana Serphagathona ---

Surgatana Sagatana Sagathana
Resbiroth Resbiroth Resbiroth Resbiroth Resbinoth Resbiroth ---

Nesbiros Nesbiros Nesbiros
Claunth Claunth Claunth Claunt/Clahunt/Claunth Claunt Claunth Claunt
Claunth (406) Elantiel or Chaunta Elanthil or Chauntha Claunech Clauneck Claunech Claunech
Reschin Reschin Reschin Reschin Reschin Reschin Reschin

Resochin or Roschim Rosochim or Roschim Nusisin Musisin Musifin Musofin
Beschard Beschard (11, 25); Bescard (21, 22, 24) Beschard Beschard Beschard or Bescard or Boschard Beshard/Beschard Beschard
Bechard (19) Bechar Bechard; Becard Bechard Bechaud/Bechard Bechard Bechard
frimodth, frimoth (15r), frimodth (15v, 16r) Frimodth (11, 25); firmodth (27, 2x, 29); Frimoth (28) frimodth Frimodth Frimodth Frimoth, Frymoth Frimodth
Frimoth (401, 403-405) Frimoth Frimolh Frimods; Frimo^d^ts; Frimoths Frimost Frimost
Klepoth, Elepoth (48r), Clepoth (48v) Klepoth (11) Klepoth; Clepoth; Clepots (12r) Klepoth, Clepoth Klepot Klepoth Klepoth
Relepoth (?) (409); Elepoth (?) Klepoth or Kepoth
Klepoth; Clepoth Klepoth Klepoth
Klio/Khl. Khlio (p. 11, 14) Khlio; Klio; Khl. Klio/Kilio Kalio Klio Klio

Klic or Kleim
Khil Khil Khil
Merfiel Merfiel meofel; merfiel Mertiel Mertiel Mertiel Merfiel

Mertiel or Inertiel Mertiel or Jeurtiel Merfide; Merfidel Merfilde/Merfide Merfilde
Glithrel Glithrel Glithrol; Glithiel Glithret glithert Glithert Glithrel

Sirumel or Selytarel Syrumel or Slittareth Clistheret; Clistherel Clistheret; Clisthert Clistheret Clistheret
Sirkael, Sirchael Sirkael (11), Syrkael (14) Sirkael; Srikael; Sirt. Sirchael Syrchael Sirthert (!) Syrkael

Sirechael Syrechael Sirchade Sirchade Silcharde Silcharde
Hepath Hepath Hepath Hepath. Hepath Hepath hepath

Hepoth Stepoth Hiepacth Hicpacth/Hiepacth Hicpacth
Segol Segol Segol Segol. Segol Segal Segol

Fegot Fegol Segal Segal Segal
Humeth Humeth Humeth Humeth. Humeth Humeth Humeth

Humet Stumet Humots (2x); Humolt Humots Humots
frulthiel Fructhiel (11, 33); frulthiel (15) frulthiel Frulthiel/Fructhiel Fraltiel, Frulthiel Fruthiel/Fruthmel (!), Fruchthiel Frulthiel
feruothiel/feruthiel (411) Frulhel or Frastiel Frastiel or Frultiel Frucisieres; Fructisiere Frucissiere Frucissière
Galand Galand Galand Galand. Galand Galand Galand
Galand (407) Galant Galoneti Galand Guland

Surgath; Sargath (15r) Surgath (11) Surgath Surgath. Surgath/Sargath Surgath Surgath
Surgath (419) Surgatha Surgatha; Surgath Surgat Surgat

Menail Menail Menail Menail. Manail Menail, Menael Menail
Menael (408); Manael (409) Menail Menail Monail Morail

fruthmerl Fruthemerl (11); frutmerl (16) fruthmerl; fruthmeol Fruthmel. Ficithmel, Fruthmel Fruthmel Frutmerl

Glitia Glitia Fructemieres; Fructimiere Frutimiere

Hurchetmigarot Hurchet Migaroth(11); Hurchet migarot (16) Hurchetmigarot hurchetmigaroth Hurchetmigarot; Harchetmigaroth (10) Hurchet Migarot Hurchetmigarot

Huictimigaros; Huictimagaros; Hucitimigaros Huictiigaras; Huictugaras; Huictiigara Huictugaras Huictugaras
Sergurth Scergurth (17)
Sergurth Sergurth Sergarth ---

Sugunth Surgunt Serguty; Serguthy Sergutthy
Heramael Heramael
Heramael Heramel Heramael ---

Eramael Kramael Haemael; Hermuel; Heramael Heramael
Irmasliel Inmasliel
Irmasliel Hirmasliel Irmastiel ---

Irmasial Irmasdal Heramael tremasel; Trmael; Trmasel Trimasel
Suffugruel Suffumuguel
Suffugrel Saffugrel Assafugrel ---

Suffugiel Suffugidel Sustugriel Sustugriel

Elelogaphatel (11r, 12v) Elelogaphaiel (18); Alelogaphatel (18, 19), Elelogaphatel (21, 22, 23) Elelogaphatel Elelographatel/Elelogafatel (Helelugafaton?), Elelogaraphatel Elelogaraphatel or Elelogarafatel Elelogataphatel, Eeloga Fatel ---

Eliogaphatel Elelogaphatel Elelogap

Resbiroth Resbiroth Resbiroth Rilbirot Resbirach Rylbirat ---

Nesbiroth Nebirots = Nesbiros?

Hael Hael Hael Hael Hael Haiel ---

Hacel Hacel Hael Hael

Sergulaf, Sergulas Sergulaf (18, 19), Sergulat (18) Sergulaf Sergulaf (3 places) Sergulat Sergulat ---

Sergulas Sergulas Sergulats; Sergulath Sergulath

Poculo Proculo

Hariston Haristum

Bruslefer Brulefer

Pantagnon; Pentagnon Pentagnony

Aglasis Aglasis

Sidragosum Sidragosum

Minotous Minosons/Minoson Minosum

Bucon [cp. Hepath] Bucon/Bucons Bucons


ASV DN91 BNF P: GG: P2 L Heptameron W4667 L1202 W4669 W983 Alibeck Blocquel Muzzi
Orifiel Oriphiel (35, 36, 37, 45, 56, 57); Orifiel (36) Oufiel (15v, 16r); Orifiel (17r, 17v; 18r) Orifiel Orifiel Orifiel, Oryfiel Orifiel N/A Orifiel, Oriphiel Orifiel Orifiel

Magriel Magriel Magriel Magriel Magriel, Magiel (22) Margiel (!), Magriel, Magryel Magriel
Magriel Magriel Magriel

Uriel Uriel Uriel; Vicel (19v) Uriel Uriel Uriel, Uryel Vriel
Uriel Uriel Uriel

Pamechiel Pamechiel (36, 61, 62); Pamachiel (36); Pemachiel (38, 61) Pamechiel Lamechiel Pamechiel Lamechiel, Lamehiel (Lamchiel?) Pamechiel
panuchiel, panechiel Pamachiel Pamachiel

Pomeriel Pomeriel (36, 39, 62); Pomariel (36) Pomeriel Pomeriel Pomeriel Pomeriel, Pomeryel Pomeriel
pomeriel Pommeriel Pomeriel

Tabriel, Sabriel (71v, 72r) Sabriel (36, 39, 63) Sabriel; Sabuel Sabriel Sabriel Sabriel Sabriel
Sabriel Sacriel Sabriel

Vchariel Vchariel Vchariel; Vlhariel Vchariel Vchariel Uchariel, Uharyel Vchariel
Uchariel, Vachariel Nehariel Necariel

Charariel; Chariel (43v) Carariel (36); Charariel (40); Chariel (65) Charariel Charariel; Chariel (60) Charatiel, Charachiel; Charier (45) Charariel, Hararyel, Charariel Charariel, Chariel (17)
Charariel, Chareriel; Charariel (73) Chariel Charariel; Chararial

Pantheriel, Panteriel (22r), Panterie (72r) Panteriel (36); Pantheriel (36, 66) Pantheriel Pantheriel, Panteriel Pantheriel, Panteriel Lancheriel, Panteryel, Pantheriel Pantheriol, Pantheriel (17)
panteriel Pantheriel Ponteriel or Pentacriel; Panteriel

Araton Araton Araton Araton Araton Araton Araton
araton Arathon Araton

Agiaton Agiaton (36, 37, 67); Agion (41) Agiaton Agiaton Agiaton, Agraton Agiaton Agiaton
agiaton Agiaton Agiaton

Begud Begud Begud Begud Begard, Begand (p. 49); Begud (p. 105) Begud, Begut, Begut Begud
begard, Begar Begud Begud

Tainor Tainor (36); Tanier (37, 41, 69 2x); Tainer (69) Tainor Tainer Tainer Tayner, Tainer Tainor
Tainel, tinel Tainor Tainor or Tainet


ASV DN91 BNF P GG P2 Leipzig cod. Mag. 136 Heptameron W4667


Raphael Raphael


Turmiel Caluet

Caluel Tarmiel, Caluel <deest>

Abraym Abraym Abraym Abrahim Abraym

Abraym Abrayn


Agusita Agusista Agusita Agusita Agusita

Agusita argunta


Arthenay Arthenay Arthenay Arthenay Artenii

Atbemay (L1559); Athemay (L1600) arthenay


Armatas Armatas Armatas Armatus Armatas

Armatas (m1559); Armatus (l1600) armatas


Abragini Albragini Abragini Abragini Abragini

Abragini abraginy


Matasigais Matasignis Matasigais Matasigais Matasigais

Matasignais matasigais


Communtas Communtaf Communtaf Communtal Communtaf

Commutaff Communtas


Affaterim affaterim Affaterim Affaterim Affaterim

Affaterim Aflaterein


Michael Michael Michael Michael

Michael [Sun] Michael

Michel; Michael

Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel

Gabriel [Moon]


Samael Samael Samael Samael

Samael [Mars]


Raphael Raphael Raphael Raphael

Raphael [Mercury]


Sachiel Sachiel Sachiel Sachiel

Sachiel [Jup]


Anael Anael Ananiel; Anael Anael

Anael [Ven/Fri]


Cassiel Cassiel Cassiel Cassiel

Cassiel [Sat/Saturday]


Solar spirits

Fabriel Fabriel Fabriel Fabriel Tabriel


Vstael Vstael Vstael Vstael Vstael


Tumel (58r), Tumael (59r) Tumel (82), Tumael (83) Tumael Turnel (78), Tumael (79) <deest>


Masgrabiel Masgabiel Masgrabiel Masgrabiel Masgrabiel



Aiel Aiel Aiel Aiel Aiel


Sapiel Sapiel Saphiel Sapiel <deest>


Capabali Capabali Capabali Capabali <deest>



Lunar spirits

Madiel Madiel Madiel Madiel


Ianael Ianael Ianael Ianael


Anayl Anayl (83), Anail (84) Anayl Anael


Vetael Vetael Vetael Vetael


Zatael <deest> Zatael Zatael


Dadriel Dariel Dadriel Daduel


Martial spirits

Amabiel Amabiel Amabiel Amabiel Amabriel/Amabiel


Iaxel Iaxel Iaxel Iasel Jasel/Jazel


Galdel Galtel (84, 85); Galdel (85) Galdel Galdel Galdel


Vianuel Vianuel Vianuel Vianuel/Uranuel Viamiel


Mercurial spirits

Miel Miel Miel Miel Miel


Turmiel Turmiel Turmiel Turmiel Turmiel


Ruduel Ruduel Ruduel Ruduel Ruduel


Iarihael Iariael (86) Iarihael Iarihael Jariahel


Spirits of Jupiter

Castiel Castiel Castiel Castiel Cassiel


Assasiel Assatiel (87); Assasiel (87) Assasiel Assatiel Assatiel/Asasiel


Gutriel Gutriel Gutriel Gutriel Gutriel


Maganth Maganth Maganth Maganth Maganth


Salkariel Salkariel Salkariel Salkariel Saleariel


Spirits of Venus

Guadoliel Guadoliel Guadoliel Guadoliel Guadoliel


Sagum Sagum Sagum Sagum Sagum


Tamael Tamael Tamael Tamael Tamael

Mustalfiel Mustalfiel Mustalfiel Mustalfiel Mustalfiel

Doromiel Doromiel Doromiel Doromiel Doromiel

Spirits of Saturn

Vriel Vriel Vriel Vriel Vriel


Periel Periel (88), Pariel(88) Periel Periel Periel


Assaibi Assaibi (88), Aslaibi (88) Assaibi Assaidi/Assaibi Assaibi


Sidrigol Sigrigol Sidrigol Sidrigol Sedrigol


Abumalith Albumalith Albumalith (2x) Abumalith Abumalith


Sheet 2: Schem

Reuchlin Hebrew


Agrippa ASV P DN91 GG P2 W4667
1 Vehuiah יה ו ה ו V H V IH Vehuiah Vehuiah Vehuiah Vehuiah Vehuiah Vehujach Vehuiah
2 Ieliel אל י ל י I L I AL Ieliel Ieliel Ieliel Iehel feliel Ieliel Iliehiel
3 Sitael אל ט י ס S I T AL Sitael Sitael Sitael Sitael Sitael Sitael Sirael
4 Elemiah יה מ ל ע O L M IH Elemiah Elemhiah Elemiah Elemiah Elemiah Chalamiah Elemiah
5 Mahasiah יה ש ה מ M H Sh IH Mahasiah Mahusiah Mahasiah Mahasiah Chahasiah Mahasiah
6 Ielahel [*Lelahel] אל ה ל ל L L H AL Lelahel Ielahel Ielahel Ielael Ielael Lelahel
7 Achaiah יה א כ א A K A IH Achaiah Achaias Achaiah Achaial Achaiah Achaiah
8 Cahethel אל ת ה כ K H Th AL Cahethel Cahetel Cahetel Cahetel Caetel Cahethel Cahetel
9 Haziel אל י ז ה H Z I AL Haziel Haziel , <hakamiah> haziel Haziel, Hakamiah Haziel, Hachamiah Haziel heziel huchamiah
10 Aladiah יה ד ל א A L D IH Aladiah aladiah aladiah Aladiah aladiah Aladiah aladiah
11 Lauiah יה ו א ל L A V IH Lauiah Laniah lauiah Laniah Lauiah Laaviah Laniah
12 Hahaiah יה ע ה ה H H O IH Hahaiah hahaias hahaiah Hahaiah Hahaiah Hahachhiah hacayah
13 Iezalel אל ל ז י I Z L AL Iezalel Isael Iezalel Iesael Iesalel Iezalel Iehalel
14 Mebahel אל ה ב מ M B H AL Mebahel Mebael mebahel Mobael Mebael Mebahel mebael
15 Hariel אל י ר ה H R I AL Hariel Haruiel hariel Hariel Hariel Hariel hariel
16 Hakamiah יה מ ק ה I Q M IH Hakamiah
Hakamiah Hakamiah hakamiah
17 Louiah יה ו א ל L A V IH Leuiah loniah Lauiah loniah Louiah Leviah
18 Caliel אל י ל כ K L I AL Caliel Caliel caliel Caliel Catiel Caliel
19 Leuuiah יה ו ו ל L V V IH Leuuiah Leuniah leuuiah Leuniah Leuuiah Leviviah
20 Pahaliah יה ל ה פ P H L IH Pahaliah Pahaliah pahaliah Pahahah Pahaliach Pahaliah
21 Nelchael אל כ ל נ N L K AL Nelchael nechael nelchael Neschael Nelchael Nelchael nelehael
22 Ieiaiel אל י י י I I I AL Ieiaiel Ieiasiel Ieiaiel Ieiaiel Ieiaiel Ieiahel jejael
23 Melahel אל ה ל מ M L H AL Melahel Malahel melahel Melahel Melahel Melahel melahel
24 ђahuiah (Chahuiah) יה ו ה ח Ch H V IH Hahuiah hainias haiuiah Hainiah Haiuiah Hahiviah haiuiah
25 Nithhaiah יה ה ת נ N Th H IH Nithhaiah nithaiah nitthaiah Nithaiah Nithhuiah Nithaiah nithajah
26 Haaiah יה א א ה H A A IH Haaiah haaiah haaiah Haaiah Haaiah Haaiah huajah
27 Ierathel אל ת ר י I R Th AL Ierathel Iecatel Ierathael (Ietathael?) Ierathel Ieratel Ierathel jerathel
28 Sęehiah יה ה א ש Sh A H IH Seehiah Saehiah saechia Sęchiali Sezhiah Schehejah seehiah
29 Reiaiel אל י י ר R I I AL Reiiel Resasel reiaiel Reiaiel Resaiel Reiaiel Rijaiel
30 Omael אל מ ו א A V M AL Omael Omael omael Omael Omael Omael Emael
31 Lecabel אל ב כ ל L K B AL Lecabel Lecabel lecabel Lecalel Lacabel Lecabel Lecabel
32 Vasariah יה ר ש ו V Sh R IH Vasariah Vasariah uasariah Vasariah Vasariah Vasariah vasariah
33 Ieђuiah / Iechuiah יה ו ח י I Ch V IH Iehuiah Iehuiah Iehuiah Iehuiah Iehuiah Iehuiah jehuiah
34 Lehaђiah / Lehachiah יה ח ה ל L H Ch IH Lehahiah lelahiah lehabia Lehahiah Lehahia Lehajia Lehahiah
35 Chauakiah יה ק ו כ K V Q IH Chauakiah Chanakias chauakiah Canakiah Chauakiel Chauakiah Cheussiah
36 Manadel אל ד נ מ M N D AL Manadel Manadel manadel Manadel Manadel Menadel
37 Aniel אל י נ א A N I AL Aniel Aniel auriel Aniel Aniel Aniel
38 ђaamiah / Chaamiah יה מ ע ח Ch O M IH Haamiah Hahamiah haamiah Hahamiah Hahamiah Haamiah
39 Rehael אל ע ה ר R H O AL Rehael Rehael rehael Rehael Rehael Rehael
40 Ieiazel אל ז י י I I Z AL Ieiazel Ieiazel Ieiazel Ieiazel Ieiazel Ieiazel
41 Hahahel אל ה ה ה H H H AL Hahahel Hahael hahahel Hahael Hahael Hahael
42 Michael אל כ י מ M I K AL Michael Michael michael Michael Michael Mihael
43 Veualiah יה ל ו ו V V L IH Veualiah Venaliah ueualiah Venaliah Veualiah Vevaliah vecheuel, Chauakiah
44 Ielahiah יה ה ל י I L H IH Ielahiah Ielahiah Ielahiah Ielaliah Ielaiah Ielaiah jilatriah
45 Sealiah יה ל א ס S A L IH Sealiah Sealiah Sealiah Sealiah Sealiah Sealhiah sehaliah
46 Ariel אל י ר ע O R I AL Ariel Ariel ariel Ariel Ariel Chariel adriel
47 Asaliah יה ל ש ע O Sh L IH Asaliah ahaliah asaliah Ahaliah Asaliah Chasaliah asaliah
48 Mihael אל ה י מ M I H AL Mihael Michael mihael Mihael Michael Mihiel Michael
49 Vehuel אל ו ה ו V H V AL Vehuel Vehuel uehuel Vehuel Vehuel Vehuel Vehuel
50 Daniel אל י נ ד D N I AL Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel ….
51 Haђasiah / Hachasiah יה ש ח ה H Ch Sh IH Hahasiah hahasias hahaziah Hahariah Hahasiah Hahasiah
52 Imamiah יה מ מ ע O M M IH Imamiah Imumiah imamiah Imamiah Imamiah Chimamiah
53 Nanael אל א נ נ N N A AL Nanael Nanuel nanael Nanael Nanahel Nanael
54 Nithael אל ת י נ N I Th AL Nithael Nichael nithel Nithael Nithael Nithael
55 Mebahiah יה ה ב מ M B H IH Mebahiah Melahiah mebahiah Melahiah Mebahiah Mebajah
56 Poiel אל י ו פ P O I AL Poiel Priel poiel Poiel Poiel Pouiel
57 Nemamiah יה מ מ נ N M M IH Nemamiah Nemamias neminiah Memamiah Nemamiah Nemamiah
58 Ieialel אל ל י י I I L AL Ieialel Ieialel Ieiabel Ieialel Ieliakel Jejalel
59 Haraђel / Harachel אל ח ר ה H R Ch AL Harahel
harahel Harael Harahel Harahel
60 Mizrael אל ר צ מ M Tz R AL Mizrael
mizrael Misrael Mizrael Milsrael
61 Umabel אל ב מ ו V M B AL Umabel
umabel Umabel Umabel Umabael
62 Iahhael אל ה ה י I H H AL Iahhael
Iahael Iahhael Ialihael Jahahel
63 Anauel אל ו נ ע O N V AL Annauel
Anauel Chanavel
64 Meђiel / Mechiel אל י ח מ M Ch I AL Mehekiel [MHQ!]
Meiel Mehiel
65 Damabiah יה ב מ ד D M B IH Damabiah
Damabiach Damabiah
66 Mauakel [*Manakel] אל ק נ מ M N Q AL Meniel [MNI!]
Mauakel Mankel
67 Eiael אל ע י א A I O AL Eiael
Eiael Ejael
68 ђabuiah / Chabuiah יה ו ב ח Ch B V IH Habuiah
Habaiah Habujah
69 Roehel אל ה א ר R A H AL Roehel
Rochel Rachiel
70 Iabamiah יה מ ב י I B M IH Iabamiah
Iabamiah Iabamiah Iabamiah Jabamiah
71 Haiaiel אל י י ה H I I AL Haiaiel
haiaiel Haiaiel Haiaiel Hajaiel
72 Mumiah יה מ ו מ M V M IH Mumiah Mumias mumiah Mumiah Mumiah Mumiah