Edited by Joseph H. Peterson,
copyright © 1998, 2009. All rights reserved.
Updated Apr 6, 2024.
NOTE: A full translation and edition is now available. Thanks for your support:
Permission is hereby granted to make one handwritten copy for
personal use, provided the master bind his executors by a strong
oath (juramentum) to bury it with him in his grave. Beyond this,
whoever copies this sacred text without permission from the
editor will be damned.
INTRODUCTION: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Liber Juratus is one of the oldest and most influential texts of Medieval magic. The prologue says the text was compiled to help preserve the core teachings of the sacred magic, in the face of intense persecution by church officials. This may be a reference to the actions of pope John XXII (1316-34).1 |
1. Page, Sophie. Magic in Medieval Manuscripts (Medieval Life in Manuscripts). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004, p.44-45. |
I believe the almost legendary reputation of this work led to the farication of the so-called Grimoire of Pope Honorius, a ridiculous work so despised by Eliphas Levi and A. E. Waite.2, 3 |
2. Levi, Eliphas (i.e. Constant, Alphonse Louis), and A. E. Waite. The History of Magic. 1939, p. 299. 3. Waite, Arthur Edward. The Book of Ceremonial Magic. London: W. Rider & Son, 1911, p. 19, pp. 103 ff. |
According to Lynn Thorndike, it is also known as Liber Sacer or Liber Sacratus by which name it is mentioned at least twice in the thirteenth century.4 |
4. Thorndike, Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. Vol. 2. New York: Macmillan, 1923, pp. 281 ff. |
Editions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Latin. A critical edition of the Latin text has recently been published by Gösta Hedegård.5 Hedegård's text was largely based on Sl. 3854, which is the most complete, most senior, and "least tampered with". Boudet also provided a critical edition of much of the text in his 2002 article “Magie théurgique” etc.6 His readings vary slightly with Hedegård’s, and his critical apparatus is conveniently placed with the text rather than as an appendix. English. The only attempt at publishing any significant portion of the English translation was Daniel Driscoll's The Sworn Book of Honourius (sic) the Magician, Heptangle Books, 1977. Unfortunately, Driscoll did not make use of the best manuscripts, omitted large portions, misread and misplaced angelic names and words from the prayers, and otherwise took serious liberties with the text. It is however a fine example of the book publisher's craft, and has become a valuable collectable. |
5. Gösta Hedegård, Liber Iuratus Honorii: A Critical Edition of the Latin Version of the Sworn Book of Honorius (Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, 48) Stockholm: Almovist & Wiksell International, 2002. 6. Boudet, Jean-Patrice, “Magie théurgique, angélologie et vision béatifique dans le Liber sacratus sive juratus attribué à Honorius de Thèbes ” Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome: Moyen âge, Volume 114, Issue 2, L’Ecole, 2002. |
ManuscriptsThe Sworne Book is represented in several manuscripts including the following found in the British Museum:
Of these, Sloane 3854 is the most reliable, complete, and readable. All of the manuscripts seem to be missing some text, as shown by internal references to material not actually to be found. One example is the reference to the seals of angels. To make up for these evident deficiencies, the Royal manuscript seems to have inserted some additional text not found in the other manuscripts, namely the information on angels and incenses, most of which is taken from Agrippa and De Abano. It is also missing some text found in the other manuscripts. Variants are of some interest. Note the recurring sound changes: "i" (R manuscript) becomes "g" (S5 manuscript), e.g. "ienomos" [R] = "genomos" [S5], ..iel [r] = ..ihel [S5], e.g. "kariel" [r] = "karihel" [S5]; also frequent interchange of y to i and i to y; ..am [r] = ..um [S5], e.g. "lemeliham" [r] = "lemelihum" [S5]. possible evidence of mss tradition in some other script [Hebrew or Greek?] or oral tradition. John Dee, in his Mystical Experiments, was originally told to use a version found in one of his books. Dee consulted several sources, and consulted the angels to resolve the discrepancies. This prompted them to detail an almost totally new version of the Sigillum Dei. One of Dee's sources was apparently Sl.313. Roberts and Watson, in their 1990 John Dee's Library Catalogue, pg. 168, identify Sloane 313 as being one of Dee's manuscripts. They give it catalog number DM70, and note, "On fol.9 (originally the first leaf, fol.1-8 having been misbound) is [Dee's ladder symbol] and, very faint, 'Fragmentum Magicum', which may be in Dee's hand. At the foot is 'Sum Ben: Jonsonij liber'." Note also that the section 'On the composition of the Divine Seal' also occurs in the Hebrew version of the Key of Solomon (fol. 3b-5b). Note too that the orations found in the "Northern" version of Liber Juratus (as opposed to the version extensively quoted by Ganell) are taken from the Ars Notoria. In Ganell's version, prayers from Liber Trium Animarum serve the same purpose.
This edition.This edition is based on the English translation of the Royal manuscript, but with deficiencies and some variant readings from Sl. 3854 (designated S4), Sl. 3885 (abbreviated S5), and Sl. 3853 (designated S3) are also noted. A complete transcription of R is included on the left-hand side, with a slightly modernized (for readability) version on the right. I have also supplied translations of some of the Latin passages. The diagram of the Sigillum Dei Aemeth is based on that in Sloane 313, but with a few corrections based on the description in the text. It has been reconstructed using the excellent Schreibweise font from Andrew Leman at E-phemera. It was developed from a sample of a German manuscript dating from 1492. This is fairly close to the (although considerably corrupted) version shown in Athanasius Kircher in his monumental work Oedipus Aegyptiacus (1562). The drawing of the seal (sigillum Dei) does not occur in Royal, Sloane 3854, or Sl.3885. The version in Sloane 3853 (reproduced in C.J.S. Thompson, The Mysteries and Secrets of Magic, New York, 1973, pg. 186, but without identifying the source) is somewhat different. The drawing, with interesting differences, also appears in an Italian manuscript of the Key of Solomon in the Bodleian Library, MS. Mich. 276.
Section numbers follow GH. Corrected readings are indicated by * in front of the correct form. Text in <> is to be deleted. |
Liber Iuratus Honorii
The Sworne Booke of Honorius
[1r] When wycked sprites ware gathered to get-| her Intending to sende devills In to the hartts off men| to the entente thay wolde dystroy all thinges profyta-| ble ffor mankynde and to corrvpte all the whole wor-| lde even to the vttermost off there powr sowing Ipo-| crysye and envy and rooting bysshops and prelates| In pryde even the pope him selfe and his cardenall-| es which gathering them selves to gether sayde| won to a nother as here folowethe */*/*/*/*/*/* |
[I. Prologue]
When wicked spirits were gathered together, intending to send
devils into the hearts of men, to the intent they would destroy
all things profitable for mankind, and to corrupt all the whole
world, even to the uttermost of their power, sowing hypocrise and
envy, and rooting bishops and prelates in pride, even the pope
himself and his cardinals, which gathering themselves together
said one to another as here follows: |
Notes: |
the helth which the lorde hathe| gevin his people Is now through magecke and| negromansy turned Into the damnacyon of all pe-| ople, for even the magyans them selves being in-| toxycated and blynded by the devill, and contrary| to the order of christes chvrche and transgressing| the commavdement of god, which dothe saye tho-| w shalte not tempe the lorde thy god, but him on-| ly shalte þu serve, but these negromansers or ma-| gyans denying the sacryfyce dew vnto god and in| tempting him hathe donne sacryfyce vnto devi-| lls and abvsed his name In calling of them co-| ntrary to the profession made at there baptin, |
The health which the Lord has given his people is now through magic and negromancy turned into the damnation of all people. For even the magians themselves, being intoxicated and blinded by the devil, and contrary to the order of Christ's Church, and transgressing the commandment of God, which says, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God, but him only shalt thou serve." But these negromancers or magians, denying the sacrifice due to God, and in tempting him have done sacrifice to devils, and abused His Name in calling of them, contrary to the profession made at there baptism, |
“You shall not test the Lord your God”: (Deut.6:16); "but you shall serve him alone”: (Deut. 6:13) |
[1v] for there it is sayd: for sake the devill and all his| pompes, but thes magyans and negromansers| dothe nott follow only the pompes and workes| of sathan but hathe also brought all people th-| rough there meruelus ellusyons In to þe err-| ors drawing the ignorant and suche lyke In| to the damnasyon bothe of sowle and body, and| they thinkinge this for no other purpose. but| that by this they shulde destroye all other scye-| nces, it is thought mite therfore to plucke vp| and vtterly to dystroy this dedly roote and all the| followers of this arte, but they throvghe the I-| nstygasyon off the deuill and being moued wt| envy and couetusnes vnder the simylytude of| truthe they did publyshe and spred abrode þe f-| alshed speking falce and vnlykely thinges, for| It is nott possible þt a wicked and vnclen man| shulde worke trwly In this arte, for men are n-| ott bownde vnto sprites, but the sprites are co-| nstrayned agaynst þr wills to answere men þt| be clensed or clene, and to fulfill there requeste-| s, yet agaynst all yos willes we haue gone abo-| wt to set forthe the princyples of this arte |
for there it is said, "Forsake the devil and all his pomps." But these magians and negromancers do not follow only the pomps and works of Satan, but have also brought all people through their marvellous illusions into the errors, drawing the ignorant and such like into the damnation both of soul and body, and they thinking this for no other purpose but that by this they should destroy all other sciences. It is thought meet [=proper] therefore to pluck up and utterly to destroy this deadly root, and all the followers of this art, but they through the instigation of the devil, and being moved with envy and covetousness under the similitude of truth, they did publish and spread abroad the falsehood, speaking false and unlikely things. For it is not possible that a wicked and unclean man should work truely in this art, for men are not bound to spirits, but the spirits are constrained against their wills to answer men that are cleansed or clean, and to fulfill their requests. Yet against all those wills we have gone about to set forth the principles of this art, |
[2r] and þe cause of truthe, and for that cause thay h-| ad condemned this arte and Iudged hus to dethe. |
and the cause of truth, and for that cause thay had condemned this art and judged us to death. |
we therfore throughe godes sufferance haui-| ng a fore knoledge of that Iudgement knowing a-| lso þt by it shulde folow miche mischefe and þt It| was impossible to vs to scape the handes of the| people by owre owne strengthe wt owt the helpe| of sprites dowting þt a greter danger wolde folo-| w upon it, for the wicked power of the sprites a-| tt owre commaundement wolde haue destroyed| them all vtterly In on, wherfore we called on ge-| nerall counsell off all the masters In the which| counsell of *811* masters which camme owte of| naples athence and tholetus we dyd chuse on| whose name was honorius the sonne of euclud-| vs master of the thebanes, In the which cytye th-| is art was redd þt he shulde worke for us in| this sayde arte, and he throughe the counsell| of a sertayne angell whose name was hocroell| dyd wryte *7* volumes of arte magicke, geuy-| ng vnto hus the kernel and vnto other the sh-| alles owt of the which bookes he drw owt *93*| chapiters in the which Is bryffely contayned |
We therefore, through God's sufferance, having a foreknowledge of that judgement, knowing also that by it should follow much mischief, and that it was impossible to us to escape the hands of the people by our own strength without the help of spirits, doubting [i.e. fearing] that a greater danger would follow upon it, for the wicked power of the spirits at our command could have destroyed them [i.e. those who condemned us] all utterly in an hour. Wherefore, we called a general council of all the masters. And out of the which council of 811 [*89]1 masters which came out of Naples, Athens, and Toledo, we did choose one whose name was Honorius, the son of Euclid, master of the Thebians, in the which city this art was read, that he should work for us in this said art. And he through the council of a certain angel whose name was Hocroel, did write seven volumes of art magic, giving to us the kernel, and to others the shells. Out of the which books he drew out 93 chapters, in the which is briefly contained |
1. The number given in S4 and S5 is 89; S313 reads '8', while R reads 811. The revealing angel is spelled 'Hocrohel' in the older manuscripts. |
[2v] the effecte off this arte, off the which, chapters he| made a booke which we doo call the sacred or sworne| booke for this cause, for in it is contayned a *100*| sacred names of god and therfor it is callyd sac-| red as ye wolde saye made of holy thinges, or ell-| es be cause by this booke he came to the knowled-| ge of sacred or holy thinges, or elles be cause It| was cosecrated of angells, or elles be cause the a-| ngell hocroell did declare and show vnto him þt | it was consecrated of god, then they prynces &| prelates being pacefyed wt burning of serten f-| ables or tryffles, thought verely this arte had| bin vtterly destroyed, and therfore we being som-| whate moued made this othe amounge oure se-| lues, first þt this book shulde be delyueryd to no| man vntyll suche tyme as the master of the ar-| te were in Ieoberdye of dethe and þt it shulde| be copyed but vnto *3* att the most, and þt it sh-| ulde be delyueryd to no woman nor to any ma-| n excepte he were off lawfull aghe which shulde| also be bothe godely and faythfull whose gode-| ly behauer had bin tryed by the space of a whole| yere, and þt this booke shulde no more here after |
the effect of this art, of the which chapters he made a book which we do call The Sacred or Sworn Book for this cause, for in it is contained the 100 sacred names of God, and therefor it is called sacred, as you would say "made of holy things," or else because by this book he came to the knowledge of sacred or holy things, or else because it was consecrated by angels, or else because the angel Hocroel did declare and show him that it was consecrated of God. [The oath]Then the princes and prelates being pacified with burning of certain fables or trifles, thought verily that this art had been utterly destroyed, and therefore we being somewhat moved, made this oath among ourselves:
[3r] be dystroyed, but þt it shulde be restored agayne to þe| honore or to his successors, and yf there cane nott| be founde an able and a sufficyent man to who-| me this booke mighte be delyueryd, þt then the mast-| er bynde his executors by a stronge othe to bury | it withe him in his graue, or ells he shall him se-| lfe whyle he liueth bury it him selfe, in some pl-| ace honestely and clenly, and newer after to reu-| ele the place by any surcumstances to any creat-| ure, and yf the master shall haue nide of any sco-| llers or will proue them any man of wayes þt for| to fulfyll his commaundementes yff nide be they| shall euen suffer dethe rather then they will decl-| are eyther the sayinges or doinges of there ma-| ster, or þt he knoweth any suche thinges, nor decl-| are any suche thing by any man of surcumstan-| ces. and lyke as a father dothe cause on of his so-| nnes to loue another, euen so doth the master v-| nytte and kintt together his discyples or scholler-| s in concorde and loue so þt alwayes the on shall| helpe to bayre the others burthen, nor on shall no-| tt revele the secretes of a nother, but they shall be| faythfull off on mynde and concorde, and he þt [3v] he shall trewly performe obserue and kepe every art-| ycle off his othe and for this cause this is callyd | the sworne booke: {*ffinis prologi */*/*/*/*/* |
And for this cause this [book] is called The Sworn Book. End of prologue. |
In the name off the almighty god or lorde Iesus |
christ the trew liuing god. I honoryus haue thus |
appoynted in my booke the workes of salomon I |
haue first apoynted the chapters þt it maye be the mo-|
re playne. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* heare be geneth the chapters of the first worke.} the first chapter Is of the composyssyon of the gre-| ate name of god which the hebrues call sememp-| horas which dothe consyst of *72* h. t. o. e. x. o. r. a. | b. a. l. a. y. q. c. I. y. s. t. a. l. g. a. a. o. w. o. s. v. | l. a. r. y. t. c. e. k. x. p. f. y. o. m. e. m. a. n. a. r. e. | l. a. t. e. v. a. t. o. n. o. n. a. o. y. l. e. o. t. s. y. m. | a. letters which is the beginning in this arte the | *2* chapter is of the visyon of the deytey, the *3* | of the knowledge off the deuyne power, the *4* | of the for gyuenes off synnes, the *5* that a man | shuld nott fall into dedely sine, the *6* of the rede-| msyon off *3* sowlles owt of purgatorye */*/*/*/*/*/*/*| the chapters off the .2. worke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* the *7* chapter is off the knowledge off the heau-| [4r] ens, the *8* to know the angells off euery heauen.| the *9* to know euery angell his name and his po-| wer, the *10* to know the seales off euery angel, | the *11* to know vnder whome euey angll is, the | *12* to know the offyce of euery angell, the *13* | of the inuocatyon of euery angell and of his com-| pany. the *14* how a man shulde obteyne his w-| ill by euery angel. the *15* to obtayne all scyen-| ces, the *16* to know the hower of dethe, the *17* to | know all thinges present past and to comme. the | *18* to know the planetts and the starres. the *19* to | know the vertu of the planetts and starres and | there influences. the *20* to alter or chaunge þe | influence of the planetts and sterres. the *21* to ch-| ange the daye in to nighte and the nighte in to þe | daye. the *22* to know the sprites of the ayre. the | *23* to know the sprites of the fyer, and there n-| ames and there superyors, there seales power | and vertu, the *24* to know the names and þe | powers off the higher sprites. the *25* to know | there seales. the *26* to know the alteratyon and | changinge of the elymentes and of the bodyes | that be mixte of them, the *27* to know all herb-| [4v] es, plantes, and bestes being vpon the earthe | and of there vertues. the *28* of the knoledge | off the nature of man and of all his dyedes | and his thoughtes. the *29* to know the sprites | of the water and there vertuse and there su-| peryors. the *30* to know the erthely sprrites | and infernalles. the *31* of the sighte of purga-| torye and hell and the sowlles there being. the | *32* off the bond or oblygasyon þt the sowle | and bodye shall returne agayne. the *33* of þe consecrating off this booke. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* ffinis of the chapters of the secode worke. */*/*/* |
[II. Contents]1In the name of the almighty God, our Lord Jesus Christ, the true living God. I Honorius have thus appointed in my book the works of Solomon. I have first appointed the chapters that it may be the more plain. Here begins the chapters of the first work.
The chapters of the second worke.
End of the chapters of the second work. |
1. NOTE: This section is not really a conventional table of contents, but rather a summary of the various practical uses this magic can be employed for. All but a few of the topics are discussed in various ways in the subsequent text. 2. The corrected version should read: H ¶Toexoraba ¶Layqtiyst ¶Algaonosu ¶Laryceksp ¶Fyomemana ¶Renugarel ¶Atedatono ¶Naoyleyot. See my printed edition pp. 31-32; Veenstra 2012 p. 172; and later corrected in Chardonnens and Veenstra 2014 pp. 142–143. Sl. 3854: h., deinde t.o.e.x.o.r.a.b.a. ^g. l.a.y.q.t.i.y.s.t. a.l.g.a.a.o.n.o.s.u. l.a.r.y.c.e.k.s.p. f.y.o.m.e.m.a.u.a. [r.e.m.i.a.]r.e.l. a.c.e.d.a.t.o.n.o. n.a.o.y.l.e.y.o.t. m. a. |
the chapters of the *3* worke. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* the *34* off the constrinksyon of sprites by word-| es. the *35* of the constrinsyon of sprites by | seales. the *36* of the constrinckesyon of spri-| tes by tables. the *37* to giue euery sprite his | shape. the *38* off inclosing of sprites. the *39* | off a sprite þt is inclosed þt he maye answere or | nott, the *40* to cause thunder and lightenin-| g. the *41* off burning to be made. the *42* | off the powrging of they ayer. the *43* off þe corruptyon of the ayer. the *44* to cause sno-| [5r] w and yse, the *45* off dewes rayne. the *46* | to cause flowers and frutes. the *47* to go I-| nuysyble. the *48* off a horse. the *49* to bring-| e agayne a man that is gone saffe in an how-| er. the *50* to haue a thing carryed whether th-| ow willte in moment. the *51* to take a waye | a thinge. the *52* to bringe a thinge agayne. | the *53* to change the shape of euery thinge.| the *54* to make a fludde in a dry grounde. the | *55* to make a commotyon att thy pleasure.| the *56* to distroy a kingdome or an empyre.| the *57* to haue power over euery man. the *58* | to haue a *1000* armed men. the *59* to forme a | castell þt shall neuer be dystroyed. the *60* to m-| ake a wicked glasse. the *61* to destroye a place | or a holde by a wicked glasse. the *62* off a glasse | wherin thow shalte se the whole worlde. the *63* | to bringe agayne a thiffe which þt he hathe stoll-| en. the *64* to open lockes. the *65* to cause disco-| rde and debate. the *66* to cause vnyte and con-| corde. the *67* to haue the fauor of euerybodye. | the *68* to obtayne or gett rytches. the *69* to [5v] hele all man of disseses. the *70* to cast in to | sickenes whome ye will. the *71* to kill whome | ye will. the *72* to cause danger bothe by se | and lande. the *73* to delyn a shipe þt is stoppe-| d in the sea by the adamaint stone. the *74* to | avoyde all man of dangers. the *75* to gayther | byrdes to gether and to take them, the *76* to ge-| ther fysshes to gether and to take them. *77* to | gather wylde bestes to gether and to take the-| m. the *78* to cawse warre amonge fysshes fow-| lles and suche lyke. the *79* to make burninge to | apeyre. the *80* to make Iuggelers or mayde-| ns singing to apeyre. the *81* to make gardens or | castells to apeyre. the *82* to make fightinge m-| en to apeyre. the *83* to make gryphons and dr-| agons to apeyre. the *84* to make all wylde be-| stes to apeyre. the *85* to make hunters and the-| re dogges to appeyre huntinge. the *86* to make | a man to thinke he is in a place where he is nott, | the *87* to make all pleasures to appeyre. */*/*/*/* ffinis of the chapters of the *3* worke. */*/*/*/*/* |
The chapters of the third work.
End of the chapters of the third work. |
* Instructions in these are not extant, even in the Latin manuscripts. ** See chapter CXVI which recounts the contents. |
[6r] the chapters off the *4* worke */*/*/*/*/*/* the *88* to delyur them þt be in pryson. the *89* | to locke agayne the gattes of the castell. the | *90* to haue all treasures mettalls pressyns sto- nes and all other thinges hyd in the grounde. | the *91* off the appeyringe off ded bodyes that | thay seme to aryse agayne and to speke. the *92* | that ye shulde thinke beastes to appeyre crea-| ted agayne off the earthe but these *2* chapters | haue we takyn awaye be cause they be agayn-| st the will of god. thus endeth the nottes off all | the chapters */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
The chapters of the fourth work.
But these two chapters have we taken away, because they be against the will of God. Thus ends the notes of all the chapters. |
1. Better: To unlock bars and prisons. -JHP |
here beginnithe the booke.*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[III.] Here begins the book. |
we therfore thorow godes helpe Intendinge to |
folow the stepps and precepes of salomon, th-|
erfore to the receyuing of suche an highe mi-|
sterye we prefesse to be oone chiffe princy-|
ple or begininge, note therfore that the first |
and chiffe princyple or begininge is the de-|
vyne maiestye, and the trew Inuocatyon m-|
ust cume frome the very faythe of the harte, |
the which faythe the workes shall declare,
ffor salomon sayde there is one only god |
one mighte, or power, oone faythe, of whome |
oone worke, oone princyple or begininge, |
and of whome the prefectyon and effecte of |
euery worke dothe comme althoughe this |
be deuyded into many partes, ffor lyke as |
all the holle partes doo sauor and smel of the |
body euen to lykewyse dothe of these thin-|
ges comme all perfectyon and effect. */*/*/* |
We therefore, through God's help, intending to follow the steps and precepts of Solomon, therefore to your receiving of such a high mystery, we profess to be one chief principal or beginning. Note therefore that the first and chief principal or beginning is the Divine Majesty, and the true invocation must come from the very faith of the heart, the which faith the works shall declare. For Solomon said there is one only God, one might or power, one faith, of whom one work, one principal or beginning, and of whom the perfection and effect of every work comes, although this be divided into many parts. For like as all the whole parts do savour and smell of the body, even so likewise of these things come all perfection and effect. |
In the name therfore of the true And ly-| uing gode which Is alpha et omega þe | beginninge and the endinge which is the fat-| her the sonne, and the holy gost *3* persones | and on god the gyuer off lyffe and the dest-| royer off dethe for he destroyed oure dethe | and thrughe his resurrectyon restored vs | agayne to lyffe. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
In the name therefore of the true and living
God, who is Alpha and Omega the beginning and
the ending, which is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,
three persons and one God, the giver of life, and the destroyer
of death. For he destroyed our death and through his resurrection
restored us again to life. |
off the makinge off the seale of god, for |
the knowledge of the first parte, of the |
knowledge of the deytye, for the knowle-|
dge of þe *2* parte. in þe *3* parte of the |
vysyon of angells, the *4* of þe constr-
inkesyon, the *5* parte off the bownde of |
deadmen */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Of the making of the Seal of God, for the knowledge of the first part, of the knowledge of the Deity, for the knowledge of the second part, in the third part of the vision of angels, the fourth of the constrinkesyon, the fifth part of the bonds of dead men.2 |
2. Lat. "de ligatione infernorum" (concerning the binding of the inhabitants of the underworld). |
off angels there are *3* kyndes */*/*/*/*/* | some be selestyall, and some of the ayre and some | be of the earthe. off the celestyall there are also *2* | kyndes somme of them doo serue god only and | those be the *9* orders of angells that is to saye | cherubin, and seraphin, trones, domynatyons, | vertuse, princypates, and potestates, arkangells | and angells off whome it is to be spoken amo-| unge mortall men, for they will nott be constray-| ned by any artyfysyall powr, and therfore | they oughte nott to be Inuocated for they a-| lwayes stande before the deuyne maiestye an| d are neuer seperated from his presens, yet be | cause the sowle of man was creatyd with | theme and to there lykenes, lookinge to be re-| wardyd with them maye through the gyfte | and grace of god his bodye yet lyuing beh-| olde the deuyne maiestye, and with them to | prayse and know god þe creator, and this kn-| owledge is nott to know god in his magestye [7v] and power but euer as adame and the | prophettes dyd know him, |
Of angels there are three kinds. Some are celestial, some are of the air, and some are of the earth. Of the celestial, there are also two kinds. Some of them serve God only, and those are the nine orders of angels, that is to say, cherubin, seraphin, thrones, dominations, virtues, principates, potestates, archangels, and angels. Of whom it is to be spoken among mortal men, for they will not be constrained by any artificial power. And therefore they ought not be invocated, for they always stand before the Divine Majesty, and are never separated from His presence. Yet because the soul of man was created with them, and to there likeness, looking to be rewarded with them may through the gift and grace of God, his body yet living behold the Divine Majesty, and with them to praise and to know God the creator, and this knowledge is not to know God in his majesty and power, but ever as Adam and the prophets did know him. |
but this is p-|
rincypally to be noted that there are *3* ky-|
ndes off men þt worke in this arte Iwes, ch-|
ristyans and pagans, the pagans doo sacry-|
fyce to the sprites of the ayre and of the ea-|
rthe but they doo nott constrayne or bynde th-|
em, but the sprites doo fayne them selues to |
be bownde by the wordes of there law, to the |
Intent they maye make them to committ ido-|
letrye, and neuer turne to the true faythe, |
and by cause there faythe is nought therfore |
there workes be nawght, he þt will worke aft|
er þt man must forsake the lyuing god, and |
must doo sacryfyce vnto sprites and Idolles |
for it is faythe that worketh in a man good |
or euill, wherfore it is sayde in the gospell þe |
faythe hathe made the saffe, the Iwes doo in |
nowyse worke to obtayne the visyon of the |
deytye, for by the comminge of christe they lo-|
st there prehemynence nor they can nott |
comme to heauen, for the lorde dothe saye
he that is nott baptysed shall be damned, and |
so in all angells they worke Imperfectly, nor |
they canontt throughe there inuocatyons brin-|
ge any worke to effecte excepte they be liue |
in christe. ffor it is sayd by the prophet, when |
the kinge of kinges and the lorde of lordes |
Is cume then shall youre anoyntinge cease w-|
hich shulde neuer haue ceasyd yf they cowlde |
haue wroughte effectually by this arte, and so |
there workes are noughte, and althoughe the |
Iwes in that þt they are Iwes are condemny-|
d of yet they doo wurship the highe creator but |
nott after a dew sorte, yet thorow the powr of |
the holy names of god spirrites are constray-|
ned to comme. but Iwes because they are no-|
tt signed wt the signe of god that is to saye |
with the signe of the crosse therfore they |
sprites will nott answere them trewly, ther-|
fore the christyan man only dothe worke |
trewly to cum to the vysyon of the deyte, and |
in all other workes, and althoughe *3* sortes |
of men doo worke by this arte magyke, yet
It is nott to be thoughte þt there is any eu-|
ill in this name magyan, for this same na-|
me magyan dothe signefy in the grike twunge |
a philosopher, and in the hebru twunge a sc-|
rybe, and in the latten twunge it signefyeth |
wyse and so this name of arte magyke is co-|
mpownded of this worde magos wiche Is |
as muche to saye as wyse and of ycos wiche |
by interpretasyon is knowledge for by it a |
man is made wyse, for by this arte a man |
maye know thinges present past and to |
come */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
But this is principally to be noted, that there are three kinds of men that work in this art: Jews, Christians, and pagans. The pagans do sacrifice to the spirits of the air and of the earth, but they do not constrain or bind them, but the spirits do fain themselves to be bound by the words of their law, to the intent they may make them commit idolatry, and never turn to the true faith. And because their faith is nought, therefore their works are nought. He that will work after that man must forsake the living God, and must do sacrifice to spirits and idols. For it is faith that works in a man good or evil. Wherefore it is said in the Gospel, "your faith has made you safe." The Jews do in no wise work to obtain the vision of the Deity, for by the coming of Christ they lost their preeminence, nor can they come to heaven, for the Lord says, he that is not baptized shall be damned. And so in all angels they work imperfectly. Nor can they through their invocations bring any work to effect, except they believe in Christ. For it is said by the prophet, "when the king of kings and the Lord of Lords is come, then shall your annointing cease," which should never have ceased if they could have wrought effectually by this art. And so theire works are nought. And although the Jews in that they are Jews are condemned, of yet they do worship the High Creator, but not after a due sort. Yet through the power of the holy names of God, spirits are constrained to come. But Jews because they are not signed with the sign of God, that is to say with the sign of the cross, therefore those spirits will not answer them truely.
Therefore, the Christian man only works truely to come to the
vision of the Deity, and in all other works. And although three
sorts of men do work by this art magic, yet it is not to be
thought that there is any evil in this name Magian, for
this same name Magian signifies in the Greek tongue
a philosopher, and in the Hebrew tongue a
scribe, and in the Latin tongue it signifies wise.
And so this name of art magic is compounded of this word
magos which is as much to say as 'wise,' and of
ycos which by interpretation is 'knowledge.' For
by it a man is made wise. For by this art a man may know things
present, past, and to come. | |
here folowithe the makinge off the seale off the trwe | and lyuinge god */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[IV.] Here follows the making of the Seal of the true and living God | |
Primo fac unum circulum cuius diameter | sit trium digitorum propter tres clauos do-| mini, vel *5* propter *5* plagas, vel *7* pr-| opter *7* sacramenta, vel *9* propter *9* ordin-| es angelorum, sed communiter *5* digitorum | fieri solet. deinde infra illum circulum fac | alium circulum a primo distantem duobus | granis ordei propter duas tabulas moysi, [9r] vel distantem a poimo [*primo] tribus granis prop-| ter trinitatem parsonarm, deinde infra illo-| s duos crculos in superiori parte quæ | dicitur angulus meridiei fac vnam crucem, | in cuius tibia aliquantulum intrat crc-| ulum interiorem. deinde a parte dextra | crucis stribe .h. aspirationem deinde .t. dein-| de .o. deinde .e. x. o. r. a. b. a. l. a. y. q. c.t i. y. s. | t. a. l. g. a. a. o. w. n o. s. v. l. a. r.t y. t. c. e. k. x.s p. f. | y. o. m. e. m. a. n. a. r. e. l. a. t. e. v.t a. t. o. n. o. | n. a. o. y. l. e.p o. t. s. y. m. a. et iste literæ su-| nt eque distantes, et circumdent circulum. eo | ordine quo sunt prenominatæ et sic mag-| num nomen domini schemhamphoras *72* | literarum erit completum. |
First, make a circle with a diameter of three fingers, on account of the Lord's three nails, or five on account of the five wounds, or seven on account of the seven sacraments, or nine on account of the nine orders of angels, but generally five fingers are customary. Then, below that circle make another circle, distant from the first by two barley grains (on account of the two Tablets of Moses), else the distance from the first can be three grains (on account of the three persons in the Trinity.) Then below those two circles in the uppermost part, which is called the southern angle, make a single cross, the leg of which may slightly enter the innermost circle. Then, from the right side of the cross, write .h. (the "exalation"), then .t., then .o. then .e. x . o. r. a. b. a. l. a. y. q. c. i. y. s. t. a. l. g. a. a. o. n. o. s. v. l. a. r [t]. y. t. c. e. k. s. p. f. y. o. m. e. m. a. n. a. r. e. l. a. c. e. d. a. t. o. n. o. n. a. o. y. l. e. [y]. o. t. m. a.1 and these letters may be made an equal distance apart, and may surround the circle. And with that series of letters which was previously named the circle will thus be filled with the great name of the Lord, Schemhamphoras, of 72 letters. |
1. The corrected form is as follows: "H ¶Toexoraba ¶Layqtiyst ¶Algaonosu ¶Laryceksp ¶Fyomemana ¶Renugarel ¶Atedatono ¶Naoyleyot." See my printed edition pp. 31-32; Veenstra 2012 p. 172; and later corrected in Chardonnens and Veenstra 2014 pp. 142–143. Sl. 3854: h., deinde t.o.e.x.o.r.a.b.a. ^g. l.a.y.q.t.i.y.s.t. a.l.g.a.a.o.n.o.s.u. l.a.r.y.c.e.k.s.p. f.y.o.m.e.m.a.u.a. [r.e.m.i.a.]r.e.l. a.c.e.d.a.t.o.n.o. n.a.o.y.l.e.y.o.t. m. a. |
hoc facto in m-|
edio circulorum scilicet in centro fac unu-|
m pentagonum talem, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This done, in the middle of the circles, namely in the center, make a pentagram thus:
in the middle of which should be the sign 'Tau', thus:
Then, below the uppermost angle of the pentagram, write these two
letters: .l.x.
Then, around the pentagram make a heptagon; it may touch the uppermost side of the pentagram, <its second> which is after the middlemost top angle, where are written .l.x.
And in the same side of the heptagon write this name of the
holy angel, which is Casziel.
Then, around that preceding heptagon, make another heptagon, not made like the first, but in such a manner that the one side of it will intersect the previous side of the same. Then make another such heptagon, like the first, whose seven angles touch the seven angles of the second heptagon, and the which should be shown doubled. <Yet here, the heptagon under the preceding second will be contained,> unum latus secundi heptagoni supernudo et aliud subenudo, sed latus primo angulo succedens subenudo ibit. et quae sequntur serie supereuntis et subeuntis alterutrum se habebunt. Then, in each of the angles of the second heptagon make a cross. Then, in that side (of the second heptagon) which goes from the last angle to the second angle of the same, in that part which is above the first syllable of Casziel, this syllable from a sacred name of God should be written: la, and above the last syllable of the same (Casziel) should be written this syllable: ya, and in the space [between] the intersection and the second cross should be written the syllable ly. Then, in that side which extends from the first angle of the second heptagon, and continues to the third angle of the same, this holy name of God should be written: Narath, and the first syllable, Na should be written in that space of the same side which is above the first syllable of Satquiel, and the syllable Ra in the space which is above the last syllable of the same, and the two letters 't,' 'h' made in that place which is in the same side between the side intersecting itself and the third cross. Then, in that side (of the same second heptagon) which extends from the third angle of the same to the fifth of the same, should be written this holy name of the Creator, which is called Libarre, such that the syllable Ly is written above the first syllable of Raphael, and the syllable bar is over the last syllable of the same, and the syllable re in that space of the same side which is between the side intersecting itself and the fifth angle of the same second heptagon. Then, in that side (of the same second heptagon) which is farthest from the fifth cross, this other sacred name of the Creator should be written: Libares, such that the syllable Ly is written in that space of the side which is above the first syllable of Michael, and the syllable ba in that space of the side which is above the last syllable of the same (Michael), and the syllable res in that space of the same side which is between the side intersecting itself and the last cross. Then, in that side (of the same second heptagon) which goes from the second angle (of the same second heptagon) to the fourth, this other holy name should be written: Lialg cum coniunctiua ita quod coniunctiua in illo loco eiusdem lateris scribatur which is above the first syllable of Samael and this syllable ly in that space of the same side which is above the last syllable of the same (Samael), and this syllable alg in that place of the same side which is between the side intersecting itself and the fourth cross. But beware that the coniunctiua (connective) should be written thus: [figure] with the inscription intersecting, because of the fear of God malum volitum dividentem. Then, on that side (of the same heptagon) that goes from the fourth cross to the sixth, write this other sacred name of God: Ueham, such that the syllable ve is written above the first syllable of Anael, and the letter h is above the last syllable of the same, and the syllable am is in the space of the same side which is [inter]secting the side itself and the sixth cross. Then on that side which goes from the sixth angle (of the same second heptagon) to the first angle, this other sacred name of God should be written: yalgal, such that the letter y is written in the space of the same side which is above the first syllable of Gabriel, and the syllable al is above the last, and the syllable gal should be written in the space of the same side which is between the intersection and the first cross.
Then, in the middle of the first side and the third heptagon,
to the right, should be written vos,
and in the next place Duymas,
and in the next Gyram,
and in the next Gram,
andin the next Aysaram,
and in the next Alpha,
and in the next
Then, in that small space which is under
the second and the third angle of the first
heptagon, should be written this name of God:
el, | |
Then in that small space which is enclosed
between the first angle of the second heptagon
and the second angle of the same, and the first side
of the third heptagon, and the part touching
those angles of the circle, draw a single cross in the
middle, namely in that space.
And in the top-left space of the cross, write the letter:
Then in the middle of the next small space to the right,
write this name of God: Ely,
This of course comprises AGLA, a name of God. Usually explained as an acronym based on "Attah Gibbor Le'olam Adonai," -- "the first four words of the second benediction of Shemoneh 'Esreh" (See Agrippa OP3.11 and the Jewish Encyclopedia). However, this has been questioned recently (Katelyn Mesler, "the Latin Encounter with Hebrew Magic" in Page, Sophie, Catherine Rider, The Routledge History of Medieval Magic, Routledge, 2019, p. 88). The drawing in Sl. 313 shows the 'a' on the bottom left, and the 'l' on the bottom right. | |
deinde scias quod communiter in exe-| mplaribus pentagonus fit de rubeo cum cro-| ceo in spaciis tincto. Et primus eptagonus de a-| zurio, secundus de croceo, tertius de purpureo, | et circuli de nigro, et spacium inter circulos | vbi est nomen de maximum. ac venerabile | .Schemhamphoras. tingitr croceo, omnia alio | spacia viridi habent tingi, sed in operationibus | aliter fieri debet, quia de sanguine aut talpæ. | aut turturis aut vpupæ aut vespertilionis | aut omnium horum figuratur, et in pergameno | virgineo vitulino, vel equino, vel ceruino, et sic | completur dei sigillum, et par hoc sanctum et | sacrum sigillum quando erit sacratum poteris. | facere operationes quæ postea dicentur in hoc | libro [sacro] modus autem sacrandi hoc sacrum sigi-| llum talis sicut sequitr debet esse. */*/*/*/*/*/* |
After this you shall know that commonly in the exemplars the five-cornered star or amulet is made of red, with the space within dyed saffron [yellow], and the first seven-cornered star of azure, the second of saffron, the third of purple, and the round circle of Black. And the space between the circles where the name Schemhamphoras is, is died with saffron. At other spaces are to be coloured with green. <Where Tetragrammaton ye & the circle about that white, with the angels names and planets.> But in operations it must otherwise be done. For it is made with the blood either of a mole or of a turtledove, or a lapwing, or of a bat, or of them all, and in virgin parchment of a calf, or of foal, or a hind calf [i.e. deer]. And so is the Seal of God perfect. And by this holy and consecrated seal after it is consecrated, you may work operations which shall be declared afterwards in this book. The manner of consecrating of this holy seal ought thus to be as followeth. |
S3: After this thow shalt knowe that comonly in the examplars the fyve cornarde cyrkyll or mullet [=amulet] is made of redd died wt saffron wtin the spaces & the ffirst crkell wt 7 corners of azure, the seconde of saffron. The thirde of purple & the rounde cerkelie of Black. / & the space betwene the circules wher the name Shemhamphoras is: is dyed wt saffron. Att other spaces are to be coloured wt grene. wher tet'grammaton ye & the xkyll abowght that wyght wt the Angells names & planetts. / But in operacyons it must other wyse be done. for it is made wt the blode either of a mowlle or of a turtyll doue. or a lappwynge or of Backe or of the all & in virgynu~ parchament of a calfe or oa foole or a hynde calfe. and so is the seale of god perfecte. / and by this holy & consecrated seale aftr it be consecrated thou mayest worke operacions wich shalbe declared afterwarde in this Booke. The manr of consecratyng of this holy seale ought thus to be as folowethe. |
![]() |
Compare K, fol. 104r. | |
[12v] Inspirante domino dixit salomon unus | est solus deus, sola fides, sola virtus, quam | dominus hominibus voluit reuelari et di-| stribui hoc [*tali] modo. dexit angelus .Samael. | Salomoni hoc dabis populo Israel qui et | aliis similiter tribuent [sic placuit creatori] et iubet ipsum domin-| vs taliter consecrari, primo sit mundus op-| erans non pollutus, et cum deuocione fac-| iat non astute, non commedat neque vibat, | donec perfecerit opus, et sanguis quo scrip-| tus [*scriptum] fuerit primo sit benedictus sicut postea | dicetur, deinde suffumigetr, hoc sigillum am-| bra musco aloe lapdano albo et rubeo, mastice, | olibano margaritis et thure. Inuocando et | orando dominum sicut postea de visione di-| uina erudietur, post, Inuocando angelos sic-| ut etiam infra dicetur, mutabitur tamen pe-| ticio hoc [*tali] modo, |
By the inspiration of God, Solomon said: there is only one God, one faith, and one virtue, which the Lord intended to be revealed to men and distributed of this wise. The angel [Samael] said to Solomon, "This shall you give to the people of Israel who also shall likewise give to others. So it has pleased the creator." And the Lord commands it thus to be consecrated: § First, let the worker be clean, not polluted, and let him do it with devotion, not deceytfully. § Let him not eat nor drink till he has done his work. § And the blood wherewith it shall be written, first must be blessed as shall be said afterward. Then the seal must be [per]fumed with amber, musk, aloes, lapdanum, white and red mastick, olibanum margarith [i.e. pearls], and frankincense, calling upon and praying to the Lord and all holy angels, by saying as follows: |
S3, fol. 128r: By the inspiracion of god, Salomon said: þer is only one god only faith only vertue wch the lord wolde to be reueled to men & distributed of this wyse. The angell said to Salomon this shalt thow geve to the people off Israell whiche also shall likewise geve to others, so it hathe pleased the creator. / & the lorde comaundeth it thus to be cõsecrated / ffirst let the worker be cleane not polluted & let hym do it wt deuocion not deceytfully / let hym not eate nor drynke tyll he heaue done his worke / & the blode wherwith it shalbe written first must be blessed as shalbe said afterward. than the seale must be fumed wt amber, muske, aloes, lapdanum the white & redd / mastyke, Olibanum margaritis & encensce, callyng uppõ & prayng to the lorde & all holy angels, by sayng as foloweth. |
vt tu domine per annuncia-|
tionem concepcionem et citera hoc sacratissi-|
mum nomen ac sigillum tuum benedicere et |
consecrare digne ris [*digneris] vt per ipsum et [*te] median-|
te possim vel possit talis .N. celestes coniu-|
ncere potestates aereas et terreas cum infer-|
nalibus subiugare, inuocare, transmittaere [*transmutare] coniurare,
[13r] constringere, excitare, gongregare, dispergere, | ligare ac ipsos innocuos reddere homines | placare, et ab eis suas peticiones graciosius | habere, inimicos pacificare, pacificatos disimi-| gere, sanos in sanitate custodire vel infirmare | infirmos curare homines bonos a malis cu-| stodire et distinguere, et cognostere, omne cor-| porale periculum euadere, Iudices in placi-| to placatos reddere, victoriam in omnibus o-| btinere, peccata carnalia mortificare et spirit-| ualia fugare vincere, et euitare, diuitias in | bonis augmentare et dum in die indicii app-| arelit [*apparebit]. a dextris tuis cum sanctis et electis tu-| is tuam possit cognoscere maiestatem */*/*/*/* |
Oration."That you, O Lord, through the annunciation, the conception" etc.1 "that you would deign to bless and consecrate this most holy name and your seal, so that through it with your mediation, I or such person N, will be able to conquer such heavenly powers, of the air or earth, with the infernal ones, to subjugate, invoke, transmute, conjure, constrain, arouse, congregate, disperse, bind and return them without harm. To appease people and favourably obtain from them their petitions, to pacify enemies, to disunite those pacified, to protect the health of those who are healthy, or to sicken them, and to cure the sick. To guard good people from evil, and to distinguish and recognised them, to evade all physical danger, to make favourable judges be favourably disposed again, to have victory in all things, to destroy carnal sins, and rout, conquer, and rout spiritual ones, to increase wealth in good things, and on the Day of Judgement that I may appear on your right hand with your saints and elect, and be able to recognise your majesty.” |
1. Tr. JHP. This oration is given in full in chapter XCIX, which is unfortunately not included in J. S3, fol. 128v: That thow lorde by the annunciacion, conceptiõ &c. wilte vouchesafe to blesse & cõsecrate this thy most holy name & seale that by it through thy mediacion I may or suche one maye N. convitco heuenly powers ayrely earthy & infernall to subdue invocate to alter coniure, cõstrayne, reyse up, cõgregate dryve away to bynde & to make them not able to hurte or harme to pacifie men & of them to haue graciouslye myne or his peticions to quyet enemyes. / them þt be at peace to disseuer & to kepe seke [=sick] men in helth or to make them seeke./ to make seke men whole, to keper evyll men from good & to dyvide & to know them. / to skape all bodely daunger, to make Iudges pacified at pleasure./ to obteyne victory in all thyngs, to mortifie carnall synnes & to dryve away ouercome & avoyde, the spirituall./ to encrease riches in good thyngs & whan in the daye of iudgement, I or he shall appere of thy ryght hande wt thy saynts & electe I or he maye knowe thy maiestie. |
et tunc illa nocte sub aere [sereno] extra domum dimitt-| at, tunc habeas chirotecas nouas sine creace fa-| ctas in quas quis numquam manum posu-| it [*posuerit] in quibus signum glutetur, et sic complebit-| ur hoc sacrum [*sacrosanctum] sigillum, cuius primus eptago-| nus .7. ordines, secundus .7. articulos duplos | tertius .7. sacramenta designat */*/*/*/*/*/* |
Then that night let him lay it without the house in the clear air. Then you shall have new gloves made without fingers thereon [perhaps better: without whitening with chalk], into the which no man ever did put his hand, in the which the seal shall be fast put and thus is accomplished this holy [*consecrated] seal [whose first heptagon designates the seven orders, whose second designates the seven twofold events, and whose third designates the seven sacraments.] |
S3, fol. 128v: Than that nyght let hym ley it wtout the house in the cleare ayre, then, thow shalt haue new gloves made wtout fyngrs theron, in to the wch no man euer dyd put his hande in the whiche the seale shall be fast put & thus is complisshed this holy seale. |
Prima mundatio that is to saye the beginninge of the |
clensinge or powrginge of him þt shall worke in this arte ffor |
he must be cleane ffrom all filthynes of soule and bodye. */*/*/* |
[V.] The beginning of the cleansing or purging of him who shall work in this art, for he must be clean from all filthiness of soul and body. |
[13v] Now that we haue fynisshed the composityon | or makinge of the seale of god, let vs procede to kno-| w how we shall obtayne the visyon or sighte of the deite. | ffirst he þt shall worke must be very penitent and trew-| ly confessed of all his sinnes. he muste vtterly forbere þe | company of women and all there intycements, in so | muche þt he maye nott looke vpon them, ffor as salo-| mon sayeth, it is better to abyde withe a bere or a ly-| on in there dennes then to be in a howse wt a wickyd | woman, he maye kepe no company wt wicked or sin-| full men, for as dauid sayethe wt þe holy thow shalte | be holy, and wt the wicked thow shalte be wicked. the-| rfore he muste leade a pure and a clene lyffe. for dau-| id sayeth blyssed are the vndefyled and those þt walke | in the lawe of þe lorde, lett not his apparryll be filthe | but rather new, or elles very cleane waschyd, sal-| omon meanithe here by þe new garmentes vertu | and purenes of lyffe, ffor god and his holy ang-| ells care for no wordely thinges, and that do-| the appere, for the pore men doo soner worke | effectually in this arte then the ryche men, | but in this worke folowinge clene apparr- [14r] yll is necessarye, for angells doo abyde wt me~ | and they be clene, and therfor they desyre to h-| aue clene apparryll, and therfore salomon di-| d speke generally aswell of the clennes of þe | soule as of the clennes of apparryll, and let | him that shall worke neuer be ydell least | his harte doo the soner enclyne to synne for | the scripture sayeth, be alwayes doinge som-| e thinge lest ye be fownde ydle, and lett | him alwayes praye vnto god withe these praye-| rs folowinge for the scripture sayethe bless-| ed is the seruant whome the lorde when | he commethe shall fynde wakinge */*/*/*/*/* |
Now that we have finished the composition or making of the Seal of God, let us proceed to know how we shall obtain the vision or sight of the Deity.
First he that shall work must be very penitent and truly
confessed of all his sins. He must utterly forbear the company of
women and all their enticements, insomuch that he may not look
upon them. For as Solomon says, "It is better to abide with
a bear or a lion in their den than to be in a house with a wicked
woman." He may keep no company with wicked or sinful men,
for as David says, "With the holy you shall be holy, and
with the wicked you shall be wicked." Therefore he must lead
a pure and clean life. For David says, "blessed are the
undefiled and those that walk in the law of the Lord." Let
not his apparel be filthy, but rather new, or else very clean
washed. Solomon means here by the new garments virtue and
pureness of life, for God and his holy angels care for no worldly
things, and that does appear (?). For the poor men do sooner work
effectually in this art than the rich men. But in this work
following clean apparel is necessary, for angels do abide with
men and they be clean, and therefore they desire to have clean
apparel. And therefore Salomon did speak generally both of the
cleanness of the soul and of the cleanness of apparel. And let
him that shall work never be idle, lest his heart do the sooner
incline to sin. For the scripture says, "Be always doing
something lest you be found idle." And let him always pray
to God with these prayers following. For the scripture says,
"blessed is the servant whom the Lord when he comes shall
find waking."
"Blessed is the servant": Matt. 24:46. |
the suffumigatyons as heare foloweth */*/*/*/* |
The suffumigations as here follows. |
The following sections on suffumigations and the names of angels are not found in other manuscripts of Liber Iuratus (S5, S4, or Sl.313). They jump directly to the Orations. I have accordingly placed the text in italics. The section on suffumigations seems to have been taken from Agrippa (1533), or Agrippa's source, Sepher Raziel. The section on the names of the angels is not found in Agrippa. |
Thimiamate for the satter daye is all good |
things and well smelling roottes as ys cost-|
us and herbe thuris, */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Thimiamate vpon sounday is masticke, | muscus and suche lyke and all other good [14v] gumes of good odoure, as thus, beniamen, | storax, labdanum, ambre armoniacum, | and such lyke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Thimmiamate for Saturday is all good things and well smelling roots such as costus and the herb thuris. Thimiamate for Sunday is mastic, musk, and
such like, and all other good gums of good odor, as thus,
benjamin, storax, labdanum, amber armoniacum, and such like. |
OP1.44 (based in turn on Raziel): "a suffumigation of Saturn is all fragrant roots, such as costus and herb frankincense"; "For the Sun is all gums, such as frankincense, mastic, benjamin, storax, ladanum, amber, and musk." |
Thimiamate vpon moondaye is folium |
mirti, and lawlri, and leues of good odor |
of all swet flowers */*/*/*/*/*/* Thimiamate on the tewsdaye is sanders | the redd blake and white, and all swete | woodes as lygnum aloes cipres, balsami | and such lyke */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Thimiamate on the wedsoundaye is the ry-| ndes of all swete woodes, as cinamum, ca-| ssia ligina corticus, lauri, and macis and | all swete sedes */*/*/*/*/*/* Thimiamate on the thowrsdaye is all swe-| te frutes as nuttmuges, cloues, the ryndes | of orenges and citrynes drye and powdred | with suche lyke of good odoure */*/*/* |
Thimiamate for Monday is folium mirti, and lawlri, and leaves of good odor of all sweet flowers. Thimiamate for Tuesday is sanders, the red, black, and white, and all sweet woods as lignum aloes, cypress, balsam, and such like. Thimiamate for Wednesday is the rinds of all sweete woods, as cinnamon, cassia ligina corticus, lauri, and macis, and all sweet seeds. Thimiamate for Thursday is all sweet fruits as nutmeg, cloves, the rinds of oranges and citrines, dry and powdered with such like of good odor. |
OP: "For the moon are the leaves of all vegetables, such as the indum leaf (malabathrum?), and the leaves of myrtle and laurel"; "of Mars is all fragrant woods, such as sandalwood, cypress, balsam, and lignum aloes"; "For Mercury are the barks of woods and fruits, such as cinnamon, lignum cassia, mace, citrus peel, and laurel seeds, and also all fragrant seeds"; "of Jupiter is all fragrant fruits, such as nutmeg, or cloves." |
Thimiamate on the frydaye is mace roses
[15r] violates and all other frutes or flowers | of good odoure as crocus and suche lyke */*/*/* |
Thimiamate for Friday is mace,
roses, violets, and all other fruits or flowers of good odor, as
crocus and such like. |
Agrippa: "For Venus are flowers, such as the rose, violet, crocus and the like." |
Hermes sayde of thimiamate, that thimia-|
mate of the ![]() |
Hermes said of thimiamate, of the Moon is cinnamon, lignum aloes, mastic, crocus, costus, maces, and myrtle. We put this that each planet has a part in it. |
Compare Agrippa OP1.44: "But Hermes describes the most powerful fume to be, viz. that which is compounded of the seven aromatics, according to the powers of the seven planets, for it receives from Saturn, pepperwort, from Jupiter, nutmeg, from Mars, lignum-aloes, from the Sun, mastic, from Venus, saffron, from Mercury, cinnamon, and from the Moon, the myrtle." |
Salomon making a destinctyon upon the |
dayes and planettes of the spyce with þe |
which aman oughte to make thimiamate, |
sayde that of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Solomon, making a distinction upon the days and planets of the spice with which a man ought to make thimiamate, said that of Saturn is each good root in good and evil, of Jupiter all fruits, of Mars each tree, of Sol each gum, of Mercury each rind, of Venus each flower and odoriforus herb, of the Moon each leaf. Bacce, cardamonum wax, put also with these things. |
OP1.30: "every thing that bears fruit is from Jupiter, and every thing that bears Flowers is from Venus, all Seed, and Bark is from Mercury, and all roots from Saturne, and all Wood from Mars, and leaves from the Moon." |
Hermes sayeth that he founde in an olde |
booke þt these were þe more suffumigatyons |
thimiamate grecum, masticke, sandalus,
[15v] galbanum, muscharlazerat, mirram and | ambram and these be þe collectyons of spir-| ites */*/*/*/* and he saythe there is no suche | suffumigatyon to call spirites as is amb-| ra, lignum aloes, costus muscus crocus | and bloode of a lapwinge wt thimiamate | mixt all to gethere wt equall porcions, so | þt it be odiferus of the goumes. */*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Hermes says that he found in an old book that
these were the more suffumigations: thimiamate grecum, mastic,
sandalus, galbanum, muscharlazerat, myrrh, and amber, and these
be the collections of spirits. And he says there is no such
suffumigation to call spirits as is ambra, lignum aloes, costus
muscus, crocus, and the blood of a lapwing, with thimiamate mixed
all together in equal portions, so that it be odiferus of the
gums. |
OP1.43: "And Hermes saith, that there is nothing like the fume of Sperma Ceti [spermaceti] for the raising of spirits: wherefore if a fume be made of that, and Lignum-aloes, Pepperwort, Musk, Saffron, red Storax tempered together, with the blood of a Lapwing, it will quickly gather airy spirits together" |
Suffumigacions compounded of sartai-| ne thynges heare foloweth. atrubited vn-| to the planettes. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Suffumigations compounded of certain thinges here follow, attributed to the planet. |
Agrippa OP1.44: "The compositions of some fumes appropriated to the planets." For suffumigations of the planets see also Picatrix, Ed. Pingree, pp. 200-2. |
![]() [16r] verie odiferus as before sayde and mak-| eyt in lyttell balles or pylles and kepe yt | verie close frome the aier or wynde for | youre use. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
For the Sun take saffron, amber, musk, lignum, aloes, lignum balsam, the fruit of laurel, with cloves, myrrh, and thuer equal portions, so that it is mixed all together after such manner that it be very sweet of odor of the gums aforesaid. Put to this the brains of an eagle and the blood of an white cock, such quantity as it may be very odiferous as before said. And make it into little balls or pills and keep it very closed from the air or wind for your use. |
Agrippa: We make a suffumigation for the Sun in this manner, viz. of saffron, ambergris, musk, lignum-aloes, lignum-balsam, the fruit of the laurel, cloves, myrrh, and frankincense, all which being bruised, and mixed in such a portion as may make a sweet odour, must be incorporated with the brain of an eagle, or the blood of a white cock, after the manner of pills, or trochisks. |
![]() |
For the Moon take the heads of frogs made of the air, which you may gather after some showers of rain, with the eyes of a bull and the seed of white poppy with thure, and camphir, equal portions, mixed all together with sangine menstruo, and the blood of a white gander, such quantity as it may be very odiferus, and lay it safely up for your use as before said. |
![]() [16v] wt the braines of a rauen, and humayne | bloude wt the bloude of a blak catt suche | a quantie as yt maye be verie odiferus, | and laye yt up for youre vse as before sa-| ide. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
For Mars take euphorbium, bedellium, armoniacum, the roots of both the herbs called Helleborus (of some it is called bearfoot), with the powder of the stone called magnes, and myrrh, with a little sulphur, but of the other equall portions, mixed all together with the brains of a raven, and human bloode, with the blood of a black cat, such a quantity as it may be very odiferus, and lay it up for your use as before said. |
![]() |
For Mercury take mastic, thure, cloves, the herb called cinqfoil, and of the stone in powder called an agate, of equal portions, and mix all these together with the brains of a fox and of a weasle, with the blood of a pie called a hagester, such a quantity as shall be expedient, so that it be very odiferus of the goumies aforesaid, and lay it up safe for your use, as before is first written. |
![]() [17r] a pecoke equall porcions, and mixtall th-| es to gether wt the bloude of a storke, of | a swalowe, and the braines of stagg call-| ed an hartte when he is kylled in the pr-| ecens of the prince, the male or female | will serue, but take suche a quantite as | yt may be verie odiferus of the foresai-| de gumes, and layeyt vp vere well fo-| r youre vse as before saide. */*/*/*/*/*/* |
For the planet Jupiter take the seed of an ash tree, lignum aloes, storax, benjamen, and of the stone that is called lapis lazuli, and the great ends of the quills of a peacock, equal portions, and mix all these together with the blood of a stork, of a swallow, and the brains of stag called an hart, when he is killed in the presence of the prince, the male or female will serve, but take such a quantity as it may be very odiferus of the foresaid gums, and lay it up very well for your use as before said. |
![]() |
For the planet Venus, take musk, amber, lignum aloes, red roses, and of the stone in powder called coral, of that which is red, equal portions, and mix all these together with the brains of sparrows, male and female, and with the blood of a turtledove, or of a house dove being white, having always respect that it be odiforous of the goumies as aforementioned, and keep it very well for your use, ut supra (as above). |
[17v]![]() |
For the planet Saturn take the
seed of black poppy, the seed of henbane, the root of mandrake,
and of the stone in powder called magnes, and of myrrh, equal
portions, mix all these together with the brains of a black cat,
and the blood of backes called fluider mice [i.e. bats],
having respect to the quantity that it be odiforous of the goumie
afore specified, keeping it very well for your use as is first
Heare foloweth of maruelous efficacei sa-| rtaine suffumigacions accordinge to the de-| monstracion of lerned and wyse men aft-| er the opnione of philosophye. */*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Here follows of marvellous efficacies of certain suffumigations according to the demonstration of learned and wise men after the opinion of philosophy. |
A suffumigacion made of thes hearbes as |
foloweth causeth a man to see scecreate vis-|
ions to fore shewe and pronogsticate hidd |
and secreat mystires concerninge the hole |
vse of the world, and to revele and open-|
ley declare the quallities and operacion
[18r] therof */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Take of sede of flex the sede of the hearbe | called flesede, the rottes of violettes the | rottes of persley, and make a fumigaci-| on accordinge to the vse as you shalbe | tawghe in this booke, and you shall thor-| owe the grace and healpe of allmightie | god haue your desyere. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
A suffumigation made of these herbs as follows causes a man to see scecreate visions to foreshow and prognosticate hidden and secret mysteries concerning the whole use of the world, and to reveal and openly declare the qualities and operation thereof.
Take of seed of flex the seed of the herb called fleseed, the
roots of violets, the roots of parsley, and make a fumigation
according to the use as you shall be taught in this book, and you
shall through the grace and help of almighty God have your
A suffumigacion made of thes erbes cau-|
sethe visions in the ayer or els wheare |
to apeare. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Take coriander of some called colender | and henbane, and the skine þt is withein | the poundgarnet and the fumygacion m-| ade yt is finished þt you desyere. */*/*/*/* |
A suffumigation made of these herbs cause the visions in the air or elsewhere to appearTake coriander of some called colender, and henbane, and the skin that is within the pomegranite. And the fumigation made, it is finished [=accomplished] that [which] you desire. |
A suffumygacion made of thes hearbe-|
s as folowithe causethe visions of the |
earthe to appeare.*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Take the rotte of the cane reede, and [18v] the rott of fenill giaunte, which is called feru-| la, with the skynne þt is wt in the pourgarnet, | and henbaune, and the herbe tassi barbassi | and reed saunders and blake poppie, the | conffeccione of thes made it is finished that | you desyere */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* But iff this hearbe perslie with þe rote of | ytt be added vnto the fore sayde confecsion | yt destroyethe the forsayde matter and | maketh it cleane voyde from all places | and yt shall come to no effecte. */*/*/*/*/*/* |
A suffumigation made of these herbs as follows causeths visions of the earth to appearTake the root of the cane reed, and the root of giant fennil, which is called ferula, with the skin that is within the pourgarnet, and henbane, and the herb tassi barbassi, and red sanders, and black poppy. The confection of these made, it is finished that [which] you desire. But if this herb parsley with the root of it be added to the
foresaid confection, it destroys the forsaid matter, and makes it
clean void from all places, and it shall come to no effect.
A suffumigacion made of thes hearbes |
as foloweth expellyth and driuith a-|
waye all visions, and fantices in slepe |
or other wyse */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Take piones peniriall, mintes and þe | hearbe called palmacrist, and make a | confeckecion therof at your goinge to | bedd or at ani other tyme when as n-| ede requireth and yt shalbe donne that [19r] you requier */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
A suffumigation made of these herbs as follows expels and drives away all visions, and fantasies in sleep or otherwise.
Take peonies, pennyroyal, mints and the herb called
palmacrist, and make a confection thereof at your going to bed,
or at any other time when as need requires, and it shall be done
that [which] you require. |
A suffumigacion made as folowith dryvi-|
th and expellith all poysons and venomes Take the pemies of a peroke the hidden | partes of the longes of an asse and ma-| ke a conffeccion thereof and yt is donne | that you desire */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
A suffumigation made as follows drives and expels all poisons and venoms.
Take the fumes of a peacock [feather, and] the hidden parts of the lungs of
an ass, and make a confection thereof, and it is done that
[which] you desire. |
A suffumigacion made as folowith ca-|
wsyth a howse or suche places where yt |
is made to sime as yt were full of wa-|
ter or blowde. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Take the galle of the fyshe called a cuttle | the swete gum called arminioicum & | rosses and lingum aloes, if then the sa-| yde confeccion be put in the place wher | ani water of the sea hathe benne or ani | bloude hath benne or put of the sayde | water or bloude in to the sayde confeccion | þt beinge congelyd and dried and therof | a fimigacion made in a howse or ani pl- [19v] ace where you are dyssposed to proue this | and yt shalbe donne that you desyere and | put in to thys place where you worke th-| ys forsayde matter ther earth þt fallyth or | hangeth on a plowe, and it wyll sem that | all the earthe dothe tremble and shake. |
A suffumigation made as follows causes a house or such places where it is made to seem as it were full of water or blood.
Take the gall of the fish called a cuttle, the sweet gum
called armoniac, and roses, and lignum aloes. If then the said
confection be put in the place where any water of the sea has
been, or any blood has been, or put [some] of the said water or
blood into the said confection, that being congealed and dried,
and thereof a fumigation made in a house or any place where you
are disposed to prove this, and it shall be done that [which] you
desire. And put into this place where you work this forsaide
matter, the earth that falls or hangs on a plow, and it will seem
that all the earth trembles and shakes. |
A suffumygacion made as hearafter folo-|
with in anie place where you will ca-|
wseth all thinges there hiddin never to |
be founde or reuelyd */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Take thes hearbes, coriander, and saffron, | henbanne, parslie and blake popie the | water therof the popie dysstilled and te-| mpered wt the iuce of the poungarnet | skine the which is wt in the sayde poun-| garnet this being in a confeccion made | and laye wt yt golde syluer or anie other | precious thinge wt in the water the ear-| the or anie other place where you will, | or make a fumigacion of the foresayde [20r] conffeccion upon the sayde place which | thoue wilte hyde anie thinge in the ![]() |
A suffumigation made as hereafter follows in any place where you will, causes all things there hidden never to be found or revealed.
Take these herbs, coriander, and saffron, henbanne, parsley,
and black poppy, the water thereof the poppy distilled and
tempered with the juice of the poungarnet skin, the which is
within the said poungarnet. This being in a confection made and
lay with it gold, silver, or any other precious thing within the
water, the earth, or any other place where you will, or make a
fumigation of the foresaid confection upon the said place which
you would hide anything in. The Moon at the same present
[=instant] be[ing] in conjunction with the Sun in the fourth
house, which is the angle of the earth, or the point of midnight,
and it shall be always kept secret, for being found or revealed
by any way or means, it is certain and true. |
A suffumygacion made of, as after fo-|
lowith cawsyth visions in the ayer & |
the shadowes of sepulcors of the arthe |
to appeare. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Take the naturall seed of the fyshe called a wh-| alle, lingnum aloes, costus, muske saffronne, | armoniacum, wt the blude of the foule called a | lapwinge, and make a conffeccion therof, wt this | sayde conffeccion make a fumigaccion in a conu-| enient place, and you shall see visyons in the | ayer, take of the sayd conffeccion and make [20v] a fumygacion aboute the sepulkers and | vissions of the dedd shall and wyll appeare. | And note and marke all this well, that thes sai-| de matters hathe tymes and dew, obseruacions | perffyttley to be donne and keepte properley vnd-| er the trew frome and concourse of the heaunes, | accordinge to ther proper qualites and influe-| nces, in eche degre. for the whiche you maye w-| orke as in the chapters before wrytten yt app-| erethe more plainley. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
A suffumigation made of, as after follows, causes visions in the air and the shaddows of sepulchers of the earth to appear.Take the natural seed of the fish called a whale, lignum aloes, costus, musk, saffron, armoniac, with the blood of the foul called a lapwing, and make a confection thereof. With this said confection make a fumigation in a convenient place, and you shall see visions in the air. Take of the said confection, and make a fumigation about the sepulchers, and visions of the dead shall and will appear. And note and mark all this well, that these said matters have
times and due observations perfitly to be done, and kept properly
under the true frame and concourse of the heavens, according to
their proper qualites and influences, in each degree. For the
which you may work, as in the chapters before written it appears
more plainly. |
the suffumigacions of the .12. signes, and of ther-|
e facies. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [21r] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The suffumigations of the twelve signs, and of their faces.
Agrippa, OP1.44: The twelve signs also of the Zodiac have their proper fumes, as Aries hath myrrh; Taurus, pepperwort; Gemini, mastic; Cancer, camphor; Leo, frankincense; Virgo, sanders; Libra, galbanum; Scorpio, opoponax; Sagittarius, lignum-aloes; Capricornus, benjamin; Aquarius, euphorbium; Pisces, red storax.] |
Suffumigacions of the facies of the .12. signes.
Primafacies . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [21v] ea .3. garyophilum, prima facies . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Suffumigations of the faces of the twelve signs.
And look what fumigation we give the first hour of the |
Faces: i.e. decans. This section is excerpted from Raziel; compare Sl. 3826 33r: "The first face of Aries holdeth Mirta. The second Stamonea the third Piper nigrum." etc. |
De suffumigationibus temporum */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* In primo tempore lignum aloes, thus, et croc-| um, in secundo tempore thimiama, id est ar-| moniacum, costum, masticem, in tercio temp-| ore sandalos, cassia et mirtum, in quarto | tempore muscum succum et lignum balsami, |
De suffumigationibus temporum.
De fumigationibus quatuor pertium mundi |
quatuer elementorum */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* In oriente parte et super ignem sunt ambra, [22r] muscus, et alba cera, in parte meredei, et terræ, sunt | algalya, almea, et tyryaca, in occidentali parte et | in aere sunt balsamus, camphora, et olium ol-| marum, in septentrione et aqua sunt lignum | aloes, nux muscata, et maceys. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
De fumigationibus quatuor pertium mundi quatuer elementorum.
The names of the angells that haue powr vpon þe |
.7. dayes in the wicke and vpon the .7. sterres and |
goethe vpon the .7. heauens and other whyle in th-|
ere chayers be these. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Capziel . satquiel . Samael . raphael . anael .l. Amael . | Michael . et gabriel. and the powr of theys is that ca-| pziel is the power of sabaday . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Nomina aeris in quatuor temporibus in primo | tempore dicitr ystana, in secundo .surail. in tertio . | oadyon in quarto gulynon, et nomina angelorum | qui habent potestatem in aere et super sunt hæc | Raphael . guabryel . michael . cherubin . seraphyn . [22v] orchyne . pataceron . mycraton . sandalson . ba-| rachyel . rageyel . tobyell et nominabis eos in | omnibus rebus quæ facias in aere . et deo adi-| uuante prosperabis. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Nomina terræ in quatuor . temporibus anni in primo dicitur nyguedam in secundo yab-| assa . in tercio . tobell, in quarto . aradon, et an-| geli terræ sunt hæc. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Samael . yatayell . baranyell . oryell . arfanyel . | tatgryel . danael . affaryell . pactryell . baell . | byenyell . et nominabis hæc nomina angel-| orum super terram in his rebus quæ faci-| s in terra, et deo adiu~ante prosperabis. */*/*/* |
[The names of the angels.]The names of the angels that have power over the seven days of the week, and over the seven stars, and who go upon the seven heavens, and other while in their chairs be these.Capziel, Satquiel, Samael, Raphael, Anael (or Amael), Michael, and Gabriel. And the power of these is that Capziel is the power of Sabbathai (Saturn), Satquiel of Zedek (Jupiter), Samael of Madim (Mars), Raphael of Hamina (Sol), Anael of Nogah (Venus), Michael of Cocab (Mercury), and Gabryel of Labana (The Moon). And every one of these sits in his heaven. Nomina aeris in quatuor temporibus.
And the names of the angels who have power in the air and above these are: Raphael, Guabriel, Michael, Cherubin, Seraphin, Orchyne, Pataceron, Mycraton, Sandalson, Barachyel, Rageyel, Tobyell, and you will name them in all things which you may accomplish in the air, and with God's help you will succeed. Nomina terrae in quatuor . temporibus anni:
And the angels of the Earth are these:
Samael, yatayell, baranyell, oryell, arfanyel, tatgryel,
danael, affaryell, pactryell, baell, byenyell.
And you should name these names of the angels over the Earth in those
things which you accomplish in the Earth, and with God's help you will succeed.
Compare Raziel, Sl. 3826 52r ff. |
11. the names of the monthes be these */*/*/* nisan . yar . mantanius . abelul . tysyryn . mar-| quesnam . quislep . tobenor thus tebethe sab-| at . adar . postadar . postremus . |
11. The names of the months are these:
Nisan, Iyar, mantanius, abelul, Tishrei,
marquesnam, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, postadar,
The Jewish month names are: Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Heshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar. Compare with the list given below. |
The names |
of the potestates be these and they be .12. |
princes or rulors . that is one vppon eue-|
rye month of the .![]() [23r] hathe so many potestates or helpars | more or greater as there be dayes in the | monthe or many other seruantes of them. |
The names of the potestates are these,and they are twelve princes or rulers, that is, one for every month: Oriel, Sasuyell, Amariel, Noriel, Beraquiel, Magnyuya, Suriel, Barfiell, Adoniel, Anael, Gabriel, Romiel, Laciel. And every one of these has as many potestates or helpers, more
or greater as there are days in the month, or many other
servants. |
12. the names of the angells of the .12. monthes. The names of the angells that be mighty and | more mighty in the first monethe which is | sayde nysan, be these . oryel . malaquiram . ac-| ya . zaziel . paltifur . yesmachia . yaryel . araton . | robyca . sephatya . anaya . guesupales . seniquiel . | sereryel . malquia . aricasom . pacyta . abdyel . ram-| asdon . cafiel . nascyasori . sugni . aszrus . sornadaf . | admyel . necamya . caysaac . benyh . q~uor . adziryell . |
12. The names of the angels of the twelve months.The names of the angels that are mighty and more mighty in the first month, which is called Nisan, are these:Oriel, Malaquiram, Acya, Zaziel, Paltifur, Yesmachia, Yariel,
Araton, Robica, Sephatia, Anaya, Guesupales, Seniquiel, Sereriel
. Malquia, Aricasom, Pacita, Abdiel, Ramasdon, Cafiel,
Nascyasori, Sugni, Aszrus, Sornadaf, Admiel, Necamia, Caysaac,
Benyh, Q~uor, Adziriell. |
13. the names of the .2. monthe which is sayd yar |
in the language of hebrewe. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Safuelor . sasnyeil . santon . cartemat . alyel . palt-| nya . bargar . galmus . necpys . aarom . manyt . | aadon . quenanel . quemon . rasegar . affrye . absa-| mon . sarsall . aspyn . carbyel . regnya . athlas . nad-| ys . abytasy . abytan . palylet . */*/*/*/*/*/* |
The names of the second month, which is called Iyar in the Hebrew language.Safuelor, Sasnyeil, Santon, Cartemat, Aliel, Paltnia, Bargar,
Galmus, Necpis, Aarom, Manit, Aadon, Quenanel, Quemon, Rasegar,
Affrie, Absamon, Sarsall, Aspin, Carbiel, Regnia, Athlas, Nadis,
Abitasi, Abitan, Palilet. |
14. the names of the angells of the .3. mon-|
the that is sayd */*/*/*/* sifan be these. Amaryel . tabryell . casmuch . nastyfa . almur . naa= [23v] mab . mamica . zicaran . samysarach . naaseyn . andas . | paltamus . abrys . borzac . saforac . yayat . dalya . azyger. | nabsuf . abuifor . zenam . dersam . cefanya . maccasor . | naboon . adyell . maasyell . szarzyr . tartalyon . adyysar . |
The names of the angels of the third month that is called Sivan are these:Amariel, Tabriell, Casmuch, Nastifa, Almur, Naamab, Mamica,
Zicaran, Samisarach, Naasein, Andas, Paltamus, Abris, Borzac,
Saforac, Yayat, Dalia, Aziger, Nabsuf, Abuifor, Zenam, Dersam,
Cefania, Maccasor, Naboon, Adiell, Maasiell, Szarzir, Tartalion,
Adyysar. |
15. these be the names of þe angelles of þe .4. monthe |
þt is sayd thamuth. noryel . safyda . asaf . mazica . |
sarsac . adryyaac . nagron . galuf . galgal . danroc . saracu . |
remafydda . lulyaraf . nedylar . tyaf . taanat . lafayel . gan-|
yda . nedyr . delqua . maadon . samyel . amrael . lezaydi . as . |
ohoc . nasyby . razyarsady . yadna . caspa . garytan . elysa-|
fan . pastama . maday. |
These are the names of the angels of the fourth month, which is called Tammuz.Noriel, Safida, Asaf, Mazica, Sarsac, Adryyaac, Nagron, Galuf,
Galgal, Danroc, Saracu, Remafydda, Lulyaraf, Nedylar, Tyaf,
Taanat, Lafayel, Ganida, Nedir, Delqua, Maadon, Samiel, Amrael,
Lezaydi, As, Ohoc, Nasyby, Razyarsady, Yadna, Caspa, Garitan,
Elysafan, Pastama, Maday. |
16. the names of the angells |
of the .5. monthe be these Ab beraquyell or ber-|
aquyel . mãhy . or amarya . haya . byny . madrat . aman . |
tulyell . cossuro . fartis . nactif . nekyff . pegner . tablic . |
manuat . amasya . guatyell . reycat . gnynzy . palyel . gade-|
ff . nesgnyraf . abrac . animiter . carnby . nachall . cabake |
loch . macrya . sase . essaf . 17. these be the names of þe | angells of the .6. monthe that is sayd elul. | magnyny . arabyell . hanyell . nacery . yassar . rassy . | boell . mathyall . naccameryf . zacdon . nafac . rapyon . | saspy . salhy . rasersh . malquyell . sanytyell . yoas . guala-| ly . danpy . yamla . golum . zaszyell . satpach . nassa . | myssyn . macratyf . dadyell . carcyell . effygmato */*/* |
The names of the angels of the fifth month, called Av, are these:Beraquiel, Manhy (or Amarya), Haya, Byny, Madrat, Aman,
Tuliell, Cossuro, Fartis, Nactif, Nekyff, Pegner, Tablic, Manuat,
Amasya, Guatiell, Reycat, Gnynzy, Paliel, Gadeff, Nesgnyraf,
Abrac, Animiter, Carnby, Nachall, Cabake, Loch, Macria, Sase,
Essaf. These are the names of the angels of the sixth month, which is called Elul.Magnyny, Arabiell, Haniell, Nacery, Yassar, Rassy, Boell,
Mathiall, Naccameryf, Zacdon, Nafac, Rapion, Saspy, Salhy,
Rasersh, Malquiell, Sanytiell, Yoas, Gualaly, Danpy, Yamla,
Golum, Zasziell, Satpach, Nassa, Myssyn, Macratyf, Dadiell,
Carciell, Effygmato. |
18. these be the names of þe angells of the .7. |
monthe that is sayd tysyrin. surgell or suryel . |
sarycam . guabryza . szncaryell . sabybyall . ytrnt . |
cullya . dadyel . marham . abercaysdon . sacdon . pagn-|
lan . arsabon . aspyramon . agnyel . sastyracnas . alt-
[24r] ym . masulaef . salamyel . sascunyel . barcaran . yahnt . alycas . vlysacyaia . abry . |
These are the names of the angels of the seventh month, which is called Tishrei..Surgell (or suriel), Sarycam, Guabryza, Szncariell, Sabybiall,
Ytrnt, Cullia, Dadiel, Marham, Abercaysdon, Sacdon, Pagnlan,
Arsabon, Aspyramon, Agniel, Sastyracnas, Altym, Masulaef,
Salamiel, Sascuniel, Barcaran, Yahnt, Alycas, Vlysacyaia,
Abry. |
19. the names of the angells |
of the .8. monthe that is sayde marquesnan |
be these barbyts . or barfiell . tylzdyell . raamyell . |
nehubaell . alysaf . balyel . arzaf . rashyel . alson . nasp-|
yell . becar . palyel . elysu . aiguap . nacpas . sansany . |
aesal . maarym . sascy . yalsenac . mabynt . magdyell . |
saneinas . maalyel . arsafael . nanyseyorar . vecabalaf . |
napybael . sucyel . nabnell . saryell . sodyel . marenell . |
palytam . |
The names of the angels of the eighth month, which is called marquesnan [Heshvan], are these:Barbits (or Barfiell), Tylzdiell, Raamiell, Nehubaell, Alysaf,
Baliel, Arzaf, Rashiel, Alson, Naspiell, Becar, Paliel, Elysu,
Aiguap, Nacpas, Sansany, Aesal, Maarym, Sascy, Yalsenac, Mabint,
Magdiell, Saneinas, Maaliel, Arsafael, Nanyseyorar, Vecabalaf,
Napybael, Suciel, Nabnell, Sariell, Sodiel, Marenell,
Palytam. |
20. the names of the angells of the .9. |
monthe be these which is sayde quislep.*/*/*/* edoniel . radyel . maduch . racyno . hyzy . maryel . azd-| ay . mandyel . gumyel . seryel . kery . sahaman . osmyn . | sechyel . pazehemy . chalchyphay . gey . Idael . necad . | mynael . arac . ararygugel . galnel . gimon . satuel . elynzy . | baquylaguall |
The names of the angels of the ninth month, which is called Kislev, are these:Edoniel, Radiel, Maduch, Racino, Hyzy, Mariel, Azday, Mandiel,
Gumiel, Seriel, Kery, Sahaman, Osmyn, Sechiel, Pazehemy,
Chalchyphay, Gey, Idael, Necad, Mynael, Arac, Ararygugel, Galnel,
Gimon, Satuel, Elynzy, Baquylaguall. |
21. the names of the angells of the |
.10. monthe that is sayde thebeth be these.*/*/* Anael . amyel . acyor . naslya . rapynes . raacpel . pa-| crel . halion . guanrynasnihe . aslaom . naspaya . neapry . | sanihay . hasasylgason . gastaset . yfaryamy . man . | polimas sarananuf . olyab . saryel . canel . razyell . | pmla . nisquem . sarman . malysan . asyzat . mari-| moe . 22. the names of the angells of the .11. mon-| the which is sayd cyuanth be these.*/*/* gabryel . | ysrael . natryel . gaszyel . nassam . abrysaf . zefaell . | zamyel . mamyel . talyel . myryel . sahinyel . guryel . sa-| mhyell . daryel . banorsasty . satymn . nasyel . ransyel . tal-| guaf . lebrachiel . dalyell . gandryel . sahuhaf . myschyel . |
The names of the angels of the tenth month, which is called Tevet, are these:Anael, Amiel, Acior, Naslia, Rapines, Raacpel, Pacrel, Halion,
Guanrynasnihe, Aslaom, Naspaya, Neapry, Sanihay, Hasasylgason,
Gastaset, Yfaryamy, Man, Polimas, Sarananuf, Olyab, Sariel,
Canel, Raziell, Pmla, Nisquem, Sarman, Malysan, Asyzat,
The names of the angels of the eleventh month, which is called Shevat, are these:
Gabriel, Ysrael, Natriel, Gasziel, Nassam, Abrysaf, Zefaell,
Zamiel, Mamiel, Taliel, Myriel, Sahiniel, Guriel, Samhiell,
Dariel, Banorsasty, Satymn, Nasiel, Ransiel, Talguaf, Lebrachiel,
Daliell, Gandriel, Sahuhaf, Myschiel. |
23. the names of þe angells of the .12. monthe |
that is sayde adar be these. romyel . patyel .
[24v] guryel . azryel . paamyel . cartyel . el . anunalbeh . | parhaya . ysael . beryel . laell . tenebyel . panten . pan-| teron . fanyel . falason . mancyel . pataron . labyel . ra-| gael . cetabyel . nyazpatael . 24. the names of the | angells of the .13. moneth þt is sayde büs-| extilis which is sayde adar the laste in | marche be these, lacyel or lantyel . ardyel . nos-| myel . ardyel . celydael . amyel . malquyel . gabalyel . | susuagos . barylaguy . yabtasyper . magos . sangos . | yayell . yel . yasmyel . steluyel . garasyn . ceyabgos . | sacadyel . garacap . gabanael . tamtyel . |
The names of the angels of the twelfth month, which is called Adar, are these:Romiel, Patiel, Guriel, Azriel, Paamiel, Cartiel, El,
Anunalbeh, Parhaya, Ysael, Beriel, Laell, Tenebiel, Panten,
Panteron, Faniel, Falason, Manciel, Pataron, Labiel, Ragael,
Cetabiel, Nyazpatael. The names of the angels of the thirteenth month, which is called Büsextilis, which is called Adar the last in March, are these:Laciel (or Lantiel), Ardiel, Nosmiel, Ardiel, Celydael, Amiel,
Malquiel, Gabaliel, Susuagos, Barylaguy, Yabtasyper, Magos,
Sangos, Yayell, Yel, Yasmiel, Steluiel, Garasyn, Ceyabgos,
Sacadiel, Garacap, Gabanael, Tamtiel. |
25. the names |
of þe dayes of the wicke wt there angells stronge |
and mighty vpon euery daye, and euery won in |
his daye . the names of þe angells that seruithe |
in the daye of ![]() |
The names of the days of the week with their angels, strong and mighty upon every day, and every one in his day.The names of the angels that serve in the day of
26. these be the ange-|
lls in the daye of the ![]() [25r] hasyn . anaenym . niangaroryn . aezonyn . montaz-| yn . labelas . mafatyn . feya . rachyn . cadanagyn . lae-| radonyn . caffrnbryn . bachramyn . varthalyn . | amnanyneylyn . hacoylyn . balganaychyn . aryeylyn . | badeylyn . abranoryn . tarmanydyn . amdalysyn . sahg-| ragynyn . adyanienyn . sacstoyeyn . latebayfanysyn . | caybeinynyn . nabyalyn . cyzamanyn . abramacyn . lar-| yagathyn . bofealyquyn . bayealadyn . gasoryn . asaph-| yn . daryenyn . macnayelyn . gomraoryn . marybyn . yeb-| yryn . arylyn . faryelyn . nepenyelyn . banyelyn . astyey-| lyn . ceradadyn . |
These are the angels in the day of the
Semhazylin, Semyhylim, Yasrozin, Agrasnydin, Aymsylin,
Cathneylin, Alrasachysin, Abrachasin, Layralosin, Lang, Hasin,
Anaenim, Niangarorin, Aezonin, Montazin, Labelas, Mafatin, Feya,
Rachin, Cadanagin, Laeradonin, Caffrnbrin, Bachramin, Varthalin,
Amnanyneylin, Hacoylin, Balganaychin, Aryeylin, Badeylin,
Abranorin, Tarmanydin, Amdalysin, Sahgragynin, Adyanienin,
Sacstoyein, Latebayfanisin, Caybeininin, Nabyalin, Cyzamanin,
Abramacin, Laryagathin, Bofealyquin, Bayealadin, Gasorin,
Asaphin, Daryenin, Macnayelin, Gomraorin, Marybin, Yebirin,
Arilin, Faryelin, Nepenyelin, Banyelin, Astyeilin, Ceradadin. |
27. these be the angells that serue in þe |
daye of ![]() |
These are the angels that serve in the day of
28. the names of þe |
angells that serue in þe daye of ![]() michael . beerel . dafngel . aryhyryel . boel . baryel . | meryel . amyel . aol . semeol . aaen . beryon . saryno~ . | keineryon . feynon . aneynyn . zamazynyn . can-| anyn . aall . merygall . pegal . gabal . veal . aum- [25v] eal . faranyeal . gebyn . carybyfyn . autarylyn . | metorylyn . nabyafsyn . fysfyn . barsslylyn . carup-| hylyn . danyturla . fenyturla . geumyturla . amya . | alnamya . tabynya . nafya . myacha . tyagra . bec . | alacaorynyll . benenonyll . |
The names of the angels that serve in the day of
29. þe names of þe angells |
in þe daye of ![]() |
The names of the angels in the day of
30. the names of the angells of þe daye of |
![]() |
The names of the angels of the day of
31. þe names of þe angells in þe daye of |
![]() [26r] gabyon . paxonyon . pynsylon . lepyron . loeloon . saron . | salyon . pyon . nargeron . aaron . selyypon . pinmybron . raco-| ncall . zelybron . ffinis. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
The names of the angels in the day of
Before that these .3. prayers folowinge be sayd ouer |
the bloude ye must go towardes Ierusalem that Is |
estwarde and ye must saye ouer the bloud þe exorcisme |
that Is sayd ouer þe salte that Is putt Into haly wat-|
er, and that must be sayd .3. but that þe names must be |
changed thus. I exorcyse the o þu creature of bloude, In |
the styde of þe creature of salte, which god commaundyd |
by salomon to be putt In to þe seale, In þe stide of which |
god commaundid by his prophet helyzeus to be putt |
Into water and so forthe of the resydewe, and this |
exorcysme thus sayd .3. with astole abowt thy neke the~ |
saye the prayers folowing thryse that donne þe bloude |
shall be consecrated and mete for the seale. |
[CXXXVII 20-22]Before that, these three prayers following must be said over the blood. You must go [=face] towards Jerusalem, that is, Eastward, and you must say over the blood the exorcism that is [also] said over the salt which is put into holy water. And that must be said three [times], except that the names must be changed thus, "I exorcise thee O thou creature of blood", instead of "... thou creature of salt," which God commanded by Solomon to be put into the seal, instead of which God commanded by his prophet Helyzeus to be put into water, and so forth of the rest, and this exorcism thus said three [times], with a stole [=scarf] about your neck, then say the prayers following thrice. That done, the blood shall be consecrated, and meet [=suitable] for the seal. |
This introductory paragraph to the rite of exorcism of blood is "discussed but not given in full" in the Latin manuscripts (Hedegård, p. 17). |
32 Exorcizo
te creatura sanguis + per deum vivum + per deum verum + per deum
sanctum + per deum qui Salomonen In eius deuinam Sigillum primum
In ssic: vt sanaretur sterilitas Sanguis efficiaris exorcizatum
In salutem credencium: et sis omnibus te Sumentibus Sanitas anime
et corporis et effugiat atque desendat ab Iste sanguine omnia
samasia et nequita vel versucia diabolice fraudis: omnisque
spiritus In mundus adiuratus per eum qui venturus est Iudicare
vivos et mortuos et seculum per Ignem. Amen.
Exorcizo te creatura Sanguis que
In nomine + Dei patris omnipotentis et In nomine +
[26v] Iesu χρi filii eius dni nostri, et In virtute Sps | Sancti, vt fias Sanguine exorcizate ad effuganda-| m omnem potestatem Inimiel et Ipsum Inimicu-| m eradicare et explantare valeas cum angelis | Suis apostaticis, per virtutem eiusdem dni nos-| tri + Iesu xpi qui vnturus est Iudicare vivos et | mortuos et Seculum per Ignem. Amen. * * * * O Inuisyble god, O Inestymable god, O Ineffable | god, O Incommutable god, O Incorrvptyble | GOD, O most mercyfull god, O most Swettest god, O | Highe and gloryous god. O god of Infynite mercye, | I althought vnworthe Synner full of Iniquyt deceyte | And malyce most Humbly come vnto thy mercy pr-| ayinge and beseching the not to haue respecte to all & | Innumerable myn Iniquytes, but even As þu arte | wonte to haue mercye vpon Synners, and to here þe | prayers of þe Humble and meke, even so I beseche þe to | vouchsaffe to here me thy Seruant althoughe vnworthy | yet calling vnto þe ffor þe blessinge And consecrating | of this bludd thy creature that It maye be made apte | and worthy ffor þe ynke of thy most precyous and | Holy Seale and of thy name . SememphoraS . so þt It | maye haue þe aptnes and metenes whith It ought to | haue by thy most Holy name, which Is written with | .4. letters . Joth . He . vau . Deleth . Agla . eloy . yay-| in . theos . Deus . which being harde all celestyall terr-| estryall and Infernall creatures doo tremble feare & [27r] worship It, and by thyes thy most Holy names . on . Alpha et | omega . principium . el . ely . eloe . eloy . elyon . Sother . emanuel . Sa-| baoth . Adonay . egge . ya . ya . ye . ye . this creature of bludd may | be blessyd preparyd and made apte ffor þe ynke of thy Holy sea-| le and of thy most Holy name . SememphoraS . which Is ble-| ssyd worlde with owt ende . Amen . |
Exorcizo te creatura sanguis + per deum vivum + per deum verum + per deum sanctum + per deum qui Salomonem in eius diuinam Sigillum primum in ssic: ut sanaretur sterilitas Sanguis efficiaris exorcizatum in salutem credentium: ut sis omnibus te sumentibus sanitas animae et corporis et effugiat atque disendat ab iste sanguine omnia samasia et nequitia vel versutia diabolicae fraudis: omnisque spiritus in mundus adiuratus per eum, qui venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos et seculum per ignem. Amen. Exorcizo te creatura Sanguis que In nomine + Dei patris omnipotentis et In nomine + Iesu Christi filii eius domini nostri, et in virtute Spiritus Sancti, ut fias sanguine exorcizate ad effugandam omnem potestatem inimiel et ipsum inimicum eradicare et explantare valeas cum angelis suis apostaticis, per virtutem eiusdem domini nostri + Iesu Christi qui vnturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos et seculum per ignem. Amen. [CXXXVII 1-19]O Invisible God, O Inestimable God, O Ineffable God, O Incommutable God, O Incorruptible God, O most mercifull God, O most Sweet God, O High and Glorious God. O God of infinite mercy, I, although an unworthy sinner, full of iniquity, deceit, and malice, most humbly come to your mercy, praying and beseeching you not to have respect to all and innumerable mine iniquities, but even as you are wont to have mercy upon sinners, and to hear the prayers of the humble and meek, even so I beseech you to vouchsafe to hear me, your servant, although unworthy, yet calling unto you for the blessing and consecrating of this blood, your creature, that it may be made apt and worthy for the ink of your most precious and Holy Seal, and of your name Schemhamphoras, so that it may have the aptnes and meteness which it ought to have by your most holy name, which is written with four letters, Joth, He, Vau, Daleth, Agla, Eloy, Yayin, Theos, Deus, which being heard all celestial, terrestrial, and infernal creatures do tremble, fear, and worship it. And by these your most holy names, On, Alpha and Omega, Principium, El, Ely, Eloe, Eloy, Elion, Sother, Emmanuel, Sabaoth, Adonay, Egge, Ya, Ya, Ye Ye, may this creature of blood be blessed, prepared, and made apt for the ink of your holy seal, and of your most holy name, Schemhamphoras, which is blessed, world without end. Amen. |
The exorcism of the blood is not found in the Latin manuscripts, though it is explained in the previous paragraph. Compare this exorcism with that in Scot, Discovery of Witchcraft Book 15, chapter 15. |
Another prayer ffor the Same
O good Iesu christ ffor thy Ineffable mercy Spare me and | haue mercy vpon me and here me now thorow the Invo-| catyon of the name of the Holy trynyte the father the Sonne | and the Holy goste and that þu woldest accept and take In good | worthe the prayers and wordes of my mouthe, by the Invo-| catyon of thy .100. Hooly names that Is to Saye . AglA | monhon . tetragramaton . olydeus . Ocleiste . Amphinethon . lam-| tara . Ianemyer . Saday . Hely . Horlon . portenthymon . Ihelur . | Gofgamep . emanuel . On . Admyhel . Honzmorp . Ioht . Hof-| ob . Rasamarathon . Anethi . erihona . Iuestre . Saday . maloht . | Sethœ . elscha . Abbadaia . Alpha et omega . leiste . Oristyon . Iere-| mon . Hosb . merkerpon . elzephares . egyryon . betha . Ombo-| nar . Stymulamathon . Orion . eryon . noymos . peb . nathano-| thay . theon . ysyston . porho . Rothon . lethellethe . ysmas . Adonay . | Athionadabir . Onoytheon . Hosga . leyndra . nosulaceps . tuthe-| on . Gelemoht . paraclitus . Occymomyon . erchothas . abracio . | anepheneton . Abdon . melche . Sother . usiryon . baruch . Sporgo-| ngo . Genonem . messyas . pantheon . zabuather . Rabarmas . | Yskyros . Kyryos . Gelon . Hel . Rethel . nathi . Ymeynlethon . | Karex . Sabaoth . Sallaht . cirhos . Opyron . nomygon . Oryhel . theos . | ya . Horha . christus . Holbeke . tosgac . Occymomos . elyorem . [27v] Heloy . Archyna . rabur . humbly & faythfully beseching the | althoughe unworthe yet trusting In þe that þu woldest sanctefy & | blesse this bloude by thy most Holy names afforsayd, & by this name | . Sememphoras . of .72. letters that by þe power Holynes and | vertue of þe same names & by þi deuyne mighte & power this bloude | maye be cõsecrated, blyssed, & strengthed by þe vertu of þi most Holy bod-| ye & bloude þt It may haue þe vertue & aptnes which it oughte to | haue wt out any discet, þt it maye be worthy to wrighte þi Holy seale | þt it may haue þe effecte which it ought to haue thorow or lorde Iesus | which syttethe in þe hyghest to whome be honor prayse & glorye wo-| rlde wt owt ende Amen |
Another prayer for the same.O good Jesus Christ, for your ineffable mercy, spare me and have mercy upon me and hear me now through the invocation of the name of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and that you would accept and take in good worth the prayers and words of my mouth, by the invocation of your one hundred holy names, that is to saye, Agla, Monhon, Tetragrammaton, Olydeus, Ocleiste, Amphinethon, Lamtara, Ianemyer, Saday, Hely, Horlon, Portenthymon, Ihelur, Gofgamep, Emmanuel, On, Admihel, Honzmorp, Ioht, Hofob, Rasamarathon, Anethi, Erihona, Iuestre, Saday, Maloht,. Sethoe, Elscha, Abbadaia, Alpha et Omega, Leiste, Oristion, Ieremon, Hosb, Merkerpon, Elzephares, Egirion, Betha, Ombonar, Stimulamathon, Orion, Erion, Noimos, Peb, Nathanothay, Theon, Ysiston, Porho, Rothon, Lethellethe, Ysmas, Adonay, Athionadabir, Onoytheon, Hosga, Leyndra, Nosulaceps, Tutheon, Gelemoht, Paraclitus, Occymomion, Erchothas, Abracio, Anepheneton, Abdon, Melche, Sother, Usirion, Baruch, Sporgongo, Genonem, Messias, Pantheon, Zabuather, Rabarmas, Iskiros, Kyrios, Gelon, Hel, Rethel, Nathi, Ymeinlethon, Karex, Sabaoth, Sallaht, Cirhos, Opiron, Nomigon, Orihel, Theos, Ya, Horha, Christus, Holbeke, Tosgac, Occimomos, Eliorem, Heloy, Archina, Rabur. humbly and faithfully beseeching you, although unworthy yet trusting in you that you would sanctify and bless this blood by your most holy names aforesaid, and by this name Schemhamphoras of seventy-two letters, that by the power, holiness, and virtue of the same names and by your divine might and power this blood may be consecrated, blessed, and strengthed by the virtue of your most holy body and blood, that it may have the virtue and aptness which it ought to have without any deceit, that it may be worthy to write your holy seal, that it may have the effect which it ought to have through our Lorde Jesus, who sits in the highest, to whom be honor, praise, and glory, world without end. Amen. |
Compare list with chapter CI.. S4 does not include the entire list, but uses "etc." |
:::::the blessing of It::::: God the father | blesse þe God þe sonne blesse þe God þe Holy gost blesse þe Hooly mar-| ye mother of or lorde Iesu christ maye blesse & Sanctefy þe, o blou-| de þt þu mayst Haue þe mighte and power of a sacrament In wr-| yting of þe Seale of God. All Holy virgins maye blesse þe this, | Daye & euer. All þe Holy & electe of God and All þe celestyall po-| wers maye blesse the and confyrme and Strengthen the, All | Angells and Archangells vertues, principates, potestates, | thrones, and domynatyõs, cherubin & Seraphin by þe auchtoryte | & lycency of god may blesse þe, by þe merytes & all þe prayers of | thy sayntes O lorde Iesu christ þt þu woldest blesse + sanctyfy + | & consecrate + this bloude & strengthen it, by thy almighty powr, | & þt thy seale þt shall herewt be wrytten may haue þe power which | it oughte to haue & for þt purpose & intent for þe which it is | ordeyned thorow or lord Iesu christ whose reygne & em-| pyre dothe contynew worlde wt owt ende. Amen ::::: |
The blessing of it.God the Father bless you, God the Son bless you, God the Holy Ghost bless you. May Holy Mary mother of our Lord Jesus Christ bless and sanctify you, Oh blood, that you may have the might and power of a sacrament in writing of the Seal of God. May all holy virgins bless you this day and ever. May all the holy and elect of God, and all the celestial powers bless you, and confirm and strengthen you. May all angels and archangels, virtues, principates, potestates, thrones, and dominations, cherubin, and seraphin, by the authority and license of God, bless you, by the merits and all the prayers of your saints, O Lord Jesus Christ, that you would bless + sanctify + and consecrate + this blood, and strengthen it, by your almighty power, and that your seal that shall herewith be written may have the power which it ought to have, and for that purpose and intent for the which it is ordained through our Lord Jesus Christ, whose reign and empire does continue, world without end. Amen. |
[28r] oratio prima
Acciones nostras quesumus domine aspirando | parueni, et adiuuando prosequerem it cuncta nostra | operatio a et semper incipiat, et per et ince-| pta finiatur qui viuis et regnas deus per omnia | secula seculorum amen */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[VI.] First Oration.1Direct, we beg you, O Lord, our actions by your holy inspirations, and carry them on by your gracious assistance, that every prayer and work of ours may begin always with you, and through you be happily ended. Amen. |
J21. Actiones nostras: This prayer appears in the Book of Hours and other medieval collections of prayers. Sinclair, p. 407. |
oratio secunda
Aue maria gratia plena dominus tecum bened-| icta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris | tui iesus mater [dei] ora pro nobis amen */*/* |
[VII.] Second OrationHail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother [of God], pray for us. Amen. |
oratio Tercia
Salue regina [mater] misericordie vita dulcedo et spes n-| ostra salue, ad te clamanes exules filii eue, ad te | suspiramus gementes et flentes, in hac lachri-| marum valle eya ergo aduocata nostra illos t-| uos misericordes oculos ad nos conuerte et | iesum benedictum fructum ventris tui nob-| is post hoc exilium ostende o clemens o pia | o dulcis [virgo] maria ora pro nobis sancta dei ge-| nitrix, vt digni efficiamur promissionibus | christi */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[VIII.] Third Oration.2Hail holy queen, mother of mercy, |
2. This is the well-known Salve Regina prayer (up to "O Sweet [virgin] Mary") along with the standard response. |
oratio quarta
O gloriosa domina1 virgo semper maria mater gloriæ, mater ecclesiæ, mater pietatis et indulgentiæ, aue carissima domina semper virgo maria, mater luminis, honor eternus, signum sereni- [28v] atais, aue piissima domina maria aula dei porta caeli | sacrarium spiritus sancti, aue piissima domina [maria] vbna2 aurea templum dignitatis3 reclinatorium eterne pieta-| tis, aue clementissima domina maria decus virginum | domina gencium regina cælorum4, aue amantissima do-| mina maria fons ortorum, ablutio peccatorum lanc-| rum5 animarum, aue desideratissima domina maria | mater orphanarum6 manurilla peruulorum7, consolatio | miserorum, Salue sancta parens, salue sancta et in-| maculata virginitas assistens vultui dei memor8 esto | nostræ fragilitatis, salue benignissima, salue suauis-| sima, salue misericordissima, propiciaberis semper | virgo benedicta et gloriosa9 virgo maria quæ virga | sacratissima dei et mater et10 piissima 11 stella clarissima, | salue semper gloriosa, margarita preciosa, ficus, liliu-| m, formosa, olens velut rosa alba dirige me in visiõe | beata, obsecro te regina perhennis sancta maria per | amorem patris et filii et spiritussancti, et per com-| mendatum tibi celeste sacrarium, et per multas mi-| serationes quas fecit super me et super genus | humanum, et per virtutes et per misteria sancte | crucis, et per sanctos claues fixas12 in suas prec-| iosas manus et pedes, et per sancta .5. vulnera | sui preciosa corporis, et per precium sancti corp- [29r] oris sui quo nos redemit in sancta cruce vt ores | pro me et pro omnibus peccatis meis et necessitati-| bus meis anime et corporis mei ad dilectum filium | tuum */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[IX.] Oration 4O glorious <lady> Mary, eternal virgin, glorious mother, mother of the church, mother of piety and leniency, hail, O dearest lady, Mary, eternal virgin, mother of light, the eternal honour, the image of serenity. (2) Hail, most pious lady Mary, the court of God, the gate of heaven, the shrine of the Holy Spirit. Hail, most pius lady Mary, that vessel of gold, that temple of the divinity, cushion of eternal piety. Hail, most merciful lady Mary, the glory of maidens, the ruler of nations, the queen of the angels. Hail most loving lady Mary, overflowing fountain, the washing of sins, the refreshment of souls. Hail, most desired lady Mary, mother of orphans, the breast of infants, comforter of the wretched. Hail, holy parent. Hail, holy and immaculate virgin, who stands near the face of God, mindful of our frailty. |
1. S4 omits "domina." 2. S4: urna. 3. S4: diuinitatis. 4. S4: angelorum. 5. S4: lavacru~. 6. S4: orphanorum. 7. S4: mamilla parvulorum. 8. S4: memorum. 9. S4 adds: semper. 10. S4: es. 11. S4 adds: montis. GH: maris. 12. S4: clavos fixos. |
here recyte youre peticion accordinge to the effecte of |
the which you worke, doo so in the [blank space of approx 12 chars] of euery |
prayer before wrytten and [rest of line is blank]
(Here recite your petition according to the effect of the which you work. Do so in the [appropriate place] of every prayer before written, and [...]) | |
Gaude virgo maria genitrix inmaculata gaudium |
mihi dona, gaude que gaudium ab angelo suscepi-|
sti et gaudium visionis diuine mihi dona. gaude quæ ge-|
nuisti eterni luminis claritates2, gaude dei genitrix et |
gaudium visionis diuine in3 dona, vt subleuer de omni-|
bus angustiis et tribulationibus et vitiis meis quæ |
sunt in corde meo et quero amplius vt tecum sim a |
latere constans [hic recita petitionem tuam, pro visione |
die ad videndum me viuente deum eternum]4 adoro et5 sa-|
ncta mater domini nostri iesu christi et laudo et magnif-|
ico te, adoro altitudinem tuam, adoro castitatem et |
virgnitatem tuam, adoro pietatem et misericordi-|
am tuam, adoro viscera beata tua quæ portauer-|
unt deum et hominem, adoro beatum vterum tuum |
qui portauit iesum dominum, adoro beata vtera6 |
tua quæ lactauerunt saluatorem mundi, precor te |
carissima semper virgo maria par amorem filii tui |
domini nostri iesu christi vt intercedas pro me
[29v] peccatore Heare recyte your perticion whate your de-| syere is to haue.7 Ad visionem dei eterni me viuente | habendam et sis8 mihi auxiliatrix9 in omnibus an-| gustiis et necessitatibus meis et ne derelinquas | me neque sim sine adiutorio in hac visione bea-| ta neque in illo tremendo die cum exierit anima | [mea]10 de corpore meo, aut in mirabili hora cum rapta | fuerit ad videndum me viuente deum [eternum]11, postulo | gratiosa me ad portas paradisi facere venire vt | merear ibi videre12 filium tuum et merear habere | leticiam sempiternam visionis diuine cum chri-| sto13 filio tuo gloriosissimo qui viuit et regnat per | omnia secula seculorum. amen */*/*/* |
[X.]Rejoice,1 O immaculate virgin, mother of God. Give me joy. Rejoice, you who received the tidings of joy from the angel, and give me the joy of the vision of God. Rejoice, you who brought forth the clarity of eternal light. Rejoice, mother of God, and give me the joy of the vision of God, that I may be raised up from all my difficulties and tribulations and the faults which are in my heart, and I ask further, that I may be firmly by your side, for seeing the living and eternal God. I adore you, O holy mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I praise and glorify you. I adore your exaltation. I adore your chastity and virginity. I adore your piety and your mercy. I adore your blessed innermost parts, which have born God and Man. I adore your blessed womb, which has born Lord Jesus. I adore your blessed breasts, which have nursed the savior the World. I beg of you, dearest Mary ever virgin, through the love of your son our Lord Jesus Christ, to intervene for me, a sinner, that I may have the vision of the eternal God while yet alive, and assist me in all my difficulties and needs, and do not abandon me, so I may not be without help in this blessed vision nor on the terrible day when my soul departs from my body, or in that wonderful hour, when it will be dragged away, for seeing the living eternal God. I gratiously ask you to make me come to the gates of Paradise, that I may be worthy to see your son there, and that I may be worthy to have the wondrous eternal divine vision, with your most glorious son himself, who lives and reigns world without end. Amen. |
1. Translation by JHP 2010. This is an adaptation of the popular eighth century Anthem of the Blessed Virgin, also known as the Five Gaude antiphon. S4: dei. 2. S4: claritatem. 3. S4: michi. 4. Instead of "hic recita..." S4 reads: ad uidendum me uiuente deum eternum." 5. S4: te. 6. GH: ubera. 7. S4 omits "Heare ... haue." 8. S4: succurras. 9. S4 omits. 10. S4. 11. GH. 12. S4: uidere ibi. 13. GH: ipso. |
oratio saxta Ego peccator indignus ad laudem et honorem | gloriisissime semperque virginis mariæ | genitricis domini nostri iesu christi eius sacra n-| omina cum sim indignus iuxta meum exiguum | senssum spiritu sancto dictante nominare curo. | |
[XI.] Oration *5.I, an unworthy sinner, for the praise and honor of the most glorious and eternal virgin Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, of his sacred names, since I am unworthy, because of my meager perception I take care to name with the Holy Spirit’s command. |
O gloriosa dei genitrix [semper virgo]1 maria me [*ne in-]2 digneris con-|
tra [me]3 nequissimum et innumerabili iniquita-|
te plenum, sed accipe propitia misericorditer |
quod indignus ad honorem tuum offero et a-|
ffecto, etenim piissima sacra tua nomina corde |
ore opere distincte nominare et exaltare volo, |
nominaris namque maria genitrix, mater, spo-|
nsa, filia, theoton4, virga, vas, balsamus, nubes,
[30r] ros, pacifica, princeps, regina aurora, imperatrix, | domina, ancilla, ortus, fons, puteus, vita, via,5 se-| mita, splendor, stella aurea, lumen, luna, fenestra | vitrea, ianua, porta, velum cella, domus, hospiti-| um, capsa, templum, aula, tabernaculum, manua,6 | ciuitas, liber, stola, flumen, pons, vna malum, gr-| anatum7 femina, nutrix, mulier, turris, nauis, | redemtrix, liberatrix, amica, thalamus, vallis, | cinamomum, turtur, columba, lilium, rosa, con-| solatio, portus, spes, salus, gloria, fundamentum, | vera peccatorum medicina, sacrarium, | spiritus, sancti, radix, iesse, antidotum, recrea-| trix, syon, puella, miser[a]trix, tuam deprecor, | sanctissima misericordiam vt per hæc tua di-| uina nomina quæ ego tibi nunc plenus in-| mundicia coram altari tuo de te presumen-| do optuli vt in hac hora me audias [et] insacia-| biliter digneris me facere */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* hic peticionem tuam recita sed pro visione | diuina tunc dic vt sequitur,8 videre atque la-| udare te et tuum filium gloriosum corpusc-| ulo meo viuente */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
O glorious mother of God, O eternal virgin Mary, do not deem me unworthy because of my great wickedness and innumerable iniquities, but mercifully and favorably accepting that which I, although unworthy, offer and desire for your honour. And so I wish to clearly name and exalt your holy names most conscientiously, with my heart, with my mouth, and with my labor. |
1. S4 adds. 2. Text correction per S4. 3. S4 adds. 4. GH: Theotan. 5. GH: Via, Vita. 6. GH: Manna. 7. GH: "Uva, Malogranatum," 8. S4 omits this phrase. |
Teque interpello gloriosa per filium tu-|
um quem concepisti, quem genuisti,
[30v] quem peperisti, quem in carnem [*carne]9 concepisti, quem | in balneo misisti, [quem pannis involvisti,]10 quem in templo presentasti, quem | predicantem audisti, quem in cruce pro nobis suspe-| nsum vidisti, quem mortuum et sepultum inspexi-| sti, [quem]11 surgentem a mortuis sciuisti, quem ad cælos ad | patrem ascend.entem vidisti12, et inde venturus est iu-| dicare viuos et mortuos et seculum per ignem, per | ipsum quoque pollutus labiis pollutus [carne, pollutus]13 corpore | pollutus in mente14 ausus nominare [imploro]15. hic recita | tuam petitionem, nisi fit pro visione diuina tunc | die vt sequitur * *16 quatenus17 in hoc opere te et sa-| nctam trinitatem cum sanctis angelis [tuis]18 facias | me aspicere et videre et in extremo magno iu-| dicio ab eternali pena eripias pær christum do-| minum nostrum amen */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
And I disturb you, O glorious one, through your son, whom you conceived, whom you begat, whom you have borne, whose body you nursed, whom you bathed, whom you wrapped in cloths, whom you presented at the temple, whose preaching you heard, whose suspension from the cross on our behalf you saw, whose death and burial you witnessed, whose rising from the dead you observed, whose ascension to the Father in heaven you saw, and who will soon return from there to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire, likewise through him I dare to name [you] and beg for help, with impure lips, with impure flesh, with impure body, with impure mind, (here recite petition)16 that through this work you will enable me to look at and see yourself, and the holy Trinity, with your holy angels, and in the end at the Great Judgement you will snatch me away from eternal punishment, through Christ our Lord. Amen. |
9. Corrected per S4. 10. GH adds. 11. GH adds. 12. GH: quem ad celum ascendentem ad Patrem vidisti. 13. GH adds. 14. GH: pollutus mente [te]. 15. GH adds. 16. S4 omits this phrase. 17. GH: quatinus. 18. GH adds. |
þe crede1 Hic oportet te dicere simbolum tuum vsque ad | finem et postea dic hunc psalmum quicunque vu-| lt vsque ad finem */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[XII. Oration 6. The Creed.]
[I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ,
his only Son, our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell; the third day
he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven; sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.]
1. In margin. GH gives the text of the Apostles' Creed - Roman Ritual in Latin: "Credo in Deum, Patrem omnipotentem ... et vitam eternam. Amen." |
Quicumque vult salus esse et visionem diuinam1 habere |
ante omnia opus est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Quam nist [*nisi] qui-|
sqe integram in uiolatamqe seruauerit: absqe dubio ineter-|
num peribit et2 visionem diuinam non hababit. Eid-|
es [*Fides] autem catholica heoe~ [*hec est]: vt vnum deum in trinitate & trini-|
tatem invnitate veneremur Neqe confundentes person-|
as: neqe substantia separantes Alia est enim perso-
[31r] na patris, alia filii alia spiritussancti. Sed patris & filii & spiritussancti vn-| a est diuinitas: equalis gloria coeterna maiestas: Qualis | pater talis fili[u]s: talis spiritussanctus. Increats pater increats filis: | increatus spiritussanctus. Immensus pater immensus filius: | immensus spiritussanctus. Eterns pater eterns filis: eternus sp-| iritussanctus. Et tamen non tres eterni: sed vnus eternus: Sic-| ut non tres increati nec tres immensi: sed vnus increatus | & vnus immensus: Similiter omnipotens pater, omnipotens filis. omnipotens spiritu-| ssanctus. Et tamen non tres omnipotentes: sed vnus omnipot-| ens. Ita deus pater deus filis: deus spiritussanctus. | Et tamen non tres dii: sed vnus est deus. Ita dominus pater | dominus filis: dominus spiritussanctus. Et tamen non tres | domini: sed vnus est dominus. Quia sicut sigillatibus [*singillatim] vnamquamqe | personam deum ac dominum confiteri: christiana veritate compellimur. | Ita tres deos aut dominos dicare: catholica religione prohibem-| ur. Pater a nullo est factus: nec creatus nec genitus. | Filis a patre solo est: non factus nec creatus sed genitus | Spiritussanctus a patre & filio: non factus nec creatus nec ge-| nitus sed procedens. Unus ergo pater non tres patres: | vnus filius non tres filii: vnus spiritussanctus non tres | spiritussancti. Et in hac trinitate nihil prius aut po-| sterius: nichil mais [*maius] aut minus: sed tote tres persone | coeterne sibi sunt et coequales. Ita vt per omnia sicut | iam supradictum est: & vnitas in trinitate: & trinitas in | vnitate veneranda sit. Qui vult ergo saluus esse3 [31v] ita de trinitate sentiat. Sed necessarium est ad eternam sa-| lutem:4 vt incarnationem quoqe domini nostri iesu christi fide-| liter credat. Est ergo fides recta vt credamus & confit-| eamur: qe dominus noster iesus christi dei filius deus et | homo est. Deus est ex substantia patris ante secula genitus: | & homo est ex substantia matris in seculo natus. Per-| fectus deus perfectus homo: ex anima rationali & humana | carne subsistens. Equalis patri secundum diuinitatem: | minor patre secundum humanitatem. Qui licet deus sit | et homo: non duo tamen sed vnus est christus. Unus autem non | conuersione diuinitatis in carnem: sed assumptione hum-| anitatis in deum Unus omnino non confusione subst-| antie: sed vnitate persone. Nam sicut anima rationalis | & caro vnus est homo: ita deus et homo vnus est | christus. Qui passus est pro salute nostra descendit ad | inferos: tertia die resurrexit a mortuis Ascendit | ad celos sedet ad dexteram dei patris omnipotentis: | inde venturus est iudicare viuos et mortuos. Ad | cuius aduentum omnes homines resurgere habent cum corp-| oribus suis: & reddituri sunt de factis propiis rati-| onem. Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam:5 qui vero | mala in ignem eternum.6 Hec est fides catholica: quam | nisi quisqe fideliter firmiterqe crediderit saluus esse | non poterit.7 Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sanc-| ti. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in [32r] secula seculorum. amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[XIII. Oratio 7: Symbolum Athanasianum]
"Whoever wishes to be saved [and have the vision of God],
should above all things hold to the Catholic faith.
Whoevery fails to keep it whole and undefiled, without doubt shall perish everlastingly.
And the Catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity,
neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance.
For there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit.
But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is all one, the glory equal, the majesty coeternal.
Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Ghost.
The Father uncreate, the Son uncreate, and the Holy Ghost uncreate.
The Father incomprehensible, the Son incomprehensible, and the Holy Ghost incomprehensible.
The Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals, but one eternal.
As also there are not three uncreates, nor three incomprehensibles, but one uncreate and one incomprehensible.
So likewise the Father is almighty, the Son almighty, and the Holy Ghost almighty.
And yet they are not three almighties, but one almighty.
So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God,
and yet they are not three Gods, but one God.
So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son Lord, and the Holy Ghost Lord,
and yet they are not three Lords, but one Lord.
For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every person by himself to be God and Lord,
so are we forbidden by the Catholic religion to say there are three Gods or three Lords.
The Father is made of none, neither created, nor begotten.
The Son is of the Father alone, not made nor created, but begotten.
The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son, neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding.
So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts.
And in this Trinity none is before or after another, none is greater or less than another.
But the whole three Persons are co-eternal together, and co-equal.
So that in all things, as is aforesaid, the Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshipped.
He therefore that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity.
Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation that he also believe rightly the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For the right faith is, that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man.
God, of the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; and Man, of the substance of his mother, born in the world.
Perfect God, and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting.
Equal to the Father as touching his Godhead, and inferior to the Father as touching his Manhood.
Who, although he be God and Man, yet he is not two, but one Christ.
One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh, but by taking of the Manhood into God.
One altogether, not by confusion of Substance, but by unity of Person.
For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man, so God and Man is one Christ;
Who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead;
He ascended into heaven, he sitteth on the right hand of the Father, God, Almighty; from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies; and shall give account for their own works.
And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil into everlasting fire.
This is the Catholic faith, which except a man believe faithfully, he cannot be saved.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen."
(This oration is based on the well-known Athanasian Creed (Symbolum Athanasianum.) 1. GH: Dei. 2. GH omits the last 3 words. 3. GH adds: et visionem divinam habere. 4. GH adds: et divinam visionem. 5. GH adds: et visionem divinam, quam nunc petimus. 6. GH adds: cui nunc abrenunciare postulamus. 7. GH omits the rest of the creed, and concludes with: nec hanc divinam visionem optinere quibit. |
42 Ego diuina institucione formatus et preceptis |
salutaribus imprecatus audebo dicere hic dic |
orationem dominicam. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
[XIV. Oration 8]Following divine instruction, and the teachings of the Saviour +called down+, I dare to say:15 |
15. The mass introduces the Lord’s Prayer with nearly identical wording: GH considers “imprecatus” (called down, prayed for, uttered curses or blessings) as corrupt. |
43 Pater noster qui es in celis, sanctificetur nomen |
tuum. adueniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua, |
sicut in cælo et in terra. panem nostrum quotid-|
ianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nost-|
ra: sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris, |
et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos |
a malo. Amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Our Father,1 who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen. |
1. This of course is the well-known "Lord's Prayer." |
44 Alpha et omega: deus omnipotens |
principium omni-|
um rerum sine principio finis sine fine exaudi |
hodie preces meas piissime neque secundum |
iniquitates meas neque secundum peccata |
mea retribue mihi domine deus meus sed se-|
cundum, misericordiam tuam quae est maior |
omnibus rebus visibilibus et invisibilibus |
miserere mei sapientia patris christe lux an-|
gelorum [gloria sanctorum,] spes [et] portus et refugium peccator-|
um, cunctarum rerum conditor et humanæ
[32v] fragilitatis redemtor, qui cælum [et] terram mare que | totum ac montium pondera palma concludis, te | piissima deprecor [et exoro] vt una cum patre illumines | animam meam radio sanctissimi spiritus tui. | Hic recita tuam petitionem pro divina visione | dic vt sequitur */*/*/*/* quatenus in hac sacrosan-| cta arte taliter possim perficere vt valeam [ad facialem] tui | deus eternæ visionem [virtute] tui sanctissimi spiritus | et tui nominis peruenire. et tu qui es deus me-| us qui in principio creasti cælum et terram et | omnia ex nihilo qui in spiritu tuo [sancto] omnia refor-| mas, comple, instaura, sana animam [meam] vt glori-| ficem te per omnia opera cogitationum mear-| um et verborum meorum deus pater oratio-| nem meam confirma et intellectum meum auge | et memoriam meam. Recita petitionem tu-| am sed si fit pro visione diuina tunc dic vt | sequitur */*/*/*/* ad suscipiendam beatam | visionem tuam meo viuente corpusculo et | ad cognoscendum superexcelsam et super-| eternam facialiter tuam essentiam qui viuis | et regnas per infinita secula seculorum. Amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[XV. Oration 9.]1Alpha and Omega, O almighty God, the beginning of all things, without beginning, the ending without an end, hear today my prayers, O most holy one, neither repay me according my iniquity nor my sins, O Lord, my God, but according to your mercy, which is greater than all things visible and invisible. Have mercy on me, the wisdom of the Father, O Christ, the light of the angels, the glory of the saints, the hope and haven and refuge of sinners, the originator of all things and redeemer of human frailties, who holds the weight of heaven and earth, and the seas and mountains in the palm of your hand. I beg and entreat you, O most holy one, that you, being one with the Father, will illuminate my soul with the ray of your most Holy Spirit, (Here recite your petition; if for the divine vision, say as follows:2) that I may be able to progress in this most sacred art, so that I might be worthy to achieve the vision of your face, O God eternal, through the virtue of your most Holy Spirit and of your name. And you, who are are my God, who in the beginning created the heaven and the earth, and all things out of nothing, who through your holy Spirit you restore, fill, and renew all things, heal my soul, that I may glorify you through all my thought, and words, and deeds. O God the Father, strengthen my oration, and increase both my comprehension and my memory, for undertaking your blessed vision while my mortal body is yet living, and for learning the most high and eternal, facing your essence, you who live and reign through the infinite ages of the ages. Amen. |
1. Tr. JHP. Compare Ars Not. in Agrippa, Opera Omnia, Lugduni, per Berignos Fratres: 1600, p. 582. 2. This phrase is not in S4. |
Oratio decima 45 Helysemath . hasaram . hemel . | saduch . theou [*theon]2. [33r] heloy . zamaram . zoma . iecromaym . theos . | deus . pie . et fortis hamathamal . iecronama-| yhala . zanay . hacronaaz . zay . colnaphan . sa-| lmazaiz . ayhal . gemelam . haymasa . ramay . | genzi . zamath . helyemath . semay . selmar . ie-| crosamay . iachar [*iachat]7 . lemar . [harana .]8 harnany [*hamany]9 . memothe-| math . hemelamp . and thow holy father almi-| ghte and incomperhensyble god in all thy | workes which are holy iuste and good . mag-| alhamethor [*megalhamethor]11 . semassaer . zamachamar [*zamathamar]12 . . geogr-| emay [*geogremai]13 . megus . monorail . hamezeaza . hillebata . | maraama . iehenas . iehemia . malamay [*malamai]14 . seph-| ormay . zemonoma . melas . hemay . hemesna [*hemesua]15 . | iecormay . lemesey . senosecari . [zemaher .]16 heltamay [*helcamay]17 . calion . | tharathos [tronios . nebay . tharathos]18 . vsyon . geysethon [*gezsethon]19 . semyna . themas [*seminathemas]20 . | zezehas . thaman [*thamam]21 . helomany . hamel. amen. |
[XVI.] Oration 10.Helysemath + hazaram1 + hemel + saduch + theon + heloy + zamaram + zoma + ietromaym + theos + Deus pie et fortis hamathamal + ietronamayhala + zanay + hacronaaz + zay + colnaphan + salmazaiz + ayhal . gemelam + geromelam + haymasa + ramay + genzi + zamath + heliemath + semay + selmar + iecrosamay + iachat + lemar + harana + hamany + memothemath + hemelamp + and thou, holy Father, almighty and incomprehensible God, in all thy works which are holy, just, and good + megalhamethor + semassaer + zamathamar + geogremai + megus + monorail + hamezeaza + hillebata + maraama + iehenas + iehemia + malamai + sephormay + zemonoma + melas + hemay + hemesua + iecormay + lemesey + senosecari + zemaher + helcamay + calion + tharathos + tronios + nebay + tharathos + vsyon + gezsethon + seminathemas + zezehas + thamam + helomany + hamel. Amen. |
1. Corrected per S4. 2. Corrected per GH. 7. Corrected per GH; iachat; S5: Iathar. 8. Omitted in R, but found in S5. 9. Corrected per S5. 11-12. Corrected per S5. 13-14. Corrected per GH. 15. S5 has "hemesua" corrected to "hemesva". 16. In S5. 17. Corrected per S5. 18. In S5. 19. Corrected per S5. 20. Corrected per S5; GH: semynathemas. 21. Corrected per S5. |
Oratio 11a 46 Theos uel Itheos . megale . | patir . y-| mos . hebrel . habobel . hecoy . haley . helyhot . hety . | hebiot . letiel . iezey . sadam . saloseey . salatyal . | salatelly . samel . sadamiel . saday . helgyon . hellyel . | lemegos . micron . megos . myheon . legmes . muthon . [33v] michoyn . heel . hesely . iecor . granal . sem-| hel . semozhat . semeliha . samay . geth . gehel . | rasahanay . gelgemona . semana . harasynuhon . | salepatir . selapati . ragion . saletha . thurigium . | hepatir . vsion . hatamas . hotanas . harayn . | |
[XVII.] Oration 11.1Theos + megale + patir + ymos + hebrel + habobel + hecoy + haley + helyhot + hety + *hebeot + letiel + iezey + sadam + *salaseey + salatial + salatelli + samel + sadamiel + saday + helgyon + helliel + lemegos + mitron + megos + myheon + legmes + muthon + *michohyn + heel + hesely + iecor + *graual + semhel + semobzhat + semeltha + samay + geth + gehel + rasahanay + gelgemana + semana + *harasymihon + salepatir + selapati + ragion + saletha + thurigium + hepatir + vsion + hatamas + hetanas + harayn. |
1. Cf. Ars Not. 10, glose de la version B, V. p. 149. Corrected per S4, GH. |
O allmighty and euerlastinge god the father, the |
sonne and the holy goste * adonay * the lighte of |
the worlde the geuer and inestimable disposer of all |
wisdome and of all spirytuall grace knowinge all |
thinges before thei be donne makinge bothe lighte |
and darkenes putt forth thy hande and touche |
bothe my soule and body and make it cleane as |
a new scowred swerde. */*/*/*/*/* hic recita tuã |
petitionem sed si sit pro visione diuina dic vt sequitur: |
That I may se thy deyte and make it as a chosen |
shafte or as a whete kernil to beholde thy glorio-|
us face, and send thy holy sprite o lorde in to my |
hart and in to my soulle to receue thy gyfte, to |
purche and clense my consyence to beholde thy |
deuyne mageste by the promes that thow haste |
made that is to say by thy right hande of thy gode-|
ly forknoledge and infunde or power thy grace
[34r] moste mercyfully and moste gentely into me and | teche and instruct me and renew all my sences and | teche me claryfye and purche me and correcke me | acordinge to thy moste godely dissyplyne euen vnto | my lyues ende. */*/*/*/*/* hic dic tuã petitionem | sed si laboras pro visione diuina tunc dic vt sequitur. | Ande helpe me wt thy godely councell that i may se | thy deuyne maieste face to face through thy infin-| ite greate mercy and goodnes. amen. */*/*/* hic | si vis laborare ad habendum aliquã scientiã vel ad cõs-| ecrãdum librum vel adiuuandum spiritum tunc mutabis pe-| ticionem orationis predicte ita dicens */*/*/*/*/* | put forth thy hande and touche my mouthe and | make it as a sharpe swerde to pronounce these holy | wordes and make my tunge like a chosen shafte | to pronounce and tell owt thy meruelles and w-| onders and also to retayne them in my memory. | |
[XVIII.]1O almighty and everlasting God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Adonay, the light of the world, the giver and inestimable disposer of all wisdom and of all spiritual grace, knowing all things before they be done, making both light and darkness. Put forth thy hand, and touch both my soul and body, and make it clean as a new scoured sword.2 (Here recite your petition; if it is for the divine vision, say as follows:) That I may see thy deity, and make it as a chosen shaft or as a wheat kernel, to behold thy glorious face, and send thy Holy Spirit, O Lord, into my heart and into my soul, to receive thy gift, to purge and cleanse my conscience, to behold thy divine majesty, by the promise that thow hast made, that is to say by thy right hand of thy godly foreknowledge, and infunde or pour thy grace most mercifully and most gently into me, and teach and instruct me, and renew all my senses, and teach me. Clarify and purge me, and correct me according to thy most godly disipline, even unto my life's end. (Here recite your petition; if it is for the divine vision, say as follows:) And help me with thy godly council, that I may see thy divine majesty face to face, through thy infinite great mercy and goodness. Amen.
1. Cf. Ars Not. 11. 2. Cp. Isaiah 49:2. For the Divine vision. |
Si laboras pro sciencia tunc dic vt iam monstraui |
sed pro cõsecratione libri dic vt sequitur. */*/*/* |
put forth thy hande and touche my mouthe and ma-|
ke it lyke a scharpe swerde to consecrate and |
sanctefy thes as well deedes as wordes and make |
them euen as a chosen shafte to confirme the
treuthe of all thy wonders and to pronounce the and
[XIX](If you wish to work towards obtaining some knowledge, or for the consecration of the book, or for the help of a spirit, then alter the petition in the oration preceding, thus saying.) Put forth thy hand and touch my mouth, and make it as a sharp sword, to pronounce these holy words, and make my tongue like a chosen shaft to pronounce and tell out thy marvels and wonders, and also to retain them in my memory. (If you are endeavoring for knowledge, then say as I have shown here, but if for the consecration of the book, say as follows.)
Put forth thy hand and touch my mouth and make it like a sharp sword, to consecrate and sanctify these as well deeds as words, and make them even as a chosen shaft, to confirm the truth of all thy wonders, and to pronounce them and to obtain them at my pleasure. (if for the invocation of spirits, say as follows.) Put forth thy hand and touch my mouth, and make it like a sharp sword, to declare and speak forth as well words as deeds as other things, to constrain and compel to come and to answer, to stand, and to go away, such spirits * N *, unto me * N *, the son of such a man * N *, to shew me the marvels of thy holy power, and to speak unto me, and to be subject unto me.
(And if thou wilt ask for any other thing than is aforementioned,
then always alter and change thy petition according to thy intent and
purpose. And not only in the foresaid prayers, but in all the other
prayers following.)
For knowledge. Consecration of the Sworn Book. Invocation of spirits. |
Assaylemaht uel As-|
sailamath rasay semaht azahat |
araaht lameth hazab-|
at hamat hamae gesem-|
on grephemyon zelamye hazatha hamatha hazar-|
emehal hazanebal helial zebial seziol semyhor ha-|
missiton fintiugon tintiugethe hamissirion sebarnay |
halmoth alymyon gemail halimot sadail hehomail neo-|
mail cristos thiothot sepha taphamal paphalios sicromemior |
laupdau laupta iothileta lazahemor iemeamor
[35r] . letahemor . saromegall . haemor . giseleccor . giheler-| athon . glereleon . gamasgay . semagar . semalgay . semasg-| yy . balna . atheton . iesamahel . gegemahelay . hala . hela . | iemay . semethay . may . semnay . geles . syney . iolehelney . | iesmar . samennay . bariaccoca . cariactera . tharietha . soc-| almata . getymay . socalma . socagamal . helgezamay . | balma . hailos . halos . zaynos . ienenegal . sarimalip . | sacramalaip . tamygell . thamal . sathabynhel . sathab-| mal . samal . maga . samalanga . saminaga . satalmagu . | silymal . salmana . sagnaht . silymythu . semalsay . gahit . | galiht . gezamanay . sabal . zegahaton . zehanphaton . | iezamycrathon . iecnaphaton . iezemo . iezelem . ios-| elimen . hatanathos . hathanathay . semaht . zemehet . | iezorahel . chetorab . helgezorabal . craton . hariobal . ha-| riagal . hanagai . hariagil . parithomegos . samaziel . si-| mazihel . leosemaht . leosamaty . thenuathol . genynatol . | gemizacol . hebalthe . halabee . hamysschon . seban-| ay . halmye . gemail . sadail . neomahil . cristolepha . cap-| hanial . hazaron . gezamel . haymal . haihala . sememay . | geliesmoy . thanccha . gemiazay . zohanphaton . iele-| samen . hathanathay . gemaht . iesomabel . haynosiel . | halabethen . iabaioge . halabeht . ebalohe . myphos . | phabos . phelior . phobos . ydolmassay . predolmass-| ay . pholior . negioggen . neginather . pharamnee . phar-| anhe . stomicopten . sohomythepoten . hymaliassenon . | ymiamos . manyhas . geromay . yemay . ierathay- [35v] azai . passamaht . thon . beht . bon . sathamac . hagy-| nol . naragal . semozihot . nerothinay . ragnathi . | ranal . ragnali . ragahal . hagmal . hagamal . sagomossyn . | fagemesym . domogetha . theomegen . theromagen . salma-| tha . salamaht . zalamatha . hon . bolon . lialon . sephezium . | sapinon . saphiamon . hamon . harion . vsyon . gemessyon . | sepha . phalymyt . sebanay . hamyssithon . thnitingren . | harcon . rogonbon . vsyon . amen. */*/*/*/*/*/* |
[XX] Oration 12.1Assaylemaht. rasay. semaht. azahat. haraaht. lameth. hazabat. hamat. hamae. gesemon. grephemyon. zelamye. relamye. hazatha. hamatha. hazaremehal. hazanebal. helial. zebial. seziol. semyhor. hamissiton. fintiugon. tintiugethe. hamissirion. sebarnay. halmoht. alymyon. gemail. halmiot. sadail. hehomail. neomail. Cristos. thiothot. sepha. taphamal. paphalios. sicrogramon. laupdau. laupta. iothim. iothileta. lazahemor. iemeamor. lotahemor. fitcomegal. haemor. giselector. gilzelerethon. glereleon. gamasgay. semagar. semalgay. semasgyy. balua. arethon. iesamahel. gegemahelay. hala. hela. iemay. semethay. may. semnay. geles. syney. iolehemey. iesmar. samennay. bariactoca. cariactera. tharihetha. socalmata. getimay. socalma. socagamal. helgezamay. balma. hailoso halos. zaynos. ienenegal. sarimalip. sarmalaip. sacramalaip. tamygel. thamahel. sathabynhel. sathabinal. samal. maga. samalanga. saminaga. satalmagu. silimal. salmana. saguaht. silimythu. semalsay. gahit. galiht. gezamannay. sabal. zegahathon. zahanphaton. iezanycrathon. ietuaphaton. iezemo. iezelem. ioselimen. hatanathos. hathanathay. semaht. zemehet. iezorahel. checorab. Hel. gerozabal. craton. hariabal. hariagal. hanagai. hariagil. parithomegos. samazihel. simazihel. leosemmaht. leosamaty. themiathol. genynatol. gemizacol. hebalthe. halabee. hamisschon. sebanay. halmye. gemail. sadail. neomahil. cristolepha. caphanial. hazaron. gezamel. haymal. hayhala. sememay. gehesmoy. thariattha. gemiazai. zohanphaton. ielesamen. hatanathay. gemaht. iesomabel. haynosiel. halabethen. iabaioge. halabeht. ebalohe.|1h- nyphos. phabos. phelior. phobos. ydolmassay. predolmassay. pholihor. negioggen. neginather. pharampnee. pharanehe. scomicopoten. sohomychepoten. hymaliassenon. ymiamos. manyahas. geromay. iemay. ietathama-zai. passamaht. Theon. beht. bon. sathamat|1i- hagynol. naragal. semozihot. nerothinay. raguathi. raguali. ranal. ragahal. hagmal. hagamal. fagomossyn. fagemesym. domogentha. theomogen. theromogen. salmatha. salamaht. zalamatha. Hon. bolon. halon. sephezimu. sapynon. saphiamon. hamon. harion. usion. gemession. sepha. phalymyt. sebanay. hamyssithon. thyutyugren. hactou. rogoubon. lon. usion. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars Not. 16. Corrected per S4, GH. |
49 Hazailzemaht |
uel Hasaylemath . |
lemaht . azac . gessemon . thelamoht . hazab . habatal . hae-|
bal . sezior . sicromagal . gigoro . mogal . gielotheon . sama-|
goy . haphiles . pamphilos . sicragalmon . lanpda . iothun . |
halnal . hailos . halna . genenogal . samanlay . tacayhel . |
thamiel . secalmana . hoesemolas . hesemelaht . gesatham . |
cethal . stilmon . saibaiol . semalsay . crathon . hanagnil . |
panconuegos . tyngeny . hamyssitoy . sebarnay . hassin-|
ilop . thenaly . soday . henaly . halaco . meahil . crihicos . |
sepha . caphanal . hazaron . tezamahal . haila . saraumay . |
gelior . synoy . bariachacha . gehemizay . ietrafagon . |
legelyme . hathamathay . senac . gromyazay . sothal . ma-|
gaal . iemazai . zehemphagon . hasihezamay . legelime .
[36r] hacama . ieizobol . ierozabal . symalyel . seymaly . seihel . | leosamaht . gemyhacal . halabre . cyophagros . theos . phab-| os . ycolmazay . negen . pharamepht . nehihahon . sehon . | gethorem . nehehom . helisemaht . saratihai . ierasiai . hyn-| aliha . sememamos . gezamay . iecremai . passamaht . | thagail . hagamal . fagamesy . fagamesym . themegoman . | zemegamary . salamatha . salamothono . bon . lon . sep-| izihon . harion . vsyon . semession . tegon. amen. */*/*/* |
[XXI. Oration 13.]1Hazailemaht. lemaht. azat. gessemon. thelamoht. hazab. halatal. haebal. sezior. sicromagal. gigoro. mogal. gielocheon. samagoy. (2) haphiles. pamphilos. sicragalmon. laupda. iothim. haiual. hailos. halua. geneuogal. samanlay. tacayhelthamyel. secalmana. (3) hesemolas. hesomelaht. gethasam. cethalsam. scilmon. saibaiol. semalsay. crathon. hanaguil. pancomnegos. tyngeny. hamissitoy. (4) sebarnay. hassimilop. thenaly. soday. henaly. halaco. meahil. crihicos. sepha. caphaual. hazaron. cezamahal. haila. saramnay. gelior. synoy. bariachacha. (5) gehemyzai. iecrafagon. legelyme. hathamathay. senac. gromyhazay. sothal. magaal. iemazay. zehemphagon. hasihezamay. legelime. hacama. ieizobol. (6) ierozabal. symaliel. seymaly. seihel. leosamaht. gemyhacal. halabre. cyhophagros. Theos. phabos. ycolmazai. negen. (7) pharameht. nehihahon. sehon. gethorem. nehehom. helisemaht. saratihai. ierafiai. hynaliha. sememanos. gezamai. iecremai. (8) passamaht. thagail. hagamal. fagamesy. fagamesym. themegoman. zemegamary. salamatha. salomothono. bon. lon. sepizihon. harion. usyon. semession. tegon. Amen. |
1. Corrected per S4, GH. |
50 lemaht uel Lenthath . |
sebanthe . helitihay . gozogam . romasim . hegeto . |
gozimal . exiophiam . sorathim . salathaam . besapha . sap-|
hrez . samiht . sanaioho . phetaloym . harissim . genges . |
lethos. amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
[XXII. Oration 14.]1
Lemaht. sebanthe. helitihay. gozogam. romasim. hegetti.
gozimal. exiophiam. sorathim. salathaam. besapha. saphiez.
haculam. samiht. senaiho. phethaloym. harissim. genges. lethos. Amen.
1. Corrected per S4, GH. = Ars. Not. 16 var. 4, JV p. 159. |
51 Lameht uel Lameth . |
lenat . lemahat . semaht . selmahat . helmam . helymam . |
helmamy . zezecca . zezegta . gezegatha . zozagam . |
remasym . themare . masym . ieranyhel . phnerezo . |
gamyhal . zetogamyaal . hezetogamyal . heziephi-|
at . hozoperbiar . iosacchin . iosathin . iosany . gosamyn . |
salaht . salatoham . salatehen . salatabel . henehenbem . |
habena . henbezepha . bosephar . thamar . sahalat .
[36v] hafar . tycmar . thimas . tirimar . namor . semyhot . semo-| hit . zemyhot . semohit . zemyhot . semoiz . lemdihon . lem-| ahat . phetalon . hamiht . phetalonamie . zomize . zamiht . | prihici . philei . haphin . gergeon . gergohen . ierthon . lothios . | lothos . semyhot . lemahat . semohit . lemaiho . phetalon . hamye . | hamyphyn . pethio . gergion . lecton . iergohen . thothios . lecco-| s . amen. |
[XXIII. Oration 15.]1Lameht. lenat. lemahat. semaht. selmahat. helmay. helymam. helmamy. zezetta. zezegta. gezegatha. zozogam. remasym. themaremasym. ieranyhel. phuerezo. gamyhal. zecegomyhal. hezetogamyhal. (2) heziephiat. hozoperbiar. iosaithyn. iosathyn. iosany. gosamyn. salaht. salatoham. salatehen. salatambel. hen. henbem. habena. henlezepha. bosephar. thamar. sahaletromar. (3) hafartitmar. thimas. tirimar. namor. semyhot. semohit. zemyhot. semoiz. lemdihon. lemahat. phethalon. hamiht. phethalonamie. zomye. zamiht. prihiti. philei. haphyn. gergeon. gergohen. (4) ierthon. lothios. lothos. semyhot. lemahat. zemohit. lemaiho. phetalon. hamye. hamyphyn. pethio. gergion. lecton. iergohen. thothios. lectos.. Amen. |
1. Corrected per S4, GH. |
o most highe and inuisible god . theos . patir . |
behemnos . lehemuyos . behenny . we b-|
esiche the ymos . by thy most hooly angells which are |
michael . which is as miche to say as the medicyne of |
god . raphael . the strengthe of god . gabryel . burni~ge . & |
seraphin . helyphamassay . cherubin . ielomiuctos . gada-|
bany . zedabanay . gederanay . saramany . lomtecy . loccosi . |
gerohanathon . zahamany . lomyht . gedanabasy . serema-|
nay . henlothant . henloramyht . samanazay . |
gedebandi . ffullnes, of syence . cherubyn . and seraphin . |
we most humbly besiche yow and the iesus christ by |
all thy holy and glorious angells whose names are |
blessyd of god which ought nott to be spoken of vs |
which be these . deihel . dehel . depymo . dewhel . excludo . |
depymon . helynon . exmogon . paryneos . exmegan . |
pheleneos . nanagen . hosiel . oragon . garbona . rathion . |
monyham . megonhamos .
[XXIV. Oration 16.1]
O God, the most high, invisible God.
Theos. Patir. behemnos. lehernnyos. behenny.
We ask you, Ymos, through your most holy angels, who are
Michael, i.e. the medicine of God,
Raphael, the Strength of God, Gabriel, burning, (2) and Seraphim:
helipha. massay. Cherubim: ielomynctos. gadabany. zedabanay.
gederanay. saramany. lomtety. loctosy. gerohanathon. zahamany. lomyht.
gedanabasy. setemanay. seremanay. henlothant. helomyht. henboramyht.
samanazay. gedebaudi.
(3) [From] the fullness of the knowledge, we humbly as you cherubim and seraphim,
and you, O Jesus Christ, through all your saints and glorious [arch]angels, the names
of which are consecrated by God, which must not be spoken by us,
which are these:
(4) Deihel. Dehel. Depymo. Dein. Hel. Exluso. Depymon.
Helynon. Exmogon. Parineos. Exmegan. Pheleneos. Nauagen.
Hosyel. Dragon. Garbona. Rathion. Monyham. Megonhamos.
1. Corrected per S4, GH. |
53 I beseche the o my lorde lyghten and pourge my |
soule and my conscyence with the brightnes
[37r] of thy light illumyn and confyrme my under-| standinge with the oder of the switenes of thy holy sprite.| Hic recita peticionem sed si sit per visione deitatis tunc dic vt | sequitur.) that I may obtayne to se the gloryous visyõ | which now I desyer to se. garnishe my soule o lorde that I | may se thy face and here thy glory and prayse reforme | my harte o lorde and renew my sensys and geue me | a good memorye to beholde the blessed vision of thy | face temper most gentyll lorde bothe my soule and | tonge to haue that glorious visyõ by thy glorious and | ineffable names thow which arte the fowntayn and | begininge of all goodenes and godelynes suffer me | o lorde and geue me grace and a good memorye that I may | obtayn the blissed visyon which I haue desy-| red of the in this godely prayer. Hic rursus incipe. | Thow lorde which dost nott by and by cond-| empne the sinner but thorow | the mrrcy doest abyde his repentance, i onworthy syn-| ner doo be siche the o lorde that thow wilte wype aw-| ay all my synns and wickednes and utterly quenche | in me all instigatyons. Hic recita tuã petitionem sed per | deitate dic sequitr: that i may be made mete o lorde | thorow this petycyon to obtayne the sight of thy diuy-| ne maiste by the vertu and power of thy holy angells | and archangells of whome i spake before thorow thy | gloryous maiestye thow which arte one allmyghty | and euerlastinge god to whome be prayse and honor | for euer. amen. |
[XXV.]I beseech thee, O my Lord, lighten and purge my soul and my conscience with the brightness of thy light. Illumine and confirme my understanding with the odor of the sweetness of thy Holy Spirit. (Here recite the petition, if for the vision of the Deity, say as follows.) that I may obtain to see the glorious vision which now I desire to see. Garnish my soul, O Lord, that I may see thy face and hear thy glory and praise. Reform my heart, O Lord, and renew my senses, and give me a good memory to behold the blessed vision of thy face. Temper most gentle Lord both my soul and tongue to have that glorious vision by thy glorious and ineffable names, thou which art the fountain and beginning of all goodness and godliness. Suffer me, O Lord, and give me grace and a good memory, that I may obtain the blessed vision which I have desired of thee in this godly prayer. (Here repeat the beginning).
Thou, Lord, which dost not by and by condemn
the sinner but through the mercy dost abide his repentance,
I, unworthy sinner, do beseech thee, O Lord, that thou wilt wipe away
all my sins and wickedness, and utterly quench
in me all instigations. (Here recite the petition, if for the vision of the Deity,
say as follows.) that I may be made meet, O Lord,
through this petition to obtain the sight of thy divine
majesty by the virtue and power of thy holy angels
and archangels of whom I spake before, through thy
glorious majesty, thou which art one almighty
and everlasting God, to whom be praise and honor
forever. Amen.
[37v] | ||
Oratio 17.
56 O Iesu the sonne of the incomprhensible god | hancor hanacor hamylos iehorna | theodonos heliothos phagor corphandonos nori-| zane corithico hanosae helsezope phagora. |
[XXVI.] Oration 17.O Jesus, the son of the incomprehensible God, hancor. hanacor. hanylos. iehorna. theodonos. helyothos. heliotheos. phagor. corphandonos. norizaue. corithico. hanosae. helsezope. phagora. |
57 Eleminator candones helos he-|
lee resphaga thepha-|
gayn thetendyn thah-|
onos micemya hehortahonas nelos behebos be-|
lhores hacaphagan belehothol ortophagon corpha-|
ndonos / borne in the shape of a man for vs sinners |
and yow holy angells heliothos phagnoraherken |
and teche me and gouerne me. Hic dic peticionem |
tuã sed per visione diuina dic vt sequitr. that i may |
come to obtayne the visyõ of the deyte thorow the |
glorious and moste gentle and moste almighte |
creator oure lyuyng lorde holy infinite godely and |
euerlastinge to whome be prayse honor and glory-|
e worlde withowt ende. amen.
[XXVII.] Oration.
Eleminator. candones. helos. helee. resphaga. thephagayn.
thetendyn. thahonos. Ulcemya. heortahonos. uelos. behebos.
belhores. hacaphagan. belehothol. ortophagon. corphandonos.
born in the shape of a man for us sinners, and you holy angels Heliothos.
phagnora [sacred angels] teach me and govern me. (Here recite your petition --
if for the Divine vision, say as follows:) that I may come to obtain the
vision of the Deity through the glorious and most gentle and most almighty
creator, our living Lord, holy, infinite, godly, and everlasting, to whom be
praise, honor, and glory, world without end. Amen.
[XXVIII.] Oration [18].1 |
1. S3 adds: "Istae oratio debet dici quotidie quater / þe fyrst daye of the mone." (This oration must be said four times daily / the first day of the Moon.) Cp. Ars Not. 34. | |
58 Lameth . ragna . ragahel . ragia . ra-|
giomab . hagnaht . hagno-|
lam . exaccodan . hanthono-|
mos . hethaeneho . hemones . iothe . lothesezatha . |
sazaratha . hensazatha . serail . marab . minathil . m-|
arathal . mairathal . brihamocon . thahamathon . le-|
prodoz . lephoris . leprehoc . lephons . hesacro . hesa-|
crohen . corquenal . choremal . gnoyoemel . validiol .
[38r] salail . salaiz . salaior . halaiz . salquihel . gessydomy . | gessenazi . iessonay . hazoroz . hazarob . tharhal .bo-| styhal . hamol . hamalamyn. amen. |
Lameht. ragua. ragahel. ragia. ragiomab. hagnaht. hoguolam.
exactodan. heractodam. hanthonomos. hethaeneho.
hemones. iothe. lothensezaiha. sazaratha. hensazatha.
serail. marab. mynathil. marathal. mairathal. brihamocon. thahamathon.
leprodoz. lephoris. leprohoc. lephorijs. hesacro: hesacohen. corquenal.
choremal. guoyemal. ualiaiol. salail. salaiz.
salaior. halaiz. salquihel. gessidomy. gesseuazi. iessonay. hazoroz.
hazarob. tharahal. bostihal. hamol. hamalamyn. Amen.
R. has some words in margin, but they are
mostly illegible. "cum (?)... Sem... Lameth ... 3o ..." There is
also a drawing of a hand. |
59 semeht uel semeth . |
seghehalt . ragnaht . reloymal . haguliaz . exhator . ha-|
nthomos . lezen . saccail . marab . briamathon . leph-|
ez . hiesacco . themay . salaihel . agessomagy . arotha-|
tamal .
[XXIX. Oration 19.]1
Semeht. seghehalt. raguaht. reloymal. haguliaz. exhator. hanthomos. lezen. saccail. marab. brihamathon. lephez. hiefacto. themay. salaihel. agessomay. arathotamal.
1. Corrected per S4, GH. |
60O Incommutable god which in menorye art irr-|
eperhensible whose wisdome can not be spok-|
en agaynst the angell of the euerlastinge cownsell |
may this day embrace my harte in his right han-|
d and may fill my conscyence wt the remembrav-|
nce of the and the oder of thy oyntementes and |
the switenes of thy grace may furnisch my my-|
nde with the brightenes and clernes of thy holy |
spryte with the which thy angells o lorde with all |
the powers of heauen do desyre to beholde the |
face euerlastinglye (Hic recita petitionem tuam |
sed per deitate dic vt sequitr) that I may wt them |
most marcyfull lorde beholde the face thow wh-|
ich wt thy wysdome hast repayred all thinges |
with thy euerlastinge blisse wherunto thow hast |
restored the angells by man which was fallen w-|
home thorow thy loue thou hast drawen agayn wt
[38v] thy glorye and didest voucsaffe to instrue adam | with all knoledge infforme replenishe instrue restore | correct claryfy and refreshe me that I may be a ne-| w man to understande thy commaundementes. Recita petitionem sed per deitate dic vt sequitur.
that I may obtayne the blissed syghte of the to þe |
helthe my soule and body and all faythfull people |
to the honor and glorye of thy name which Is |
blessed for euer. amen.
[XXX. Oration.]
O incommutable God, which in memory art irreprehensible, whose wisdom cannot be spoken
against the angel of the everlasting council, may this day embrace my heart in his right hand,
and may fill my conscience with the remembrance of thee, and the odor of thy ointments, and
the sweetness of thy grace may furnish my mind with the brightness and clearness of thy Holy
Spirit, with the which thy angels, O Lord with all the powers of heaven do desire to behold
thy face everlastingly (Here recite your petition -- if for the vision of the Deity, say
as follows:) that I may with them, most merciful Lord, behold the face, thou which
with thy wisdom hast repaired all things with thy everlasting bliss, whereunto thou hast
restored the angels by man which was fallen, whom through thy love thou hast drawn again
with thy glory, and didst vouchsafe to instrue Adam with all knowledge, inform, replenish,
instrue, restore, correct, clarify, and refresh me, that I may be a new man, to understand
thy commandments. (Here recite your petition -- if for the vision of the Deity, say
as follows:) that I may obtain the blessed sight of thee, to the health of my soul and
body, and all faithful people, to the honor and glory of thy name, which is blessed forever.
61 Hazaram uel hazacam . hihel . hehelil-| em . hethelile-| m . thelihem . | hazagatha . agriraz-| cor . hizgeocir . hazahe-| imn . iesan . zezor . iesar . ysail . and yow hooly angells | whose names ar written in the booke of lyffe and | there be rehersed rasaym . boros . helsa . heremogos . my-| recagil . resaym . lemay . rasamen . lemar . themamoht . | irasym . iemamoht . themamoht . secray . soctaht . sehã . | hanathar . thansethay . helymaht . iosoihel . helimoht . | saccamaht . helymyhot . iosey . thedony . iasamaht . phar-| ene . panetheneos . phate . neynehos . haramen . theos . | hathamaym . hanataiphar . hatanazar . basiaccor . ies-| enenay . iesamana . haziactor . hamynosia . zezaman-| ay . hamos . hamynos . hiatregilos . cahegilihos . | zagnel . zacahel . amen. |
[XXXI. Oration 20.]Hazaram. hihel. hehelilem. hethelilem. *theiihem. hazagatha. *agruazcor. hizguor. *liaiah. *isenesan. zezor. iesar. ysail. and you holy angels whose names are written in the Book of Life, and there be rehearsed (i.e. recited): , iasym. horos. helsa. heremogos. myrecagil. resaym. lemay. lemar. rasamen. lemar. themamoht. irasim. iemamoht. themamoht. secray. sotthaht. sehan. *hanamar. *thau. *sechay. helymaht. iosoihel. helymoht. *sattamaht. helymyhot. iosey. theodony. iasamaht. pharene. panetheneos. phateneynehos. haramen. Theos. hathanaym. hanataiphar. hatanazar. basiactor. *ieseuemay. iesamana. iesamanay. haziactor. hamynosia. zezamanay. hamos. hamynos. hiatregilos. cahegilihos. zaguhel. zatahel. <Amen.> |
* Per S4, GH. |
62 Hielma uel Hyhelyma . | helma . helymar . herina . hutanathas . hemyna . huan-| athois . helsa . hebros . hiebros . helda . hagasa . hocto-| megos . raictotagti . coicragon . myheragyn. amen. |
[XXXII. Oration 21.]Hielma. helma. *helimat. *heuina. hytanathas. hemyna. hitanathois. helsa. hebos. hiebros. helda. hagasa. hoccomegos. raitotagum. coictagon. myheragyn. <Amen.> |
* Per S4, GH. |
63 Conffyrme strenthen and illumune | abba . theos . behenmyhat . | hehemornhos . bethar . husurnhnut . hotarins . theos . | god the father god the soñe god the holy goste my pr-| ayer god confyrme my understoudyng and my soule | and my memorye. Recita petitionem sed per deitae | dic vt sequitr. to recene know see and beholde þe | sighte of the and thy blessed and glorious face. amen. |
[XXXIII. Oratio 22.]
Confirm, strengthen, and illumine, abba + theos + behetimyhat + hehem + ruhos + bethar +
*husuruhunt + hetarius + theos +
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, my prayer. [O]
God, confirm my understanding and my soul, and my memory.
(Here recite the petition; if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows:)
to receive, know, see, and behold the sight of Thee, and thy blessed and glorious face. Amen.
Oratio 23Agloros theomithos . theomiros . | shocodothos . haccisamel . | sozena . haptamygel . sozie-| nziha . hemya . geccaholzer . helyna . sothoneya . gehe-| rahel . halymyz . zezoray . gezetiz . gerehoinuhaziol . | hazaimegnos . megalos . usion . saduhe . amen. |
[XXXIV.] Oration 23.Agloros. theomythos. themyros. sehocodothos. zehocodos. hattihamel. sozena. haptamygel. sozihenzia. hemya. gettahol. helyna. sothoneya. geherahel. halimyz. zezoray. gezetiz. gerehona. hazihal. hazai. *meguos. megalos. usyon. *saduhc. <Amen.> [O God of all, you who are my God, who in the beginning created all out of nothing, who in your Spirit has transformed all, fill, restore, and cure my comprehension, that I may glorify you through all my thoughts, words, and deeds.]1 |
* Per S3, S4, S5, GH. 1. See LI.9; see XV.6; S4 in marg.: Deus omnium, qui es Deus meus, qui qui in principio omnia ex nichilo creasti, qui in Spiritu tuo omnia reformasti, comple, restaura, sana intellectum meum, ut glorificem te per omnia opera cogitacionum et verborum meorum. |
Megal . agal . iegal . hariothos . handos . |
hanathos . hanothos . lemozay . |
semezai . lamezai . lethonas . iechonay . zemazphar . |
zeomasphar . zeomaphar . tetragramos . thethagran-|
ys . hatamar . haziamahar . zahamir . iechoiaphor .
zethesaphir . gethor . saphor . halagitha . hasacapria .
[39v] hasamypa . haragaia . hazagny . phasamar . samar . | saleht . salym . salmeht . sameht . saloht . sillezaleht . sad-| ayne . neothatir . neodamy . hadozamyr . zozena . | belymoht . hazat . helyot . |
[XXXV.] Oration [24].Megal. agal. iegal. hariothos. handos. [hanathos.] hanathoios. *hauothos. lemazai. semezai. lamezai. lethonas. iethonay. zemazphar. *zeomaspar. zeomaphar. tetragramos. thethagranys. hatammar. hazaamahar. zahamyr. iechosaphor. zethesaphir. gethor. saphor. hasagitha. hasacapha. hasamypa. haragaia. hazaguy. phasamar. samar. saleht. salym. salmeht. sameht. saloht. sillezaleht. sadayne. neothatir. neodamy. hadozamyr. zozena. belymoht. hazat. helyhot. |
O the truthe the way and the lyffe of all creatures | oryghtewos god quicken me and visit me and my | understoudinge claryfy my soule and pourge it. Recita | peticionem sed per deitate dic ut sequitr. that lyke as | thow dyddest shew unto Ihon and pawle the syght of | the when thow didest take them up in to heuen euyn | so lorde that I may whyle this my body lyueth see & | beholde thy face. amen. |
[XXXVI] Oration1O the truth, the way, and the life of all creatures, O righteous God, quicken me, and visit me, and my understanding, clarify my soul and purge it (recite the petition, if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows:) that like as thou didst shew unto John and Paul the sight of thee when thou didst take them up into heaven, even so, Lord, that I may while this my body liveth see and behold thy face. Amen. |
1. compare Ars. Not. 53. |
Hamicchiahel uel Hamathahol . hamsa-| hel . dai-| hyr . hayr . | hael . zedach . | hazarach . | zedaich . hazaias . lezorial . zezorias . iechori . alsem-| aya . ysamya . zama . ysa . samina . ysaray . ysameht . | ysathay . lemehyel . nehel . semehel . iemymehel . mytin-| ab . mybhahal . mychyn . mybacaiab . hamyly . mynab . halyasal . hometibymal . helymal . hymbos . zebracal . zelim-| al . iechro . samaril . zezocha . iecrosahal . melos . zalyme-| bor . zalymylos . zagahel . mychathomos . myhero-| mos . mycracosmos . nycromyhos. amen. <amen.> |
[XXXVII]1Hamycchiahel. hamsahel. dalihir. hair. halel. zedach. hazarach. zedaizh. hazaias. lezorihal. zezorias. iechori. alsemaia. ysamyha. zama. ysa. samma. ysarai. ysameht. ysathay. lemyhel. nehel. semehel. iemymehel. mythynab. nybahal. mychyn. mybancaiab. hamyly. mynab. heliasal. hometibymal. helymal. hymbos. zebracal. zelimal. iechro. samaril. zezocha. iecrosahal. melos. zalimebor. zalymylos. zaguhel. mychathomos. myheromos. mycracosmos. nycromyhos. Amen. |
1. Compare Ars. Not. 54. |
I wretched sinner in thy syght o lorde my god to whose | syghte all thinges are open and manyfest, in whose | hande all thinges are clene and pure pourge and clense | me o almyghte god these thinges do i speke that the error | of infydelytie and the fylthines of sine beinge taken awaye, | the good holy spryte maye helpe me and quicken me as it | dothe quicken all thinges and put away all myne incre-| dulyte and fylthynes. Recita peticionem sed per deitate | dic ut sequitur that i thought i be unworthy thorow | thy mercy with owt lett may obtayne to se thy most glo-| ryous face. amen. |
I, wretched sinner in thy sight, O Lord my God, to whose sight all things are open and manifest,
in whose hand all things are clean and pure, purge and cleanse me, O almighty God. These things
do I speak that the error of infidelity and the filthiness of sin being taken away, the good
Holy Spirit may help me and quicken me as it doth quicken all things, and put away all mine
incredulity and filthiness,
(Recite the petition. If for the vision of God, say as follows:)
that I, though I be unworthy, through thy mercy, without [fail] let me obtain to see thy most
glorious face. Amen.
Semoht uel Gymath gehel . helymoht . hem-| eb . sabahel . zerothay . | zabayel . gerozay . | hebel . crosay . hamagra . hatiag-| ra . ragen . zeromay . zehez . | hezehengon . iezomay . heme-| hegon . hamagrata . cezozoy . gesommay . hesehengnon . let-| homai . halla . hathanathon . hagigel . hatamyhel . lamahy-| hel . hathomas . hecobay . zemohay . theageta . theal . | regon . hagen . iezeragal . iehalragen . geht . zeregal . hamab-| ihat . hezegon . gethage . madaaios . zadaanchyos . exhedon . | palathoros . zallachatos . thelthir . threhodios . zezoch-| thiam . palliticatos . nethi . delthis . heromodios . helmela-| zar . helyne . zazarharon . gezero . mymyhel . henthon . | hermelazar . sython . genython . hezdmyel . heymemy . | heelmelazar . cremymyel . exheruz . zorol . mochora . | rabyhel . samyb . lamely . melyon . sarabyhel . samyl . ta-| myl . samyhel. amen. |
Semoth + gehel + helymoht + hemeb + sabahel + zerothay + zabahel + gerozay + hebel + crosaihamagra +
hatchagra + ragen + seromay + zehez + hezehengon + iezomay + hemehegon + hamagrata + cezozoy +
gesommay + hesehengnon + lethomay + halla + hathanaton + hagigel + hatamyhel + hathomas + hecohay +
zemohay + theageta + theal + regon + hagem + iezeragal + zehalragem + geht + zeregal + hamabihat +
hezegon + gethage + madiaaios + zadanchios + exhedon + pallathoros + zallachatos + thelthis +
trehodios + zezochthiam + pallititacos + nethi + delthis + heremodios + helmelazar + helyne +
zazar + haron + gezero + mymyhel + henthon + hermelazar + sython + genithon + hezdmyel + heymemy +
helmelazar + cremymyhel + exheruz + zorol + mothora + rabihel + samyb + lamely + melion + sarabihel +
samyl + tamyl + samyhel. Amen.
Allmyghty and euerlastinge god moste mercyffull father which | arte blyssed foreuer whith [sic] hast geuine unto us o eternall & | irreperhensyble god a helthfull and incommutable remedy which | for the almightynes of thy maiesty hast geuen us leaue to prayse | and glorify the and hast graunted unto us to se thy gloryous | maiestye the which is to other creatures denyed whose determ-| ynacyon cane in no wyse be altered, whose nature is eternall & | of deuyne substance with the holy trynyte which is the father | þe sonne and þe holy goste which is exalted aboue all heavens | wher the godhead and þe deyte dothe abyde. x. I besiche thy | maiesty o lorde and glorify thy allmighty power and þe mer-| velous þe hyghest and euerlastinge power I most lamentably | besiche þe o my god which arte the inestimable wysdome & | þe ineffable lyffe of angells þe incomperhensyble god in whose | syghte doo stoude þe multytude of angells. Recita peticione~ | tuam sed per visione diuina dic ut sequitur. that thow | wilt fforthwith graunt me thy holy visyon, and that your | wilte helpe me and geue me helthe that I may se þe clerenes | of thy visyon and graunt me thy pure understouding & | perseuerance in thy lawes þt I may be worthy to se the | face which lyuest and reynest eternally in the syghte of | all celestyall powres now and euer and euery where | worlde with owt ende. amen. |
[XL.]1Almighty and everlastinge God, most merciful father, which art blessed forever which hast given unto us, O eternall and irreprehensible God, a healthful and incommutable remedy, which for the almightiness of thy majesty hast given us leave to praise and glorify thee, and hast granted unto us to see thy glorious majesty, the which is to other creatures denied, whose determination can in no wise be altered, whose nature is eternal and of divine substance, with the holy Trinity which is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, which is exalted above all heavens, where the godhead and the Deity doth abide. x. I beseech thy majesty O Lord, and glorify thy almighty power and the marvels, the highest and everlasting power, I most lamentably beseech thee O my God which art the inestimable wisdom and the ineffable life of angels, the incomprehensible God, in whose sight do stand the multitude of angels. (Here recite your petition. If for the divine vision, say as follows.) that thou wilt forthwith grant me thy holy vision, and that thou wilt help me and give me health that I may see the clearness of thy vision, and grant me thy pure understanding and perseverance in thy laws that I may be worthy to see thy face which livest and reignest eternally in the sight of all celestial powers, now and ever and everywhere, world without end. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars Not. 64. |
semoht uel Lemoth: | lamen . lezahel . salmatihal . zamatihel . mahaziel . zamazi-| hal . ezeleaz . mahatioten . hezole . helzoleam . megos . hemol . | hemuoleha . methos . hazamegos . halzamyhol . alzamoy . [41r] memmamiccos . memomiccos . zely . marayhathol . zolmazath-| ol . zemeney . iemenay . lameley . zethemalo . zetheneran . labdaio . | lodeho . zabday . hoton . ladaiedon . lapdaihadon . lothanan . hizema-| zihe . izthanacihe . [iotha . uahuzuzif .] phomos . zeherem . zeheziehelmos . hie . hanath-| ie . homos . zeherem . hessymatal . hessicomalon . thehe . sihotil . magal . | hesiothil . micho . halpha . husale . omis . flum . fais . hallemassay . | alesemony . salemanasay . helemasay . zazacco . semanay . nacha-| iro . natham . gemehol . yetulmassaye . gemahol . iezemalo . magul . | gehamas . senadar . iezema . salpha . sacramagay . iehetmagay . | zehetyn . zemazadair . iehir . ramagay . geiama . salpha . gema-| ma . suphniohet . Iohabos . haymal . hamanal . thanoctomas . | Iobohe . hamynal . zanogromos . nyzozoronba . mygeroz-| oma . negero . rabaly . negora . hohalym . nytheromathum . thol-| ynthay . tolomay . loynar . tholumgay . zenolozihon . hisomomel-| yhon . samyhel . giethy . sicrozegamal . thoneihos . carmolehos . | samhel . gehiszefyhor . Iezolnohit . phicrose . gramaht . theone-| hos . carmelos . lamyhel . larmanail . gezezihor . semarnail . za-| armethihail . heliozo . thael . semail. amen. |
[XLI.]1Semoht + lamen + lezahel + salmatihal + zamatihel + mahazihel + zamazihal + ezeleaz + mahatihoten + helzoleam + megos + hemol + hemnoleha + methos + hazamegos + halzamyhol + alzamoy + menmanittos + memomittos + zely + marayhathol + zolmazathol + zemeney + iemenay + lameley + zethemalo + zathenaran + labdaio + lodeho + zabday + hoton + ladaiedon + lapdaihadon + lothanan + hizemazihe + izthamhihe + iotha + uahuzuzif + zihanatihephomos + zeherem + zehe + ziehelmos + hiehanathihe + homos + zeherem + hessimathal + hessicomal + on + chehe + sihotil + magal + hesiothil + mycho + halpha + husale + ouus + flum + fals + hallemassay + alesemonoy + salemanasai + helemasay + zazaico + semanay + nachairo + natham + gemehol + yetulmassay + gemahol + iezemalo + magul + gehamas + senadar + iezema + salpha + secramagay + iehennagay + zehetyn + zemadazan + iehir + ramagay + geiama + salpha + gemama + suphu + ioher + iohabos + haymal + hamanal + thanoctomas + iobohe + hamynal + zanogromos + nyzozoroba + nygerozoma + negero + rabali + negora + hohalym + nytheromathum + tho + lymchay + tolomay + loynar + tholinngay + zenolozihon + hisonomelihon + samyhel + giethy + sicrozegamal + thoneos + carmolehos + samhel + geiszefihor + iezolnohit + phicrose + gramaht + theonthos + carmelos + lamyhel + larmanail + gesezihor + semarnail + zaarmatihail + heliozo + thahel + semail. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars Not. 69. Corrected per S4, GH. |
Genealogon reealologon . tenealogo . |
saphay . zazaiham . sap-|
hya . zede . zemeziham . zeomonriel . sanamam . samna . gegn-|
ognal . samayhel . Ieremyhel . horaciotos . hetha . siothos . sep-|
haraym . henemos . genozabal . Ieremabal . hethemel . geno-|
theram . genorabal . semyha . semua . mynaron . ymuathon . |
[geristel . hymacton .] chalos . phabal . resaram . marachihel . naratheos . Ietrinaic-|
cho . Iezibathel . sephoros . thesirara . zepharonay . hazana . |
messihel . sother . haziel . semichros . chiel . hamacal . hator . zem-|
othor . sanaday . morothochiel . semenos . satabis . themaay . horel . |
remay . [renay .] zenel . hasa . gemol . zemelaza . Iemozihel . zemey .
[41v] zemeihacon . zechor . helichos . semysenue . hiacon . Iechor . | meholim . hazenethon . semale . mepathon . zemolym . syst-| os . eloy . semegey . manos . helipos . hemiclopos . geys . | seray . sephet . sephamanay . heliothos . cherobalym . hassene-| thon . hisistos . domengos . Iemyrohal . samanathos . seme-| ham . behenos . megon . hanythel . Iochomeros . Ielama-| gar . remelthot . genay . domathamos . hathamir . serihon . | senon . zaralamay . zabaihon . amen. |
[XLII. First Terminus]1Genealogon + reealologon + tenealogo + saphay + zazaiham + saphia + zede + zemoziham + zomonrihel + sanaman + samna + gegnognal + samyhel + Ieremyhel + horaciotos + hetha + siothos + sepharaym + henemos + genozabal + Ieremabal + hethemel + genotheram + genorabal + semyha + senma + mynaron + yninathon + geristel + hymacton + chalos + phabal + resaram + marachihel + naratheos + ietrinantho + Iezibathel + sephoros + thesirara + zepharonay + hazana + messihel + sother + hazihel + semicros + chiel + hamacal + hator + zemothor + sanaday + morothochiel + semenos + satabis + themay + horel + renay + zenel + hasa + gemol + zemelaza + Iemozihel + zemei + zemeihaton + zechor + helycos + semysemie + hiacon + iethor + mehohin + hazenethon + semale + mepathon + zemolym + sistos + eloy + semegey + manos + helypos + hemyclopos + geys + seray + sephet + sephamanay + helihothos + cherobalym + hassenethon + hisistos + domengos + Iemyrohal + samanathos + semeham + behenos + megon + hanythel + iechomeros + Ielamagar + remelthet + genay + domathamos + hathamyr + seryhon + senon + zaralamay + sabayhon. Amen. |
1. Lat. "Primus terminus". This begins a series of eight prayers called "termini" (ends or goals),
a description taken over from Ars Notoria,
127a. |
Geolym hazenethon . ysiscos . eloy . sephey . |
manay . helihotas . Ierobalym . |
semalet . gonay . heliothos . domathamos . hathamyr . sery-|
hon . hamynyr . senoz . magamagol . sethar . senam . magel-|
hel . helymothos . helseron . zeron . phamal . Iegromos . |
herymyhothon . lanthamos . heramathon . landamos . lana-|
ymos . seplatihel . sephatihel . hagenalis . legenale . hegernar . |
stanazihel . stancchel . hathanathos . hegrogebal . rogor . here-|
mynar . henecyman . marothon . Iechar . naym . henomos . |
Iezeduhos . gezconos . sabam . gortaray . helyccheym . |
helestymeym . sepharma . mathar . saphar . manacham . |
bezezay . samay . sephay . syamathon . balair . samamar . |
hamyhel . marmamor . henemos . gegohomos . samar . sab-|
ar . hamyhel . gezamahel . sacramay . Iezamathel . hama~-|
samel . [hamazamoly] . geromol . Iezemon . sycromal . Iezabal . samua . |
zama . hatanathos . theos . helyhene . zelym . helyhem . |
hezelym . cromemon . henethemos . gegenol . hemthemos . |
Iamam . harathamam . megon . megnon . cemon . strymay . |
[42r] hethemel . hemel . sethor . helsethor . sophornay . behelthoi . sesal-| ihel . ranahel . homyhal . Iezahel . zemahel . homal . guomag-| nos . semyr . Iechor . nomemal . gehangno . genair . Iecoruame . | malihagnathos . hachamol . Iecromagnos . [magnarht . noynemal . hagnathos . hamathalis . iecoragnos .] sammazihel . | Ieconail . hesuogem . choto . mynamchanamaycha . chanaym . | raymara . senayhel . homuogenthon . lanamyhel . gehemgnor . | gemyochar . lananyhel . sezyhel . magol . samanay . haganal . me-| nya . ferymay . sarranay . lanamyhel . [gnohemgnor . gemõthar . lãmyhel .] zezihel . magnol . sam-| anay . hagamal . mena . ferymay . sarranay . lacham . lihares . | lechanagihel . nathoes . samayrlyazer . egyhel . thamazihel . | hacaros . cazaihel . hacarraz . hacacoharona . semyday . hacca . | chaharon . semelay . Iamye . Iazabal . lanerecabal . Iamm-| eze . thabal . coouachoros . hacoronathos . sathanael . haryham . | zachhar . harathar . haziber . zechar . hazihem . hazathar . | loenigemar . hazanather . hamegnar . semal . gehen . negemar . | hemegnol . semam . hathamanos . hatimairos . rechihamos . | hamognal . semar . temualamos . sebranay . sebemuay . byr-| nchata . Ialon . hespnhos . ramel . semal . reuilsemar . Iela-| macrom . Ielama . crimisaiber . segher . sayher . Ierolognos . | Iegemagnolon . geiemamagnosam . haminos . Iamozia . | Iozihon . Iacuhosia . hagnyhosio . Iecologos . hazeoyon . | hamynos . hamyr . matharihon . machanon . senos . helioth-| on . zenos . semear . lanar . lamar . sacronalon . gemal . secrm-| agnol . sacromehas . lamagil . sethoham . sechoiro . maihol . | socromagnol . genos . thomegen . nycheos. <amen. amen> |
[XLIII. Second Terminus.]1Geolym + hazenethon + ysistos + eloy + sephei + manay + helyhotas + Ierobalym + semalet + gonay + heliothos + domathamos + hathamyr + seryhon + hamynyr + senoz + magamagol + sethar + senam + magel + hel + helymothos + helseron + zeron + phamal + Iegromos + herymyhothon + lanthamos + heramathon + landamos + lanaymos + seplatihel + sephatihel + hagenalis + legenale + hegernar + stanazihel + stanithel + hathanathos + hegrogebal + rogor + heremynar + henecyman + marothon + ietharnaym + henozios + Iezeduhos + gezconos + satam + gortaray + helycychcym + helestymeym + sephalzna + mathar + saphar + manatham + bezezay + samay + sephay + syhemathon + balair + samamar + hamyhel + marmamor + henemos + gegohomos + samar + sabar + hamihel + gezamahel + sacramay + iezamamel + hamansamel + hamazamoly + geromol + lezemon + sycromal + iezabal + sanma + zama + hatanathos + theos + helyhene + zelym + helyhem + hezelym + cromemon + henethemos + gegehuol + hemthemos + iamam + harathinam + megon + megnoncemon + scrymay + hethemel + hemel + sethor + helsethor + sophornay + behelthor + sesalihel + tanahel + homyhal + Iezahel + zemahel + homal + guomagnos + sennyr + iechor + nomemal + gehangno + genayr + iecorname + malihagnathos + hachamol + iecromagnos + magnarht + noynemal + hagnathos + hamathalis + iecoragnos + sammazihel + ieconail + hesuogem + chotorim + mynamtanamaytha + thanaym + raymara + senayhel + honmon + genthon + lanamyhel + gehemgnor + gemyhothar + iamnamyhel + sezihel + magol + samanay + haganal + menya + ferimay + sarranay + lanamyhel + gnohemgnor + gemonthar + lammyhel + sezihel + magnol + samanay + hagamal + mena + ferimay + sarranay + lacham + lyhares + lethanagihel + nathes + samairliazer + egihel + thamazihel + hacacaros + cazaihel + hacaraz + hacatoharona + semyday + hacca + choharon + semelay + iamye + iazabal + lauerecabal + iammeze + thabal + cumachoros + hacoronathos + sathanael + hariham + zathhar + harathar + haziler + zechar + hazihem + hazathar + loenigemar + hazanathar + hamegnar + semal + gehen + negemar + hemegnol + semam + hathamanos + latimairos + rechihamos + hamognal + semar + temnalamos + sebranay + selamnay + baructhata + ialon + hespnhos + ramel + semal + renylsemar + ielamacrom + ielama + crymyzaiber + segher + sayher + ierolognos + iegemagnolon + geiemamagnosam + hamynos + iamozia + iozihon + iacuhosia + hagnyhosio + yecologos + hazeoyon + hamynos + hamyr + matharihon + mathanon + senos + heliothon + zenos + semear + lanar + lamar + setronalon + gemal + secromagnol + secromehal + lamagil + sethoham + sechoiro + maihol + socromagnol + genos + thomegen + nycheos. |
1. "Secundus terminus". Cf. Ars Not. 127b, V p. 232-3. |
Oratio 32Agenos theomogenos . theos . hatan-| athos . kirihel . ypalis . ypile .[42v] kariel . cristapholis . hon . ymalihor . ymas . harethena . chena-| thon . leonbon . boho . usion . Ieromegnos . hagenoy . hisychon . | geromagol . hagyhamal . latham . zarthamal . senar . petonahal . | lacramagnal . sebar . sehan . Iezerom . genomoly . Ienomos . | Iezoro . nomeros . henahihel . gemehegate . gemyha . Iethem-| uahos . myhayhos . semana . hahel . semahel . hotheihos . hat-| azaihos . saphar . nemenomas . hoheihos . hacaz . ayhos .| caphar . nemenomos . horihos . hataz . haihos . seiha . chomo . | chomacanay . lamam . lanamyr . lamyhar . lamanazamir . le-| myar . hagramos . generamoseht . senyha . erhagel . hamagr-| on . semaharon . semyr . haramua . mamail . haramcha . moth-| ana . ramay . Ioseramaht . hanaramay . Iole . Christus . hamyri-| stos . hamyrrios . carathos . caratheos . saleht . semamary-| m . Iasol . salem . semyhamaym . hallehuma . haristeiz . | bohem . ruhos . halla . samyey . syloht . samyhel . hallenomay . | samychy . methonomos . Iechonomos . gedonomay. |
[XLIV. Third Terminus.]1Agenos + theomogenos + theos + hatanathos + kirihel + ypolis + ypile + karihel + cristopholis + hon + ymalihor + ymas + harethena + chenathon + leonbon + boho + usyon + ieromegnos + hagenoy + hysichon + geromagol + hagyhamal + latham + zarchamal + senar + peconahal + lacramagral + sehar + sehan + iezetom + genomoloy + genomos + iezoro + nomeros + henahihel + gemehagate + gemyha + iethenmahos + myhayhos + semana + hahel + semahel + hoteihos + hatazaihos + saphar + nemenomos + hoheihos + hataz + ayhos + caphar + nemenomos + horihos + hataz + haihos + seiha + chomo + chomothanay + lamam + lamnamyr + lamyhar + lamanazamyr + lemyar + hagramos + generamoseht + senyha + exagal + hamagron + semaharon + semyr + harauma + mamail + haramcha + mothana + ramay + iose + ramaht + hanaramay + iole + Christus + hamyristos + hamirrios + tharathos + caratheos + saleht + semamarim + iasol + salem + semyhamaym + hallehuma + haristeiz + bohem + ruhos + halla + samyey + syloht + samyhel + hallenomay + samychi + methonomos + iethonomos + gedonomay. |
1. Compare Ars Not. 127c. |
Genathores sanamathocos . gn-|
anatores . zanothor-|
os . genomos . Ienazar . samua . marathos . senather . sema-|
cheher . senachar . gernb . Iamam . exihel . chnblaman . hesihel . |
sethei . semylihel . zomyhel . genocomel . chanyham . machar . |
hachay . hazanathay . theos hamanatar . hazanechar . |
chetonay . chiathar . theohon . namacar . senuales . samyha . |
hesaca . semaly . hesamem . semyhahes . sarcihate . nazihatel . |
hanazihatel . hasilihatel . pamilihel . hazilihatel . hagenerõ . |
hagenorem . hagenorozom . samaht . samoht . habitumaht .
hendon . habysanhat . tyngehen . crogohem . hazamgeri . |
hazamguhem . lemohot . hasomgeri . Iomoyhot . semiha .
[43r] riahaccon . semymarithaton . semynar . zihoton . zagnam . | horay . honethe . hoparathos . nabramala . rothos . hazata . | helralathos . horecha . horalathos . [horetha . horalothos .] harab . lethos . geno . zab-| ahal . lemaht . hazocha . lema . talmay . halmay . Iemalis . seco-| mathal . harmarlemaht . sethemaesal . rabasadail . semuazliel . | lechom . hagyhal . legos . patis . Iethomagihal . genomythoo . | samyhas . Ienemeros . samma . zasamar . hazamyha . hasa-| ymam . chagnoro . landethe . pharon . thagromothon . landot-| hes . pharen . decarpe . medyhos . decapochen . duhomelath-| us . decaponde . dyhamelathos . semyharicht . samyhan . | genathely . zazamar . myremoht . satharios . geuolyam . | sacrehos . saphorenam . saphoro . megon . hassahamynel . | hazaa . myrahel . gerizo . Ieristo . symychos . hothos . hy-| mycros . otheos. |
[XLV. Fourth Terminus.]1Genathores + sanamathotos + gnanatores + zanothoros + genomos + ienazar + seuma + marathos + senather + sematheher + senachar + gerub + iamam + exihel + chublalaman + hesihel + sethei + semylihel + zomyhel + genocomel + thanyham + machar + hachay + hazanathay + theos + hamanatar + hazanethar + theconay + chiathar + theohon + namacar + senuales + samyha + hesaca + semaly + hesamen + semyhahes + sarcihate + nazihatel + hanaziathachel + hasilihacel + pamylihel + haziliatel + hagenoron + hagenorem + hagenorozom + samaht + samoht + habisumaht + hendon + habysanahat + tyngehen + cragohen + hazamgeri + hazamaguhem + lemehot + hasomgeri + iomoyhot + semiha + riahacton + semymarithaton + semynar + zihoton + zagnam + horay + honethe + hoparathos + nahamala + rochos + hazata + helralacos + horetha + horalacos + horetha + horalothos + haralo + lethos + geno + zabahal + lemaht + hazocha + lematalmay + halmay + iemalis + secomathal + harmarlemaht + sethemaesal + rabasadail + semnazliel + lethom + hagihal + legos + patis + iethomagihal + genomythos + samayhas + ienemeros + samma + zasamar + hazamyha + hasaymam + thagnoro + bandethepharon + thagromathon + landothes + pharen + decarpe + medyhos + decapochen + duhomelathus + decaponde + dihamelathos + semyhariht + samyhan + genathely + zazamar + myremoht + satharios + gemiliam + sacrehos + saphorenam + saphoro + megon + hassahamynel + hazaa + myrahel + gerizo + ieristosymythos + hothos + hymicros + otheos. |
1. See Ars. Not. 127d. |
Semathy uel Senrathy motheham . sema . th-|
iotheos . hesapope . |
hesaphopanos . gra-|
myhel . garamanas . sapho-|
moron . gelbaray . Ieblaray . |
hetidyham . henzan . hezidiham . canazpharis . hanathe-|
sion . canast . phasis . holithos . hosschyhon . samatihel . ram-|
aihel . semiramoht . sathanos . gecabal . hostosion . lemelih-|
am . saphara . negon . zaramyhel . geriston . zimphoros . |
hocho . hadalomob . nagem . nagenay . megos . maymogos . |
semazihar . helaph . herlo . holopherno . lopheo . hornob-|
ahoceo . nydeht . herihegil . rognohon . nydocricib . negal . |
neguabel . momoht . hemel . gemoht . sagnanar . clarapalos . |
zenozmyhel . Iesagat . geuoz . hamel . guara . maziel . |
gerathar . sathamyanos . sahamuham . guamazihel . mac-
[43v] helaglilos . geraguaht . sathamyham . huriel . phaloma-| gos . phalomgros . Iotho . megon . saraht . saaysac . hor-| amylichos . carmelychos . hezaladuha . hezelam . hisi-| hel . hemal . usyon . lamal . raguam . sablachom . sabsacom. |
[XLVI. Fifth Terminus.1]Semathy + motheham + semathyotheos + hesapopa + hesaphopanos + gramyhel + garamanas + saphomoron + gelbaray + ieblaray + hetidiham + henzan + hezidiham + canazpharis + hanthesion + canastphasis + holithos + hosschihon + samatihel + ramaihel + semiramoht + sathanos + gecabal + hostosion + lemeliham + saphara + negon + zaramyhel + zamyrel + geriston + zymphoros + hocho + hadalomob + nagem + nagenay + megos + naymogos + semazihar + helaph + herlo + holopherno + lopheo + hornobahoceo + nydeht + herihegil + rognhon + nydocricib + negal + neguabel + memoht + hemel + gemoht + sagnanar + clarapalos + zenozmyhel + iosagat + genoz + hamel + guara + maziel + guaramaziel + gerathar + sathamyanos + sahamuham + guamazihel + machelaglilos + geraguaht + sathamyham + huriel + phalomagos + phalomgros + iotho + megon + saraht + saaysac + horamylichos + carmelichos + hezaladuha + hezeladam + hisihel + hemal + usyon + lamal + raguam + sablathom + sabsacom. |
1. Cp. Ars Not. 127d. |
Serognegnos uel seregneguos geronehos . |
samanachor . |
sazanachoray . |
zamachoray . sanatihel . lamamathios . sanaziel . cha-|
myquiol . zazarahel . kyrion . zamynel . kyris . cremem-|
on . caristomon . sacronomay . soromono . hestimpandos . |
Iechampanidos . [ietham . panydos .] methalamathon . merassamaty . saba-|
arna . helnhama . guathamal . hemdamyhos . thega . my-|
habal . teguamathal . cathanathel . theogethos . cehogn-|
os . sananazihel . cathanathel . cehogethos . cehognos . |
canazay . teneloyhos . zenelyhos . cathalihel . theome-|
guos . lapdamylon . landamelyhon . Ierothyhon . lapd-|
amozyhon . homen . samal . samochia . homy . samal . |
samaziho . sathamenay . samohaya . sathonomay . ge-|
romaziel . haccho . macalon . hothemegalon . guetaza-|
manay . hazatamel . hazabanas . Iechro . tynognale . |
sehor . gehoraia . haramanay . harathaciel . hazabamoht . |
hamython . lapdaas . hazatham . thihel . hazabanos . |
hamacon . hamamabyhon . samalyhon . samalerihon .
[44r] usiologihon . legyn . heleys . hymon . machitilon . theos . | helotey . sarramazili . samachily . helamon . chihamon . vel . chilamon . hel . lamochyamon . lagay . lemechiel . semezi-| hel . laymos . lanos . hazamathon . themohan . thanacon . | theon . natharathon. |
[XLVII. Sixth Terminus.]1Serognegnos + geronehos + samanachor + sazanachoray + zamachoray + sanatihel + lamathios + sanazihel + thamyquiol + zazarahel + kyrion + zamynel + kyris + crememon + caristomnon + sacronomay + soromono + hestimpandos + ietham + panydos + methalamathon + merasamaty + sabarna + heluhama + guathamal + hemdamyhos + thega + myhabal + teguamathal + chathanathel + thehogethos + cehognos + sanazihel + cathanathel + tehogethos + tehognos + canazay + teneloihos + zenelyhos + cathaliel + theomeguos + lapdamylon + landamelyhon + ierothihon + lapda + mozihon + homen + samal + samochia + homy + samal + samaziho + sathamenay + samohaia + sathomonay + geromazihel + hoccho + macalon + hothomegalon + genetazamanay + hazatamel + hazabanas + iechro + tynognale + sehor + gehoraia + haramanay + harathacihel + hazabamoht + hamython + lapdas + hazathan + thihel + hazabanos + hamacon + hamamalyhon + samalyhon + samalerihon + usiologihon + legyn + heleis + hymon + machitilon + theos + heloty + sarramazili + samachili + helamon + chihamon + hel + lamochiamon + lagay + lemechiel + semezihel + laymos + lanos + hazamathon + themohan + thanathon + theon + natharathon. |
1. Cf. Ars Not. 127g. |
Magnus uel magnys magnol . nazihacol . naziathos . heliam . mathon . saphar . haza-| chon . gemehihel . Iomorihel . samaychel . sazanyhel . saramel . sezi-| mel . lebathon . Iarachon . Iaratham . basihas . lamuay . ronala . | mathacon . rasiohs . layna . choro . laymateram . labynegual . sto-| mycros . bazihos . lamua . labimegas . herezemyhel . pheamycros . | negemezihol . relmalaguoram . hanamyhos . hanomos . gracos-| ihos . gracomessihos . sothiron . geuozepha . chelahel . zopascanel-| yhos . zepastonomos . hamaraziohs . zenaziel . geramathiel . | gecramathiol . hasaguar . hasagiri . paramyhot . hapasyri . hara-| namar . senales . hasagnanamar . semagel . secastologyhon . [genagnolos .] heuag-| nolothegos . sozor . hamay . seroguomay . sorosomay . Iam-| aramos . remolithos . lammaramos . zenon . Ierolen . zabay . | peripaton . haryhat . hananyhos . crastozios . graguomoyu-| hos . sichiron . geuozempha . zezael . sephastaneos . hamaristi-| gos . senazihel . geramatihel . pazomyhol . haphasy . zyhaza-| nagar . senahel . secasehagihon . geuaguolos . hegonele . thegos . | sorozomay . sozor . vel soror . hamay . Iamaramos . zelyhon . | Iezolen. |
[XLVIII. Seventh Terminus.]1Magnus + magnol + nazihacol + nazihathos + heliam + mathon + saphar + nazachon + gemehihel + iomorihel + sanayhel + sazanyhel + saramel + semyhel + sezimel + lebachon + iarachon + iaratham + basihas + lamnay + ronala + mathathon + rasihos + layna + choro + laymatham + labynegual + scomycros + bazihos + lamna + labnnegas + herezemyhel + pheamicros + negemezihol + relmalaguoram + hanamyhos + hanomos + gracosihos + gracomessihos + sothiron + genozepha + chelahel + zopascanelios + zepasconomos + hamarizihos + zenazihel + geramathihel + gecramathihol + hasaguar + hasagiri + paramyhot + hapasiry + haranamar + senales + hasagnanamar + semagel + secastologihon + genagnolos + hagenolo + thegos + sozor + hamay + seroguomay + sorosamay + iamaramos + remolithos + lammaramos + zenon + serolen + zabay + peripaton + harihat + hananyhos + crastrosihos + graguomoysihos + sichiron + genozem pha + zehahel + sephastaneos + hamaristigos + senazihel + geramacihel + pazamyhol + haphasy + zihazanagar + senasel + secasehogyhon + genaguolos + hegonele + thegos + sorozamay + sozor + hamay + iamaramos + zelihon + iezolen. |
1. Cp. Ars Not. 127i. |
Remolithos uel R-|
[44v] emolohos . ypomehiles . hazimelos . samal . haz-| ara . magos . gelomyhel . gezeno . meg-| ual . hanacristos . hanaipos . gemotheon . samahot . helyhemon . hiala-| mun . salamyhym . hamyuos . gezelihos . sartharay . sarthamy . | gechora . maray . gechoramy . Ieguoram . myhamy . theos . agios . | crehamuos . Iskyros . athanathos . probihos . meguon . hacazmazy . | hecohy . uriel . Iebozihel . sarib . rogay . halomora . sarahihel . hecamaz-| ihel . sezamagua . Iechar . |
[XLIX. Eighth Terminus.]1
Remolithos + ypomehiles + hazimelos + samal + hazaramagos + gelomyhel + gezeno + megual +
hanacristos + hanaipos + gemotheon + samahot + helihemon + hialamum + salamyhym + haminos +
gezelihos + sartharay + sarthamy + gechora + maray + gethoramy + ieguoram + myhamy + theos +
agios + crehamnos + yskyros + athanathos + probihos + meguon + hacazamazay + hecohy + uryhel +
iebozihel + sarib + rogay + halomora + sarahihel + hechamazihel + sezamagua + iechar.
1. Continuation of Ars Not. 127i. |
[L.] |
[J3] Part 3. |
NYNE prayers are sett in the beginninge | which doo last unto this prayer . helisthemaht hazara-| m wherof the firste 8 are a preparatyon of the way to worke | and to prepare the worke to obtayne but the 9 Is off the effect | of this worke as for the fyrst 8 they oughte to be sayd euery | day that yow wil worke very early in the morninge before the bre-| ke of the daye and no more to be sayd that day and the 9 owght | alwayes to be sayd in the beginninge of the prayers that folowe-| th those 8 and in the ende of them also, |
NINE prayers are set in the beginning which do last unto this prayer: 'Heliscemaht, hazaram' (XVI) whereof the first 8 are a preparation of the way to work and to prepare the work to obtaine, but the 9 is of the effect of this work. As for the first 8, they ought to be said every day that you will work, very early in the morning before the break of the day, and no more to be said that day. And the 9 ought always to be said in the beginning of the prayers that followeth those 8, and in the end of them also. |
Novem orationes sunt in principio posite usque ad illam orationem: 'Helistemaht, hazaram...', quarum octo sunt preparacio vie [S4 fol 121v] ad operandum et preparacio operis ad obtinendum, sed nona est prima oratio de intrincesitate huius operis. de octo dico [tibi] quod summo mane paululum ante crepusculum matutinum ante incepcionem operis cuiuslibet diei ipse sunt proferrendae, et non oportet de tota die amplius, de nona dico, quod semper in principio orandi per orationes alias ab illis octo praedictis et in fine est proferenda. |
after that there be othere 8 | prayers folowing which be called the 8 termes and the be good | to cause yow to obtayne your request at godes hande, so upon þe | fryday after that yow haue truly repented your selfe and confe-| ssyd yow shall fast breade and water and very early in the mor-| ninge before the breke of the daye thow shalt say 10 prayers | which thow shalte fynde wrytten after that Is to say the 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and these muste ye saye | wt greate deuocyon. |
After that there be 8 other prayers following, which be called the 8 terms, [or "Ends"] and they be good to cause you to obtain your request at God's hand, so upon the Friday after you have truly repented yourself and confessed, you shall fast bread and water, and very early in the morning before the break of the day, thou shalt say 10 prayers which thou shalt find written after, that is to say, the 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. And these must ye say with great devotion. |
After that yow shall pawse a whyle remem-|
bring your petycion and rehersing It and then shall ye saye |
the 8 termes afore wrytten and in the ende of euery terme |
yow shall powse a lytle and reherse your petycyon. After þt
[45r] when yow haue thus donne once in the morninge yow must doo | so agayne abowt the 3 hower, and lykewyse abowt the middaye & | then yow may dyne. |
After that you shall pause a while, remembering your petition and rehearsing it, and then shall ye
say the 8 terms afore written, and in the end of every
term you shall pause a little and rehearse your petition. After that, when you have thus
done once in the morning, you must do so again about the 3 hour, and likewise about the midday,
and then you may dine.
the day folowinge þt is to saye upon | satturday yow moste doo euen as ye did the day before in any | wyse upon the sonday yow shall doo lykewyse sauinge þt yow | shall nott fast but that yow may eatte fyshe or fleshe as ye | will but moderately, then after noñe that Is to saye when | ye haue prayed 3 tymes then in the nyghte folowinge shall be | reuelyd unto yow by an angell whether yow shall obtayne your pe-| tycyon or noo. |
The day following, that is to say upon Saturday, you must do even as ye did the day before.
In any wise upon the Sunday you shall do likewise, saving that you shall not fast, but that you may
eat fish or flesh as ye will, but moderately. Then after noon, that is to say when ye have prayed
3 times, then in the night following shall be revealed unto you by an angel, whether you shall obtain
your petition or no.
yf your petycyon be graunted then shall ye doo as yow | shall be tawght in this booke, and yf hit be denyed then shall yow | awayte another tyme and in the meane whyle ye shall prepare | your selfe better that yow may obtayne your petycyon: |
If your petition be granted, then shall ye do as you shall be taught in this book, and if it be denied,
then shall you await another time, and in the meanwhile ye shall prepare yourself better, that you may
obtain your petition.
But | here is to be noted that this prayer O Jesu the sonne | etc. with that prayer that foloweth Elyminator, be cause it | Is parte of the same prayer owght to be sayde thryse after | euery tyme of your prayinge softely and allwayes at the | ende of them to reherse your petycyon, then yf þt be put | backe that thow doest nott obtayne, then doo as yow dyd the | fryday saturday and sonday before sauynge that upon the | sonday in stede of your fast yow shall geue almose to 3 poore | folke charytably and wt good deuocyon. |
But here is to be noted that this prayer, "O Jesus the Son ...," etc. [XXVI] with that prayer that followeth, "Eleminator ..." [XXVII] because it is part of the same prayer ought to be said thrice after every time of your praying, softly and always at the end of them to rehearse your petition; then if that be put back that thou dost not obtain, then do as you did the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before, saving that upon the Sunday instead of your fast, you shall give alms to three poor folk charitably and with good devotion. |
after that in the fyrst | moone that Is to say the munday folowinge doo as ye dydest | before and after the same maner lykewyse the 2, 3, and 4 | moone or munday and so euen to the ende that peraduenture | god will haue mercy upon the, but in the latter prayers þu | must change thy petycyon that is to saye þu shallte nott | desyer of god to graunte the thy petycyon butt onely that | he wyll haue mercy upon the. |
After that in the first moon, that is to say the Monday following, do as ye didst before, and after the same manner. Likewise the 2, 3, and 4 moon or Monday, and so even to the end that peradventure God will have mercy upon thee, but in the latter prayers thou must change thy petition, that is to say, thou shalt not desire of God to grante thee thy petition, but only that he will have mercy upon thee. |
And It Is to be noted th-|
at he that will saye those prayers or suche lyke |
must be chaste and cleane and he must say them |
with greate deuocyon and he that doth otherwyse |
he shall be openly plaged of god, in those greke,
[45v] hebrue and chaldey prayrs there be the most sacred and hooly na-| mes of god and his holy angells which owght nott to be spoken | of man but only thorow the mercy of godd, and when thow | arte put bakke of thy request thow oughtst not to dispayre | but truely to confesse thy selffe and not to dissemble with god | and to serche thy conscyence thorowly and to geue almose la-| rgely, and to cause dyuerse massys to be sayd, and to say dyu-| ers prayers knelyng upon thy knees and with bitter teeres | to entrete and besiche almighty god to be mercyful unto þe | ffor thus were the wyse men wont to doo to cume to theyr | purpose. |
And it is to be noted that he that will say those prayers or such like must be chaste and clean, and he
must say them with great devotion, and he that doth otherwise he shall be openly plagued of God. In those
Greek, Hebrew, and Chaldaic prayers there be the most sacred and holy names of God and his holy angels,
which ought not to be spoken of man but only through the mercy of God, and when thou art put back of thy
request thou oughtest not to dispair, but truly to confess thyself and not to dissemble with God, and to
search thy conscience thoroughly, and to give alms largely, and to cause diverse masses to be said, and
to say diverse prayers kneeling upon thy knees and with bitter tears to entreat, and beseech almighty
God to be merciful unto thee for thus were the wise men wont to do to come to their purpose.
Yff Adonay that Is to say, allmyghty god doo graun-| te the thy request or petycyon that Is | to say revele unto the in thy slepe that thow shalt obtayne | then must þu worke as here after folowythe, that is to saye þe | 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 of the moone in the morning thow | shallte say these prayers folowynge oonce abowt 3 of the | cloke oonce abowt 9 of the cloke and oonce at euening þt is to say | assaylemaht and nazaihemaht lameht leynaht, | O most high and Inuisible god theos, and I beseche the o | my lorde and that which Is the prologge that Is to saye | o most hyghe and Inuisible god, but that those 3 fyrst | prayers are of the secretes of this arte, alpha et omega | and helischemaht and theos megale patir with | there prologe o almyghte and euerlastinge god the | father the lyght which ought to be sayd after yt must be sa-| yd fyrst |
[LI. The first purification.]1IF ADONAY, that is to say, almighty God, do grant thee thy request or petition, that is to say, reveal unto thee in thy sleep that thou shalt obtain, then must thou work as hereafter followeth, that is to say, the 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 of the Moon in the morning thou shalt say these prayers following once about 3 of the clock, once about 9 of the clock, and once at evening, that is to say, "Assaylemaht and nazaihemaht lameht leynaht, O most high and invisible God theos", and "I beseech thee O my Lord", and that which is the prolog, that is to say, "O most high and invisible God," but that those 3 first prayers are of the secrets of this art, "Alpha et Omega" and "helischemaht" and "Theos megale patir" with their prolog "O almighty and everlasting God, the father the light" which ought to be said after that [which] must be said first. |
1. S4: Prima Mundacio. |
and after that lett hassailemaht be sayd but |
yow must fyrst pawse a lytle and reherse your petycyon þt |
same most holy prayer lameht ragna with his parte |
folowinge Semeht Segaht with his prologge ought to |
be sayd the fyrst daye of the moone 4 tymes that Is to |
saye early in the morning abowt 3 of the cloke oonce,
[46r] abought 9 of the clok, 3 abowght myddaye, 3 and the 3 | moondaye ye must saye It thryse that Is to saye In the | morning oonce, abowte 9 of the clokke oonce, and abowt | the myddaye oonce, |
And after that let "hassailemaht" be said. But you must first pause a little and rehearse your petition that same most holy prayer "lameht ragna" with his part following "Semeht Segaht" with his prolog ought to be said the first day of the Moon 4 times, that is to say, early in the morning about 3 of the clock once, about 9 of the clock, 3 about midday, 3, and the 3 moonday ye must say it thrice, that is to say in the morning once, about 9 of the clock once, and about the midday once. |
the 3 daye of the moone It must be sayde 3 | In the morninge oonce, abowte 9 of the cloke oonce, and abowte | 12 of the cloke oonce, the 6 daye of the moone It must be sayde | twyse that Is at 9 of the cloke oonce, and at 12, the 9 daye | It must be sayd 3 in the morninge 3 at 9 of the cloke 3 and 3 | at 12, the 12 daye It must be sayd 3 in the mrning [sic] 3 at 9 of | the clokke 3 3 at noune and 3 at nighte the 15 day It must be | sayd 3 in the morninge at 9 of the cloke 3 at 12 of the cloke | 3 and 3 at nyghte, and upon the 18 daye, 21 daye, and the 23, | 26, 29, and 30 daye ye must say them euyn as yow dyd up-| on the 15 daye but note that this prayer must be | sayd in greate chastite and cleines. |
The 3rd day of the moon it must be said 3 in the morning once, about 9 of the clock once, and about 12 of the clock once. The 6th day of the moon it must be said twice, that is, at 9 of the clock once, and at 12. The 9th day it must be said 3 in the morning 3, at 9 of the clock 3, and 3 at 12. The 12th day it must be said 3 in the morning 3, at 9 of the clock 3, 3 at noon, and 3 at night. The 15th day it must be said 3 in the morning [3], at 9 of the clock 3, at 12 of the clock 3, and 3 at night. And upon the 18th day, 21st day, and the 23rd, 26th, 29th, and 30th days ye must say them even as you did upon the 15th day. But note that this prayer must be said in great chastity and cleanness. |
it is good to be sayde | also agaynst all perrylles and daungers of fyer beastes and | dyuells but then yow nyde not haue respecte to the day our | hower, but that most holy prayer hazaram hihel wt his | 4 partes folowinge which be these hihelma helma & | c. agloros theomythos and c, megal agal and | c. hamicchiahel and c. with there prologges which are | these confyrme strengthen and c. almyghty and euerlastinge | god and c. o the truthe the waye and c. I wretched synner & | c. as the ly be fore in order owght to be sayd plesauntely and | with good deuocyon after the forsayd prayers lameth ra-| gua the same dayes and howers excepte hit be in one | cause that when your petycyon Is for sume great busy-| nes as to speke with sprytes or to se the deyte, then it | ought nott to be sayd but oonce that is to say in the morn-| inge |
It is good to be said also against all perils and dangers of fire, beasts, and devils, but then you need not have respect to the day or hour, but that most holy prayer "Hazaram hihel ..." [chap XXXI] with his 4 parts following, which be these, "Hihelma helma ..." [XXXII], "Agloros theomythos ..." [XXXIV], "Megal agal ..." [XXXV], "Hamicchiahel ..." [XXXVII], with their prologs, which are these, "Confirm, strengthen ..." [XXXIII], "Almighty and everlasting God ..." [XXXIVb], "O the truth, the way, ..." [XXXVI], "I, wretched sinner..." [XXXVIII], as they lie before in order, ought to be said pleasantly and with good devotion after the foresaid prayers "Lameth ragna ..." [XXVIII] the same days and hours, except it be in one cause that when your petition is for some great business as to speak with spirits or to see the Deity, then it ought not to be said but once, that is to say in the morning. |
but when yow aske for scyence or knoledge or to be | saued from euylles, or for the knoledge of the heauens & | angells and there seales or suche thinges then muste ye [46v] doo as Is afore sayde of lameht . ragna . and this pray-| er hathe the same effycacye and strengthe that lameht . | ragna . hathe and sumwhat more specyall or that Is better | excepte it be in case þt yow wil aske of þe celestyall sprytes any | greate or harde thinge as to come doune and speke to a man or | ells to constrayne the sprytes of þe ayer or of þe earthe to cume | and obey yow |
But when you ask for science or knowledge, or to be saved from evils, or for the knowledge of the heavens and angels and their seals, or such things, then must ye do as is aforesaid, of "lameht ragna" [XXVIII] and this prayer hath the same efficacy and strength that "lameht ragna" hath, and somewhat more special, or that is better, except it be in case that you will ask of the celestial spirits any great or hard thing, as to come down and speak to a man, or else to constrain the spirits of the air or of the earth, to come and obey you. |
and this prayer Semoht . Gehel . and þe other | Almyghty And euerlasting Gog, [sic] and this other pra-| yer, Semoht lamen, with this O Jesu, shall be sayde in | those dayes in the which þe other owght nott to be sayde as Is | before appoynted that the shulde not be sayde as þe 2 day of þe | moone the 5, 7, 14, and so forthe of other as Is apperythe | before and not yf any man hathe any greate cause beforre | a Iudge which cane nott be determyned, then þe daye before | he shall go to þe courte to playte his cause lett him fast breade | and water and after lett him saye twysy these 3 prayers | folowinge softely Semoht Gehel and cc. Almighty | And euerlasting God and Semoht lamen, and | there shall be suche wysdome and eloquence gyuen him in | propownding of his cause þt he shall soune obtayne but he | must be chast and clene also yow ought to say this prayer | with lameht Ragna, when any spryte is called and | dothe come that yow may auoyde þe perylls and daunger | and to abtayn wysdome and eloquence to speke boldely | unto the sprite that Is called. |
And this prayer "Semoht Gehel" [XXXIX] and the other "Almighty and everlasting God" [XL], and this other prayer "Semoht lamen" [XLI] with this "O Jesu" [XXVI] shall be said in those days in the which the other ought not to be said, as is before appointed that they should not be said as the 2nd day of the moon, the 5, 7, 14, and so forth of other, as appears before. And note, if any man hath any great cause before a judge which can not be determined, then the day before he shall go to the court to plead his cause, let him fast bread and water, and after let him say twice these 3 prayers following softly: "Semoht Gehel..." [XXXIX], "Almighty and everlasting God..." [XL], and "Semoht lamen..." [XLI], and there shall be such wisdom and eloquence given him in propounding of his cause that he shall soon obtain. But he must be chaste and cleane. Also you ought to say this prayer with "lameht Ragna..." [XXVIII] when any spirit is called and doth come, that you may avoid the perils and danger and to obtain wisdom and eloquence to speak boldly unto the spirit that is called. |
Now Seing that he |
shall doo no other thinge althought he hathe done nor th-|
ought upon any syne yet lett him contynually pray upon |
god in other howers then in the fyrst appoynted howres |
with the 6, 10, and 12 prayers and in the morning lett |
him go to the chyrche and as he goeth lett hym saye the |
16 prayer and in the chyrche lett hym saye the 22 pra-
[47r] yer and also þe 14, 24, 21, 32, 33, 34, 29, 30, and so lett hym doo | contynually by þe space of 20 dayes, and lett hym alwayes | take dylygent hyede that he fall in to no syn, and yf by cha-| nce he fall into syn lett him forthewith repent and be confess-| ed and yf he cane lett him fast contynually yf nott lett him | release the oone, but by the space of 7 in order he must fa-| st and abstayne from all dedely syn |
[LII.]Now seeing that he shall do no other thing although he hath done, nor thought upon any sin, yet let him continually pray upon God in other hours than in the first appointed hours, with the 6th, 10th, and 12th prayers, and in the morning let him go to the church, and as he goeth let him say the 16th prayer, and in the church let him say the 22nd prayer, and also the 14, 24,1 21, 32, 33, 34, 29, 30, and so let him do continually by the space of twenty days, and let him always take diligent heed that he fall into no sin, and if by chance he fall into sin, let him forthwith repent and be confessed, and if he can, let him fast continually; if not let him release the one, but by the space of 7 in order he must fast and abstain from all deadly sin [*dead matter].2 |
1. SSM reads "23," but all orations are from Liber Trium Animarum. 2. I.e. he may relax his fast to every other day, except for the last seven days consecutively. The Royal ms. seems to have misinterpreted the Latin text, which states that for seven consecutive days going back prior he should abstain from (eating) dead matter (ab omni mortitinio ieiunet); cp. SSM: "consume nothing dead, nor touch any (nil mortuum comedas, nec tangas)). |
then lett hym haue awa-| re and a faythfull priste which may saye unto hym matters | pryme and howres and a masse of the holy gost and in his int-| royt lett hym say þe 13 prayer, and after the offertory the 9 | prayer, then take francumsence and incense and cence the alter | saying þe first prayer and be cause the holy fathers did trust in þe | sayntes þt were there named therfore thei did so, and yf he that | shall worke haue more douocyon to any other sayntes then be ther | named lett hym change name for name for faythe dothe alwa-| yes worke as I sayd before |
Then let him have a wary and a faithful priest which may say unto him matters prime and hours, and a mass of the Holy Ghost, and in his introit let him say the 13th prayer, and after the offertory the 9th prayer. Then take frankincense and incense and cense the altar saying the first prayer, and because the holy fathers did trust in the saints that were there named, therefore they did so, and if he that shall work have more devotion to any other saints, then be there named, let hym change name for name, for faith doth always work, as I said before. |
then lett þe 2 prayer be sayde In-| imedyatly and after te igiter in the masse lett be sayd the 3, 4, | 5, 7, 8 prayers and so in consecrating of þe body of chryst, let the | pryst praye for hym þt shall worke, þt thorow the grace of god | he may obtayn the effecte of his petycyon and so must þe pryst | doo in all his prayers that he shall saye for hym þt shall worke | but adde nothinge ells to then [sic], also after þt poscconione þe pryst | shall saye the 26 prayer and after masse he that shall worke | shall receue þe sacrment [sic] sayng the 19 and 20 prayer, but lett | hym take hide þt he receue nott þe body of chryst for an euille | purpose, for þt were dethe unto him, wherfore sum man haue | entytuled this booke callinge It þe dethe of þe soule and þt is trew | to them that worke for an euil entente and purpose & nott to | haue sume scyence or sume good thinge, for þe lorde sayeth aske & | It shall be geuen yow seke & ye shall fynde & in an other place | he sayeth where 2 or 3 are gatheryd to gether in my name I ame [47v] in the myddest of them and euery thing that thei shall | aske the father in my name and he will fullfyll and doo it. |
Then let the 2nd prayer be said immediately and after te igiter in the mass; let be said the 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 prayers and so in consecrating of the body of Christ, let the priest pray for him that shall work that through the grace of God he may obtain the effect of his petition. And so must the priest do in all his prayers that he shall say for him that shall work, but add nothing else to them. Also after the communion the priest shall say the 26 prayer, and after mass he that shall work shall receive the sacrament saying the 19th and 20th prayer. But let him take heed that he receive not the body of Christ for an evil purpose, for that were death unto him, wherefore some men have entitled this book calling it The Death of the Soul, and that is true to them that work for an evil intent and purpose, and not to have some science or some good thing; for the Lord sayeth "Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall finde," and in another place he sayeth "where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, I am in the midst of them and everything that they shall ask the father in my name and he will fulfill and do it."1 |
1. This concludes the "First Purification;" the instructions for the second purification are found in chapter XCVIII. SSM does not have a break at this point, but in LIH the intervening chapters contain the thirty-four prayers mentioned in the text. In this "London" Honorius, the prayers are taken from the Ars Notoria, whereas in SSM they are taken from a text called Liber Trium Animarum (LTA) ("Book of Three Souls"), included in the SSM manuscript IV.2.3, L.4.f.38-L.4.f.50. (Might this tie to the "redemption of three souls out of purgatory," mentioned elsewhere in LIH?) Since the narrative is not broken in SSM, this might be evidence that the London Honorius prototype was adapted from an earlier text, and the insertion of material from Ars Notoria may be an attempt to fill in crucial material missing from his source text. Since Ganell refers to the fifty-one LTA prayers as an Ars Nova, those might not have been original to the Honorius prototype either. |
The prayers whereof sum are named before |
and sume here after are thes.
[LIII]The prayers, whereof some are named before and some hereafter, are these: |
Agla the lighte the truthe the lyfe and the waye | mercyfull Iudge the way the strengthe by thy | pacyence conserue and helpe me :::: Hic recita peticyoñem | sed per deitate dic ut sequitur:::: and helpe me in this holy | visyon and for thy greate mercy haue mercye upon me, | and for the service of this Holy fumygatyon, and for this | Holy sacrafyce of or lorde Iesus Christ and by the merytes of | the gloryous virgin marye mother of thy sone owr lord Iesus | christ and by the merytes of the Holy apostells, peter, paule, | andrew, Iames, philip, bartholemew, mathew, Symon, | thadee, lyne, clete, clement, sextus, cornelius, cypriane, | laurenes, grisogone, Ihon, and paule, cosme, and damya-| ne, and all thy sayntes thorow whose merytes and prayer-| s. :::: Hic recita petycyonem tuam sed per deita dic ut seq-| uitur :::: thow wilte graunte me thy holy visyon thorow the | sonne owr lorde Iesus christ. Amen. |
[First Oration.]1AGLA, the light, the truth, the life, and the way, merciful judge, the way, the strength, by thy patience conserve and help me. (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) and help me in this holy vision, and for thy great mercy have mercy upon me, and for the service of this holy fumigation, and for this holy sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the merits of the glorious virgin Mary, mother of thy son our Lord Jesus Christ and by the merits of the holy apostles, Peter, Paul, Andrew, James, Philip, Bartholemew, Mathew, Simon, Thadee, Lyne, Clete, Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius, Cypriane, Laurenes, Grisogone, John, and Paul, Cosme, and Damiani, and all thy saints, through whose merits and prayers... (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) thou wilt grant me thy holy vision through thy son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. |
1. S4, S5, GH: Prima oracio. Cf. Ars. Not. 53. |
monhon lorde holy father almightye and everla-|
stinge god in whose sighte are all the |
foundatyon of all vysible and inuisible creatures, whose eyes |
hathe sene myn Imperfyttenes, whose swite charyte or loue |
hathe filled heauen and earthe, whose eares do here all thinges, |
which haste seene all thinges before they be doone in whoso booke |
all dayes are nombred and all men wrytten looke this daye |
upon thy servant which hath submitted him selffe to the wc all |
his mynde and all his harte by thy holy sprite confyrme and |
stregthen me :::: recita peticionem sed per deitate dic vt sequit-|
[48r] ur :::: that I may se the, blysse me this day and order all my | actes and deeds toward this holy syghte and contynually lygh-| ten with thy hooly visitacyon. Amen. |
[LIV. Oration 2.1]Monhon, Lord, holy father almighty and everlasting God, in whose sight are all the foundation of all visible and invisible creatures, whose eyes hath seen mine imperfectness, whose sweet charity or love hath filled Heaven and Earth, whose ears do hear all things, which hast seen all things before they be done, in whose book all days are numbered and all men written, look this day upon thy servant which hath submitted himself to the which all his mind and all his heart by thy Holy Spirit, confirm and strengthen me (Here recite the petition — if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) that I may see thee, bless me this day and order all my acts and deeds toward this holy sight, and continually lighten with thy holy visitation. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 128. |
Tetragramathon looke o lorde god most | mercyfull and everlast-| ing father, of all thinges the disposer of all vertues consyder my | workes this day thow whith dost beholde the actes and deede | of men and angelles and þe discerner of them :::: dic tuam pe-| ticionem sed per deitate dic vt sequitur :::: therfore I besiche that | þe meruelous grace of thy Holy sufferance maye wouchsaffe to | fill In me the powre of this hooly visyon and power Into me | so miche strengthe to the honor and glorye of thy name which | dost schid owt thy prayse Into þe mowthes of them that loue | the. Amen. |
[LV. Oration 3.2]Tetragrammaton, look O Lord God most merciful and everlasting father, of all things the disposer of all virtues, consider my works this day thou which dost behold the acts and deeds of men and angels and the discerner of them (Here recite the petition — if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) therefore I beseech that the marvellous grace of thy holy sufferance may vouchsafe to fill in me the power of this holy vision and pour into me so much strength to the honor and glory of thy name which dost schid3 out thy prayse into the mouths of them that love thee. Amen. |
2. Cf. Ars. Not. 129. 3. Schid (scede): spill. Lat.: "imponis et infundis" ("infuse and pour into"). |
Hely god the creator adonay of all Inuysyble creatures m-|
ost godely father which abydest euerlastingly in þe lyght |
inaccessyble and before the begininge of the worlde disposyng & |
gouerning all thinges I doo make intercessyon to thy euerlastin-|
g and incomperhensyble deyte withe most humble wordes þt þe |
effect of this sacramentall and mistycall worke thorow thy |
power and thy holy angells may so appere in me ::: dic tuã |
petycionem sed per deitate dic ut sequitr ::: that þe syghte and |
beholdinge of thé may shyne in me and by the names of thy |
holy angells It may abunde and increase in my mynde and |
memorye that I may know the workes of thy holy visyon |
and that It may shyne in me everlastingly. Amen. |
[LVI. Oration 4.]3Hely God, the creator, Adonay, of all invisible creatures, most Godly father which abidest everlastingly in the light, inaccessible and before the beginning of the world, disposing and governing all things, I do make intercession to thy everlasting and incomprehensible Deity [*piety] with most humble words that the effect of this sacramental and mystical work through thy power and thy holy angels may so appear in me (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) that the sight and beholding of thee may shine in me and by the names of thy holy angels it may abounde and increase in my mind and memory, that I may know the works of thy holy vision and that it may shine in me everlastingly. Amen. |
3. Cf. Ars. Not. 130. |
Hocleiste uel Athanathos ::: |
holy god and godly father the Indissoluble argumentacyon |
of the harte which hast stabylisched heaven earthe the se and |
the depthe In whose sight all reason, all communycatyon
[48v] all workes, and Holynes dothe by these precyous sac-| ramentes of thy holy angells graunt unto me that thing | which I desyer ::: recita tuam peticionem per deitate dic | ut sequitur ::: for I beliue þt I shall se þe grace and glor-| ye of thy Holy deyte wt owt any euil Intent. Amen. |
[LVII. Oration 5.]4Hocleiste (or Athanathos) holy God and godly father, the indissoluble argumentation of the heart which hast established Heaven, Earth, the sea, and the depth, in whose sight all reason, all communication, all works, and holiness doth by these precious sacramentes of thy holy angels grant unto me that thing which I desire. (Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) for I believe that I shall see the grace and glory of thy holy Deity without any evil intent. Amen. |
4. Cf. Ars. Not. 135. |
hamphimethon heloy most merc-|
yfull creator the |
gyuer of influence, and þe reformer of all lyuing soules, þe |
allower & orderer of all good willes bow doune thy selfe |
and looke must godely to my mynde þt that which I most |
humbly desyre of ye, of þe abundance of thy mighty power |
thow wilte graunte it me lyke as before Is promysed |
me. Amen.
[LVIII. Oration 6.]5Hamphimethon + heloy, most merciful creator, the giver of influence, and the reformer of all living souls, the allower and orderer of all good wills, bow down thyself, and look most godely to my mind that that which I most humbly desire of thee, of the abundance of thy mighty power, thow wilt grant it me like as before is promised me. Amen. |
5. Cf. Ars. Not. 137. |
Iamyhara uel Hamyhamy-|
haram allmighty and mercyfull father þe gove-|
rner of all creatures, þe euerlastinge |
Iudge, or refuge, and lorde of all lordes which haste wo-|
uchssafe to geue to thy sayntes wysdome holynes and |
glorye that I may se thy mervells which descenest [sic] & |
Iudgest all thinges lyghte my harte this daye with þe |
shyne of thy clerenes clennes and holynes ::: dic pet-|
itionem tuam sed per deitate dic ut sequitur ::: that I |
may know understonde and se th [sic] face and thy glorye, |
and that I maye Se thy glorye Is All my desyer. |
[LIX. Oration 7.]6Lamyhara7 almighty and merciful father, the governor of all creatures, the everlasting judge, our refuge, and Lord of all lords, which haste vouchsafe to give to thy saints wisdom, holiness, and glory, that I may see thy marvels which descendest and judgest all things, lighten my heart this day with the shine of thy clearness, cleaness, and holiness, (Here recite the petition — if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) that I may know, understand, and see thy face and thy glory, and that I may see thy glory is all my desire. Amen. |
6. Cf. Ars. Not. 138. 7. So S4, GH. |
[49r] Hanazay uel Halacazay zarahoren . | hubisenaar . ghu . hirbaionay . gynbar . zanaile . selchora . <ze-| lchora .> zelmora . hiramay . iethohal . ysaramel . hamatha . | mathois . iaboha . gechors . cozomerag . zosomeraht . hamy .| phodel . denos . gerot . haoalos . meliha . tagahel . sechamy .| salyhelethon . monocogristes . lemenron . hachagnon . ham-| yhon. <Amen.> |
[LX. Oration 8.]8Hanazay + zarahoron + hubisenaar + ghu + hirbaionay + gynbar + zanailt + selchora + zelmora + hiramay + iethohal + ylaramel + hamatha + mathois + iaboha + gethos + cozomerag + zosomeraht + hamy + phodel + denos + gerot + hagalos + meliha + tagahel + sechamy + salihelethon + monocogristes + lemenron + hachagnon + hamyhon. |
8. Corrected per S4, GH. Cf. Ars. Not. Glose de la version B, § 140, V p. 197. |
The englishe of þe prayer þt goeth before. |
[LXI.] The English of the prayer that goeth before.9 |
9. Cf. Ars. Not. 139. |
Ianemyer vel Zanamyher: |
on [sic] greate meruelous and euerlastinge god, þe angell of the | euerlasting cowncell þe disposer maker and orderer of all |
vertues this daye garnyshe my understanding, & encrea-|
se In me reason þt I may repent & mak me clere & geue |
unto me þe same knowledge & understonding þt thow hast |
geuyn other creatures to pronounce þe names of þe celesty-|
all angells, & graunte unto me þe same scyence & puern-|
es accordinge to thy promysse ::: dic peticionem tuam |
sed per deitate dic ut sequitur ::: and geue unto me effe-|
cte of thy visyon þt I may discerne it. Amen.
Ianemyer one, great, marvellous, and everlasting God, the angel of the everlasting council, the disposer, maker, and orderer of all virtues, this day garnish my understanding and increase in me reason, that I may repent, and make me clear, and give unto me the same knowledge and understanding that thou hast given other creatures to pronounce the names of the celestial angels, and grant unto me the same science and pureness according to thy promise, (Here recite the petition — if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows) and give unto me affect of thy vision that I may discern it. Amen. |
Hadyon usyon . omnium . potestaum [*potestatum] atque regnorum |
& Iudiciorum eterna conspiratione cons-|
picimus omnium administrans glorae [*glorie] et tuæ visionis |
in cuius regimine nullum impedimentum dabis instaura |
queso habitam innocentiam et repetitam et adhuc maior-|
em cor meum voluntatem meam linguam meam, opus |
meam [*meum] ad mai [*mei] animam mundificandam [absolvendam] et tui faciem faci-|
aliter videndam et ad [*ab] habendum quæ in hac arte necessaria |
auctoritas diuina commendat et in me perfectae compleantur. Amen.
[49v] |
[LXII. Oration.]1Hadyon + usyon + beholding with thy eternal conspiration all powers, kingdoms, and judges, administering all manner of languages to all, and the glory of thy vision, and of whose power there is no end; restore and increase I beseech thee, my heart, my will, my tongue, my work, purifying and absolving my spirit, and grant that I may behold thy living face and whatever thy divine authority commendeth necessary in this art, perfectly fulfill them in me. Amen. |
1. Per S4, GH. Compare Ars. Not. 141 ("Vision...") |
Hely azelechias neloreos mohan zama |
Sarnelohatehus Saguaht . adonay . zo-|
ma lenezothos lithon Ietemothon . Sabahot, and |
thow mercyfull god conffyrme thy promyses in me |
lyke as by the same wordes thow dyddest confyr-|
me It to king . Salomon . and by syde, them to Ihon . |
and . paule. send unto me O lorde thy powre ow [sic] of |
heauen þt It may Illumyne my harte, and confyr-|
me my mynde, & comfort O god my understandinge |
& my soule, renew me and washe me wt the waters |
which are aboue the heavens, and power owt of thy |
sprite into my flesche and into my bowelles to do |
and performe thy Iudgements wt humblenes and |
charyte wherwt thow hast made heauen & earthe & |
hast formed & created man to thyn owen simylytude |
& lykenes shide þe lyght of thy bryghtnes into my un-|
derstanding þt I beinge grownded and rooted in thy |
mercy may loue thy name, & know & se and wursch-|
ippe the that I may obtayne and understande all þe |
wayes of this arte þt I maye obtayne þe visyon or |
syghte of the for þe which all þe mysteryes of fygures |
and holynes are sent of god by the handes of his |
angells, all which thinges I besiche the I may haue |
and know in my harte and in þe understandinge of |
my mynde þt I may obtayne þe effecte of this ar-|
te truely thorow the power of thy gloryous and |
holy name. Amen.
[LXIII. Hebrew Oration.]1Hely + azelechias + neloreos + mohan + zama + sarnelohatehus + saguaht + adonay + zoma + lenezothos + lithon + ietemothon + sabahot, and thou, merciful God, confirm thy promises in me like as by the same words thou didst confirm it to king Solomon, and beside him to John and Paul. Send unto me, O Lord, thy power of Heaven that it may illumine my heart and confirm my mind, and comfort O God my understanding and my soul. Renew me and wash me with the waters which are above the heavens, and pour out of thy spirit into my flesh and into my bowels, to do and perform thy judgements with humbleness and charity, wherewith thou hast made Heaven and Earth, and hast formed and created man to thine own similitude and likeness, shide2 the light of thy brightness into my understanding that I, being grounded and rooted in thy mercy, may love thy name, and know and see and worship thee, that I may obtain and understand all the ways of this art, that I may obtain the vision or sight of thee, for the which all the mysteries of figures and holiness are sent of God by the hands of his angels, all which things I beseech thee I may have and know in my heart and in the understanding of my mind that I may obtain the effect of this art truly, through the power of thy glorious and holy name. Amen. |
1. S4, S5: Oracio hebraica. 2. shide (shed): pour (Lat. infunde). |
[50r] Sadyon vel Herlon I know þt I delyg-| ht in the greate and meruelous and ineffable worke, and | that you wilte geue me the sighte which thow hast prom-| ysed to them yt haue this worke acordinge to thy greate | and incomperhensible truethe theon . hatagamagon . | haramalon . zamoyma . thamasal . Ieconomarum . | harionathor . Iecomagol . gelamagos . remelyhot . re-| manthar . hariomagalathar . hananehos . ueloman-| nathar . haiozoroy . Iebasaly. |
[LXIV. Oration 9.]Sadyon I know that I delight in thy great and marvellous and ineffable work, and that you wilt give me the sight which thou hast promised to them that have this work according to thy great and incomprehensible truth. Theon . hatagamagon . haramalon . zamoyma . thamasal . ieconomaril . harionathor . iecomagol . gelamagos . remelihot . remanathar . hariomagalathar . hananehos . velomanathar . haiozoroy . iebasaly. |
by these most sacred |
and most glorious and profounde mysteryes of god & |
by the most precyous clennes and vertu of thy visyon |
encrease in me & fulfyll þt þu haste begonne & reforme þt |
thow hast shewed in me, zemabar . henoranaht . grena-|
tail . samzatham . Iecornazay .
By these most sacred and most glorious and profound mysteries of God, and by the most precious cleanness and virtue of thy vision, increase in me and fulfill that thou hast begun, and reform that thou hast shewed in me. Zemabar . henoranaht . grenatail . samzatham . iecornazay, |
Compare Ars Not., Oration 12. |
fundamentum . altissime . |
omnium . bonitatum & scientiarum . atque . vertutum . tribue |
famulo tuo tibi displicentia vitare contagia et lauare |
et tua veritate pura et intentione sancta possim satia-|
ri ut tuam promissionem toto corde desiderans et possi-|
dens in omnibus tam vertutibus quam puritatibus et |
vitiorum absolutionibus precipue per hæc sancta mi-|
steria videar et cognoscar adipisti et bene in ista arte |
proficiar penitus1 laudabilis ac pro sancta visione |
you enable your servant to avoid contagions displeasing to yourself, and to be washed clean, and filled with your pure truth and holy striving, as you have promised, greatly desiring with my whole heart and striving in everything, that I may be seen and recognized as with the virtues as with the purities and with the absolution of sins especially through these sacred mysteries to arrive at and better attain that art, praiseworthy, and pure for the sacred vision. |
1. Ars. Not. also reads "penitus", but GH reads "peritus". |
Hely reuerende allmyghte and gouernor of the |
superyor angells and archangells and all |
celestyall creatures and also infernall of whose ple-|
ntyfull goodenes It cõmeth þt we do thé any good seru-
[50v] ice, whose power governeth þe 4 partes of the | worlde which haste created man of boones soule | and sprite to thyne owne symylitude and lykenes gyue | unto me the knowledge of thys arte :::: dic peticionem | tuam sed pro deitate dic ut sequitur ::: and the effecte | of thy visyon strengthing me in the lybertei of this vis-| ion and Holy scyence. Amen. |
[LXV. Oration 10.]Hely reverend, almighty, and governor of the superior angels and archangels, and all celestial creatures, and also infernal, of whose plentiful goodness it cometh that we do thee any good service, whose power governeth the four parts of the world, which hast created man of bones, soul, and spirit to thine own similitude and likeness, give unto me the knowledge of this art (Here recite your petition — if for the Deity say as follows:) and the effect of thy vision, strengthening me in the liberty of this vision and holy science. Amen. |
Horlon vel Cadion god which haste |
made all thinges in number weyght and measure th-|
orow whose gyft every weake heade shall be lyft up |
who hathe appoynted the measures of all momentes |
and dayes who alone doest name the starres & numbre |
them gyue unto me the effecte of thy visyon that in the |
knowledge and workinge of thys arte I maye loue the |
and se the and of thy goodenes may haue the gyft of þe |
visyon or syghte of the. Amen.
[LXVI. Oration 11.]1Horlon God, which hast made all things in number, weight, and measure, through whose gift every weak head shall be lifted up, who hath appointed the measures of all moments and days, who alone dost name the stars and number them, give unto me the effect of thy vision that in the knowledge and working of this art, [that] I maye love thee and see thee, and of thy goodness, [and I] may have the gift of the vision or sight of thee. Amen. |
1. This oration is the only one that is never mentioned in the descriptions of the rituals. See GH, p. 49. Compare Ars. Not. 142. |
Correncymon vel Correri-|
mon the mediator of all creatures & operatyons |
of whome naturally commethe all good thinges |
and all good gyftes and all effectuall and perfytt thinges |
whose worde is lyuely and cõmeth from the pryncely |
seate, thorow thy grace into ower harts, all other thi|
nges in the meane whyle kepinge scylence in a meane |
thorow thy greate loue and charyte so order my und-|
erstandinge that I may obtayne the most excellent |
mistery of this arte and of thy holy visyon that I may
[51r] obtayne the perfytt effecte of the hooly thinges. amen. |
[LXVII. Oration 12.]
Correncymon (or Correrimon) the mediator of all creatures and operations, of whom naturally
cometh all good things, and all good gifts, and all effectual and perfect things, whose word is
lively, and cometh from the princely seat, through thy grace into our hearts all other things in
the meanwhile keeping silence in a mean through thy great love and charity, so order my understanding
that I may obtaine the most excellent mystery of this art and of thy holy vision, that I may
obtain the perfect effect of the holy things. Amen.
O ffather allmyghty Iudge which hast shewed unto |
hus thy sauing helthe and in the sygte [sic] of all people |
hast reuelyd thy iustice, open myn eyes and lyghten |
my harte wt thy helthfull Iustice that I may se the |
glorious meruells, & how miche inuocencye I maye |
obtayne in this arte & clernes of understandinge, |
& þt thorow the helpe which oñely doest meruells I |
may in this worke sodenly be made wholy þt thorow |
my holynes and Innocencye Ioyned wt thy loue ::: dic |
petitionem tuam sed pro deitate dic ut sequitur :::: |
I may se and behold the & thy holy visyon & thorow þe |
intercessyon of thy celestyall powres I may honor |
the world wythowte ende. Amen. |
[LXVIII. Oration 13.][Ihelur], O father, almighty judge, which hast shewed unto us thy saving health and in the sight of all people hast revealed thy justice, open mine eyes and lighten my heart with thy healthful justice, that I may see thy glorious marvels, and how much innocence I may obtain in this art, and clearness of understanding, and that through the help which only dost marvels I may in this work suddenly be made holy, that through my holiness and innocence joined with thy love (Here recite your petition — if for the Deity say as follows) I may see and behold thee and thy holy vision, and through the intercession of thy celestial powers I may honor thee, world without end. Amen. |
Gosgamel vel Gasgamyel :: |
the honor of all wisdome, þe gyuer of all knowledge to |
them in whome Is noo synne, þe master of all spirituall |
disciplyne & spirytuall gyft þe banysher of all vyce, the |
doe I besiche o lorde by thy ãgells, & archãgells, thrones, |
pryncypatp, potestates, & vertues, by cherubyn, & seraph-|
yn, & 24 elders, & by all þe celestyall hoost I doo worsh-|
ipe, inuocate, desyre, & feare gloryffye & exalte thy most |
holy ffearfull & mekest name. I beseche þe o lorde þt thow |
wylte this illumyne my harte wt þe lyghte of thy holy spr-|
yte þt it may be made fruytfull & clensyd wt þe grace of þi
[51v] hooly visitayon [sic] and that thow wylte strengthe It wyth | charyte thow which art thre persons & oone Substance. Amen. |
[LXIX. Oration 14.]Gasgamel, the honor of all wisdom, the giver of all knowledge to them in whom is no sin, the master of all spiritual discipline and spiritual gifts, the banisher of all vice, thee do I beseech, O Lord, by thy angels and archangels, thrones, principalities, potestates and virtues, by cherubin and seraphin, and 24 elders, and by all the celestial host, I do worship, invocate, desire and fear, glorify and exalt thy most holy fearful and meekest name. I beseech thee O Lord, that thou wilt this [day] illumine my heart with the light of thy Holy Spirit, that it may be made fruitful and cleansed with the grace of thy holy visitation and that thou wilt strengthen it with charity thou which art three persons and one substance. Amen. |
Emanuel I worship the O kinge of kinges my |
god And My Substance, and Also my |
knowledge my memorye And My Strengthe whych In |
oone Hower dyddest gyue dyuerse kynde of Speches to the |
buylders of the tower, and which Also diddest shide In to thy |
Holy apostles the Anoynting of the Seuen folde grace of thy |
holy Sprite and didest then þe gyfte Sodenly to Speke All |
maner of langwages, & commaundest them to teche us the |
princyples or letters of all those Spiches by the vertu of |
thy worde, wher wt thow hast made all thinges, And by the |
power of this holy thinge breath in to my harte and pow-|
er into it the dew of thy grace that I beinge sodenly bre-|
athed upon wt the lighte of thy holy sprite may obtayne þe |
effecte of this worke and the puryfycatyon of my sou-|
le and the effecte of all these holy visyons, and A subtyle, |
and A wyttye, and A clensyd, and puryfyed mynde. Amen.
[LXX. Oration 15.]Emanuel I worship thee O king of kings, my god and my substance, and also my knowledge, my memory, and my strength, which in one hour didst give diverse kind of speechs to the builders of the tower, and which also didst shide [=pour] into thy holy apostles the annointing of the seven-fold grace of thy Holy Spirit, and didst then the gift suddenly to speak all manner of languages, and commandest them to teach us the principles or letters of all those speechs by the virtue of thy word, wherewith thou hast made all things, and by the power of this holy thing, breath into my heart, and pour into it the dew of thy grace that, I being suddenly breathed upon with the light of thy Holy Spirit may obtain the effect of this work and the purification of my soul, and the effect of all these holy visions, and a subtle, and a white, and a cleansed, and purified mind. Amen. |
Hon vel Lynozathemos: |
ezethomos . Iezemonos . hazalathon . azaithon . hentynethel . |
hezemtinethel . zamay . zathon . hamanzathon . zamarzathon . |
Hezemegnor . zecromanda . Iechomancha . Ieraphay . zarapha-|
my . phalezethon . phabogheton . seremyhal . sacramyzan . Ieth-|
emathon . sacramazaym . secranal . sacramathon . Iezemy . hala-|
thon . hathezihatos . Iecely . mathon . ateriathos . zay . mazay . |
zammazazay . guygu . cheibib . gigithios . guahiros . megalon
[52r] senegalon . heracruhit . ciarihuht . haracrihuz. |
[LXXI. Oration 16.]Hon (or Lynozathemos) ezethomos iezemonos hazalathon azaithon hentynethel hezemtynethel zamayzathon hamanzathon zamarzathon Hezemegnor zecromanda iechomancha ieraphay zaraphamy phalezethon phaboghecon seremyhal sacramyzan iethemathon sacramazaym secranal sacramathan iezemy halathon hathezihacos ieceley mathon ateriathos zai mazay zamma zazay guygucheibib gigithios guahiros megalon senegalon heracruhit ciarihuht haracrihuz. |
O lord god Incompshensyble Invysyble and Immor-|
tall and wt owt mans understandinge whose cou-|
ntenance angells and archangells and all the celestyall powers |
doo ardently desyre to beholde whose maiestye I desyer to |
worship euerlastingly and contynually to my power I doo |
exercyse myselfe to worship the ome [sic] god worlde wyth o-|
wt ende. Amen.
[LXXII. Latin Oration.]O Lord God, incomprehensible, invisible, and immortal, and without [beyond] man's understanding, whose countenance angels and archangels, and all the celestial powers do ardently desire to behold, whose majesty I desire to worship everlastingly and continually to my power I do exercise myself to worship the one God, world without end. Amen. |
Admyhel lorde god hooly and almighty father here |
this daye my prayers & bowe dou~e |
thyn eare to my petycyons chemon . gezomelyhon . samaht . |
gezagam . Iezehator . lesebator . sezehacon . saymanda . sa-|
may . gezihel . gulahentihel . Iezel . Iezetihel . galatihel . |
gazay . hetihel . ![]() ![]() |
[LXXIII. Oration 17.]Admyhel, Lord, God, holy and almighty father, hear this day my prayers and bow down thine ear to my petitions Chemon . gezomelyhon . samaht . gezagam . iezehator . | lesehator . sezehacon . saymanda . samay . gezihel . gulahentihel . iezel . iezetihel . galatihel . gazay . hetihel. |
[In marg:] O god **** arte *********** ********** ********** ********** ********* by the power of thy holy [Spirit into my mind and understanding, and grant that the] gifte of thy grace may shine into my harte & into my sowle nowe & ever more. Amen. (that must folowe after the prayer admel which is þe 17 prayer.1 |
[LXXIV. Latin Oration.]Oh God eternal, the way, the truth, and the life; give thy light and the flower and virtue of thy Holy Spirit into my mind and understanding, and grant that the gift of thy grace may shine forth in my heart, and into my soul, now and evermore. Amen. |
1. Oracio Latina. deus [S3 adds meus] semper via vita veritas da lucem tuam florere per virtutem sancti spiritus in conscienciam meam et mentem meam et concede ut fulgeat et clarescat domus [GH: donum] operacionis tuæ et donum graciæ tuæ in cor meum et [S3 adds: in] animam meam nunc et per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. |
Honzimorib vel Horysmorb : |
lemogethon . Hegemothon . Hazathay . Hazathar . Hazam-|
athar . [hazatha . hazamathar .]3 Iazamathan . Zegomothay . Gohathay . Zachana . Lego-|
mothay . Iathama . Legomezon . Legornezon . Lemdomethon . H-|
athanathyos . Lamdomathon . Iegomaday . Hathaman . Zacha-|
mos . Hathanayos . Hellestymon . Zelezyon . Naderabar . Na-|
gedarom . Lamuanaht . Lamandy . Gemethor . Guomon . Gehor . |
Genamchor . Hellemay . Iezecromay . Iecromal . Iecrohaly . |
Tholomanos . CColomaithos .
[LXXV. Oration 18.]honzimorib lemogethon Hegemothon Hazathay Hazathar Hazamathar hazatha hazamathar Iazamathan Zegomothay Gohathay Zachana Legomothay iachama Legomezon Legornezon Lemdomethon hathanathios Lamdomathon Iegomaday hathamam Zachamos Hathanayos helesschymon zelezion Vaderabar Vagedarom lamnavaht lamandi Gemethor Guomon Gehor Genamchor Hellemay Iezecromay Iecromal iecrahaly Tholomanos colomaithos. |
O the lyffe of men and of all creatures visible and inui-|
sible þe euerlastinge bryghtenes of þe celestyall |
sprites the endeles helthe of all men the fowntayn of all godelines |
which Knowest all thinges before thei be done which Iudgest all |
thinges visible and inuisible, and by thy unspekeable dispotycyon
[52v] doest diserrne them, gloryfy thy hooly and ineffable name | this daye & stregthen [sic] my harte my understandinge & my sowle, | and encrease myne Innocencye and confyrme my prayers & | make my sowle pure & cleane ffrom all vyce, & indwe it wt | vertues & pennance, wt morninge & Inuocencye þt thorow | þe abundance of puernes & inuocencye gyven me of thé & | thorow the ffyle of pennance, & of thy grace I may laude & | prayse the and know þe wt owt any shadow or fygure & þt | I may se the face to face and may gloryfye thy name to | thy honor & prayse worlde wt owt ende. Amen. |
[LXXVI. Latin Oration.]O the life of men and of all creatures visible and invisible, the everlasting brightness of the celestial spirits, the endless health of all men, the fountain of all godliness, which knowest all things before they be done, which judgest all things visible and invisible, and by thy unspeakable disposition dost discern them, glorify thy holy and ineffable name this day and strengthen my heart, my understanding, and my soul, and increase mine innocence, and confirm my prayers, and make my soul pure and clean from all vice, and endue it with virtues and penance, with mourning and innocence, that through the abundance of pureness and innocence given me of thee, and through the file1 of penance, and of thy grace I may laud and praise thee and know thee without any shadow or figure, and that I may see thee face to face, and may glorify thy name to thy honor and praise, world without end. Amen. |
1. Lat. lima ("file, a carpenter's tool"). |
Ioht omaza vel Phet ::: |
behea . theon . megal . menehon . exhehal . tirigel . harapheioc-|
om . Semenoyn . Sehumeny . hachemathan . hiemaraym . |
Gemehehon . lucharanochyn . exnotheyn . themelyhen . segyhon . hyho-|
nenyr . HacrisentHeon.
[LXXVII. Oration 19.]Ioht . omaza . behea . theon . megal . menehon . exhehal . tirigel . harapheiocon . Semenoyn . Sehumeny . hachemathan . hiemarayn . Gemehehon . lucharanochyn . exnotheyn . themelihen . segyhon . hihovenyr . hacrisientheon. |
kynge of kynges god of Infynite mercye & maiestye þe |
graunter þe disposer, & distributor & stablysher of |
all foundatyons laye þe foundatyõ of all thy vertues in me & take | frõ me þe folyschenes of my harte þt my sences may be stablyssh-|
ed in þe loue of thy charite, and lett thy holy sprite be my instr-|
ucter acordinge to thy creatyõ & inuocatyõ of thy name þt I |
may haue effectually þe syghte of thy face whiche liuest & |
regnest god worlde wyth owt ende. Amen.
[LXXVIII. Latin oration.]King of kings, God of infinit mercy and majesty, the granter, the disposer, and distributor and establisher of all foundations, lay the foundation of all thy virtues in me, and take from me the foolishness of my heart, that my senses may be established in the love of thy charity, and let thy Holy Spirit be my instructor according to thy creation and invocation of thy name, that I may have effectually the sight of thy face, which livest and reignest God, world withoit end. Amen. |
hofely vel zozely god the ffather all-|
mighty form whome all good thinge dothe cõme whose greatenes |
is incomperhensyble here this daye my prayers which I offre |
in thy syghte and graunte me þe gyfte þt I aske of þe, & geve me þe |
Ioye of thy sauinge helth, & þt I may this day forsake all mye
[53r] Iniquytes & take thy wayes & þe pathes of thy knowledde, and | lett all stubborne & unbeliuers conuerte unto þe, & even as I thy-| nke wt my harte, & speake wt my mouthe so lay þe fowndatyon in | me þt in this worke I may seme and appere to be holpen of | the. Amen. |
[LXXIX. Oration 20.]Hofob, God the father almighty, from whom all good things doth come, whose greatness is incomprehensible, hear this day my prayers which I offer in thy sight, and grante me the gift that I ask of thee, and give me the joy of thy saving health, and that I may this day forsake all my iniquities, and take thy ways and the paths of thy knowledge, and let all stubborn and unbelievers convert unto thee, and even as I think with my heart, and speak with my mouth, so lay the foundation in me, that in this work I may seem and appear to be helping of thee. Amen. |
Messamarathon vel Azeffamadathon . |
gezomothon . ezomathon . haiha-|
ca . hagibar . hagiathar . haihatha . |
Lethasiel . Lechisihel . Gethiduhal . Geguhay . Iechonay . Samazaraht . |
Samazarel . zamazchel . Sergomazar . Hazomathon . Hazoth-|
ynathon . Iesomathon . Iezochor . Heihasai . Heihazar . Samy . z-|
amyn . Helihel . Saraehelyhel . Syloth . Sylereht . Gezemachal . |
Ierezonay . Iecornenay . Samyhahel . Hefemyhel . Secozomay . |
Sedomazay . Sechothamay . Saima . Rabiathos . Hamnos . H-|
amnas. Amen.
[LXXX. Oration 21.]1Messamarathon gezomothon ezomathon haihatha hagihar hagiathar haihatha Lethasiel Lechisihel gethiduhal Geguhay iethonay samazataht Samazarel zamazthel Sergomazar Hazomathon Hazothynathon Iesomathon Iezochor heihazay Heihazar Samy Zamyn Helihel samehelihel siloth silereht gezemathal iecoronay Iecornenay Samyhahel hesemyhel Secozomay sedomasay sethothamay Saima rabihathos Hamnos Hamnas. Amen. |
1. Ars. Not. 99, JV p. 207. |
O everlastinge god king & Iudge þe sercher of all good conscyen-|
ce clense and puryfye this day my mynde ffor thy holy nam-|
es sake by thyes thy holy sacramentes, þt even as water falleth |
owt of heauen so maye inuocentye entre into my Inward pa-|
rtts & lett it cum in to my bonnes lyke oyle thorow þe o god þe |
savyor of all thinges which arte þe fowntayne & springe of all |
goodenes & all godlynes, dyrecte me and bringe me to thys |
hooly visyon whych I aske of the whych arte 3 persones |
and oone Godd. Amen.
[LXXXI. Latin Oration.]O everlasting God, king and judge, the searcher of all good conscience, cleanse and purify this day my mind, for thy holy name's sake, by these thy holy sacraments, that even as water falleth out of heaven, so may innocence enter into my inward parts, and let it come into my bones, like oil through thee O God, the savior of all things which art the fountain and spring of all goodness and all godliness, direct me, and bring me to this holy vision which I ask of thee, which art three persons and one God. Amen. |
hanethi vel hamethy the god of all |
Godlynes and creator of all thinges þe euerlasting Helthe, and þe |
redemptyon of þe people, þe inspyrer of all Graces & holynes þe |
Graunter of all pure operatyons or workes of whose onely |
Gyfte and mercy thy Servantes haue remissyon of there sines
[53v] whych hast Graunted unto me wretched synner þe way | to know thy secret misteryes, thow lorde defende me and | pourge my soule & delyuer my harte from þe wicked thow-| ghtes of this worlde and all pleasures therof, qwenche in | me utterly & subdew all þe lustes of fornycatyõ þt I may | delyghte in clennes, & in þe workes of ryghteousnes, & in all | vrtues, & þt þu wyllte Gyue me þe petycyon of my harte þt beinge | confirmed & hauynge pleasure in thy glorye maye loue ::: petic-| yon ::: and þt I may effectually see þe face whylles my body lyueth | & þt þe power of thy holy sprite maye increase in me by thy helthe | and þe rewarde of all faythfull people to þe helthe bothe of soule & | body. Amen. |
[LXXXII. Oration 22.]Hanethi, the God of all godliness and creator of all things, the everlasting health and the redemption of the people, the inspirer of all graces and holiness, the granter of all pure operations or works, of whose only gift and mercy thy servants have remission of their sins, which hast granted unto me, a wretched sinner, the way to know thy secret mysteries, thou, O Lord, defend me and purge my soul, and deliver my heart from the wicked thoughts of this world and all pleasures thereof, quench in me utterly, and subdue all the lusts of fornication that I may delight in cleanness, and in the works of righteousness, and in all virtues, and that thou wilt give me the petition of my heart that being confirmed, and having pleasure in thy glory may love. (Here recite the petition) and that I may effectually see thy face whilst my body liveth, and that the power of thy Holy Spirit may increase in me by thy health and the reward of all faithful people to the health both of soul and body. Amen. |
Cf. Ars. Not. 101. |
O God the almighty ffather of whõe cõmethe all þt Good Is & |
most mercyfull O most myghty God burne my reynes wt the |
Grace of thy holy sprite, & wt þe fyer of thy vysytacyon vysytt me |
this daye and be mercyfull to me, & Graunte me thy mercy þt I may |
drynke of thy well evyn my fyll, & þt I maye knowe thy wyll |
that I maye singe & see thy mervells whych arte 3 persõnes |
and oone God. Amen.
[LXXXIII.]1O God, the almighty father of whom cometh all that good is and most merciful, O most mighty God burn my reins [i.e. test my feelings]2 with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, and with the fire of thy visitation, visit me this day, and be merciful to me, and grant me thy mercy, that I may drink of thy well even my fill, and that I may know thy will, that I may sing and see thy marvels, which art three persons and one God. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 100. 2. "Ure renes meos": Cf. Ps. 26.2. |
Heriona vel Haryona allmyghty |
incomperhensible invisible & indiuisible god this day doo I wor-|
ship thy holy name I onworthy & most wretchyd synner lyftin-|
ge up my prayers my understanding & my reason to thy |
holy temple of thy celestyall ierusalem, & to stande befor the |
this day my god knowleginge þe to be my lord, & my creator, |
& my savyor & I a reasonable creature I this day besiche thy |
glorious mekenes þt thy holy sprite maye vyset my infyrmyte,
[54r] and thow o lorde my god which gavest to moyses & aaron thy | seruantes, thorow fayth & puryte grace to see the, gyue unto me | this daye þe grace of thy abundante swettenes wherwt thow | didest indewe thy seruantes, & wt þe knowledge which þu gauest | them by þe prophettes, & euyn as þu didest for aspace gyue unto | them thy grace, even so giue me þe grace of inuocencye which I | desyer & powrge my conscyence from dead workes, & leade | my understandinge in to thy holy waye o thow lorde god wh-| ich didest vouchsaffe to create me to thyn owne image and | lykenes here me in thy ryghtewossies, & teche me in thy tru-| the, & replenishe my soule wt thy grace accordinge to thy greate | marcy þt I may so miche þe more delyghte in þe multytude of | thy mercyes, & in thy greate workes, & þt I may haue pleasure | in þe fulfillinge of thy cõmaundementes, & being holpen with | thy grace, & restored to good workes shall reioyce in harte, | & my conscyence beinge pourged I maye trust in þe, & may | ffeede in thy syghte, & exalte thy name becawse it is good, o lord | sanctefy me this daye in þe sighte of all thy sayntes þt I maye | lyue in faythe perffytte hope, & constante charitye of the visyon | which I desyer, & þt thorow grace gotten I may be exalted streng-| thened & illumyned I may loue þe & know þe, & þt I may haue | assuredly Inuocentye wisdome clennes & holynes whych | þu promisedest to geue unto men from þe seates of thy euerlastinge | hylles, & þt I may retayne them in my memorye o Iesu christ the | only be gotten sonne of god into whose handes þe father befroe [sic] | all worldes gaue all thinges gyue unto me this daye for thy | holy gloryous & ineffable names sake compe~te (?) norischement | bothe of soule & body, & giue unto me a clere will, & a free soule | & a redy þt whatsoeuer I aske thorow thy mercy & truthe, & will | it maye be gyuen me & all my prayers & actes maye be rooted [54v] in the and confyrmed according to thy pleasure open unto me o lo-| rde my god & father of my lyffe þe fowndacyõ of þe syghte which | I desyer to see, open unto me o lorde þe fowntayne which thow | openedest to ower forfather adam, and to abraham, Isaac & | Iacob thy seruantes þt thei mighte biliue loue & obey glorifye | and sanctefy þe, receue for me this day þe prayers & intercess-| yons of all sayntes, and of all þe celestyall powers that I m-| ay be made apte to be tawght. Amen. |
[LXXXIV. Oration 23.]1Heriona, almighty, incomprehensible, invisible, and indivisible God, this day do I worship thy holy name, I unworthy and most wretched sinner, lifting up my prayers, my understanding, and my reason to thy holy temple of thy celestial Jerusalem, and to stand before thee this day my God, acknowledging thee to be my Lord, and my creator, and my savior, and I a reasonable creature — I this day beseech thy glorious meekness that thy Holy Spirit may visit my infirmity, and thou, O Lord my God, which gavest to Moses and Aaron thy servants, through faith and purity, grace to see thee, give unto me this day the grace of thy abundant sweetness wherewith thou didst endue thy servants, and with the knowledge which thou gavest them by the prophets, and even as thou didst for a space give unto them thy grace, even so give me the grace of innocence which I desire, and purge my conscience from dead works,2 and lead my understanding into thy holy way. O thou Lord God, which didst vouchsafe to create me to thine own image and likeness, hear me in thy righteousness, and teach me in thy truth, and replenish my soul with thy grace according to thy great mercy, that I may so much the more delight in the multitude of thy mercies, and in thy great works, and that I may have pleasure in the fulfilling of thy commandments, and being holpen [=helped] with thy grace, and restored to good works, shall rejoice in heart, and my conscience being purged, I may trust in thee, and may feed in thy sight, and exalt thy name because it is good. O Lord, sanctify me this day in the sight of all thy saints that I may live in faith, perfect hope, and constant charity of the vision which I desire, and that through grace gotten I may be exalted, strengthened, and illumined [that] I may love thee and know thee, and that I may haue assuredly innocence, wisdom, cleanness, and holiness which thou promised to give unto men from the seats of thy everlasting halls, and that I may retain them in my memory. O Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, into whose hands the Father before all worlds gave all things, give unto me this day for thy holy, glorious, and ineffable names' sake competent (? Lat. ineffable) nourishment both of soul and body, and give unto me a clear will, and a free soul, and a ready [one], that whatsoever I ask through thy mercy and truth and will, it may be given me and all my prayers and acts may be rooted in thee and confirmed according to thy pleasure. Open unto me, O Lord my God and father of my life, the foundation of the sight which I desire to see. Open unto me, O Lord the fountain which thou openedest to our forefather Adam, and to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob thy servants, that they might believe, love and obey, glorify, and sanctify thee. Receive for me this day the prayers and intercessions of all saints, and of all the celestial powers, that I may be made apt to be taught. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 115. 2. Cf, Heb. 9:14. |
Iuestre vel Celieste I worshyp |
the kinge of kings & lord of lordes, o everlasting & imperm-|
utable kinge understondinge this daye my crye, and þe mor-|
ninge of my sprite & harte þt my understoninge being cha-|
nged & hauinge a fleshly harte in þe stidd of a stonye harte |
I maye trust in þe o my lorde & sauyor, washe me inwar-|
dely o lorde wt thy new sprite, and for þe evil understondin-|
ge of my fleshe giue me thy holy understandinge & take |
from me þt that is evill changinge me into a new man, |
& þt thorow þe loue wherwt þu haste reformed þe worlde þu |
wilte reforme me, & þt thy holynes may geue unto me þe |
encrese of all holynes, here this daye o lorde my praye-|
rs wt þe which I cry unto þe, and open þu þe eyes of my |
fleshe þt I may consyder perceue & understande þe mer-|
uells of them þt shall be powrched & gloryfyed by thy |
spirytuall grace, þt beinge iustefyed in thy ryghtewousnes |
I maye preuele in þe sighte of þe devill which is aduers-|
arye to all faythfull people, here me o lord my god & be |
mercyfull unto me þu which hast creatd me shew me this |
day thy mercy & putt forthe to me þe helthfull cuppe þt I
[55r] may drinke, & be satisffyed of þe well of thy grace þu o god & þt | I may be oone of those which shall be sanctefyed & þt shall see | thy holy visyon which I desyer & wysche for this daye þt I may | singe wt under standinge in my soule, & may stande & beholde thy holy | visyon, & lett þe grace of thy holy sprite cum thys daye owt of heauen | and rest in me. Amen. |
[LXXXV. Oration 24.]1Yvestre, I worship thee, king of kings and Lord of Lords, O everlasting and immutable king, understanding this day my cry, and the mourning of my spirit and heart, that my understanding being changed and having a fleshy heart instead of a stone heart, I may trust in thee O my Lord and savior. Washe me inwardly O Lord with thy new spirit, and for the evil understanding of my flesh give me thy holy understanding and take from me that which is evil, changing me into a new man, and that through the love wherewith thou hast reformed the world thou wilt reform me, and that thy holiness may give unto me the increase of all holiness. Hear this day, O Lord, my prayers, with the which I cry unto thee, and open thou the eyes of my flesh, that I may consider, perceive, and understand the marvels of them that shall be purged and glorified by thy spiritual grace, that being justified in thy righteousness I may prevail in the sight of the devil, which is adversary to all faithful people. Hear me, O Lord my God, and be merciful unto me, thou which hast created me. Shew me this day thy mercy, and put forth to me the healthful cup that I may drink, and be satisfied of the well of thy grace, thou O God, and that I may be one of those which shall be sanctified and that shall see thy holy vision which I desire, and wish for this day, that I may sing with understanding in my soul, and may stand and behold thy holy vision, and let the grace of thy Holy Spirit come this day out of Heaven and rest in me. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 116. |
Saday oo lord I sinner confesse unto þe oo ffather maker |
of heauen & earthe & of all visible & inuisible creatur-|
es þe disposer of all vertues, & gyuer of all good graces, which, which ke-|
pyst thy wysdõe & knowledge & thy charyte frõ þe proud and |
wicked, & deest shew it to þe humble & meke, humble this day my |
harte & stablyshe my understandinge, & my mynd, encrease my |
understandinge & my cõscyence þt I may loue þe, understand þe & se |
þe, sygne me this day o lord wt þe lyghte of thy countenãce that |
I beinge renewed & clensed from all dede workes & all my sinnes |
may preuayle amonge them þt shall see þe, proue me O most mercyfull |
& almighty god, & burne my raynes strengthen my harte this |
daye, & illumyne it wt þe grace of thy holy sprite, & vysett me wt þe |
feruent grace of thy visitatyon lighten my mynde & gyrde my |
loynes wt stronge stabylite, & piett in to my righte hande the |
staffe of comforte, & lett me be washed amonge them þt shall be |
washed wt thy droopes, & dyrecte my mynde into thy holynes, & |
confyrme my sprite wt þe worke of thy handes þt all vyces & |
ffylthynes of synne beinge rooted owt of me I maye strongely |
preuele in þe loue of thy mercyes inspire in to me o lorde þe breihe |
of lyffe & encrease my mynde & my understandinge thorow þe |
constancye & stablenes of thy holy spryte þt my spryte maye be |
conforted & encrease in þe exercyse of thy workes & prayse, be-|
holde o lorde & cõsyder this daye þe worke of my mynde & lett |
thy godly will be shewed in me & send owt of heauen unto me in to þe |
earthe þe cõfortor thy holy spryte þt he may stablyshe me & helpe
[55v] me, that I maye se the and prayse the and enioye þe whõe I de-| syer which arte my grace my glorye & my defence. amen. |
[LXXXVI. Oration 25]Saday, O Lord, I a sinner confess unto thee O Father, maker of Heaven and Earth, and of all visible and invisible creatures, the disposer of all virtues, and giver of all good graces, which, which keepest thy wisdom and knowledge and thy charity from the proud and wicked, and dost shew it to the humble and meek, humble this day my heart, and establish my understanding and my mind. Increase my understanding and my conscience, that I may love thee, understand thee, and see thee. Sign me this day O Lord with the light of thy countenance, that I being renewed and cleansed from all dead works, and all my sins, may prevaile among them that shall see thee, prove me O most merciful and almighty God, and burn my reins, strengthen my heart this day, and illumine it with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, and visit me with the fervent grace of thy visitation. Lighten my mind and gird my loins with strong stability, and piety into my right hand the staff of comfort, and let me be washed among them that shall be washed with thy drops, and direct my mind into thy holiness, and confirm my spirit with the work of thy hands, that all vices and filthiness of sin being rooted out of me, I may strongly prevail in the love of thy mercies. Inspire into me, O Lord, the breath of life, and increase my mind and my understanding, through the constancy and stableness of thy Holy Spirit, that my spirit may be comforted, and increase in the exercise of thy works and praise. Behold O Lord, and consider this day the work of my mind, and let thy godly will be shewed in me, and send out of Heaven unto me into the Earth the comforter thy Holy Spirit, that he may establish me and help me, that I may see thee and praise thee, and enjoy thee whom I desire, which art my grace, my glory, and my defense. Amen. |
Maloht otheos hara . magiel . hacaha . mar-|
yhel . gezozay . iezoramp . |
Gezozay . Saziel . Sazamay . Iezoramp . Zazamanp . Sacamap . |
Zachamay . Iecornamas . Iecoharnampde . Salatiel . Gezomel . |
Zarathiel . megall . nachama . nechamyha . Sazamaym . Sophonaym . |
lazamar . mehisrampna . Hamamyl . Zamanyl . Syhel . Deloth . Ham-|
amyn . Hazeme . loch . moys . Ramna . Secozam . Hanasichonea . Ser-|
onea . Zaramahe . <Sacromaahe> . Sacromohem . Iegonomay . Zara-|
mohem . Chades . Bachuc . Iezemeloht . Harngo . Semorgizethon . |
Malaparos . Malapatas . Helatay . Helahenay . mechay . meray.
[LXXXVII. Oration 26.]1Maloht + otheos + hatamagiel + hataha + marihel + gezozay + iezoray + Gezozay + Saziel + Sazamay + Iezoramp + Zazamanp + Sacamap + Zachamay + Iecornamas + iecohornampda + Salatiel + Gezomel + Zarachiel + megalis + nachama + nechamyha + Sazamaym + sophonaym + lazamair + mehisrampna + Hamamyl + Zamanyl + Sihel + Deloth + Hamamyn + hazemeloch + moys + Ramna + Secoram + Hanasichonea + Seronea + Zaramahem + Sacromohem + Iegonomay + Zaramohem + Chades + Bachuc + Iezemeloht + Harngo + Sezorgizechon + Malaparos + Malapatas + Helatay + Helahenay + Methay + Meray + |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 118. |
O mercyffull god O gentyll god O almighty god þe gyuer of all |
thinges doo for me this daye whych doo beliue althynges po-|
ssible helpe thys daye my unbeliffe and haue mercy upon me euen |
as thow haddest mercy of adam when he repented which also didest |
gyue unto him asoodayn gyfte of all vertues thorow þe mercy of thy |
allmightynes giue unto me this daye thoro thy mercy þe grace that |
I desyer, þt I hauing delighte in þe greatenes of thy workes may ob-|
tayne þe effecte of thy visyõ which I desyer, O most gentyll ffather be |
nighe this daye unto my worke, O most gentyll sonne of god con-|
fyrme & strenthen me breathe upon me wt thy holy sprite O holy & |
allmighty god stablyshe my worke this daye and teche me that |
I may walke innocentely in thy sighte O glorious god þt þu mayste |
delyghte in the abundance and thy plentyfull grace þt þe violence of |
þe ffloode of thy most holy spryte may make þe cyte of my harte |
gladd & may make it pwer in þe faythe of thy holy visyon and in þe |
hope of þe effectuall inuocencye for þe which I labour and maye |
replenishe my harte wt thy abundant charite, and quicken me wt
[56r] þe beames of thy holy spryte and defend me wt þe everlastinge loue | of thy abundant mercy, and þt thy grace be nott voyde in me I besic-| he the o lorde my god, but þt it maye abyde in me alwayes abundan-| tly, hele my soule o lorde wt thy inestymable & ineffable goodenes | because I haue sinned agaynst þe comfort my harte this daye þt | I may receue inwardely that which þu wylte gyue me and kepe | it that I maye be apte and mite to see thy face thorow the most | holy sacramentes aforsayd thorow þe workinge of the grace of | the father of the sonne & of þe holy goost. Amen. |
[LXXXVIII. Latin Oration.]1O merciful God, O gentle God, O almighty God, the giver of all things, do for me this day, which do believe all things possible, help this day my unbelief and have mercy upon me even as thou hadst mercy on Adam when he repented, which also didst give unto him a suddain gift of all virtues through the mercy of thy almightiness, give unto me this day through thy mercy the grace that I desire, that I having delighted in the greatness of thy works may obtain the effect of thy vision which I desire. O most gentle father, be nigh this day unto my work. O most gentle Son of God, confirm and strengthen me. Breath upon me with thy Holy Spirit. O holy and almighty God, establish my work this day, and teach me that I may walk innocently in thy sight, O glorious God, that thou mayst delight in the abundance and thy plentiful grace, that the violence of the flood of thy most Holy Spirit may make the site of my heart glad, and may make it pure in the faith of thy holy vision, and in the hope of the effectual innocence, for the which I labor and may replenish my heart with thy abundant charity, and quicken me with the beams of thy Holy Spirit, and defend me with the everlasting love of thy abundant mercy, and [grant] that thy grace be not void in me. I beseech thee, O Lord my God, but that it may abide in me always abundantly. Heal my soul, O Lord, with thy inestimable and ineffable goodness, because I have sinned against thee. Comfort my heart this day, that I may receive inwardly that which thou wilt give me, and keep it that I may be apt and mite to see thy face, through the most holy sacraments aforesaid, through the working of the grace of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 119. |
Sechce vel Sethye oo godely father |
O mercyfull soñe, |
O gentyll holy spryte 3 persoñes and oone god, O ineffable and inestymable |
kinge I besiche þe and thy holy name, & thy aboundant ryghteousnes which |
worketh all thinges þt þu wylte remitte & forgyue and haue mercy upõ |
me wretched synner persuming unto this worke which I haue begone |
þt is to know and haue þe sighte of þe þt þu O my lorde and thy grace whic-|
h I desyer may abundantely wex and grow stronge in me, open o lo-|
rde myn eares þt I may here, comfforte my handes þt I may worke |
clense þe syghte of myn eyes þt I may see, make me cercamspecte |
þt I may performe and bringe to passe, strengthen my sytte þt I may |
walke, open my nosthrells and my mowgthe þt I may smelle and |
taste, and speke, those thinges þt may be plesant unto þe now and euer |
to the honor of thy name which is blyssed for euer. amen.
[LXXXIX. Oration 27.]1Sechce, O Godly Father, O merciful Son, O gentle Holy Spirit, three persons and one God, O ineffable and inestimable king, I beseech thee and thy holy name, and thy abundant righteousness which worketh all things that thou wilt remit, and forgive, and have mercy upon me, a wretched sinner, presuming unto this work, which I have begone, that is, to know and have the sight of thee, that thou, O my Lord, and thy grace which I desire, may abundantly wax2 and grow strong in me. Open, O Lord, mine ears that I may hear, comfort my hands, that I may work; cleanse the sight of mine eyes, that I see, make me circumspect, that I may perform and bring to pass; strengthen my sight [*feet],3 that I may walk; open my nostrils and my mouth that I may smell and taste, and speak those things that may be pleasant unto thee now and ever, to the honor of thy name, which is blessed forever. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 120. 2. Lat. vigeat. 3. Lat. Confirma pedes meos, ut ambulem. |
Alstha vel Elsta :::
O my God thys daye doo Llyft up þe sensys of my fleshe unto |
þe and my harte þt I may please the this daye O lorde and that |
my syghyng may be knowne in thy sight and þt my wordes and |
workes may be acceptable in thy sighte, & lett thy allmighty gooden-|
es & mercye shyne in my bowelles, & lett my mynde be effectually |
clensed in thy workes & lett thy glorye encrease in my soule, lett thy
[56v] grace floryshe in my harte and in my mowthe þt þe synne which | I haue committed I may putt awaye evyn as marye maged-| elen dyd put awaye hers, & þt I maye performe and brynge to | effecte that wiche I shall receyue of þe gyfte of thy grace euyn | as thy holy apostle saynt paule dyd, & as abraham kepe It & | as Isaac remembred it so I may remember it & þt beynge fo-| wnded and rooted in þe strength of thy puernes, I maye reioy-| ce þt þe fowndatyõ of thy mercy is layd in me, & þt I delyghtyn-| ge in þe workes of thy handes may contynually obtayne righ-| twosnes and peace of mynde & body, & shortely after þe holy visyõ | of þe & Inioye it contynually, & þe grace of thy holy spryte plent-| eosly workinge in me I maye reioyce þt I haue ouercome all | þe craftes and subteltyes of myn enemyes bothe vysyble | and Invysyble. Amen. |
[XC. Oration 28.]1Alscha, O my God, this day do lift up the senses of my flesh unto thee, and my heart, that I may please thee this day O Lord, and that my sighing may be known in thy sight, and that my words and works may be acceptable in thy sight, and let thy almighty goodness and mercy shine in my bowels, and let my mind be effectually cleansed in thy works, and let thy glory increase in my soul. Let thy grace flourish in my heart and in my mouth, that the sin which I have committed I may put away, even as Mary Magdelin did put away hers, and that I may perform and bringe to effect that which I shall receive of the gift of thy grace, even as thy holy apostle Saint Paul did, and as Abraham kept it, and as Isaac remembered it, so I may remember it and that being founded and rooted in the strength of thy pureness, I may rejoice that the foundation of thy mercy is laid in me, and that I delighting in the works of thy hands, may continually obtain righteousness, and peace of mind and body, and shortly after the holy vision of thee and enjoy it continually, and the grace of thy Holy Spirit, plentiously working in me I may rejoice that I have overcome all the crafts and subtlties of mine enemies both visible and invisible. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 121. |
Obdadia vel Abladya ::: |
O god þe disposer and distrybuter of all kyngdomes and of all |
power visible and invisible þe governor of good wells dispose |
my wyll after þe cownsell of thy good spiryte and quicken this daye |
my weykenes and my weyke power, & order my mynde aryghte |
oo lorde & my wyll to goodenes O lorde þt it maye please þe, and of |
thy gentyll lyberallyte grauntt me mercyffully thy manyffolde grace |
nott lokinge to þe multytud of my synnes but acordinge to my desyer |
gyue me a wyll conformable to þe and a wytt reioysing in the power g-|
yng þe grace of my soule gyuing unto it a good affectyon wt thy |
grace & vysitt me wt þe vysytacyon of thy holy spryte that the fyl-|
thynes which I haue thorow my fleshe or thorow my byrthe may |
be putt awaye thorow thy deuyne and ineffable goodenes wt the |
which in þe beginninge thow didest wouchsaffe to creat heauen and |
earthe þt thy spirytuall & great mercy wt þe which thow didest wo-
[57r] vchsaffe to restore agayne man beinge lost to the olde state of gra-| ce ffrom whome þe will and Iudgement of þe deuyll hadd taken | awaye þe lybertye to se thy face thow o lorde whose wytt whose | wisdome and brightenes recheth from the beginninge to þe endinge | disposing all things pleasavntly myghtely and mercyfully restore | in me all sinceryte and puernes that I onworthy and wretched sy-| nner being confyrmed in all thy workes maye of them be made we-| ll seme and excellent in those thinges which I desyer, and that I may | obtayne the 3 folde and seuenfolde grace of the father + þe sonne | + and of the holy gost + that I maye obtayne the holy syght of | the hooly and gloryous trynite whyle I lyue the lord grauntyng & | admynistrynge and workinge it by his most hooly grace which lyue-| the and regneth threy and oone. Amen. |
[XCI. Oration 29.]1Abbadya, O God, the disposer and distributor of all kingdoms and of all power, visible and invisible, the governor of good wills, dispose my will after the counsel of thy good spirit, and quicken this day my weakness and my weak power, and order my mind aright, O Lord, and my will to goodness, O Lord, that it may please thee, and of thy gentle liberality. Grant me mercifully thy manifold grace, not looking to the multitude of my sins, but according to my desire give me a will conformable to thee, and a wit, rejoicing in the power, giving the grace of my soul, giving unto it a good affection with thy grace, and visit me with the visitation of thy Holy Spirit, that the filthiness which I have through my flesh, or through my birth may be put away through thy divine and ineffable goodness, with the which in the beginning thou didst vouchsafe to create Heaven and Earth, that thy spiritual and great mercy with thee, which thou didst vouchsafe to restore again man, being lost to the old state of grace from whom the will and judgment of the devil had taken away the liberty to see thy face, thou O Lord whose wit, whose wisdom, and brightness reacheth from the beginning to the ending, disposing all things pleasantly, mightily, and mercifully. Restore in me all sincerity and pureness, that I [an] unworthy and wretched sinner being confirmed in all thy works may of them be made well, seem, and excellent, in those things which I desire, and that I may obtain the three-fold and seven-fold grace of the Father + the Son + and of the Holy Ghost + that I may obtain the holy sight of the holy and glorious Trinity while I live, the Lord granting and administering, and working it by his most holy grace, which liveth and reigneth three and one. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 122. |
Alpha . et . omega God and lord of all lyu-|
inge creatures the ad-|
minystrator and Increaser of all visyble and invisyble thinges |
Gyvinge all thinges to all creatures accordinge to þe abundance of |
his mercye, accordinge to þe deseruynges of angells and men shide |
into me the abundance of thy celestyall grace, and the grace of thy |
holy spryte maye this daye illumyne my harte, and thow o lorde |
encrease in me the gyftes of thy holy spiryte, and strengthen me |
and renew in me þe Inwarde man and washe me wt þe dewe of thy |
grace wt þe which thow hast moystered þe angells adowrne me wt the |
abundance of thyn Innocencye, wt þe which thow hast adourned and |
beautyfyed thy faythfull frome þe beginninge, þt þe gyftes of þe seuen-|
ffolde grace of þe holy gost maye worke in me, and þe waters of þe |
celestyall fluddes of the celestyall Ierusalem cõing wt great vehe-|
mencye maye washe and fyll the pytt of my conscyence that it |
maye ouerfflow wyth the brightenes wherwt thow cõmest owt |
of heauen upon þe waters of þe holy & pure sacrament of þe
maiesty & |
cõfyrme in me þe mightie thinges of this most holy visiõ. amen.
[XCII. Oration 30.]1Alpha and Omega, God and Lord of all living creatures, the administrator and increaser of all visible and invisible things, giving all things to all creatures according to the abundance of his mercy, according to the deservings of angels and men, shide [= pour] into me the abundance of thy celestial grace, and the grace of thy Holy Spirit. May this day illumine my heart, and thou O Lord increase in me the gifts of thy Holy Spirit, and strengthen me and renew in me the inward man, and wash me with the dew of thy grace2 with the which thou hast moystered [= moistened] the angels. Adorn me with the abundance of thine innocence, with the which thou hast adorned and beautified thy faithfull from the beginning, that the gifts of the seven-fold grace of the Holy Ghost may work in me, and the waters of the celestial floods of the celestial Jerusalem, coming with great vehemence may wash and fill the pit (i.e. well) of my conscience, that it may overflow with the brightness3 wherewith thou comest out of Heaven upon the waters of the holy and pure sacrament of the majesty and confirm in me the mighty things of this most holy vision. amen. |
1. Cp. Ars. Not. 123. 2. Wash me with the dew of your grace: Lat. "fecunda me rore tue gracie" (make me fertile with the dew of your grace). 3. Evidently reading claritate (with brightness), whereas the Latin MS read caritate (with love/charity). |
[57v] Leiste vel Trayeste | I conffesse to the o lorde god the ffather of all thyng whych | hast shewyd unto us thy celestyall secretes the doo I humbly | besiche, and thy maiesty doo I desyre and prayse þt euen as þu | arte kinge and prynce of thowghts wylls sowls and all other | vertues euyn so here my prayers this daye and lett my work-| es prosper in thy sighte, and lett my dedys preuayle in the | syghte of all celestyall powers, I cry this daye unto þe oo my | god now here my crye, I make my moone to the thys daye here | the morning of my harte, and I commende this daye my | sprite, my body, my soule in to thy handes and my thowghts | oo my father & my god & lett me nott perceue my selfe to | be forsaken of the but gyue unto me thy mercy þt thy | name maye be exalted in me: o most gentyll god þe holy | gost, whose goodenes is everlasting, whose mercye is | incomperhensible, whose bryghtenes is perpetuall wherof | heauen & earthe is full breath & looke upon me oo lorde, & | unto this my worke, and for thy honor & prayse grawnt | unto me þt that I deuoutly aske & all forwardenes towarde | thy holy visiõ thorow thy godely dispensatyõ may be fulfilled | in me. teache me O lord for in þe doo I putt my selfe to be tawght, | puryfy me for in þe doo I putt my selfe to be puryfyed, clarify | me for in þe doo I putt mi selfe to be clarefied, make me cleane for | in þe doo I putt my selfe to be clensyd, make me innocent for in þe | doo I putt my selfe to be made innocent, gloryfye me o lord for | in þe doo I putt my selfe to be glorified, gouerne me o lorde for | in þe doo I putt my selfe to be gouerned, & power þe faythe of thy [58r] grace into me, and fasten it in me that the holy gost maye cum into me & | maye reygne and governe me, þt I may obtayne this holy visyon. Amen. |
[XCIII. Oration 31.]1Leiste, I confess to thee, O Lord God, the father of all things, which hast shewed unto us thy celestial secrets. Thee do I humbly beseech, and thy majesty do I desire and praise, that even as thou art king and prince of thoughts, wills, souls, and all other virtues, even so hear my prayers this day, and let my works prosper in thy sight, and let my deeds prevail in the sight of all celestial powers, I cry this day unto thee O my God, now hear my cry. I make my moan to thee this day; hear the mourning of my heart, and I commend this day my spirit, my body, my soul, into thy hands, and my thoughts, O my Father and my God, and let me not perceive myself to be forsaken of thee, but give unto me thy mercy, that thy name may be exalted in me. O most gentle God, the Holy Ghost, whose goodness is everlasting, whose mercy is incomprehensible, whose brightness is perpetual, whereof Heaven and Earth is full, breathe and look upon me, O Lord, and unto this my work, and for thy honor and praise grant unto me that which I devoutly ask, and all forwardness toward thy holy vision, through thy godly dispensation may be fulfilled in me. Teach me, O lord, for in thee do I put myself to be taught. Purify me for in thee do I put myself to be purified. Clarify me, for in thee do I put myself to be clarified. Make me clean, for in thee do I put myself to be cleansed. Make me innocent, for in thee do I put myself to be made innocent. Glorify me, O lord, for in thee do I put myself to be glorified. Govern me, O Lord, for in thee do I put myself to be governed, and pour the faith of thy grace into me, and fasten it in me, that the Holy Ghost may come into me, and may reign and govern me, that I may obtain this holy vision. Amen. |
1. Cp. Ars. Not. 124. |
Horiston vel Horystyon |
O god be cause I ame thy servañt I serue the this daye and confesse befor |
the maiestye of thy glorye in whose syghte all magnyfycence and all holy-|
nes is I besiche thy holy and ineffable name þt þu woldest this daye bowe |
þe eares of thy pytye to þe offyce of this my worke & open þe eyes of thy m-|
aiestye þt thy hande beinge open I maye be satysffyed wt þe grace which |
I desyer & made fruytffull wt charyte & bryghtenes wherwt þu hast |
ffowded heaven & earthe omst godly ffather of thy lyberalyte which lyue-|
st and reygnest one god worlde wt owt ende. Amen.
[XCIV. Oration 32.]Horistion, O God, because I am thy servant I serve thee this day, and confess before the majesty of thy glory in whose sight all magnificence and all holiness is. I beseech thy holy and ineffable name that thou wouldest this day bow the ears of thy pity to the office of this my work and open the eyes of thy majesty, that thy hand being open, I may be satisfied with the grace which I desire, and made fruitful with charity and brightness, wherewith thou hast founded Heaven and Earth, O most godly Father of thy liberality, which livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen. |
1. Cf. Ars. Not. 125. |
Ieremon vel ysemon o most m-|
ekest my |
lorde and my god haue mercy upon me and forgeue my synnes heale |
my soule, for I haue synned agaynst þe, deny nott þt thinge to oone which |
thow hast gyuen to mãy heare o god the prayer of thy servant N. |
þt in what daye soeuer I shall call upon þe thow wylte here me quickeli |
as þu dydest here holy marye magdalene, receue o lorde þe prayers |
of him þt confessythe hymselfe to þe, & here þe voyce of
my prayer thor-|
ow þe intercessyon of þe most blessyd virgin marye thy mother, & of all |
thy sayntes þt þe prayers & intercessyons which I make to the in |
this hower for this holy vysyõ may cum to thy pytyffull eares þt I |
thorow thy most holy & sacred names which be these::::: Hosel . |
Iesel . Hazaiacol . Iosel . Anthiachar . Hazacol . Gezor . Gezamyhor . |
namathar . Senales . Iole . Tharotheos . Lochos . Genos . Halla . Sa-|
myhel . Ramay . Sacharios . Logos . Patir . Saraht . Iothosym ::::: |
Beinge clensyd and purefyed and clarefyed made innocent and |
consecrate maye see the glorious and holy sighte of thy face thor-|
ow or lord Iesus christ which lyueth & raygneth worlde wyth owt |
ende. Amen.
[XCV. Oration 33.]Jeremon, O most meekest, my Lord and my God, have mercy upon me and forgive my sins. Heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee. Deny not that thing to one which thou hast given to many. Hear, O God, the prayer of thy servant N. that in what day soever I shall call upon thee thou wilt hear me quickly, as thou didst hear holy Mary Magdalene. Receive, O Lord, the prayers of him that confesseth himself to thee, and hear the voice of my prayer, through the intercession of the most blessed virgin Mary, thy mother, and of all thy saints, that the prayers and intercessions which I make to thee in this hour for this holy vision may come to thy pitiful ears, that I through thy most holy and sacred names which be these: Hosel + Iesel + Hazaiacol + Iosel + Anthiachar + Hazacol + Gezor + Gezamyhor + namathar + Senales + Iole + Tharotheos + Lochos + Genos + Halla + Samyhel + Ramay + Sacharios + Logos + Patir + Saraht + Iothosym, being cleansed and purified and clarified, made innocent, and consecrate, maye see the glorious and holy sight of thy face, through our Lord Jesus Christ, which liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. |
[58v] Hosbor O hyghe lord O Inuisible god, O inest-| imable god O ineffable god, O incomu-| table god, O Incorruptyble god, O pytyffull god, O most | swytest god, O hyghe and gloryous god, O Infynyte god, | O almighte god, father of all mercy I unworthye synner full | of iniquite deceyte & malyce cum humbly unto thy mercye | prayinge & besechinge þe nott to looke upon all myn & innv-| merable synnes but euen as þu arte wonte to haue mercye | upon synners & to here þe prayers of þe humble & meke, euyn | so wouchsaffe to here me thy servant N. allthough unwo-| rthe crying unto þe ffor this most hooly & godely vision most | humbly & hartely asking it of þe by prayer adourned wt thy | holy & sacred names which are these:::: Hosel + Iesel + et | c :::: þt I may haue vertue & grace which I ought to haue for suc-| he an hyge visyon that Is to saye pryte, Inuocencye, clerenes, | wysdome, holines, charyte, sinceryte, humilite, stedfastenes & | good wyll thorow thy gyft whych syttest in the hyghest to who-| me be laude glorye and honoer worlde wyth owt ende. | Amen. |
[XCVI. Oration 34.]Hofbor, O high Lord, O invisible God, O inestimable God, O ineffable God, O incommutable God, O incorruptible God, O pitiful God, O most sweetest God, O high and glorious God, O infinite God, O almighty God, father of all mercy, I [an] unworthy sinner, full of iniquity, deceit, and malice come humbly unto thy mercy, praying and beseeching thee not to look upon all mine innumerable sins, but even as thou art wont to have mercy upon sinners and to hear the prayers of the humble and meek, even so vouchsafe to hear me, thy servant N., although unworthy, crying unto thee for this most holy and godly vision, most humbly and heartily asking it of thee by prayer adorned with thy holy and sacred names which are these: Hosel + Iesel + etc. that I may have virtue and grace which I ought to have for such an high vision, that is to say, purity, innocence, clearness, wisdom, holiness, charity, sincerity, humility, steadfastness, and good will, through thy gift which sittest in the highest to whom be laud, glory, and honor, world without end. Amen. |
[If you wish to know the sequence of these orations, consider the sequence
of the one hundred names of God in this book, because the orations always
begin with those. And note, that those preceding sacred names of God:
Hosel, Iesel, and the rest, must be said a little after the beginning
of the praying, and also at the beginning of any other oration.]
1. Per S4, GH. Not found in J: Si seriem harum oracionum scire vis, respices [GH: respice] seciem .100. nominum dei huius libri, quia per illa semper incipiunt oraciones. // Et nota quod illa sacra dei nomina predicta .hosel. Iesel. et cetera debent dici paulo post principium orande eciam in principia cuiuslibet oracionis. |
Here begineth the .2. parte of clensyng or makyng clene to obtayne the syght of the deyte. |
[XCVIII] Here begins the second part of cleansing, or making [onesself] clean to obtain the sight of the Deity. |
For the first purification, see chapters LI-LII. |
After that, he that wyll see þe deyte hathe pourged & |
clensyd & macerated his body we comaunde him |
þt he kepe him selffe allwayes very clene, & to be garnysshed wt |
all vertues & lett him allwayes remembre god, & pray vnto |
him for þe forgyuenes of his synns, for god is righteous & |
ought to be feared, for he þt dothe nott loue him, as salomõ saye-|
th the begini~ge of wisdome is to feare god, therfore every |
man ought to feare him for no man of his owen worthines or
[59r] goodenes dothe deserue or dothe gett glorye or helthe nor can see god wt | owt grace of his savyor, & agayne lett him fast other .12. dayes bread and | water holly wt owt any other refeccyõ doinge as he dyd before in þe other | dayes untill he cum to the .13. daye which must be a thursdaye, & | then agayne yffe he perseue any wyckednes or syne in him selffe lett him | pourge it, & then agayne receyue þe body of chryst sayinge ::::: |
After that, he that will see the Deity hath purged and cleansed and macerated his body; we command him that he keep himself always very clean, and to be garnished with all virtues. And let him always remember God, and pray unto Him for the forgiveness of his sins, for God is righteous and ought to be feared, for he that doth not love Him, as Solomon sayeth, "the beginning of wisdom is to fear God."1 Therefore every man ought to fear him, for no man of his own worthiness or goodness doth deserve or doth get glory or health nor can see God without grace of his savior. And again let him fast other twelve days bread and water wholly, without any other refection [i.e. respite], doing as he did before in the other days until he come to the thirteenth day, which must be a Thursday. And then again if he perceive any wickedness or sin in himself, let him purge it, and then again receive the body of Christ, saying: |
1. Ps 111:10, Sir. 1:16, Proverbs 9:10. |
A prayer to be sayde before þe receyving of the body of chryst::::: |
A prayer to be said before the receiving of the body of Christ. |
O thow lorde Iesu chryst þe savor of all men whych dydest wo-|
uchsaffe to sacryfyce thy bodye for þe helth of me most myser-|
able synner & for other þt liue in þe world wt
þe whych þe .5. day that |
is to saye þe thursdaye þe daye of thy supper thow dydest fide thy |
holy apostles wt thy precyous body & blovde coummavding þt in |
thy name or holy mother þe churche shulde consecrate thy most ho-|
ly body & bloude þt it might be þe helthe & lyffe of þe
soules þt beliue |
in þe, I vnworthy synner receyvinge þe o lorde Iesu chryst knowing |
& confessinge þe to be my lorde & my creator whome I oonly shall |
see in my fleshe & noone other, whom I looke for to cõme to be my |
Iudge graunt vnto me mercyfull lorde by þe vertue of thys holye |
misterye þt lyke as I doo confesse & know vysyblye thy devine |
spirituall & corporall power by þe redemptyon of thy most holy |
bodye & bloode, so wochsaffe to claryfy & pourge my body, þt my |
body being washed my soule may vysyblye see þe wt thy .9. ord-|
ers of angelles wylles I lyue & prayse þe which lyvest & reygnest |
god worlde wyth owte ende. Amen.
O thou Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of all men, who didst vouchsafe to sacrifice thy body for the health of me, most miserable sinner, and for other[s] that live in the world with the which the fifth day, that is to say the Thursday the day of thy supper thou didst feed thy holy apostles with thy precious body and blood, commanding that in thy name our holy mother the Church should consecrate thy most holy body and blood, that it might be the health and life of the souls that believe in thee. I, unworthy sinner, receiving thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, knowing and confessing thee to be my Lord and my Creator, whom I only shall see in my flesh and none other, whom I look for to come to be my judge, grant unto me, merciful Lord, by the virtue of this holy mystery that like as I do confess and know visibly thy divine spiritual and corporeal power by the redemption of thy most holy body and blood, so vouchsafe to clarify and purge my body, that, my body being washed, my soul may visibly see the with thy nine orders of angels whilst I live, and praise thee, who livest and reignest, God, world without end. Amen. |
This doone Go home to thy Howse and begin thy worke after th-|
ys soorte ::::::
Thow shallte saye þe same thursday þe psalter wt þe |
letanye wt þe proper prayers folowinge it. After þt thow shalte |
saye þe . 25 . 26 . 31 . prayer & thow shalte add ::: peticyo ::: that |
thow by þe annuncyatyõ conceptyon natyvite, cercvmcysyon perch-|
ing, baptyme, and ascentyõ of thy most blessyd sonne or lord I-|
esu chryst woldest wouchsaffe to claryffye and pourege my bo-|
dy ::: peticyo ::: þt it being washed I maye visybly see the whyle
[59v] I lyue wt thyn .9. orders of angelles þt my soule maye worship | & prayse þe. at the last thvs ende yor prayer for þu god art migh-| ty aboue all & mercyfull which lyuest & reygnest god in vnite | and trynite and shallt raygn worlde wt owt ende. Amen. |
[XCIX.]This done, go home to thy house and begin thy work after this sort [i.e. manner]: [The propitiation of the Divine Majesty.]1Thou shalt say the same Thursday the psalter with the litany, with the proper prayers following it. After that thou shalt say the 25th, 26th, and 31st prayer, and thou shalt add: (Petition) "... that thou by the annunciation, conception, nativity, circumcision, piercing, baptism, and ascension of thy most blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, wouldst vouchsafe to clarify and purge my body (Petition) that it being washed I may visibly see thee whilst I live, with thine nine orders of angels, that my soul may worship and praise thee." At the last thus end your prayer: "... for thou, God, art mighty above all and merciful, Who livest and reignest God in Unity and Trinity, and shalt reign, world without end. Amen. |
1. S4: Placacio divine maiestatis . |
ffrom hence forthe thow shalt be in some secret place where |
there is no greate resorte of people & every daye þu shalt |
saye thies prayers folowinge wt those þt goe before þt be appo-|
ynted for him þt shall worke wt these names folowinge . Agla . |
monhon . tetragramaton . ely . deus . ocleyste . ampheneton . |
lamyara . Ianemyer . sadyon . hely . horlon . porrenthymon . |
yelur . gofgamel . emaunel . on . admyel . honzmorib . ioht . he-|
lon . resamarathon . anethi . eryona . yvestre . saday . maloht . |
sechce :::::::After that þu shalt saye this prayer ::::::
[C. Separation.]From henceforth thou shalt be in some secret place where there is no great resort of people and every day thou shalt say these prayers following, with those that go before, that be appointed for him that shall work, with these names following: Agla, Monhon, Tetragramaton, Ely Deus, Ocleiste, Amphynethon, Lamyara, Ianemyer, Sadyon, Hely, Horlon, Porrenthimon, 3 Yelur, Gofgameli, Emanuel, On, Admyel, Honzmorb, Ioht, Hophob, Mesamarathon, Anethy, Eryona, Yuestre, Saday, Maloht, Sechce. After that thou shalt say this prayer: |
O my god father allmighty of everlastinge power wh-|
ich arte able to make him clene þt is conceyved of an vnclene |
seede . primogenitus . primellus . principium . sapientia . vertus . |
sol . splendor . gloria . pax . lux . panis . os . verbum . salus . ange-|
llus . sponsus . perpheta . agnvs . ovis . vitulus . serpens . aries . |
leo . vermis . here mercyfully þe prayers & invocatyons of |
thy servant þt thorow þe vertue of thy holy names my body |
being washed I maye see the visiblye whilles I liue wt thy |
.9. orders of angells þt my soule may worship & prayse the.
Amen. ::::::: After that saye these names :::::::
O my God, father almighty, of everlasting power who art able to make him clean that is conceived of an unclean seed. Primellus, Principium, Primogenitus, Sapiencia, Virtus, Sol, Splendor, Gloria, Pax, Lux, Panis,1 Os, Verbum, Salus, Angelus, Sponsus, Propheta, Agnus, Ovis, Vitulus, Serpens, Aries, Leo, Vermis Hear mercifully the prayers and invocations of thy servant, that through the virtue of thy holy names, my body being washed, I may see thee visibly whilst I live, with thy nine orders of angels, that my soul may worship and praise thee. Amen. |
1. GH following S. 3854 127r reads "Patris," but SSM L.4.f.17, Sl. 313, Sl. 3853 144r, and R all read "Panis", which is also consistent with the Folger MS. p. 35. | ||||||||||||||||
After that, say these names: |
Escha . fortis . abbdya . iuste . alpha et omega . piissime . |
leiste . dulcissime . oristion . potentissime . yeremon . ercell . |
entissime . hosbr . excelse . merkerpon . adiutor . elzephares . |
defensor . egyrion . protector . pheta . largitor . here gentely |
þe prayers of thy seruãt þt thorow þe gyft of thy grace and |
thorow þe intercessyon of þe blissed virgin mary thy mother |
& of thy angells & archangells . michael . gabriel . vriel . and |
raphael . & all other thy celestyall angells, & of thy apostoles |
peter . paule . Ihonn . & Iames . andrew . mathew . simond . |
& Iude . philip . thomas . & barthlemew . my body & cc cc ::::
Strong Elscha, just Abbadia, most pious Alpha and Omega, sweetest Leiste, most potent Oristyon, most excellent Yeremon, lofty Hofbor,1 Merkerpon the helper, Elzephares the defender, Egyryon the protector, Pheta the generous. Hear gently the prayers of thy servant, that through the gift of thy grace and through the intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary thy mother, and of thy angels and archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, and all thy other celestial angels, and of thy apostles Peter, Paul, John, and James, Andrew, Matthew, Simon, and Jude, Philip, Thomas, and Barthlemew, my body and (etc.). |
1. So GH. Sl. 3854 127r reads "Hosbor," but see XCVI 1 and CI.4. SSM: Hospr; Sl. 3885: hostor. | ||||||||||||||||
+ After that saye these names + |
After that, say these names: |
[60r] Ombonar . ineffabilis . stimulamathon . in substantia . inu-| isibilis . oryon . inestimabilis . ethion . Impermutabilis . | nomios . clementissime . pep . incõmensurabilis . nathanat-| hoy . incorruptibilis . theon . inmense . vsiston . gloriose . porho . | tocius . misericordiæ :::: After þt saye this prayer folowinge -> |
Ombonar + Ineffable + Stimulamathon + Non-substantial + Invisible + Oryon + Unjudgeable + Ethion + Impermutable + Nomios + Most Merciful + Pep + Immeasurable + Nathanathoy + Incorruptible + Theon + Immense + Usiston + Glorious + Porho + Entirely + Of Mercy.
After that, say this prayer following: |
looke gentely to thy prayers of thy seruant not hauing respe-| ct to the innvmerable iniquites which I haue done against the | for yf þu regardest owre iniquites o lorde who may abyde þe but | thow o lorde doest lyft þe feeble ffrom þe earthe & the poore owt | of þe myre . in þe vertu of holy humilyte & obedyence as it is | written he was obedyent evyn to deathe & in another place | I haue humbled my selfe very low which humelite thow | didest wouchsaffe to take vpon þe, & to suffer for synners . so | gentely receyue my prayers for I confesse & know þt þu hast | mercye vpon all creatures þt call vpon þe faythffully as da-| uyd sayeth an humble & a contrite harte thow shall nott | dispyse, & in another place þe lorde is nighe to them þt call v-| pon him truely þt þu wilte rayse my soule ffrom the darknes | of my body & from þe fylthynes of synne that my body be-| ing washed & cc cc as before at this signe ::::::: Here ffoloweth the names of the lyvyng gode :::::::::: |
Look gently to the prayers of thy servant, not having respect to the innumerable iniquites which I haue done against thee, for if thou regardest our iniquities, O Lord, who may abide thee, but thou, O Lord, doest lift the feeble from the Earth and the poore out of the mire. In the virtue of holy humility and obedience, as it is written, "He was obedient even to death," and in another place "I have humbled myself very low which humility thou didst vouchsafe to take upon thee," and, "to suffer for sinners." So gently receive my prayers, for I confess and know that thou hast mercy upon all creatures that call upon thee faithfully, as David sayeth, "an humble and a contrite heart thou shall not despise," and in another place, "the Lord is neigh to them that call upon him truly," that thou wilt raise my soul from the darkness of my body and from the filthiness of sin, that my body being washed and, (etc. as before at this signe :::::::)
Here followeth the names of the Living God: |
+ Rothon + maker of heauen & earth |
lethellete + which ast |
stretched owt heaven above the heyght of the clowdes + |
ysmas + which hast stablysched the earth aboue the waters + |
Adonay + which hast appoynted þe sea her bowndes which she |
cane nott passe + Bathinadir + which hast sett þe sonne and the |
moone and all þe sterres in þe heyghe of heaven + Onoitheon + |
which hast done all thinges thorow wysdome + hosga + |
which the .6. daye dydest created [sic] man to thyn owen symylyt-|
ude and lykenes + lemdra + which didest putt adam and |
eve whom þu gavest him for acompanyon in þe paradyse of pl-
[60v] easure, whome also for transgressing of thy commaundement þu dydd-| est by and by cast owt of the same + nosulaceps + which didest | accepte abells oblatyon + tutheon + which didest dystroy þe worlde | avr the wickednes therof wt þe water of the flowde + telemoht + w-| hich didest saue noe & those that were wt him in þe water of þe deluge | by whome also thow didest restore agen mankynde + paraclitus + | which didest appere to abraham thy servant at þe footte of mambre | in þe lykenes of .3. persons + occynonenon + which didest take vp | enoche and helyas into heavens to fyghte agaynst þe tyranne + | Ochothas + which mercyfully delyverdst thy servant loth from | the drowninge or synkinge of sodome & gomorre + Abracio + | which didest speke to thy serwant moyses in the midest of a bu-| she in a flame of fyer + Anepheneton + which madest aarons | rodde, to budd & floryshe and to bringe forthe frute, + Ab-| don + which browghtest thy people mightely owt of þe lande of | egypt ffrom there captyvite + melche + which openedest þe | waye in þe myddes of þt þe went thorow drye ffooted + Sother + | which gavest thy people a lawe in mownt synay by þe handes of | moyses + vsyryon + which gauest to thy thyrsty people owt of þe | hard roke inumuerable waters to drinke + baruch + which bro-| wghtest danyel þe prophet owt of þe lyons denne saffe and sownde | + SporgonGo + which cawseddest þe .3. children .sydrac . mysaac . | and abdenago . þt is to saye . Ananias . Azarias . and misael . to | cum harmles owt of þe burninge fornace + tenonem + which | delyuerydst susanne having a sure stust in þe ffrom þe fallsse crime | of þe fallsse Iudges + messyas + which didest preserue þe prophet | Ionas in the whalas bely .3. dayes and .3. nightes + panthe-| on + which madest the prophet to escape þe handes of golyas with | victory, O Iust mighty and pacyent god . agyos . otheos . hisky-| ros . athanathos . eleyson . ymas . christ . stronge allmighty & | Immortall god . Iesus of nazereth ffull of mercy which | only thorow contricyon of harte doest fforgeue synns here most [61r] gentil and mercyfull lorde þe prayers of thy servant which I | speke thorow þe power of thy maiestye þt thorow thy mercye & | grace which þu haste gyuen to thy sayntes thow woldest wou-| chsaffe to graunt vnto me lett the powre of thy holy sprite cum | downe vpon me thy servant allthovgh I be full of synne yet | made of þe which may obtayne forgevenes of my synns þt tho-| row thy celestyall dewe þe fowlnes of my body maye be putt | awaye þt my body being wasched and cc cc as beffore :::: pet-| ysyon ::::: II . thys prayer aforsayde owght to be sayde in all | perrylls and daungers ffor it kepethe men in helthe, it m-| aketh sycke men hole, it dothe obtayne remissyon of synns, | it pacyfyeth angre, and encreasyth frendship, it cõforteth | desperat persons, it cherysschythe the poore, it mitygateth | the wrathe of god, it overcometh all tribulatyons and perversytes, | it dryveth away tempestes, it dothe frustrat Inchauntementes, | it dothe constrayne and bynde sprytes: and it owght to be sayde | fastinge and knelynge, and wt great devocyons, and he þt shall | worke by it must be humble pacyent and chast. thus therfore | shalte þu the .fryday . saturday . sonday . munday . twesdaye . & | wendensdaye . ffolowinge saye all thes and .3. everye daye | that is to saye in the morninge att nonne and at mighte [sic]:*: |
+ *Fothon + maker of Heaven and Earth, + Lethellete + who hast stretched out Heaven above the height of the clouds, + Hysmas + who hast established the Earth above the waters, + Adonay + who hast appointed the sea her bounds which she cannot pass, + *Hachionadabir + who hast set the Sun and the Moon and all the stars in the height of Heaven, + *Omytheon + who hast done all things through wisdom, + *Hofga + who the sixth day didst create man in thine own similitude and likeness, + *Leyndra + who didst put Adam, and Eve whom thou gavest him for a companion, in the paradise of pleasure, whom also for transgressing of thy commandment thou didst by and by cast out of the same, + Nosulaceps + who didst accept Abel's oblation, + Tutheon + who didst destroy the world and the wickedness thereof with the water of the flood, + *Gelemoht + who didst save Noah and those who were with him in the water of the deluge, by whom also thou didst restore again mankind + Paraclitus + who didst appear to Abraham thy servant at the foot of Mambre in the likeness of three persons, + Occynonerion + who didst take up Enoch and Elias into heavens to fight against the tyrant1 + Ochothas + who mercifully didst deliver thy servant Lot from the drowning or sinking of Sodom and Gomorrah, + Abracio + who didst speak to thy servant Moses in the midst of a bush in a flame of fire, + *Anephenethon + who madest Aaron's rod to bud and florish and to bring forth fruit, + *Abdon + who didst bring thy people mightily out of the land of Egypt from their captivity, + *Melthe + who didst open the way in the midst of that they went through dry footed, + Sother + which gavest thy people a law in Mount Sinai by the hands of Moses, + Usyrion + who gavest to thy thirsty people out of the hard rock innumerable waters to drink, + Baruch + who broughtest Daniel the Prophet out of the Lion's den safe and sound, + Sporgongo + who didst cause the three children, Shadrac, Mishac, and Abdenago (that is to say, Ananias, Azarias, and Misael) to come harmless out of the burning furnace, + *Genovem + who didst deliver Susanna having a sure trust in thee from the false crime of the false judges, + Messias + who didst preserve the prophet Jonas in the whale's belly three days and three nights, + Pantheon + who madest the prophet [David] to escape the hands of Goliath with victory. This prayer aforesaid ought to be said in all perils and dangers, for it keepeth men in health, it maketh sick men whole, it doth obtain remission of sins, it pacifieth anger, and increaseth friendship, it comforteth desperate persons, it cherisheth the poor, it mitigateth the wrath of God, it overcometh all tribulations and perversities, it driveth away tempests, it doth frustrate enchantments, it doth constrain and bind spirits. And it ought to be said fasting and kneeling, and with great devotions, and he that shall work by it must be humble patient and chaste. Thus therefore shalt thou the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following say all these three times every day, that is to say, in the morning, at noon, and at night. |
1. 3 Kings 17. |
now to the effect of the worke ::: upon thurday early in the |
morninge saye as thow saydest before and then make a cow-|
che of heye, and a bowt it strew assches that be cleane cyfted |
and in them wryghte the hundreth names of god
[CI.] Now to the effect of the work.
Upon Thurday early in the morning, say as thou saidst before,
and then make a couch of hay, and about it strew ashes that
be clean sifted, and in them write the hundred names of God.
Perfeccio operis. | ||||||||||||||||
:::: these | are the names of godd ::::::: |
These are the names of God: |
Aglai .1. monhon .2. tetragra-|
maton .3. olydeus .4. Ocleiste .5. Aniphinethon .6. Lamiara .7. Iane-|
myer .8. Saday .9. Hely .10. Horlon .11. portenthymon .12. Ihelur |
.13. GofGamep .14. Emanvel .15. On .16. Admyhel .17. Honzmo|
rp .18. Ioht .19. Hofob .20. Rasamarathon .21. Anethi .22. erihona
[61v] .23. Iuestre .24. Saday .25. maloht .26. Sethee .27. elscha .28. Abbadia | .29. Alpha et omega .30. leiste .31. Oristyon .32. Ieremon .33. hosb | .34. merkerpon .35. elzephares .36. egyryon .37. Betha .38. O-| mbonar .39. stymulamathon .40. Orion .41. eryon .42. noymos | .43. peb .44. nathanothay .45. theon .46. ysyston .47. porho .48. | Rothon .49. lethellete .50. ysmas .51. adonay .52. Athionadabir | .53. Onoytheon .54. Hosga .55. leyndra .56. nosulaceps .57. tuth-| eon .58. Gelemoht .59. paraclitus .60. Occymomyon .61. ecchothas | .62. Abracio .63. Anepheneton .64. Abdon .65. melche .66. sother .67. | vsiryon .68. baruch .69. sporgongo .70. genonem .71. messyas | .72. pantheon .73. zabuather .74. rabarmas .75. yskyros .76. | Kyryos .77. Gelon .78. Hel .79. rethel .80. nathi .81. ymeynleth-| on .82. Karer .83. sabaoth .84. sellaht .85. cirhos .86. Opyron .87. | nomygon .88. Oryhel .89. theos .90. ya .91. horha .92. christus | .93. hosbeke .94. tosgar .95. occymomos .96. elyorem .97. hel-| oy .98. Archyna .99. Rabur .100 :::::::: |
GH: 1. Agla, 2. Monon, 3. Tetragramaton, 4. Ely Deus, 5. Ocleiste, 6. Amphynethon, 7. Lamyara, 8. Ianemyer, 9. Sadyon, 10. Hely, 11. Horlon, 12. Porrenthimon, 13. Ihelur, 14. Gofgameli, 15. Emanuel, 16. On, 17. Admyhel, 18. Honzmorb, 19. Ioht, 20. Hofob, 21. Mesamarathon, 22. Anethy, 23. Eryhona, 24. Iuestre, 25. Saday, 26. Maloht, 27. Sechce, 28. Elscha, 29. Abbadia, 30. Alpha et Ω, 31. Leiste, 32. Oristion, 33. Jeremon, 34. Hofbor, 35. Merkerpon, 36. Elzephares, 37. Egyrion, 38. Pheta, 39. Hombonar, 40. Stimulamathon, 41. Orion, 42. Eryon, 43. Noymos, 44. Pep, 45. Nathanathay, 46. Theon, 47. Ysiston, 48. Porho, 49. Fothon, 50. Letellethe, 51. Ysmas, 52. Adonay, 53. Achionadabir, 54. Omytheon, 55. Hofga, 56. Leyndra, 57. Nosulaceps, 58. Tutheon, 59. Gelemoht, 60. Paraclitus, 61. Occynoneryon, 62. Ecthothas, 63. Abracio, 64. Anephenethon, 65. Abdon, 66. Melthe, 67. Sother, 68. Usirion, 69. Baruch, 70. Sporgongo, 71. Genouem, 72. Messias, 73. Pantheon, 74. Zabuather, 75. Rabarmas, 76. Yschiros, 77. Kyrios, 78. Gelon, 79. Hel, 80. Techel, 81. Nothi, 82. Ymeynlethon, 83. Karex, 84. Sabaoth, 85. Sellah, 86. Cirrhos, 87. Opiron, 88. Nomygon, 89. Orihel, 90. Theos, 91. Va, 92. Horha, 93. Christus, 94. Hospesk, 95. Gofgar, 96. Occynnomos, 97. Elyorem, 98. Heloy, 99. Archima, 100. Rabur. |
And when he | hath thus doone, thus lett him begyn his worke lett him take | fayre clere water and colde of aspringe wherin he shall washe | him selfe sayinge ::::::::: |
And when he hath thus done, then let him begin his work. Let him take fair clear water and cold of a spring, wherein he shall wash himself saying: |
O lorde hooly father allmy-|
ghty and everlasting god whose spryte before the creac-|
yon of þe worlde was borne vpon þe waters, which in þe |
creacyon of þe worlde didest blesse it wt þe other elementes |
which didest gyve it to thy thyrsty people for there refres-|
hinge, and þt the owtwarde ffylthynes of this worlde sh-|
ulde by them be washed away, which woldest be baptysed |
in water of Iordane by Ihon baptyst þt thorow þe mister-|
ye of thy most holy body all waters thorow the blessing |
shulde encrease, and lyke as by it all owtwarde ffylthynes |
is wasshed away even so by it and by thy holy sprite owre |
inwarde ffylthines þt is to say ower synns may be wassh-|
ed awaye, as þe prophet david testefyeth saying þu shall sp-
[62r] rinkyll me wt ysope and I shall be cleane þu shalte washe me | and I shall be whyter then snow, which in rememberance of | this hooly mistery dydest thy hooly apostles ffeete which gauest | vnto hus owt of thy percyous syde water to drinke ffor the | refectyon of or soule and dyddest wouchsaffe to haue thy syde | bytterly percyd wt a spere for us, graunt I besyche the that | lyke as by this water my owtwarde partes of this my wre-| tchyd body are washed so by þe vertue of thy holy baptyme w-| hich I haue receyued vpon me in thy name voutsaffe þt the | dew of thy grace maye descende vpon me wherby my inw-| arde synns may be washed awaye that my body beinge wa-| shed and cc cc as before at this marke :::: petycyon :: |
O Lord, holy Father, Almighty and everlasting God, whose spirit before the creation of the world was born upon the waters, who in the creation of the world didst bless it with the other elements which didst give it to thy thirsty people for their refreshing, and that the outward filthiness of this world should by them be washed away, which wouldst be baptised in water of Jordan by John the Baptist, that through the mystery of thy most holy body all waters through the blessing should increase, and like as by it all outward filthiness is washed away even so by it and by thy Holy Spirit, our inward filthiness, that is to say our sins, may be washed away, as the prophet David testifieth saying, "thou shall sprinkle me with Hyssope and I shall be clean, thou shalt wash me and I shall be whiter than snow," which in rememberance of this holy mystery didst wash thy holy apostles' feet, which gavest unto us out of thy precious side water to drink for the refection of our soul, and didst vouchsafe to have thy side bitterly pierced with a spear for us, grant I beseech thee, that like as by this water my outward parts of this my wretched body are washed, so by the virtue of thy holy baptism which I have received upon me in thy name vouchsafe that the dew of thy grace may descend upon me whereby my inward sins may be washed away, that my body being washed and (etc. as before at this mark :::: petition ::::). |
and |
know that noo man þt is trobeled wt worldely thinges canne |
doo this thinge ffor the soule by means of earthely blyndenes |
is vtterly sequestrate from all goddely secretes therfore it |
doeth very hardely vnderstand them but so muche the more |
as þe fleshe dothe consent to the workes of þe sprite soo muche |
the soner and easelyer doeth it vnderstande the secret mister-|
yes and therfore they that founde owt these scyences did |
þe more abyde in secret places because they wolde nott |
thorow worldely temptacyons be lett from there workes. |
and yff he that shall worke but for a parte of this scyence |
must be sequestred ffrom worldely thinges how muche |
the more owght he to abstayne that shall worke ffor the |
whole ::::: then lett him put on a heyr nexte to his skyn |
and blacke clothes, and so goe into the quere and there |
sytt, then lett him begin the psalter wyth the letany & |
the proper prayers folowinge, and all other as I said |
before and when he hathe donne lett him say thyes |
names folowing ::::::
And know that no man that is troubled with worldly things can do this thing, for the soul, by means of earthly blindness is utterly sequestrate from all godly secrets. Therefore it doth very hardly understand them but so much the more as the flesh doth consent to the works of the spirit, so much the sooner and easier doth it understand the secret mysteries. And therefore, they that found out these sciences did the more abide in secret places, because they would not through worldly temptations be let from their works. And if he that shall work but for a part of this science must be sequestered from worldly things, how much the more ought he to abstain that shall work for the whole.
Then let him put on a haircloth next to his skin,
and black cloths, and so go into the choir and there
sit, then let him begin the Psalter with the litany and
the proper prayers following, and all other as I said
before, and when he hath done, let him say these
names following:
zabuather . rabarmas . yskyros . |
kyryos . gelon . hel . tethel . nothi . ymei . alethon . karex . sabaoth . |
sellal . chiros . opron . nomygon . oryel . theos . ya :::: a prayer :::
Zabuather + Rabarmas + Iskiros + Kyryos + Gelon + Hel + Tethel + Nothi + Ymei + Alethon + Karex + Sabaoth + Sellal + Chiros + Opron + Nomygon + Oryel + Theos + Ya. A Prayer: |
[62v] O GOD allmyghty stronge in batyll kinge of | eternall glorye þe plesauntnes of whose br-| ightenes dothe fyll heaven and earth whome | angells and archangells doo feare worship & | prayse sayinge . Holy . Holy . Holy . lord god of | sabaoth heaven and earth are full of thy glorye . Osa-| nna in the hyghest which to be lorde over mankynde | cammest owt of heauen dowen to the earthe . OrHa . wh-| ich be gabryel in the temple of Ierusalem dydest gyue | knowledge to marye þe vergin thy mother of þe beginni-| nge of thy incarnatyon . Christus . which dydest | shadow thy selfe in her wombe wt owt spott of corrup-| tyon evin as the sonne entereth into a glasse . Hospe-| sk . which madest the dry rodd to floryshe in the hand-| es of Ioseph . GofGar . which by Ihon baptist dydest | sende vnto thy people of Israell testymonye and afor-| knowledge of thy cumminge by prechinge of those | thinges whiche were spoken of the and of thy byrthe | by the prophetes, and dydest send a lighte vnto men sytt-| ing in darkenes by þe which they knew thy hooly comm-| inge . Occynnomos . which dydest sende the fyrst starre | to the .3. kinges Iaspar melchyor and balthazar wch | cam to worship the, and thow dydest receyue there | gyftes shewing thy selfe vnto them to be very god and | mortall man, and shewest vnto them in there slepe | by thy angell the fallshed of herode, which hast crow-| ned gloryously in heaven the holy innocentes whiche [63r] suffered for thy name . elyorem . which being presented | vnto god in the temple of Ierusalem by the handes of | Symeon gauest vnto the same Symeon the effect of kno-| wledge as he dothe wyttenes him selfe sayinge now lord | lettyst þu thy seruant depert in peace ffor myn eyes ha-| ue seen thy saluacyon, which þu hast prepared befor þe | face of all people alight to lyghten the gentylls and the | glorye of the people of Israell . theloy . which at the | maryagh of a certen ruler dydest turne water in to w-| yne . Archima . which .32. yeres dyddest preche vnto | the people the catholyke ffaythe which didest make pe-| ter, Iames, and Ihon, barthemew, and thomas, and | other of the apostles perfect in knowledge and grace | . Rabuch . which by the space of .40. dayes dydest | fast in desert, and there warte tempted of the deuyll, | which dydest remytt and forgyue marye magdelen | weping most bytterly at thy fyte wepinge them wt her | here and anoyntinge them all here synns, and dydest | rayse agayne from dethe lazarus her brother which | had lyne deade .4. dayes, and gauest sighte vnto him | that was bornne blynde, and dyddest voucsaffe thy bo-| dy to be sacrafyced to be drawen cruelly, to be entretyd | and spytefully to be Iudged, and to be blasfemyd, & to be | bytterly whipped wt sharpe cordes, to be vexyd wt buffe-| tts & spyttinges, to be crowned wt thorne, to be nayled to þe | crosse wt sharpe naylles bothe hand & footte, to derinke | vynegar & gall, & thy syde to be openyd wt a spere & to be [63v] layde in thy graue, and to be kepte of souldyers & | all for vs myserable synners, which by thy mig-| hty power and wt the sygne of thy holy crosse wt þe | which I doo now sygne me wt myn owne handes |
O God, almighty, strong in battle, king of eternal glory, the pleasantness of whose brightness doth fill Heaven and Earth, whom angels and archangels do fear, worship, and praise, saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, Heaven and Earth are full of thy glory. Hosannah in the highest," which to be Lord over mankind camest out of Heaven down to the Earth. |
1. So Sl. 3854 128v, GH p. 113, as well as number 98 in the list at the beginning of this chapter. | ||||||||||||||||
In the name off the father + and of þe sonne + |
and of þe holy gost + brakest þe brasen gaates and |
delyuerydst thy fryndes owt of þe darke place- |
s of hell, also o lorde by þe fayth which I confesse |
and know and haue in theis holy misteryes evyn |
so delyuer my soule from þe darknes of my |
bodye þt in this corruptyble body I maye visib-|
ly see the wt þe .9. orders of angells þt whyle I lyue |
my soule may looke vpon þe prayse þe and gloryfy þe, |
thow therfore lorde which the thrid [sic] daye didest |
ryse agen from þe deade and didest revele thy res-|
urrectyon on to mary magdalen and to mary Ia-|
mes and to mary solome, and to thy disciples, & |
didest shew thy wondes to saynt thomas, and |
after .3. dayes þu didest ascende into heaven frõ |
whence þu dydest send þe holy gost to thy discyp-|
les thow also lord which didest shew to paule |
thy apostle and to Ihon þe euangelist thy secretes |
& didest open þe heavens to stephen when he
[64r] was stonyd as he sayeth he did see thy ma-| iesty wt his corporall & bodely eyes saying | beholde I see þe heavens open & þe sonne of m-| an standinge at þe righte hande of þe power of god, | which didest graunt to thy mertyres to suffer tor-| mentes pacyentely which shall comme to Iudge þe | quicke & þe deade & þe worlde wt fyer, looke vpon me | & here my prayers þt thorow thy grace & power | of thy holy names þu woldest voutsaffe to delyuer | my soule ffrom þe darkenes of my body and from | þe filthynes of my synn ffor in þe doo I ende my lyffe | o my god + stoexhor + abalay + scyystalgaona | + fullarite + kesphiomoma + remiare + bac-| eda + canona + onlepot + which saydest on the | crosse It Is fynished */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Ghost + breakest the brazen gates and deliveredst thy friends out of the dark places of hell, also O Lord, by the faith which I confess and know and have in these holy mysteries, even so deliver my soul from the darkness of my body, that in this corruptible body I may visibly see thee with the nine orders of angels that while I live my soul may look upon thee, praise thee, and glorify thee, thou therefore Lord, who on the third day didst rise again from the dead and didst reveal thy resurrection unto Mary Magdalen and to Mary James and to Mary Solome, and to thy disciples, and didst show thy wounds to saint Thomas, and after three days thou didst ascend into Heaven from whence thou didst send the Holy Ghost to thy disciples, thou also Lord who didst show to Paul thy apostle and to John the Evangelist thy secrets and didst open the Heavens to Stephen when he was stoned, as he sayeth he did see thy majesty with his corporal and bodily eyes, saying, "behold I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of the power of God," who didst grant to thy martyrs to suffer torments patiently, who shall come to judge the quick and the dead, and the world with fire, look upon me and hear my prayers that through thy grace and power of thy holy names thou wouldst vouchsafe to deliver my soul from the darkeness of my body and from the filthiness of my sin, for in thee do I end my life, O my God + Hto exor abalay. qci. ystalgaouofularite kspfyomomanaremiarelatedacononaoyleyot + who saidst on the cross "It is finished." |
Hto exor: This is of course the 72-letter name of God on the Seal of God.
It is somewhat corrupted in R.
Then lett him slepe & after þt speke no more and so he |
shall see þe celestyall palyce & þe maiesty of god in his |
glorye & þe .9. orders of angells, & þe companyes of |
all blyssed sprites, butt some man will saye be cause |
god dothe saye man shall nott see me & lyue, it folo-|
weth then þt he þt seeth god must nydes dye bodely, |
then he shall no more ryse tyll þe daye of Iudgement, |
ffor no man dyeth bodely twyse, but it is false þt a |
man shulde dye bodely because he seeth þe deyte, for
[64v] the sprite Is carred into heaven, and the body Is fedde | in þe earth wt angells foode or meate, ffor we reade of ma-| ny whych haue bene ravyshed in sprite to whome many | celestyall secretes hathe ben reuelyd, for at the tyme of | the passyon of or lorde Iesus christ many bodyes dyd | ryse as we reade */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Then let him sleep, and after that speak no more, and so he
shall see the celestial palace and the majesty of God in his
glory, and the nine orders of angels, and the companies of
all blessed spirits. But some man will say, because God doth say
"man shall not see Me and live," it followeth then
that he that seeth God must nides die bodily, then he shall no
more rise till the Day of Judgement, for no man dieth bodily twice,
but it is false that a man should die bodily, because he seeth
the Deity, for the spirit is carried into Heaven, and the body is fed
in the Earth with angel's food or meat. For we read of many who
have been ravished in spirit to whom many celestial secrets hath been
revealed, for at the time of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ
many bodies did rise, as we read.
He þt shall worke mvst be willinge in his worke & vtterli |
clensed ffrom all fylthynes ffor þe more he suffereth þe more |
he shall obtayne for yf or superyour þt Is it saye christ w-|
olde suffer for his subiectes & inferyours bo cause [sic] he wo-|
lde glorefy them in his sighte, muche more owght þe infer y-|
our suffer for him selffe þt he may please his lorde, ffor |
þe sighte of þe deyte will nott be hadd wt owt perfett pure-|
nes for he will nott constrayned but prayed vnto and |
entreatyd & yet it wil be very harde to obtayn it, for |
þe lorde hathe geuen þe earth to men, & þe knowledge of |
his law as dauyd testefyeth sayinge þe heaven of heav-|
ens is þe lordes, but þe earthe hathe he gyven to þe son-|
nes of men, & in another place take hide my people |
vnto my law & because faythe dothe nott merytt wh-|
ere man is able to proue it by naturall reason therfor |
it is þe hardest thinge for a man to see þe deyte or deuyen |
maiestye because it is a thinge supernaturall */*/*/*
He that shall work must be willing in his work and utterly cleansed
from all filthiness, for the more he suffereth the more he shall
obtain, for if our superior, that is to say Christ, would suffer
for his subjectes and inferiors because he would glorify them in his
sight, much more ought the inferior suffer for himself, that he may
please his Lord. For the sight of the Deity will not be had without
perfect pureness, for he will not be constrained, but prayed unto and
entreated. And yet it will be very hard to obtain it, for the Lord
hath given the Earth to men, and the knowledge of His Law, as David
testifieth, saying, "the Heaven of Heavens is the Lord's, but
the Earth hath he given to the sons of men,"1 and in another place,
"take heed my people unto my law."2
And "because faith doth not merit where man is able to prove it by
natural reason"3 therefore it is the hardest thing for a man to see
the Deity or Divine Majesty, because it is a thing supernatural.
1. Ps. 115:16 (KJV) 2. Ps. 78:1 (KJV) 3. Gregory the Great, Homilies on the Gospels, no. 26. |
In thys worke lett never man remember deathe. |
for thorow þe vertues of prayer & þe power of god in |
whome he hathe his hoole trust his body is made as
[65r] It were a spirytuall bodye & he shall be fedd wt spiry-| tuall meate evyn as þe younge crowes or younge ra-| vens whome god of his mercye dothe noryshe as | dauyd testfyeth saying he dothe gyue þe oxe meat & þe | younge ravens or crowes þt call vpon him but lett him | þt shall worke beware þt he be in noo deadly synn for | yf he be he shall be mad ever after, & this is þe cause for | his vnderstandinge, which commeth from þe soule the | which dothe desyer to see god in whom it delytethe, & | dothe nott see him thorow þe Impedyment of synn do | the never after remember any other thinge, & therfo-| re as conseruinge his bodye he is an vnresonable | creature, & soo lykewyse we see many which be abstr-| act because they cane nott obtayne þe thinge þt they | wolde haue. god therfore of his Infynyte goodenes | graunte vs grace to cum to þe sighte of his deyte | which lyueth in þe trynite of personnes and in the | vnyte of substance worlde wt owt ende. Amen. */*/* |
In this work let never man remember death.
For through the virtues of prayer and the power of God in
whom he hath his whole trust, his body is made as it were a
spiritual body, and he shall be fed with spiritual meat,
even as the young crows or young ravens whom God of his mercy
doth nourish, as David testifieth, saying, "He doth give
the ox meat and the young ravens or crows that call upon him."
But let him who shall work beware that he be in no deadly sin, for
if he be he shall be mad ever after, and this is the cause, for
his understanding, which cometh from the soul, the which doth
desire to see God in whom it delighteth, and doth not see him
through the impediment of sin doth never after remember any
other thing. And therefore as conserving his body he is an unreasonable
creature, and so likewise we see many which be abstract
because they cannot obtain the thing that they
would have. God therefore of His Infinite Goodness
grant us grace to come to the sight of his Deity,
who liveth in the Trinity of Persons and in the Unity
of substance, world without end. Amen.
Off the chapters of the fyrst booke */*/*/*/*/*/* |
[CII.] Of the chapters of the first book. |
Now þt ye be tawght to cum to þe sighte of þe deyte & of þe |
knowledge of þe deuyne power of wasshinge a-|
waye of yor synns & of establyshinge of yor selfe |
þt þe fall nott in to moertall synne, & of þe redem-|
ptyon of .3. sowles owt of purgatorye, now will |
we Intreate of purgatorye, but yf any man |
will worke for any of these .4. doo as is before
[65v] sayde for þe vysyon of þe deyte but yow must change yor | petycyon from þe sight of the deyte, in to þe petycyon | of þe knowledge of the dauyne power or in to the pety-| cyon of remyssyon of synns, or in to þe stablysshinge of | grace, or for þe redemptyon of .3. soules owt of purga-| torye & so wt owt dowt þu shalte þe more easlyer obtayen | it. And note yf þu wilte worke for all thes thinges afor-| esayd then thow must saye everye daye the afforsayd | .8. termes wt these .10. prayers . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . | 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . for these þu shalte regarde neyther | the moone nor þe hower, but shalte specyally saye them | in þe morning & abowt .3. of þe cloke & abowt þe myd | daye ffor thes prayery [sic] doo bringe agayne to righte | whatsoever a man thorow his ffraylte hathe wro-| ught amysse & þe more & oftener they be sayde soo | muche þe more is þe fawt amendid & saued frõ erringe. | |
Now that ye be taught to come to the sight of the Deity, and of the
knowledge of the Divine Power, of washing away of your sins, and of
establishing of yourself that ye fall not into mortal sin, and of
the redemption of three souls out of purgatory, now will we treat
of purgatory. But if any man will work for any of these four, do as is before
said for the vision of the Deity, but you must change your
petition from "the sight of the Deity," into the petition of
"the knowledge of the Divine Power," or into the petition
of "remission of sins," or into "the establishing of
grace," or "for the redemption of three souls out of purgatory."
And so without doubt thou shalt the more easier obtain it.
And note, if thou wilt work for all these things aforesaid,
then thou must say every day the aforesaid Eight Termes with these ten
prayers: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32.
For these thou shalt regard neither the Moon nor the hour, but shalt
especially say them in the morning and about three of the clock,
and about midday, for these prayers do bring again to right whatsoever
a man through his frailty hath wrought amiss, and the more and oftener
they be said so much the more is the
fault amended, and saved from erring.
here begineth the .2. treatyse of the seconde booke. |
[CIII.] Here beginneth the Second Treatise of the Second Book. |
Now that we haue ffynyshed the fyrst treatyse |
of thys booke here foloweth now the second which |
lyke as the fyrst had .6. chapters of þe which we haue |
by þe grace of god entreatyd soo hathe this booke .27. as here |
folowyth, the fyrst of þe knowledge of þe heavens, of þe
dge of the angells of every heaven, of þe knowledge of |
every angell his will and power, of the knowledge of the |
seales of euery angell of þe knowledge of þe superyor of
[66r] euery angell, of þe knowledge of þe offyce of every angell, | of þe Inuocatyon and companye of everye angell how | to obtayne yer will by every angell, how to obtayne all | scyences, how to know þe hower of deathe, to know all | thinges prsent past & to comme, to know þe planetts & sterres | and there influences, to alter & change þe influence of | þe planetts, to change þe daye into nighte & þe nighte in | to daye, to know þe sprytes of þe fyer & there names & | there superyors there seales and there power & vertu, | to know sprittes & bestes of þe ayer, to know þe name | & names & powers of there superyors, to know the-| re seales & there vertyues, to know þe cõinnctyons & | alteratyon of þe elementes & of þe bodyes made of th-| em, to know all herbes & treys & all bestes vpon the | earthe & there vertuer, to know þe natuere of man | and all þe deedes of men þt be secret or hydd, to know | þe sprites of þe water and of the bestes, and there | vertues, there superyours, to know the earthely | and infernall sprittes, to see pourgatorye and he-| ll and to know there soules there beinge to haue | this booke consecrated */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Now that we have finished the First Treatise of this book, here followeth now the second, which like as the first had six chapters, of the which we have by the grace of God treated. So hath this book twenty-seven, as here followeth:
here ffoloweth the treatyse off the nature and | offyce of the seconde angelles |
[CIV.] Here followeth the Treatise of the Nature and Office of the Second Angels.1 |
Now that we haue doone wyth the vysyon |
of the deyte, and of the .9. orders of angelles
now lett vs begin to treate of þe seconde angells whose |
nature is sache that thei doo princypally serue god & |
after that man whome they doo naturally loue and |
they doo reygne in the sphyers of the sterres, & they |
doo take vpon them a fyrye bodye when thei be sent, |
by the commandement of god to man in this worlde |
that be clensyd and puryffyed to company wt them,
and to comforte them, and of them there Is .7. sorttes |
whose natures ought to be knowen for euery on of |
them hathe his proper offyce appoynted him all |
thowght they may at sume tyme take sume other office |
Now that we have done with the vision of the Deity, and of the
nine orders of angels, now let us begin to treat of the second
angels, whose nature is such that they do principally serve God, and
after that, man whom they do naturally love. And they do reign in
the spheres of the stars, and they do take upon them a firey body
when they be sent by the commandment of God to man in this world
that be cleansed and purified to company with them, and to comfort
them. And of them there are seven sorts whose natures ought to be
known, for every one of them hath his proper office appointed him
although they may at some time take some other office.
off the sprites that be vnder the planet saturne. | And of these summe be called satrnynes which be these | |
[CV.] Of the spirits that be under the planet Saturn.And of these some be called Saturnines, which be these: |
the sealle of1 the angells of satvrne Is thys */*/*/*/*/*/* ![]() |
The seal of the angels of Saturn is this:![]() |
1. S4 omits the word "seal" here, and has no seals. The seals found here in the Royal manuscript may have been supplied from de Abano's Heptameron, as that text seems to have been used elsewhere. | ||||||||||||||||
and there nature is to cawse | sadenes, angre, & hatred, & to [67r] make snow and yse, there bodyes are longe and gentyle paale | or yelow and there regyon Is the northe */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
And their nature is to cause sadness, anger, and hatred, and to make snow and ice. Their bodies are long and *slender1, pale or yellow, and their region is the North. [And five demons are under these, namely one king and his four attendants, with which all other demons of Saturn are subjugated. They are these: Maymon the king, Assaibi, Albunalich, Haibalidech, Yasfla, which demons are subordinate to the Southwest Winds, which are three: Mextyura, Alchibany, Alflas, they may be compelled to serve, or they rest.]2 |
1. Lat. gracilia.
2. The passage in [] is omitted in R, but found in the Latin editions: "et habent sub se 5 demones, scilicet unum regem et 4 eius ministros, quibus omnes alii demones Saturnini subsunt. 3 Isti sunt Maymon rex, Assaibi, Albunalich, Haibalidech, Yasfla, qui demones in ventis Affrico subditis, qui sunt 3, Mextyura, Alchibany, Alflas, penantur vel requiescunt." Regarding the problematic word "penantur" (here translated "compelled to serve"), see GH, p. 50. My translation is based on Holmes, and Alfred Lief, The Dissenting Opinions of Mr. Justice Holmes, New York: Vanguard, 1929, pp. 29-30. Compare Heptameron, considerations for Saturday, which may be derivative (on which, see GH, pp. 40-43). |
Off the sprytes that be vnder the planet Iupyter.
other |
there be which be Iouialles or vnder Iupiter whych |
are these */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[CVI.] Of the spirits that be under the planet Jupiter.Other there be which be Jovials, or under Jupiter, which are these: |
the sealle of the angells of Iupyter Is thys */*/*/*/*/* | The seal of the angels of Jupiter is this: | |||||||||||||||||
and there nature Is to gyue loue |
Ioye, gladenes and fauor of all |
persons to him that worketh, to bringe forthe dewys |
fflowers, herbes and leavys, or to take them awaye, and |
there regyon or abydinge Is betwyx the east and the |
sowth, and there bodyes are of a meane stature, þe colour |
of them Is lyke to the coloure of heaven or lyke vnto cr-|
ystall */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
And their nature is to give love,
joy, gladness, and favor of all persons to him that worketh,
to bring forth dews, flowers, herbs and leaves, or to take
them away, and their region or abiding is betwixt the East
and the South,
[and four demons are under these, namely one king and his three attendants,
with which all other demons of Jupiter are subjugated, and they are
Formione the king, Guth, Maguth, and Guthryn,
which three demons are subject to the North and East winds,
which are five: Harith, Iesse, Ryon, Nesaph, Naadob,
they may be compelled to serve, or they rest,]1
and their bodies are of a mean stature.
The color of them is like to the color of heaven, or like unto crystal.
1. Omitted in R, but found in the Latin editions:
"et habent 4 demones sub se, scilicet unum regem et tres eius ministros,
quibus omnes alii demones Iovis subiugantur, et isti sunt Formione rex,
Guth, Maguth et Guthryn, 3 qui demones in ventis boree subditis et
subsolano, qui sunt 5, Harith, Iesse, Ryon, Nesaph, Naadob,
penantur vel requiescunt." Compare Heptameron, considerations for Thursday. |
Off the sprytes that be vnder the planet mars */*/*/* | Othere there be whych are called martyans whych | be these */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[CVII.] Of the spirits that be under the planet MarsOthers there be which are called Martians, which be these: |
the sealle of the angells of mars Is thys */*/*/*/*
![]() and there nature Is to cause & | styre vp warre murder distructyon | and mortalyte of people and of all earthly thinges, & there | bodyes are of a meane statuer dry & leane there colouer Is | redd lyke to burning colles burning redd, and there regyon or | abydinge Is the sowthe */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
The seal of the angels of Mars is this: ![]()
And their nature is to cause and
stir up war, murder, destruction, and mortality of people
and of all earthly things, and their bodies are of a mean
stature, dry and lean. Their color is red like to burning
coals burning red, and their region or abiding is the South.
[And four demons are under these, namely one king and his three ministers,
to whom all other demons of Mars are subjugated, and they are these:
Iammax the king, Carmox, Ycanohl, Pasfran,
which demons are subject to the East winds, which are these five:
Atraurbiabilis, Hyachonaababur, Carmehal, Innyhal, Proathophas,
and they may be compelled to serve, or they rest.]1
1. Omitted in R, but found in the Latin editions:
"et habent 4 demones sub se, scilicet unum regem et tres eius
ministros, quibus omnes alii demones Martis totaliter subiugantur,
et isti sunt Iammax rex, Carmox, Ycanohl, Pasfran, qui demones
in ventis subsolano subditis, qui sunt isti 5:
Atraurbiabilis, Yachonaababur, Carmehal, Innyhal, Proathophas,
penantur vel requiescunt."
Compare Heptameron, considerations for Tuesday. |
Other there are vnder the sonne which are these */*/*/*
[CVIII.] Other there are under the Sun, which are these:
[68r] the sealle of the angells of the sonne Is thys */*/*/*/*/* ![]() |
The seal of the angels of the Sun is this:
[And four demons are under them, namely one king and
three of his ministers, to whom all other demons of the
Sun are subjugated, and they are these:
Barthan the king, Thaadas, Chaudas, Ialchal,
and those demons are subject to the North winds, which are four:
Baxhathau, Gahathus, Caudes, Iarabal,
they may be compelled to serve, or they rest.]1
1. Omitted in R, but found in the Latin editions:
"et habent 4 demones sub se, scilicet unum regem et tres eius
ministros, quibus omnes alii demones Solis subiugantur, 3 et isti
sunt Barthan rex, Thaadas, Chaudas, Ialchal,
qui demones in ventis boree subditis, qui sunt 4,
Baxhathau, Gahathus, Caudes, Iarabal, penantur vel requiescunt."
Compare Heptameron, considerations for Sunday. |
Off the sprytes that be vnder planet of venus */*/*/*/*/* |
There be othere whych are called venereans whych |
be these */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
the sealle of the angells of venus Is thys */*/*/*/* | ![]() [68v] betwyxte the southe and the west. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
[CIX.] Of the spirits that be under planet of Venus.There be others which are called Venereans, which be these:
The seal of the angels of Venus is this:
Their nature is to provoke laughing, *lust, and desires, to love women, and to give flowers and fruits. Their bodies are of a mean stature in all points, for they be neither little nor great, neither fat nor lean. Their countenance is pleasant, white like snow. Their region is betwixt the South and the West.
[And there are three demons under them, one king and his two ministers,
and all the other demons of Venus are subject to these,
and they are: Sarabocres the king, Nassar, Cynassa,
which rule the demons of the East and West winds,
which are four, namely Cambores, Trachathath, Nassar, and Naasa.
They may be compelled to serve, or they rest.]1
1. Omitted in R, but found in the Latin editions:
"et habent 3 demones sub se, unum regem et duos eius ministros,
quibus omnes alii demones Veneris subiugantur, 4 et isti sunt
Sarabocres rex, Nassar, Cynassa, qui
demones in ventis subsolano et zephiro subditis, qui sunt 4,
scilicet Cambores, Trachathath, Nassar, Naasa,
penantur vel requiescunt."
Compare Heptameron, considerations for Friday. |
off the sprytes that be vnder the planet of mercurye */*/* |
Othere there be wch be called mercuryans which be these -
the sealle of the angells of mercurye Is thys */*/*/* |
[CX.] Of the spirits that be under the planet of Mercury.Other there be which be called Mercurians, which be these:
The seal of the angels of Mercury is this:
Their nature is to subdue themselves and other good spirits to others. They give answers of things present, past, and to come. They teach the secret deeds which are to be done or what shall chance in this world. They reveal the secrets of all other spirits. They can also if they be commanded do the same things that others can do. Their form or fashion is movable, clear like glass, or the flame of white fire, and they together with the Moon do reveal and tell councils and secrets of all others. Their region is betwixt the West and the North.
[And there are five demons under them: one king, and his
four ministers, to which all other demons of Mercury are
subjugated, and they are these: Habaa the king,
Hyyci, Quyron, Zach, Eladeb, which rule the
demons of the West and Southwest winds, which are four,
namely: Zobha, Drohas, Palas, Sambas,
they may be compelled to serve, or they rest.]1
1. Omitted in R, but found in the Latin editions:
"et habent 5 demones sub se, unum regem et 4 eius ministros,
quibus omnes alii demones Mercurii subiugantur, 5 et isti sunt
Habaa rex, Hyyci, Quyron, Zach, Eladeb,
qui demones in ventis zephiro et Affrico subditis,
qui sunt 4, scilicet Zobha, Drohas, Palas, Sambas,
penantur vel requiescunt."
Compare Heptameron, considerations for Wednesday. |
off the sprytes that be vnder the planet of the moone. |
There be other sprytes of the moone which be thyes */* |
the sealle of the angells of the moone Is thys */*/*/*/* | ![]() |
[CXI.] Of the spirits that be under the planet of the Moon.There be other spirits of the Moon, which be these:
The seal of the angels of the Moon is this:
And their nature is to change thoughts and wills, to prepare journeys, to tell words that be spoken, and to cause rains. Their bodies are long and great; their countenances are whitish dim like crystal, [or a burnished sword,] or like ice, or a dark cloud, and their region is the West.
[And there are four demons under them: a king and his three ministers,
and all the other demons of the moon are obedient to those, and placed
under them, and they are these: Harthan, the king,
Bileth, Milalu, Abucaba, which rule the demons of the
West winds, which are five: Hebethel, Arnochap, Oylol, Milau, Abuchaba,
they may be compelled to serve, or they rest.]1
1. Omitted in R, but found in the Latin editions:
"et habent 4 demones sub se, unum regem et tres eius ministros,
quibus omnes alii demones Lune obediunt et eciam supponuntur,
4 et isti sunt Harthan rex, Bileth, Milalu, Abucaba,
qui demones in ventis zephiro subditis, [qui] sunt 5,
Hebethel, Arnochap, Oylol, Milau, Abuchaba, penantur vel requiescunt."
Compare Heptameron, considerations for Monday. |
Here ffolowith the makinge of the cyrcle */*/*/*/* |
[CXII.] Here followeth the making of the circle. |
Now that yow haue dwe knowledge of there nature |
power, regyon, and forme when þu wilte call them |
þu shallt doo thus, take harde stonnes, and playne in the wh-|
ich there Is neyther hoole nor ryft or ells, tyles specyally |
made for that purpose, and lett him that shall make them be
[69v] cleane from all pollucyons, and lett him haue lyme & | sande of the seae banke mengled to gether wherwt he | shall Ioyne the stonnes, then of them he shall make a | place wherin the cercle shall be drawen, and this place | shall thus be fashyoned ffyrst lett the cercle be equall wt | the earth having in lengthe and brede .14. foete wt in þe | which make a croked cercle lyke halfe a cercle higher then | the other, in length and breade contayning .7. foote, & | in heyght .3. ffoote and an halffe, yet be cawse of pover-| ty this place may be made of clene earthe thinke or cley | yf it be well purged so that there be no ryft or breke in | It, and when the place for the cercle Is fynished then | he that shall worke as I sayd be fore muste be clensyd | or purged as Is declared in the first clensinge but yor | petycyon must be alteryd or changed, for the prist w-| hyle he dothe consecrate the bodye of christ must saye | thys prayer ffolowinge */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
Now that you have due knowledge of their nature, power, region, and form, when thou wilt call them thou shalt do thus: Take hard stones, and plain (i.e. uniform), in the which there is neither hole nor rift, or else tiles specially made for that purpose, and let him that shall make them be clean from all pollutions, and let him have lime and sand of the sea bank mingled together wherewith he shall join the stones. Then of them he shall make a place wherein the circle shall be drawn, and this place shall thus be fashioned: First let the circle be equal with the earth, having in length and breadth fourteen [*nine]1 feet, within the which make a crooked circle like half a circle, higher than the other in length and breadth, containing seven feet, and in height three feet and an half. Yet because of poverty this place may be made of clean earth think or clay if it be well purged, so that there be no rift or break in it. And when the place for the circle is finished, then he that shall work as I said before must be cleansed or purged as is declared in the first cleansing, but your petition must be altered or changed. For the priest while he doth consecrate the body of Christ must say this prayer following: |
1. Per S4, GH. | ||||||||||||||||
O thow lorde Iesu christ god and man which diddest |
votsaffe by thyne owne selffe to visytt thy faythfull |
people to there health I humbly besiche the, pray the, |
and desyer the, euyn thyn owne sellffe whom I doo n-|
ow holde in my handes for thy servant .N. that th-|
orow the gyfte and permyssyon of thy grace all those |
angells whome he shall call to haue there cowncell it
[70r] wolde please the to sende them and constrayn them that | by the meanys of the he may mercyfully company wt | them |
O thou Lord Jesus Christ, God and man, who didst vouchsafe by thine own self to visit thy faithful people to their health, I humbly beseech thee, pray thee, and desire thee, even thine own self whom I do now hold in my hands, for thy servant .N., that through the gift and permission of thy grace, all those angels whom he shall call to have their council it would please thee to send them and constrain them, that by the means of thee he may mercifully company with them. |
::: the ffyrst daye :::
who as I sayd before after þt |
he hathe receyued the bodye of christ shall departe owt of þe |
churche saying contynually the .17. prayer. vntill he cõe to |
the place of the cercle. the consecrating of the cercle then |
lett him blysse þe cercle saying .15. prayer and that daye he |
shall doo no more. the seconde daye he shall goe to þe churche,
and after complayne he shall go the cercle saying agen the |
.17. prayer, and lett him haue a payre of sensors wt cooles in |
them whervpon he shall cast perles, and wt them he shall per-|
fume the place owt of the which he will call, and the .4. par-|
tes of the worlde heaven and earth thryse, sayinge the first |
and seconde prayer, this doone thryse goinge abowt the |
cercle and perfuming it beginning at that place owt of þe which |
þu wilte call and there endinge agayne þu shalte name þe ang-|
ells for þe which þu willte worke wt þe angells of þe daye & |
hower moneth, tyme and the face in the which þu wilte |
worke saying . michael . miel . saripel . and cc cc . peace dothe |
over come~, agyft subdueth, pacyence getteth the victorye, |
humylite dothe noryshe concord, I therfore .N. þu sonne of .N. |
and .N. humbling my selfe vnto yow gyue me peace vnto |
yow thus doinge, I gyue my gyfte vnto yow þt yow |
beinge pacyffyed and pacyent may gentely graunt þe petycy-|
ons which by godes meanes & sufferance I shall aske of yow.
[CXIII.] The First Day:Who, as I said before, after he hath received the body of Christ, shall depart out of the church, saying continually the Seventeenth Prayer, until he come to the place of the circle. The Consecrating of the CircleThen let him bless the circle, saying the Fifteenth Prayer, and that day he shall do no more. [CXIV.] The Second Day.He shall go to the church and after complain he shall go the circle saying again the Seventeenth Prayer, and let him have a pair of censors with coals in them whereupon he shall cast pearls, and with them he shall perfume the place out of the which he will call, and the four parts of the world, heaven, and earth thrice, saying the First and Second Prayer. This done thrice, going about the circle and perfuming it, beginning at that place out of the which thou wilt call and there ending again, thou shalt name the angels for the which thou wilt work with the angels of the day and hour, month, time, and the face in the which thou wilt work saying: Michael, Miel, Saripiel, [Gabriel, Michael, Samyel, Athitael, Boel, Cafziel, Michrathon, Sathquyel, Raphael, Pahamcociel, Assassayel, Samael, Satiel, Yturaihel, Amabihel, Raphael, Caphael, Dardiel, Hurathapel, Hanael, Raquiel, Salguiel]2 peace doth overcome, a gift subdueth, patience getteth the victory, humility doth nourish concord, I therefore, N. the son of N. and N., humbling myself unto you, give me peace unto you thus doing, I give my gift unto you that you being pacified and patient may gently grant the petitions which by God's means and sufferance I shall ask of you. |
2. Per S4, GH. Michael, Miel (variants Mihel, Myhel), Saripiel: Aerial spirits of Mercury. Gabriel, Michael, Samyel, Athitael (variant Atithael): Aerial spirits of the Moon. Boel (var. Bohel), Cafziel, Michrathon, Sathquyel (var. Satquiel): Aerial spirits of Saturn. [Satquiel,] Raphael, Pahamcociel (var. Pahamcocihel), Assassayel (var. Assassaiel): Aerial spirits of Jupiter. Samael (var. Samahel), Satiel (var. Satihel), Yturaihel (Yturahihel), Amabihel (Amabiel): Aerial spirits of Mars. Raphael, Caphael (var. Cafhael), Dardiel (var. Dardihel), Hurathapel (var. Huarthaphel): Aerial spirits of the Sun. Hanael (var. Hanahel), Raquiel, Salguiel (var. Salguyel): Aerial spirits of Venus. Note that Satquiel is assigned to two planets in the preceding chapters. | ||||||||||||||||
[70v] thys done draw .2. cercles wherof the on shall be a foo-| tte fron [sic] the othere and It must be donne wt a new kn-| yffe, and wrytte in the compas the names of the ange-| lls of the hower, of the daye, of the moneth, of the tyme | and of the face saying . come all ye angells .N. peceably | vnto the seate of samaym which the lorde commaund-| yd the trybes of Israel to þe encrease of his honor, wher-| fore I doo Invocate and call yow oo ye .N. as zebedie | commaundid his subiectes to obey, therfore comme. the | .7. daye. the .3. daye being bathed having vpon yow | a cleane shyrte or lynnen havinge also whyte apparr-| ell, and being clene shaven ffrom þe heares of your | bodye havinge your face toward the part owt of the | which yow will call standing vpright wt owt þe cercle yow | shall thus begyn */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* |
This done, draw two circles whereof the one shall be a foot from the other, and it must be done with a new knife. And write in the compass the names of the angels of the hour, of the day, of the month, of the time, and of the face, saying: Come all ye angels .N. peaceably unto the seat of Samaym which the Lord commanded the tribes of Israel to the increase of his honor, wherefore I do invocate and call you, O ye .N., as Zebedee commanded his subjects to obey.1 Therefore come. [CXV.] The third day.
Being bathed, and having upon you a clean shirt or linen,
having also white apparel, and being clean shaven from
the hairs of your body, having your face toward the part
out of the which you will call, standing upright without
the circle, you shall thus begin:
1. See Matt. 4:21-22. | ||||||||||||||||
The preparatyon to the Invocatyon */*/*/*/* |
Haue the seale of god in thy right hande cleane made |
and consecrated & then perfume thy cercle doyng & saying |
as I tolde þe before, & then perfume þe seale & also thy selffe & |
then knele downe and saye the .31. prayer, wt þe pra-|
yer of Salomon the .49. Rothon maker of heaven |
and earthe and cc cc: thow shalte add in the ende of eue-|
ry prayer þt I may fryndely be accompanyed wt thy |
hooly angells which thorow þe sufferance of thy most bl-|
essyd will may fullfyll all my iust desyres & requestes.
The Preparation to the InvocationHave the Seal of God in thy right hand, clean [i.e. neatly] made and consecrated, and then perfume thy circle, doing and saying as I told thee before, and then perfume the seal and also thyself, and then kneel down and say the Thirty-first Prayer, with the prayer of Solomon the Forty-ninth, "Rothon, [*Fothon] Maker of Heaven and Earth, and etc." [Addition.]
Thou shalt add in the end of every prayer,
"... that I may friendly be accompanied with thy holy angels
which through the sufferance of thy most blessed Will may fulfill
all my just desires and requests."
| |||||||||||||||||
Manuscript R omits the rest of Liber Juratus, which includes more instructions on the invocation of angels, details on the spirits of the air, of the 4 cardinal directions, and the earth. Instead it appends the following material evidently derived from de Abano's Heptameron and Agrippa's de occulta philosophia. Curiously however, Agrippa (book III chap. 29) in turn quotes from "Peter Apponus [Petrus d'Abano] ... as delivered by Honorius of Thebes." |
Finitis igitur oracionibus taliter invocabis.
With the orations thus finished, invoke them in the following manner.
The following section is not found in MS R, and is taken from Sl. 3854, fol. 130v ff. Translation by JHP, © copyright 2010. |
Invocacio angelorum.{O} vos angeli potentes, Saturni, Iovis, Martis, Solis, veneris, Mercurii, Lune. boel, cafziel, micrathon, satquiel, raphael, Paamchociel, Asassaiel, samael, satiel, yturaiel, amyabiel, raphael, caphael, dardiel, huratehaphel, anael, raquiel, salguyel, michael, Miel, sariapiel, gabriel, Michael, gamyel, athithael, potentes in celis, nubibus et abissis. Hic erigat signum dei manu aperta versus celum dicens.
Ecce formacionem seculi. spiritus autem spiritum vocat.
Amor dei nos coniungat, sua potencia nos
dirigat, sua misericordia nos coniunctos misericorditer
nos custodiat. // Vos igitur nomine illius
dei vivi et veri qui vos et me verbo creavit,
cuius nomina sunt tremenda que sunt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
Quoniam magnus altissimus sanctissimus excellentissimus
potentissimus, fortis, iustus,
[col. 2]
pius, clemens, dulcis, adiutor, protector, defensor,
largitor, misericors, cuius potencia ineffabilis,
cuius substancia indivisibilis, sciencia inestimabilis, veritas
incommutabilis, misericordia incommensurabilis, essencia
incorruptibilis. Cuius gloriose gracie pleni
sunt celi et terra. Cuius forti potencie genuflectuntur
omnia celestia terrestria et infernalia
vos invoco humiliter et deposco ut vos infra circulos
hic circumscriptos descendere dignemini
apparentes in forma benivola, de omnibus quesitis michi
veritatem respondentes. Per virtutem illius vobis precipio
cuius nomine signatur. Amen.
Invocation of the angels.O you mighty angels of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon:1 Boel, Cafziel, Micrathon, [Saterquiel,] Satquiel, Raphael, Paamchociel, Asassaiel, Samael, Satiel, Yturaiel, Amabiel, Raphael, Caphael, Dardiel, Hurathaphel, Anael, Raquiel, Salguyel, Michael, Miel, Sarapiel, Gabriel, Michael, Samyel, Athithael, mighty in heaven, iin the clouds, and in the abyss. Here, with an open hand, raise the Seal of God towards heaven, saying: Behold the design of the world. Whereupon the Spirit calls the spirit. May the love of God join us, may his power direct us, may his mercy mercifully guard our union. You therefore, through the name of that living and true God who created you and me with the word, whose names are terrible, which are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, Because the great, most high, most holy, most distinguished, most powerful, strong, just, blessed, merciful, sweet, helper, protector, defender, generous giver, merciful, whose power is indescribable, whose nature is indivisible, whose knowledge is priceless, whose truth is unchangeable, whose mercy is immeasurable, whose essence is incorruptible, of whose glorious grace the heavens and earth are full,2 before whose mighty power all the heavens, lands, and infernal realms kneel, I humbly invoke and beseech you, that you may condescend to come down and appear here before this circle in a perceptible and agreeable form, to answer truly all my questions. I order you through the virtue of that one, whose name is marked. Amen. |
1. See CV ff: Boel, Cafziel, Michrathon, [Satquiel or *Saterquiel]: angels/spirits of the air of Saturn; Satquiel, Raphael, Paamchociel, Asassaiel: angels/spirits of the air of Jupiter; Samael, Satiel, Yturaiel, Amabiel: angels/spirits of the air of Mars; Raphael, Caphael, Dardiel, Hurathaphel: angels/spirits of the air of the Sun; Anael, Raquiel, Salguyel: angels/spirits of the air of Venus; Michael, Miel, Sarapiel: angels/spirits of the air of Mercury; Gabriel, Michael, Samyel, Athithael: angels/spirits of the air of the Moon. 2. From the Sanctus prayer, adapted from Isaiah 6:3. |
Sigillum et ligacio.{V}os igitur sanctissimos angelos peticionibus meis obedire sigillo deposco, invoco et eciam coniuro, sigillo sanctorum nominum dei, quo Dominus humane creature servire sigillavit, dicere et facere que licita sunt et honesta. ya, ya, ya, laaaa, Adonay, sabaoth, heloy, genouem, mesquerpon, usye, Achedion, Zebedio, greba. Cum istis et per ista sacratissima [nomina] iterum ad concordiam vos appello vos meis peticionibus obedire et coniuro atque virtute dei precipio ut vos meo placati munusculo prompti michi in omnibus locis honestis obedire super sedem samaym hic infra circulos hic circumscriptos a saturninis, iovinis, martialibus, solaribus, venereis, mercurialibus lunaribus speris descendere dignemini que sunt ista. bacalgar, totalg, yfarselogon, alchedion, meremieca, ureleguyger, ioath, somongargmas, iohena. Obedite ergo Zebedeie qui vos salomoni et tribubus Israel sibi fidelibus ad laudem et honorem sui sancti nominis sabaoth quod est exercitus angelorum in honestis et licitis obedire precepit. Et vobis super hoc et ad hoc nomine suo me munitum optime represento, quoniam misericors est, non ex nostris meritis, set ex sue gracia largitatis. |
Seal and binding.Therefore, O most sacred angels, I seal, beseech, invoke, and also conjure you to obey my petitions, through the seal of the sacred names of God, which the Lord sealed to serve human creatures, which are lawful and honourable to say and to make. Ya, Ya, Ya, Laaaa, Adonay, Sabaoth, Heloy, Genouem, Merquerpon, Usye, Achedion, Zebedio, Greba. With those same and through those same most sacred [names] I again call you to union, to obey my petitions, and I conjure and with the virtue of God I order, that you will be appeased with the small present which I have presented, to obey me in all honest places over the seat of Samaym here below the circles here circumscribed, to deign to descend from the Saturnian, Jovian, Martial, Solar, Venusian, Mercurial, and Lunar spheres, which are these: Bacalgar, Totalg, Yfarselogon, Alchedion, Meremieca, Ureleguyger, Ioath, Somongargmas, Iohena. Obey therefore Zebedei,3 whereby you commanded Solomon, and the tribes of Israel who were loyal to him, to honestly and lawfully obey, for the praise and honor of his holy name Sabaoth, which is "the army of angels," and with his name, which I accurately set forth, protecting me, because he is merciful, not because of our merits, but because of the abundance of his grace. |
3. Zebedei: This name also appears in the list of names of God at the beginning of this paragraph, and in the magic circle. The sense seems to be that this is the name of God which Solomon invoked to command the loyalty of the people of Israel. Hebrew “Gift of God”. Also the name of various biblical personalities. In CXIV the spirits are exhorted to "obey as Zebedie ordered his subjects to obey," apparently based on Matt. 4:21-22; it is possible the current passage is a mutilated version of that. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nomine igitur ipsius vos, N, placatos sub hiis
sanctis nominibus iterum appello, legemoth, gonathaym,
maloth, phoston, hemonege,
anephene<s>ton, stobr, otheos, tutheon,
thereis, chatheon, agla. In
hiis igitur perfeccione sigilli quamvis vos sciencia
vestra cum humilitate preceptis [precepit] obedire creatoris,
tamen ego, N, filius N, pollutus viciorum
meorum contagio vestrum amittere timeo
iuvamentum, humilitatis tamen indutus cilicio
obedire peticionibus meis vos deprecor
et invoco. // Set virtute creatoris eterni
ferens insignium vos nomine illius summi
creatoris obedire michi famulo suo
precipio et coniuro ut sitis meis in omnibus licitis
et honestis peticionibus obedire parati.
With his name therefore I again appeal to you N, placated by these sacred names: Legemoth, Gonathaym, Maloth, Yhoston, Hemonege, Anepheneton, Stobr, Otheos, Tutheon, Thereis, Chatheon, Agla. In these (names) therefore, with the perfection of the seal, although your knowledge [teaches] you to obey the commandments of the Creator with humility, nevertheless I N. son of N., ............. ........... |
Finit ligacio. Incipit coniuracio.
{V}os igitur sanctos angelos me vestris imponens
officiis quamvis humilitatis ac paciencie
vestre indutus cilicio qui sicut filius altissimi
creatoris. In nomine illius qui loke, heuaf,
hese [*Ioth, He, Vaf, He, se], moysi nominavit quamvis sub meo nomine
sublimitatis imperium non valeam deprecare,
humiliter deprecor obedienter precipio per
iustum Ombonar, per verum stimulamathon,
per sanctum orion, per sanctissimum eryon, per magnum
noyygl, per festinantem pep, et per
alia dei nomina pura que propter sue celsitudinis
magnitudinem nulla deberet nisi concederetur
a domino humanitas nominare que sunt
45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
76, 77, 78, 79. Quatinus a saturninis
iovinis marcialibus, solaribus uenereis
mercurialibus lunaribus [speris] descendere dignemini.
End of the binding. Beginning of the conjuration.Therefore, O you sacred angels, with me imposing upon your duties, although putting on the garment of humility and suffering, who like the Son of the most high Creator in his names, Ioth He Vau He,1 which Moses himself named, .... |
1. Following SSM L.3.f.5. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Placacio.{O} vos angeli benignissimi potentissimi ac fideles bohel, cafziel et ceteri, qui obediencie ac humilitatis vinculo gubernamen celorum cum omnibus subditis eorundem recipere a domino meruistis, quibus omnis sciencia revelatur. Quibus data est potestas plenaria terreas cum infernalibus subiugare creaturas, nocere vel iuvare quoniam dominus in omnibus fideles humiles ac cum paciencia iustos a vestra creacione primaria vos cognovit. Ego enim licet immeritus tamen vestram implorando graciam humiliter vos deprecor et invoco ut meis prompti peticionibus in forma benivola atque meo placati munusculo prompti michi in omnibus licitis et honestis obedire super sedem samaym hic infra circulos hic circumscriptos a saturninis iovinis et ceteris speris descendere dignemini. // Et ad hoc igitur nomine vivi et veri dei qui vobis graciam tribuit non peccandi vos invoco [col. 2] atque potenter impero per eius sacra nomina que sunt ista [80], 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99. Obedite ergo zebedeie et michi nomine ipsius. Invoco vos potestates celorum et invocando coniuro per ab, per gap, per abx, per abra, per abraca, per gebra, per abracala, per abracasap, per abracaleus, per zargon, per abrion, per eleyon, per sargion. Vos igitur potentes angeli invoco et invocando coniuro superne maiestatis imperii potentes potenter imparo per eum qui dixit et factum est cui omnes excercitus Angelorum celestium terrestrium et infernorum subduntur et obediunt. Et per nomen eius ineffabile tetragramaton quod in fronte tulit aaron quod angelice dicitur agla, hebraice heloy arabice Iaym, grece theos, quod deus latine vocatur, quo audito omnes exercitus celestes terrestres et infernales tremunt et colunt, et per ista que sunt rethala, rabam, capthalee (?), durhulo, archyma, rabur, quatinus a saturninis iovinis marcialibus, solaribus, venereis, mercurialibus, lunaribus speris omni occasione et malivolencia cessante in forma benivola atque meo placati munusculo michi in omnibus licitis et honestis obedire parati super sedem samaym hic infra circulos hic circumscriptos descendere dignemini per virtutem humilitatis quam nunc vobis offero. Hic debet crucifigi in terra clausis oculis dicens. Et in virtute vivi et veri dei qui vos in iusticia et in equitate in sempiterno permanere concessit, cui sit gloria laus et honor atque victoria per infinita secula seculorum amen. boel, cafziel, macrathon [*micrathon], <saterquiel,> satquiel, raphael, paamcociel, asassaiel, samael, sathiel [sachiel?], yturaiel, amiabil [*amabiel], raphael, caphael, dardiel, hurathaphel, anael, raquiel, salguyel, michael, myel, saripiel [*sarapiel], gabriel, mychael, samyel, athithael. Venite venite venite letantes vestro obedire creatori et michi nomine ipsius coniurati per nomen suum excellentissimum quod super capud meum vobis omnibus ostendo. Hic ponat manum inversam super capud suum et eis signum ostendat. Et immediate cum taliter ter invocaveris tedar (?) si non prima vice venerint vel 2a. Audies [131v] quasi fulgur descendens de celo et erit color eorum nitidissimus set non debent alloqui nec aspici donec ipsi primo loquantur. Qui dicent amice quid petis. Tunc dicat, pacem et amiciciam vestram. Et si recte mundatus fueris immediate concedent et dicent, surge et respice graciam virtutis dei, pete et complebitur tibi, quia te misericordia domini visitavit. tunc pete quod volueris et habebis.
{Q}uocienscumque aliquid de 27 predictis capitulis
volueris ut iam predictum est voca
hos angelos celestes sanctos mundum et totam
naturam regentes in racione amantis
et desiderantis deum gloriosum. Et quando venerint
et te interogaverint. Quid vis, postquam
responderis, pacem et amiciciam vestram petas illud
de 27, quod in oracionibus mundacionis petivisti
cognicionem celorum, si hanc quesivisti vel mutacionem
diei in noctem et e contrario, si hoc petisti,
vel consecracionem libri si hanc voluisti, vel
utramque simul si de tanto fueris una operacione
dignus. Et sic quodlibet de 27, dante domino
facere quibis. Quod ipse nobis concedat. Qui vivit
et regnat per infinita secula seculorum amen.
The placating.O you, most kind angels, most powerful and faithful, Bohel, Cafziel and the rest, who with the chain of obedience and humility you have merited the control of the heavens, with your subordinates receiving the same from the Lord, .... |
[Tercium opus vel tractatus.]Incipiunt capitula tercii tractatus huius operis. Qui est de spiritibus aeris. |
[The Third Book or Treatise.](CXVI) Here begins the chapters of the Third Treatise of this Work, which is about the Spirits of the Air. |
De constriccione spirituum per verba. // De constriccione
spirituum per sigilla. // De constriccione
spirituum per tabulas. // De forma imponenda cuilibet
spiritui // De inclusione spirituum // De incluso
spiritu ut non respondeat. // De fulgure
et tonitruo provocando. // De combustione
facienda. // De purificacione aeris. //
De corrupcione aeris. // De nive et gelu
facienda. // De rore et pluvia facienda
// De floribus et fructibus provocandis. // De
invisibilitate. // De equo qui una nocte te
portabit et reportabit ubi volueris. // De
absente quod veniat una hora sanus. //
De re que deferatur in momento ubicumque volueris.
// De subtraccione rei. // De revocacione
rei. // De transfiguracione cuiuscumque. // De
flumine provocando in terra sicca. // De
commocione regni contra dominum. // De regno vel
imperio destruendo. // De habenda potestate
super quemlibet. // De habendis mille militibus
[col. 2]
armatis. // De formacione castri indestructibilis.
// De speculo perverso. // De destruccione
loci vel inimici per speculum perversum. // De speculo
aparicionis mundi. // De fure et furto
revocando. // De ceraturis aperiendis. //
De discordia facienda. // De concordia
provocanda. // De habenda gracia omnium personarum
et benivolencia. // De mulieribus habendis ad libitum.
// De diviciis habendis. // De curacione
cuiuslibet infirmitatis. // De dando infirmitatem
cuilibet et qualemcumque placuerit operanti. De interficiendo
quemlibet. // De tempestate et periculo
terre et maris fuganda // De nave retenta
in mari per adamantem vel aliter rehabenda. //
De omni periculo evitando. // De congregacione
et accepcione avium. // De piscibus congregandis
et accipiendis. // De animalibus silvestribus et
domesticis congregandis et accipiendis. // De
bello faciendo inter aves vel homines vel pisces
vel animalia. // De apparencia combustionis.
// De apparencia ioculatorum et puellarum
balancium. // De apparencia gardinorum vel
castrorum. // De apparencia militum pugnancium.
// De apparencia griffonum et draconum. // De apparencia
omnium ferarum. // De apparencia venatorum
cum canibus. // De apparencia hominis quod sit alibi
quam est. // De apparencia tocius voluptatis.
Concerning the constraint of spirits through words; Concerning the constraint of spirits through seals; (2) Concerning the constraint of spirits through tables; Concerning imposing a form to any spirit; Concerning the confinement of spirits; Concerning a confined spirit, whether or not it will answer; Calling forth lightning and thunder; (3) Concerning the required burnings; Concerning the purification of the air; Concerning the corruption of the air; To make snow and frost; To make dew and rain; To call forth flowers and fruit; Concerning invisibility; Concerning a horse, which will carry you anywhere you wish in a single night; To bring an absent person back safely in an hour. To transport something wherever you wish, in a moment. To have something removed. To recall something. To transfigure anything. To cause a river on dry land. To incite a kingdom against its ruler. To destroy a kingdom or state. To have power over anyone. To have a thousand armed soldiers. To form an indestructible fortress. How to make a mirror of destruction. How to destroy a place or an enemy using the mirror of destruction. The apparition of the world in a mirror (or glass). To return anything which a thief has stolen. To open locks. To cause discord. To cause agreement. To have the good will and favor of all persons. To have the desire of women. To have wealth. To cure any sickness. To make anyone sick, whenever you wish. To kill anyone. To hold back storms and dangers of the earth and sea. To hold back a ship at sea using the adamant stone, or otherwise to bring it back again. To avoid all danger. To flock birds together, and collect them. To cause fish to gather and be caught. To cause woodland and domestic animals to gather and be caught. To cause war between the birds, or people, or fish, or animals. To make burning appear. To make appear jesters and girls babbling. To make gardens or fortresses appear. To make appear soldiers fighting. To make gryphons and dragons appear. To make all wild beasts appear. To make hunters appear with dogs. To make someone appear as if they were somewhere other than where they actually are. To make all pleasures appear. |
Finitis capitulis incipit prohemium in spiritibus aereis.
Cum igitur ignoratis superioribus angelorum
illos constringere sit impossibile,
nomina spirituum aeris et ventorum in precedenti
posuimus capitulo. ut sui superiores clarius viderentur.
et a quibus poterat quilibet subiugari.
Nunc autem de natura aeris et omnium spirituum
in ipso residencium hic faciemus tractatum. // Aer est
elementum corruptibile liquidum et subtile inter
cetera nobilius. passibiles recipiens qualitates.
et est simpliciter invisibilis set ipso composito
videtur. In quo sunt spiritus quos sancta mater ecclesia
dampnatos appellat, set ipsi oppositum asserunt
esse verum, et ideo eos neque bonos neque malos
volumus appellare et illi spiritus in aere reguntur
secundum ipsius aeris qualitates et ideo eius qualitates
videamus. // Aer igitur in quantum elementum a planetarum
influenciis gubernatur. Bene igitur accipit
diversas complexiones quas nunc dicemus, quia
quidam sunt demones ad tribulacionem aeris constituti
quos ventos Salomon appellavit, quoniam
ventos excitant, et secundum quemlibet mutatur aer,
et penatur spiritus illius partis, unde quilibet debet aspicere
ventum sue operacioni competentem, quia tunc illius
partis demones excitantur. // Set non semper invenitur
ventus invocacioni habilis ideo eos precipimus
excitari, qui <tunc> aere sereno vocantur indifferenter.
Et ideo cum angelis ventos ponemus, ut
in eis veniant et vincantur, quorum opera in subsequentibus
sunt dicenda.
(CXVII) End of the chapters, and beginning of the preface on the aerial spirits.Know therefore, since it is impossible to bind those higher angels, we have listed the names of the spirits of the air and winds in the preceding chapter(s);1 in order that the superiors might be clearly seen, and through which anyone can be subjugated. Therefore we now will make a treatise concerning the nature of the air and all the spirits residing in it. The air is a corruptible fluid, and subtile element, .................................. |
1. Chapter: i.e. chapters CV-CXI. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Divisio spirituum aereis.
Aereorum vero spirituum duo sunt modi,
quoniam quidam sunt boni, quidam mali, quidam
mites, quidam feroces. // Boni mites et fideles
sunt illi, orientales et occidentales,
et dicuntur boni: quia operaciones eorum iuvant in
bono, et vix nocent alicui nisi ad hoc cogantur
divina virtute. // Mali sunt et cum superbia
feroces: australes et septemtrionales
et dicuntur mali quia opera eorum sunt mala in omnibus,
et nocent libenter omnibus, et vix aliquid quod
sequatur ad bonum faciunt nisi ad hoc superiori
virtute cogantur. // Set inter istos sunt alii collaterales
istis qui neque boni neque mali dicuntur,
quoniam in omnibus obediunt invocanti sive
in bono fuerit sive in malo de quibus hic est cognicio
cuiuscumque. //
(CXVIII) Divisions of the spirits of the Air.There are two kinds of aerial spirits, some being good and others evil; some are mild and others wild. The good, mild, and faithful ones are the Eastern and Western ones, and are called good, because operations with them help in good, and rarely do they harm anyone, unless they are forced with divine strength. The evil, arrogant, and wild ones are the Southern and Northern ones, and are called evil, because their works are evil in everything, and they willingly harm anyone, and will scarely do good for anyone unless they are forced with superior strength. ....... |
[De spiritibus orientalibus.]
Istorum autem 4 sunt in oriente
regnantes et sunt subditi soli et vento
eius qui boreas dicitur, et excitantes eos [*eum] sunt
isti 4. Bashatau [*Baxhatau] <rex>, hahatus [*Gahatus], caudes,
ierabal [*iarabal], et habent hos 4 demones et eorum
subditos excitare, congregare, dispergere, con
stringere et in loco proprio ligare quorum Barthan
est rex, taadas, gaudas [*Caudas], yalcal, sunt
ministri, et eorum natura est aurum dare cum
carbunculis ad libitum, divicias, graciam et benivolenciam
gencium impetrare, inimicicias
hominum mortales vel alias dissolvere, homines
in summis honoribus sublimare, infirmitates
tribuere vel auferre, sua corpora sunt magna
et ampla, sanguinea et grosa, color eorum
sicut aurum brunitum sanguine depictum.
Motus eorum est celi coruschacio. // Signum
eorum est invocanti commovere sudores.
(CXIX) [Concerning the Spirits of the East.]1 (
1. Compare Heptameron, p. 133, and OP4.5d. 2. Lat. Grosa; S3: "gratiosa" (agreeable). 3. (?) Lat. brunitum. |
[De spiritibus occidentalibus.]
{O}ccidentales sunt illi 4, quibus omnes alii
regionis demones subduntur, quorum
[col. 2]
harthan est rex, bileth, milalu, habuchaba, [habuthala?]
eius ministri, et sunt subditi lune et vento
eius qui zephirus dicitur. Et excitantes [eum] sunt isti,
hebethel, amacopoilol [*amocap, oilol], myla<l>u, abuchaba,
et habent hos 4 demones et eorum subditos
excitare congregare dispergere constringere,
ac in loco proprio ligare, quorum natura est argentum
ad libitum dare, res de loco ad locum deferre,
equum velocitatis tribuere, facta et secreta
presencia atque preterita dicere personarum, sua
corpora sunt magna et ampla, mollia et
fleumatica, color eorum sicut nubes obscura
et tenebrosa et habent multum inflatum oculos
rubeos aqua plenos non habent pilos in
capite, et dentes ut aper. Motus eorum est sicut
magni [*magna] maris ruina. Et signum est quod
magna pluvia iuxta circulum cadere videbitur
(CXX) [Concerning the Spirits of the West.]4 (
4. Compare Heptameron, p. 138, and OP4.5g. |
De spiritibus meridionalibus.
{M}eridionales sunt isti. iammax
rex, carmax [*carmox], ichanel [*ichanol], pasfran, quibus omnes
alii regionis demones subduntur. Et sunt
subditi marti et vento eius qui subsolanus dicitur, et
excitantes eum sunt isti 5. atraurbiabilis,
yaconaababur, carmeal, innial, proathophas,
et habent hos demones et eorum subditos
excitare constringere dispergere congregare
ac in loco proprio ligare. // Sua natura
est guerras et mortalitates occisiones,
prodiciones et combustiones facere, mille
milites cum suis famulis que sunt duo milia
ad tempus dare et mortem tribuere cuicumque
infirmitatem et sanitatem tribuere. Sua corpora
sunt parva, macra colerica, in aspectu turpissima.
Colorum eorum sicut cuprum ignitum modicum
denigratum, habent cornua ad modum cervi,
ungues admodum grifonum, ululant sicut tauri
insani. Motus eorum quasi combustionis partis
sue realis aspeccio. Signum est quod fulgur
et tonitruum iuxta circulum cadere videbitur
(CXXI) Concerning the Spirits of the South.5 (
5. Cp. CVII, spirits of Mars, Heptameron, p. 142-3, and OP4.5c. |
De spiritibus septemtrionalibus.
{S}eptemtrionales sunt isti. Maymon rex,
albunalich, assaibi, haibalidech,
yasfla, quibus omnes alii demones regionis
subduntur et sunt subditi saturno et vento
eius qui affricus dicitur. Et excitantes eum sunt
isti 3. Mextyura, alcybany, alflas, et habent
hos 5 demones, et eorum subditos congregare,
dispergere constringere, ac in loco proprio
ligare. Sua natura est seminare discordias,
odia generare, malas cogitaciones,
furta et avaricias, dare cum libito plumbum,
quemlibet interficere et membrorum quodlibet
destruere. Sua corpo[ra] sunt longa
et gracilia, cum ira et rancore plena.
Habent vultus 4, unum a parte anteriori et
alterum a parte posteriori, in quibus sunt duo
rostra ampla et longa ad mensuram
trium pedum. // Et videntur duos serpentes
devorare, et in duobus genibus alios duos
qui cum merore maximo flere videntur, et sunt
in colore nigra et lucencia sicut speculum furbitum.
Motus eorum est ventorum agitacio cum
apparencia terremotus. Signum eorum est quod terra
alba nive tecta videbitur invocanti.
(CXXII) Concerning the Spirits of the North.6 (
6. Cp. CV, spirits of Saturn. This description is almost identical given in de Abano. Cp. also OP4.5a. |
[De spiritibus mediocribus.]
{C}um igitur de perfecte bonis et malis diximus
de mediocribus hinc dicamus. Set est
advertendum quod operans non debet operari in istis
nec pro perfecte bono nec pro perfecte malo. set in rebus mobilibus
sicut in itinere in revocacione et subtraccione
et similibus operantur.
(CXXIII) [Concerning the intermediate spirits.]Having treated of the spirits which are either fully good or fully evil, we will now talk about the intermediate ones. But it should be noted in operating with them, that their actions are neither fully for good nor fully for evil. But they operate in movable things such as in journeys, in the recalling and withdrawing, and similar things. |
[De spiritibus inter orientem et meridiem.]
Dicamus igitur quod inter
orientem et meridiem est una regio que consol
appellatur et sunt in ea angeli qui dicuntur equinocciales,
et sunt isti 4. Formione rex,
guth, maguth, gutrhyn eius ministri, quibus
omnes alii regionis illius demones subduntur,
et sunt subditi iovi et vento [*ventis] eius qui boreas
et subsolanus dicuntur. Et excitantes eos sunt
isti 5. harit, iesse, ryon, nesaph, naadob,
et habent hos 4 demones et eorum subditos
excitare congregare constringere dispergere
ac in loco proprio ligare. Sua natura est amicicias
et benivolencias tribuere mulierum
non carnali copula. generant leticias
gaudia, lites pacificant, mitigant
inimicos, sanant infirmos, infirmant sanos,
auferunt vel inferunt dominium cuicumque.
Sua corpora sunt magna tam sanguinea
quam colerica, medie stature, trementissima
in motu, visu mitissima, eloquio blanda,
falsa in motu, vultus eorum in forma benivolus,
color eorum sicut es non burnitum colore
flamme ignis depictum. Motus eorum est
[col. 2]
choruscacio cum tonitruo. Signum eorum est
quod invocans ut sibi videbitur [videbit] iuxta circulum homines
a leonibus devorari.
(CXXIV) [Concerning the Spirits between the East and the South.7 (
7. Cp. CVI, Heptameron, p. 149, and OP4.5b. |
De spiritibus inter austrum et occidentem.
{A}lii sunt inter austrum
et occidentem et sua regio est nogoham [*nogahem],
qui sunt isti, sarabocres rex, nassar, cynassa
eius ministri, quibus omnes alii demones regionis
obediunt et subduntur, et sunt subditi veneri
et ventis eius qui sunt subsolanus et zephirus.
Et excitantes eos sunt isti 4, cambores
<rex>, trachatat, nassar, naassa, et habent hos
tres demones excitare congregare dispergere
constringere ac in loco proprio ligare, et eorum natura
est dare argentum in quo est impressio signata,
et sta gnum [*stagnum] ad libitum hominis calefacere, luxuriam
excitare, inimicos per luxuriam concordare,
ut matrimonium ostendit, constringere homines
in amorem mulierum et ipsas ad hominum
voluntates constringi, homines infirmare vel sanare
et facere omnia que moventur. Sua corpora sunt
medie stature pulcra dulcia et iocosa color
eorum e~ sicut nix insuper deaurata. Motus eorum
sicut stella clarissima. Signum eorum quod puelle
extra circulum ludere et ipsum vocare videbitur invocanti.
(CXXV) Concerning the Spirits between the South and the West. (
[De spiritibus inter occidentem et septemtrionem.]
{A}lii sunt inter occidentem
et septemtrionem et sua regio est frigicap,
qui sunt isti 5, abas [*abaa] rex, hyici, quyron, zach,
eladep [*eladeb] eius ministri quibus omnes alii illius
regionis demones obediunt et subduntur et sunt
subditi mercurio et ventis eius qui zephirus et
affricus dicuntur. Et excitantes eos sunt
isti 4, zobha <rex>, drohas, palas, zambas,
et habent hos 5 demones excitare congregare
dispergere constringere ac in loco proprio ligare.
Natura eorum est omnia metalla de mundo quecumque
fuerint literata vel sculpta cum auro et argento
ad libitum dare, omnia preterita presencia et futura terrena
revelare, iudices placare, in placito victoriam
dare, experimenta et omnes sciencias destructas
rectificare et reedificare et eciam
docere, corpora eciam ex elementis mixta convertibiliter
unum in aliud transmutare et eciam elementa, senem
iuvenem facere et e contrario dare infirmitatem quamlibet
vel eciam sanitatem, si placeat invocanti pauperes
sublimare sublimes opprimere dignitates dare vel
auferre cuicumque spiritus ligare
ad tempus inclusum impedire seraturas
aperire, transfiguraciones facere. Et isti possunt
omnes operaciones aliorum facere, set
hoc non ex perfecta potencia vel virtute: set
sciencia bene. Sua corpora sunt medie stature
frigida humida, veneranda pulcra rauca
in eloquio, humanam formam habencia, ad modum
armigeri compti et cucufati, color eorum
sicut nubes clara. Motus eorum sicut nubes
argentea. Signum est quod horripilacionem
tribuunt invocanti. Et isti possunt indifferenter
ubicumque vocari.
(CXXVI) [Concerning the Spirits between the West and the North.] (
Finita divisione angelorum et spirituum, Incipit modus operandi in eis.
{S}i ergo de istis aliquis voluerit operari, si[bi]
primo districte precipimus ut peroptime
mundetur, sicut diximus in predictis donec venerit
ad diem 14am in qua die convenit ieiunare,
tunc in ea recipiat corpus Christi dicendo 19, 20, et
cum missa de sancto spiritu ut diximus igitur celebratur,
sacerdos tenendo corpus Christi antequam gentibus
ostendatur petat pro operante sic dicens.
(CXXVII) End of the divisions of the angels and spirits, and beginning of the manner of working with them.If therefore anybody wishes to operate with those spirits, we must first warn him strictly that he must be thoroughly purified, as we have said in the preceding, until he comes to the fourteenth day, on which day he must begin his fast. Then when the mass of the Holy Spirit is being said or celebrated, when the operator is receiving the body of Christ (eucharist), he should say prayers 19 and 20 (LXXVII-LXXIX), as we have said, when the priest is holding up the body of Christ (i.e. wafer), to reveal it to the congregation, he should pray on behalf of the operation, saying thus: |
{D}omine iesu Christe fili dei vivi quem credo firmiter
hominem et deum et iudicem meum venturum,
peto te in hoc articulo in virtute istius sacramenti
tui ut talis N ex dono tuo ac tua voluntate
sine dampnacione corporis et anime sibi spiritus N in
omnibus subiciat, ut apparere perficere custodire
respondere eos [ad] omnia precepta constringat ut sperat
et desiderat amen.
Oration.O Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, whom I truly believe is man and God, and my judge soon to come, I beg you in this critical moment, by the power of your sacraments, .... |
// Tunc audito completorio
ut dictum est de ecclesia recedat dicens 17, donec
veniat ad locum in quo debet fieri circulus,
tunc locum benedicat: dicens 15. Hoc facto protrahat
circulum 9 pedum dicens 18, in quo duos
circulos protrahat, quorum unus distet ab alio
per unum pedem inter quos scribes nomina angelorum
diei, et hore mensis, temporis faciei dicendo.
O vos angeli sancti et potentes sitis michi in hoc
opere adiutores. Tunc protrahes infra istos duos
circulos eptagonum communem omnibus invocacionibus
aptum, cuius forma cum parcium suarum dimencionibus et
diffinicionibus subsequitur inferius in figura. Nota
quod operans debet esse diligens ut addat ista nomina
aliis nominibus, quia durum est homini ignoranti virtutes
spirituum et eorum malicias cum eis sine municione
maxima aliqualiter habitare. Et assimilatur
illi qui vult debellare militem sagacem et ignorat
[col. 2]
arma eius et quis miles, et que virtus militis
quem debellat. Bene igitur sibi caveat quia ingenium
viribus prevalet et ideo oportet ipsum esse sagacissimum
in suo circulo faciendo, quia ibi iacet tuicio
// 13 Primo sic aptetur locus quod terra sit plana et equa nec sint ibi lapides aut herbe et quando eum protraxerit aerem supra se duobus diametris ubicumque signet, dicens.
Signum salomonis ad salvacionem et defensionem
pono supra me ut sit michi proteccio a
facie inimici. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus
sancti. Amen. // Sic tuo completo circulo exi et
extra eum scribe in terra vel in cedulis 7 nomina creatoris
que sunt lialy [*Laialy], lialg, veham, yalgal,
narath, libarre, libares, nec plus facies
in hac nocte.
(13) First you must prepare the place thus, for the earth should be flat and level, and free from stones or vegetation, and when it has been drawn, mark in the air above .... saying: (14) “I put the Seal of Solomon upon me for salvation and defence, in order that it protect me in the face of the enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen." (15) Thus with your circle complete, exit and write outside in the earth or on small pieces of parchment, the seven names of the creator, which are L[a]ialy, Lialg, Veham, Yalgal, Narath, Libarre, Libares, and nothing more is accomplished this night. |
Compare Wellcome 110, fol. 45v. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Secunda dies.
In crastino dum matutinam
primam, terciam, missam,1 meridiem,
nonam, vesperas et completorium audieris,
venies ad circulum dicendo 17. Tunc habeas
thus et thuribulum in quo sint prune,
et ponas thus super prunas et suffumiges
circulum dicens 1 et 2 incipiens ab oriente
in occidentem a meridie in septemtrionem.
Tunc a consol in noghahem et
a noghahem in frigicap, et postea celum
et terram, et ita ter facies, set primo debent
7 predicta nomina deleri. Hoc facto suffumigando
circulum ventos novies taliter excitabis.
(CXXVIII) The Second Day.On the next day you should hear matins, prime, terce, mass, none, vespers, and compline, then go to the circle saying prayer 17. .... |
1. Sl. 3853 adds: "post oraciones in meridie dicendas". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Incipit excitacionis ventorum primus circulus incipiens in oriente et terminans in meridie.
{B}axhatau, gahatus, caudes, yarabal,
harit, iesse, rion, nesaph, naadob,
attraurbiabilis, yaconaababur,
carmeal, ynail [*ynial], phathophas [*prohathophas], cambores,
trachatat, nassar, naassa, bebethel [*hebethel], amocap,
oylol, mylau, abucaba, zobha, drohas, palas, sambas, mextyura, alcybany,
alflas. Ego vos invoco ut meis sitis
promti peticionibus et preceptis. Summa Dei potencia
vos obedire constringat.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Secundus circulus incipiens
in meridie et terminans in occidente.
Begin the second circle in the south, and end in the west. |
{A}ttraurbiabilis, y[a]conaababur, garmeal [*carmeal], Innyal, phathophas [*prohathophas], cambores, trachatat, nassar, naassa, hebethel, amocap, oybol [*oylol], mylau, abuchaba, zobia [*zobha], drohas, palas, Sambas, moxtyura [*mextyura], alcibany, [133v] alflas, baxatau, gahatus, [caudes, yarabal, harit], iesse, bion [*ryon], nesaph, naadob, angeli domini vos excitent qui vos venire constringant. |
Attraurbiabilis, Y[a]conaababur, Carmeal, Innyal, Prohathophas, Cambores, Trachatat, Nassar, Naassa, Hebethel, Amocap, Oylol, Mylau, Abuchaba, Zobha, Drohas, Palas, Sambas, Mextyura, Alcibany, Alflas, Baxatau, Gahatus, [Caudes, Yarabal, Harit], Iesse, Ryon, Nesaph, Naadob, may the angels of the Lord awaken, who will come to constrain you! |
Tercius circulus incipiens in occidente et terminans in septemtrione. |
Begin the third circle in the West and end it in the North. |
{T}unc in occidente dicat. hebethel, amocap,
oylol, milau, abucaba,
zobha, drohas, palas, zambas, mextyura,
alcybany, alflas, baxhatau, gaatus,
caudes, ystrabal [*Yarabal], harit, iesse, rion, nesaph,
naadob, attraurbiabilis, yaconaababur,
[col. 2]
carmeal, ynnyal, proathophas, cambores,
trachathat, nassar, naassa, sciencia
dei et sapiencia salomonis vos convincat
que vos et ventos vestros excitare faciat.
![]() |
Then, towards the West say: Hebethel, Amocap, Oylol, Milau, Abucaba, Zobha, Drohas, Palas, Zambas, Mextyura, Alcybany, Alflas, Baxhatau, Gaatus, Caudes, Yarabal, Harit, Iesse, Rion, Nesaph, (12) Naadob, Attraurbiabilis, Yaconaababur, Carmeal, Ynnyal, Proathophas, Cambores, Trachathat, Nassar, Naassa, the knowledge of God and the wisdom of Solomon conquers you, so that you and your winds are made to rise up. ![]()
Figure consists of a square surrounded by three concentric circles. It is divided
into seven parts, labelled as follows:
Sl. 313 24r similarly shows North as occupying 90 degrees of the compass. Other manuscripts show this divided into seven equal segments. Compare K, fol. 78r, Sl. 3853 fol. 150v. |
Quartus circulus incipiens in septemtrione et terminans in consol. |
Fourth, begin the circle in the north, and ending in consul. |
{T}unc in septemtrione dicat. mextyura,
alchalany [*alchibany], alflas, baxhatau, haatus [*gahatus],
caudes, iarabial [*iarabal], harith, iesse, ryon, nesaph,
naadob, atturbiabilis [*attraurbiabilis], iaconaababus [*iaconaababur],
carmeal, innyal, phathophas [*prohathophas], cambotes [*cambores],
trachcacath [*trachathat], nassar, naassa, hebethel,
amocap, oylol, mylahu [*mylau], abucaba,
zobha, drolas [*drohas], palas, sambas, sancta nomina
dei vos subiugent, que vos et ventos vestros
excitare et huc venire constringant.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quintus circulus incipiens in consol et terminans in nogahem.
{T}unc in consol dicat, harit,
iesse, ryon, nesaph, naadob, attraurbiabilis,
yaconaababur, carmel [*carmeal], Innyal,
prohathophas, cambores, t~atach [*trachatath], nassar,
naassa, hebethel, amocap, oylol, mylau,
abucala [*abucaba], zobha, drohas, palas, zambas,
mexyura [*mextyura], alcybany, alflas, baxhatau, gaatus,
caudes, yarabal, capud et corona principis
vestri belzebut vos venire et ventos
vestros excitare constringat.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sextus circulus incipiens in nogahem et terminans in frigicap.
{T}unc in nogahem dicat, Cambores,
tracatath, nassar, naassa, hebethel,
amocap, oylol, mylau, abucaba, zobha,
drohas, palas, sambas, mextyura, alcybany,
alflas, baxhatau, gaatus, caudes,
yarabal, harith, iesse, ryon, nesaph, naadob,
atturbiabilis [*attraurbiabilis], iaconaababur, carmeal,
ynnyal, prohathophas, iudicium summi dei
tremendum vos convincat, qui vos et ventos
vestros ad mandatum meum venire et obedire
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7us circulus incipiens in frigicap et terminans in oriente. {T}unc in frigicap dicat, zobha, drohas, palas, sambas, mextyura, alcybany, alflas, baxhatau, gaatus, caudes, yarabal, harith, iesse, ryon, nesaph, naadob, atturbiabilis [*attraurbiabilis], yaconaababur, carmeal, Innyal, prohathophas, cambores, trachatath, [nassar, naassa], hebethel, amocap, oilol, mylau, abrucaba [*abucaba], meo placati suffumigio, timor furoris domini et ignis ignem devorans vos pacificet et pacificatos mittat, cum ventis vobis subditis, et demonibus eorundem, et missos obedire constringat, quoniam ei debetur ab omni creatura reverencia [col. 2] et obediencia cum timore. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tunc flexis genibus versus orientem dic. {U}nde tu domine, 49, celi et terre conditor et cetera.1 Et addes in fine. Te suppliciter exoro et invoco ut ex dono gracie tue et virtute sanctorum tuorum nominum ut isti prenominati venti hos demones quos invocavero congregent constringant, et ligent eos meis peticionibus penitus obedire, qui[a] tu es deus potens pius et misericors. Qui vivis et regnas et imperas et regnaturus es per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. |
Then, bending your knees to the East, say: .... |
1. See C.15. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
{H}oc facto: videbis tranquillitatem ab omni parte mundi in nubibus elevari, nec cessabit donec perfeceris tuum opus et erunt nubes iuxta circulum circumcirca, set prius iuxta circulum hec 7 predicta nomina scribantur, quia posset circulus aliter violari. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3a dies.{T}ercia vero die visitabis ecclesiam ut oportet et tunc habeas ignem, candelam de cera virginea et illa que tue conveniunt questioni, thuribulum thus 7 gladios equales, si possis claros. Et si velis habere socios poteris habere 7. Habeas eciam vinum optimum de quo bibes et socii tui dum cognoveritis motus suos. Et si solus fueris, porta 4 in latere dextro et 3 in sinistro. Si tres porta 3 et quilibet illorum 2. Si 5 ferat quilibet unum et tu 3. Si 4 porta unum, et quilibet illorum 2. Si 6 porta 2 et quilibet illorum unum. |
(CXXIX) The Third Day..... |
// Tunc xia hora die[i] cum fueritis competenter saciati vino et piscibus vel aliquo alio a carne. Magister semel excitet ventos incipiendo ab illis qui habent dominium die illa. Et habeat signum domini in manu sua dextra, post hoc demones excitabit dicens contra orientem. |
Excitacio spirituum solis, que fit in die dominico quando fit particulariter. |
The raising up of the spirits of the Sun, which should particularly be done on a Sunday. |
{U}bi est barthan rex, ubi sunt thaadas, [caudas], yalcal eius ministri. // Ubi est formione rex, ubi sunt guth, maguth, guthrin eius ministri. // Ubi est iammax rex, ubi sunt carmes [*carmox], ycanal [*ycanol], pasfran eius ministri. // Ubi est sarabocres rex, ubi sunt nassar, cynassa eius ministri. // Ubi est harthan rex, ubi sunt bileth, mylalu, abucaba eius ministri. // Ubi est abas [*abaa or habaa] rex, ubi sunt hyici, quyron, zach, eladeb eius ministri. // [134v] Ubi est maymon rex, ubi sunt assaiby, albunalich, [haibalidech, yasfla] eius ministri. Omnes occurrite cicius quam poteritis promti meis peticionibus et preceptis obedire. Summa ac divina maiestas vos convincat que vos venire constringat. |
Where is Barthan the king? where are Thaadas, [Caudas], and Yalcal his ministers? Where is Formione the king? where are Guth, Maguth, and Guthrin his ministers? Where is Iammax the king?, where are Carmox, Ycanol, and Pasfran his ministers? Where is Sarabocres the king? where are Nassar and Cynassa his ministers? Where is Harthan the king? where are Bileth, Mylalu, and Abucaba his ministers? Where is King Habaa? where are his ministers Hyici, Quyron, Zach, and Eladeb? Where is King Maymon? where are his ministers Assaiby, Albunalich, [Haibalidech, and Yasfla]? |
Excitacio diei Iovis et spirituum eius quando particulariter fit. |
The raising up of the day of Jupiter, and those spirits which are particular to it. |
[Tunc in consol dicat.] {U}bi est formione rex, ubi sunt guth, maguth, guthrin eius ministri. // Ubi est iammax rex, ubi sunt carmes [*carmox], ycanol, pasfran eius ministri. // Ubi est sarabocres rex, ubi sunt nassar, cinassa eius ministri. Ubi est barthan [*harthan] rex, ubi sunt bileth, mylalu, abucaba eius ministri. // Ubi est abas [*abaa] rex, ubi sunt hyici, quiron, zach, eladeb eius ministri. // Ubi est maymon rex ubi sunt hassaybi, albunalich, haibalidech, yasfla [eius ministri]. // Ubi est harthan [*barthan] rex, ubi sunt thaadas, caudas, yalcal eius ministri. // Omnes cicius quam poteritis venite cum omnibus subditis vestris promti michi in omnibus obedire. Virtus summi creatoris vos subiuget que vos venire constringat. |
[Then, in Consul (between the East and South) say:] Where is King Formione? Where are his ministers Guth, Maguth, and Guthrin? Where is King Iammax? Where are his ministers Carmox, Ycanol, and Pasfran? Where is King Sarabocres? Where are his ministers Nassar and Cinassa? Where is King Harthan? Where are his ministers Bileth, Mylalu, and Abucaba? Where is King Abaa? Where are his ministers Hyici, Quiron, Zach, and Eladeb? Where is King Maymon? Where are [his ministers] Hassaybi, Albunalich, Haibalidech, and Yasfla? Where is King Barthan? Where are his ministers Thaadas, Caudas, and Yalcal? |
Excitacio diei martis et spirituum eius quando perticulariter fit. {T}unc in meridie dicat. Ubi est iammax rex, ubi sunt carmos [*carmox], ycanol, pasfu [*pasfran] eius ministri. // Ubi est sarabocres rex. Ubi sunt nassar, cynassa eius ministri. // Ubi est harthan rex. Ubi sunt bileth, milalu, abucaba eius ministri. // Ubi est abas [*abaa] rex. Ubi sunt hyici, quyron, zach, eladeb eius min[i]stri. // Ubi est maymon rex. Ubi sunt assaibi, albunalich, aybalidech, yasfla eius ministri. // Ubi est harthan [*barthan] rex. Ubi sunt thaadas, causcas [*caudas], yalcal eius ministri. Ubi est formione rex. Ubi sunt guth, maguth, guthryn eius ministri. Vos invoco venire cum excercitu vestro et meis questionibus obedire timor furoris domini vos convincat, qui vos venire et obedire constringat. |
The raising up of the day of Mars, and those spirits which are particular to it.Then, to the South say: Where is King Iammax? Where are his ministers Carmox, Ycanol, and Pasfran? Where is King Sarabocres? Where are his ministers Nassar and Cynassa? Where is King Harthan? Where are his ministers Bileth, Milalu, and Abucaba? Where is King Abaa? Where are his ministers Hyici, Quyron, Zach, and Eladeb? Where is King Maymon? Where are his ministers Assaibi, Albunalich, Aybalidech, and Yasfla? Where is King Barthan? Where are his ministers Thaadas, Caudas, and Yalcal? Where is King Formione? Where are his ministers Guth, Maguth, and Guthryn? I call upon you to come with your army and to obey my requests. May the fear of the wrath of the Lord conquer, who binds you to come and obey. |
Excitacio diei veneris et spirituum eius quando particulariter fit. {T}unc in nogal [*nogahem] dicat. Ubi est sarabocres rex, ubi sunt nassar, cynassa eius ministri. // Ubi est harthan rex, ubi sunt bileth, milalu, abucaba eius ministri. // Ubi est abas [*abaa] rex, ubi sunt hyici, quiron, zach, eladeb eius ministri. // Ubi est maymon [col. 2] rex, ubi sunt assaiby, abymalich [*albunalich], haybalidech, yasfla eius ministri. // Ubi est barthan rex, ubi sunt taadas, caudas, yalcal eius ministri. // Ubi est formione rex, ubi sunt guth, maguth, guthryn eius ministri. // Ubi est iammax rex, ubi sunt carmos [*carmox], yacanol [*ycanol], pasfan [*pasfran] eius ministri. Venite obedientes cum omnibus subditis vestris creatori vestro Et michi nomine ipsius. Exercitus angelorum qui sabaoth dicitur vos meis preceptis subiciat. |
The raising up of the day of Venus, and the spirits particular to it.Then in Nogahem, say: Where is King Sarabocres? Where are his ministers Nassar and Cynassa? Where is King Harthan? Where are his ministers Bileth, Milalu, and Abucaba? Where is King Abaa? Where are his ministers Hyici, Quiron, Zach, and Eladeb? Where is King Maymon? Where are his ministers Assaiby, Albunalich, Haybalidech, and Yasfla? Where is King Barthan? Where are his ministers Taadas, Caudas, and Yalcal? Where is King Formione? Where are his ministers Guth, Maguth, and Guthryn? Where is King Iammax? Where are his ministers Carmox, Ycanol, and Pasfran? Come with all your subordinates, obeying your creator and me in his name. The army of angels, which is called Sabaoth, makes you subject to my orders. |
Excitacio diei martis [*lune] et spirituum eius quando perticulariter fit. {T}unc in occidente dicat. Ubi est harthan rex, ubi sunt bileth, mylalu, abucala [*abucaba] eius ministri. // Ubi est abaa rex, ubi sunt hyici, quyron, zach, eladeb eius ministri. // Ubi est maymon rex ubi sunt assaibi, albunalich, haibalidech, yasfla eius ministri. // Ubi est barthan rex, ubi sunt taadas, caudas, yalcal eius ministri. // Ubi est formione rex, ubi sunt guth, maguth, guthrin eius ministri. Ubi est iammax rex, ubi sunt carmos [*carmox], ycanol, pasfran eius ministri. Ubi est sarabocres rex, ubi sunt nassar, cynassa eius ministri. // <Ubi est harthan rex. Ubi sunt bileth, mylalu, abucaba eius ministri. // Ubi est abaa rex. Ubi sunt hyci, quyron, zach, eladeb eius ministri.> [Venite omnes quam cicius poteritis cum omnibus subditus vestris et ut supra.]1 |
1. Cf. Sl. 3853 fol 153r. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Excitacio diei mercurii et spirituum eius quando particulariter fit. {T}unc in frigicap dicat. Ubi est abaa rex, ubi sunt hyici, quiron, zach, eladel [*eladeb] ministri eius. // Ubi est maymon rex, ubi sunt assaibi, albunalich, haibalidech, yasfla eius ministri. [Ubi est barthan rex, ubi sunt taadas, audas, yalcal eius ministri.] Ubi est formione rex, ubi est [*sunt] guth, maguth, guthryn eius ministri. // Ubi est iammax rex, ubi sunt carmos [*carmox], yconal [*ycanol], pasfran eius ministri. // Ubi est sarabocres rex, ubi sunt nassa [*nassar], cynassa eius ministri. // Ubi est harthan rex, ubi sunt bileth, mylalu, abucaba eius ministri. // Summum dei tremendum ac reverendum iudicium vos apparere et michi in omnibus obedire constringat. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Excitacio diei sabati et spirituum eius quando particulariter fit. {T}unc in septemtrione dicat. Ubi est maymon rex, ubi sunt assaibi, albunalich, haibalidech, iasfla eius ministri. // Ubi est barthan rex, ubi sunt taadas, caudas, yalcal eius ministri. // Ubi est formione rex, ubi sunt guth, maguth, guthryn eius [135r] ministri. // Ubi est iammax rex, ubi sunt carmos [*carmox], ycanol, pasfran eius ministri. // Ubi est sarabocres rex, ubi sunt nassar, cynassar [*cynassa] eius ministri. // Ubi [est] harthan rex, ubi sunt bileth, mylalu, abucala [*abucaba] eius ministri. // Ubi est abaa rex, ubi sunt hyici, quyron, zach, eladeb ministri eius. Hic debet claudere manum et eis pugnum clausum ostendere cum sigillis. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{T}unc dicat, Virtus istorum sanctorum nominum dei et sigillorum vestrorum vos convincat, que vos congregare, venire, apparere, respondere, et michi in omnibus obedire constringant. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// Hoc dicto videbis eorum motus insurgere, et tunc dicas sociis, quod non dubitent, et fac eos potare, etsi adhuc motus non videris,1 set non debent ultra novies excitari. |
1. Sl. 3853 adds: "reitera convocaciones, ...." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Accessus ad circulum, excitacio ventorum ante eum. {V}isis eorum motibus ad circulum accedentes ante circulum semel excitabis eos. Tunc intres circulum per partem inter frigicap et occidentem pro meta positam et tunc socii stantes pedibus in circulo stent, donec recluseris circulos dicens 18. // Tunc situa socios et enses in circulo tali modo. Set antequam intraverunt, 7 predicta nomina deleantur, quia non possent aliter apparere. Tunc versus quamlibet parcium unus ponatur gladius et debent in altitudine adequari. // Tunc si solus fueris versus orientem primo invocabis. Si autem duo.1 Secundus sedeat versus partem contra occidentem. Si 3, tercius versus meridiem. Si 4, quartus contra septemtrionem. Si 5, 5us versus consol. Si 6, 6us versus nogahem. Si 7, septimus versus faciem contra frigicap situetur. Et habeat quilibet unum scannum ligneum alcius a terra ad digiti spissitudinem ne scriptura circuli deleatur. Set ultra 3 socios capere non iuvabit. |
(CXXX.) |
1. duo: Sl. 3853: "duos socios habueris." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preparacio ad excitandum spiritus. {S}ituatis igitur in circulo ensibus et sociis magister habens signum dei et sigilla in manu sua dextra ponat thus in thuribulo super prunas et suffumiget ter circulum et 7 mundi partes, celum, terram, signum dei, socios, et se ipsum, dicens, 1 et 2. // Tunc flexis genibus versus orientem dicat [col. 2] 25, 27, 28, 31, in quibus applicabit propositum in fine ita dicens. |
Applicacio. Ut ille vel illi N spiritus quos ego invocavero ad me constricti veniant sub tali forma N letantes appareant de omnibus quesitis veritatem respondeant et omnia mea precepta veraciter adimpleant et adimpleta diligenter et sine corupcione custodiant, per illum qui divisit lumen a tenebris, qui diabolis potestatem suam abstulit, sub cuius potestate sunt celestia terrestria et infernalia, qui vivit et regnat deus in deitate sua, trinitas, pater et filius et spiritus sancti amen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// Hoc facto dicat sociis quod non timeant, et inclinato capite terram et ensem et nichil aliud respiciant, et si siciunt bibant. // Et tunc magister tenens baculum lauri vel coruli illius anni in manu dextra et thuribulum in sinistra Incipiens in oriente novies circuiens suffumiget circulum dicens. |
(CXXXII.)With this done, he should say to the associates, that they should not fear, but bow their heads, and pay attention to nothing other than the earth and the sword, and if they are thirsty, they may drink. And then the master takes in his right hand a stick of laurel or hazel from that year,2 and in his left hand the censer. He then begins to suffumigate the circle, starting in the East, and going around nine times, saying: |
2. This is called baculus (a stick or staff) here, but virgula (wand, rod, twig) just below. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Excitacio spirituum. {B}arthan, formione, iammax, sarabocres, harthan, abaa, maymon. Quo dicto percuciat orientalem gladium de virgula dicens. // Exeat hic potentissimus rex barthan cum omnibus suis suffraganeis in virtute celesti meam facere voluntatem. // Tunc in meridie dicat. iammax, sarabocres, harthan, abaa, maymon, barthan, formione. Tunc percuciat meridionalem gladium dicens. Exeat hinc fortissimus rex yammar [*yammax] cum sua inenumerabili caterva virtute divina meam facere voluntatem. // Tunc in occidente dicat. harthan, abaa, maymon, barthan, formione, yammax, sarabocres. Quo dicto occidentalem gladium percuciat dicens. Exeat hic mitissimus harthan rex cum omnium3 suorum velocium subditorum caterva anglica [*angelica] virtute meam facere voluntatem. // Tunc in septemtrione dicat. maymon, barthan, formione, iammax, sarabocres, harthan, abas [*abaa]. Quo dicto percuciat septemtrionalem gladium de virgula dicens. Exeat hic acerbissimus rex maymon cum omnium suorum aereorum spirituum [135v] exercitu virtute obediencie belzebut ab eis debite meam facere voluntatem. // Tunc in consol dicat. formione, yammax, sarabocres, [harthan], abaa, maymon, barthan. Quo dicto consolanem gladium de virgula percuciat dicens. Exeat hic pulcherrimus rex formione cum suis legionibus angelorum virtute timoris summi iudicii meam facere voluntatem. // Tunc in nogahem dicat. Sarabocres, harthan, abaa, maymon, barthan, formione, yammax. Quo dicto percuciat nogahelem gladium de virgula dicens. Exea[t] hic nobilissimus ac fulgentissimus rex sarabocres cum omnium suorum spirituum fulgencium potencia ac virtute virtute huius celestis suffumigii meam facere voluntatem. // Tunc in frigicap dicat. abaa, maymon, barthan, formione, iammar [*iammax], sarabocres, harthan. Quo dicto percuciat frigicapicem gladium de virgula dicens. Exeat hic sapientissimus rex abaa, cum omnium suorum sapientium spirituum exercitu virtute huius sacri [sigilli] dei meam facere voluntatem. // Tunc ponat thuribulum iuxta gladium orientalem inclinato capite respiciens crucem ensis dicat hunc [*hanc] oracionem. |
The raising up of the Spirits.“Barthan, Formione, Iammax, Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa, Maymon,” Which said he should strike to the east the sword with the wand, saying: "May this most powerful king Barthan go forth, with all his supporters with the heavenly power, to do my will.” Then, to the north he should say: “Iammax, Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa, Maymon, Barthan, Formione.” Then he should strike the sword to the south, saying: “May this most mighty King Yammax go forth from here, with his innumerable troops with divine power, to do my will.” Then to the west, he should say: “Harthan, Abaa, Maymon, Barthan, Formione, Yammax, Sarabocres.” Having said this, he should strike the western sword, saying: “May this most mild King Harthan go forth with the power of all his troops of swift angelic subordinates, to do my will.” Then to the north he should say: “Maymon, Barthan, Formione, Iammax, Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa.” Having said this, he should strike the northern sword with the wand, saying: “May this most harsh king Maymon go forth with all his hosts of aerial spirits, with the power of the obedience they owe Belzebut, to do my will.” Then in consul he should say: “O Formione, Yammax, Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa, Maymon, Barthan,” Having said this, he should strike the consol sword with the wand, saying: “May this most beautiful king Formione go forth with his legions of angels with the power of the fear of the Final Judgment, to do my will.” Then in nogahem he should say: “O Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa, Maymon, Barthan, Formione, and Yammax,” Having said this, he should strike the nogahel sword with the wand, saying: “May this most noble and most shining King Sarabocres go forth with the force and power of all his shining spirits, and with the power of this celestial incense, to do my will.” Then in frigicap he should say: “O Abaa, Maymon, Barthan, Formione, Iammax, Sarabocres, Harthan.” Having said this, he should strike the frigicap sword with the wand, saying: “May this most wise King Abaa go forth with the army of all his wise spirits, with the power of this sacred seal of God, to do my will.” Then he should put the censer near the eastern sword. With head bowed, gazing at the cross of the sword, he should say this prayer: |
3. There is a blank space left in Sl. 3854 of approximately 5-6 characters. There is no indication of a lacuna in Sl. 3853 or SSM, so it is likely just a correction by the original scribe. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oracio.{D}omine iesu christe qui in ligno crucis pro peccatoribus voluisti crucifigi, ut in ipso tua mors mortem nostram destrueret. Exaudi clemens et benignus preces servi tui, ut in virtute tua nobis sanctum angelum mittere digneris qui hoc sacro misterio tuo ac signo nos confirmet protegat ac defendat, a temptacionibus malis eripiat et in tuo sacro servicio permanere nos doceat, quia tu es pius et misericors deus qui vivis et regnas deus per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. |
Prayer.O Lord Jesus Christ, merciful and kind, who willed himself to be crucified on a cross of wood for the sake of sinners, in order that through your own death you destroyed our deaths, hear the prayers of your servant, that through your power, you may deign to send to us the sacred angel, who may strengthen us with this your sacred mystery and sign, may it protect and defend, and deliver us from the temptation of evil, and may he teach us to endure in your sacred service, because you are a loving and merciful God, who lives and reigns, God forever and ever. Amen. |
Hoc dicto stans pedibus in medio circuli respiciens undique celum taliter invocabit. Incipit invocacio.{P}er mei [*nomen] et in nomine omnipotentis et coroborati dei vivi et veri sabaoth cui omnia patent et cui nulla latent, sub cuius voluntate omnes subiciuntur creature, ego, N et ff filius quamvis peccator, tamen donum divine suscipio maiestatis, et in ipso <et in ipso> et per ipsum vos barthan, thaadas, caudas, yalchal, formione, [col. 2] guth, maguth, guthyn [*guthryn], iammax, carmox, ycanol, pasfrau, sarabocres, nassar, cynassa, harthan, bileth, milalu, abucala [*abucaba], abaa, hyici, quyron, zach, eladeb, maymon, assaiby, abumalath [*albunalich], yaybaladech [*haybalidech], yasfla. Et omnes alios spiritus, animas, demones, ventos, qui vobis serviunt, obediunt et subduntur, excito, coniuro, contestor, et constringo per hec sua nomina sancta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.1 Et ipse deus super vos excitet, vos tremere expavescere et timere faciat, ut cum obediencia leticia pulcritudine et mansuetudine, et veritate vos iuxta circulum venire et apparere const[ri]ngat. Unde adiuro vos per summum nomen 21 [*11],2 per magnum nomen 12, per excelsum 13, per tremendum 14, per colendum 15, per reverendum 16, per piissimum 17, per ineffabile 18, per incommutabile 19, per sempiternum 20, quatinus +ab omnibus mundi partibus unanimes et letantes hic iuxta circulum in forma N non nocentes alicui creature non ledentes non frementes non furientes, nec me sociosque meos vel aliquam creaturam terrentes, neminem offendentes set veniatis+ peticionibus meis consulti et providi statim obedire et omnia precepta mea absque omni fallacia penitus adimplere per virtutem illius vobis precipio et ad hoc exorciso quem omnes creature tremunt et colunt, qui vivit et regnat et regnaturus est super omnia et per omnia secula seculorum amen. |
(CXXXIII.)Having said this, standing with feet in the middle of the circle, gazing in all directions, he should call upon Heaven in this manner: Beginning of the invocation.Strengthened by the name and in the name of almighty God, the living and true Sabaoth, to whom all things stand open and to whom nothing is hidden, under whose will all creatures are subject, I, N. the son of ff, although a sinner, yet I receive the gift of divine Majesty, and in Him I call you forth, O Barthan, Thaadas, Caudas, Yalchal, Formione, Guth, Maguth, Guth[r]yn, Iammax, Carmox, Ycanol, Pasfrau, Sarabocres, Nassar, Cynassa, Harthan, Bileth, Milalu, Abucaba, Abaa, Hyici, Quyron, Zach, Eladeb, Maymon, Assaiby, Albunalich, Haybalidech, Yasfla, and all other spirits, souls, demons, and winds which serve, obey, and are placed under you, and I conjure you, call upon you, and bind you through these his holy names: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and God himself calls you forth, causing you to tremble, to feel dread and fear, so that you come and are constrained to appear, obedient, cheerful, beautiful, and subdued, and truthful, next to this circle. From which I charge you through the most high name 11, through the great name 12, through the exalted 13, through the terrifying 14, through the name to be worshiped 15, through the awe-inspiring 16, through the most loving 17, through the indescribable 18, through the unchangeable 19, through the perpetual 20, such that you come from all parts of the world, harmonious and cheerful, next to this circle, in the form of N., not harming any creatures, nor striking, roaring, raging, nor frightening me or my associates or any creatures, nor shocking anyone, but prepared to obey my decisions at once. And I order you and exorcise you to thoroughly fulfill all my commands without any deceit, through his power, before whom all creatures tremble and worship, who lives and reigns and will reign over all forever and ever. Amen. |
1. S3, fol. 155v: "... constringo per ista sancta nomina Agla 1, Monhon 2, Tetragrammaton 3,
Olydeus 4, Ocleiste 5, Ampheneton 6, lamyara 7, Ianemyar 8, Saday 9, hely 10, horlon 11."
2. 11: So GH. Sl. 3854 reads "21"; S3, fol. 156r: "...per summum dei nomen Monhon 2." |
Adiuracio.{I}tem adiuro vos pernominatos1 spiritus N et invocando coniuro et coniurando contestor et constringo et viriliter imparo per sanctum nomen 21,2 per sanctissimum 22, per purum 23, et per iustum 24, et per festinantem 25, et per alia dei nomina pura que sunt 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. Et per ista +novem+3 dei nomina ineffabilia que sunt 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. Et per ista nomina dei pura, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. Quatinus vos barthan et cetera, et omnes spiritus et anime venti et demones qui vobis serviunt obediunt et subduntur, ab omnibus mundi partibus unanimes et cetera. // Per sanctum igitur, iustum, potentissimum, excellentissimum, piissimum et coroboratum heloy, fortem [136r] et admirabilem, perlaudatum, serviendum, tremendum, colendum, venerandum, et terribilem, et per suum sacrum sigillum quo maria sigillavit. // Ego, N, b et f filius, vos prenominatos spiritus N et omnes alios spiritus, animas, ventos, et demones unanimiter et letanter, cum pulcritudine mansuetudine, et veritate hic iuxta circulum venire, apparere, respondere invoco, contestor, imparo, exorciso, con[v]icto, coniuro, constringo, et meis preceptis obedire et ea adimplere sigillo per hec omnia sancta nomina 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,4 quatinus vos barthan, et cetera, et omnes spiritus, anime, venti, demones, qui vobis serviunt, obediu[n]t et subduntur, ab omnibus mundi partibus unanimes et letantes, et cetera. |
The Adjuration.'Likewise I adjure you renowned spirits N, .... |
1. GH reads per nominatos, but see Sl. 3854 135v, Sl. 3853 156r, and SSH L.3.f.35.
2. S3 includes the actual names from CI in addition to the numbers. 3. As GH points out, "novem" (nine) in Sl. 3854 is inconsistent with the text, which proceeds to list ten names. SSM L.3.f.35 lists names 36-44. S3 (156v) includes name 36 after 35 above, but also reads "decem" (ten) instead of "novem," and ends with name 46, i.e. "... hofb 34, merkerpon 35, Elzephares 36, et per ista decem dei nomina ineffabilia que sunt Egirion 38 [*37], Betha 38, hombonar 39, Stimulamathon 40, Oryon 41, Eryon 42, Noymos 43, Peb 44, Nathanothay 45, Theon 46." This seems to prove some redacting took place by the scribe of Sl. 3853. 4. S3 does not include 81. |
Sigillum et ligacio.{B}ethala suspensus in ethera, payga. permyga. percuretaih. perrenay. atariron. aboaga. convenite et concurrite ab omnibus mundi partibus, ara. aray. pangula. iamtarpa. kauthalae. calcecatas. syray. angyus. sathon. arathon. payn. enrapaelon. edydy. per hoc zeham. Vitale. gysina. genasse. acenich. Vicmat. ut angi{u}s de sede florigeret super ea que posita sunt in baldice speris baldultabrac. flebilis. palmonyam. ynephar. yristix. abyreylazacu. sella. occurrite ab universis mundi partibus unanimes et letantes cum obediencia, leticia, pulcritudine, mansuetudine, et veritate in forma N, hic iuxta circulum apparentes, non nocentes alicui creature, nec ledentes, nec frementes, nec furientes, nec me sociosque meos vel aliquam creaturam terrentes, neminem offendentes, set veniatis peticionibus meis consulti et providi, statim obedire, et omnia precepta mea absque omni fallacia possitis adimplere, per virtutem illius vobis precipio et ad hoc exorcizo quem omnes creature tremunt et colunt, qui vivit et regnat et regnaturus est super omnia benedictus per omnia secula seculorum Amen.4 |
4. S3: Bethala, suspensus in ethera, payga. permyga. percuretath. perrenay. acairion. aboaga. convenite & concurrite ab omnibus mundi partibus, ara. aray. pangula. Iamtarpa. kauthalae. calecatas. Syray. angyus. Sathon. Arethon. Payn. Enrapaelon. edidy. per hoc zeham. Vitale. Gysina. Genasse. Acenith. Vicinat ut angyus de sede florigeret super ea que posita sunt in baldice speris Balducabrac. flebilis. palmonyam. ynephar. yristix. Abyrey. lazacu. Sella. Occurrite ab universis mundi partibus unanimes & letantes &c. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tunc novies circumeundo circulum tanges singulos gladios, dicens: [col. 2] {I}nvoco vos aerie potestates in oriente, barthan, formione, iammax, et cetera, sicut fecerat circulos suffumigando Et cum circuierit, reversus in orientem dicat, et invocando, coniuro vos per zabuater, rabarmas, hiskiros, kirios, gelon, [hel], tethel [*techel], nothi, ymeynlethon, karex, et per angelos et archangelos, per tronos, dominaciones, per principatus et potestates et virtutes, per cherubyn, et seraphyn. // Tunc semel circuiens circulum tangens gladios dicat. Et per ista sacra angelorum nomina raphael, caphael, dardiel, urathaphel. // In 2o gladio, satquiel, [raphael], paamcociel, asasagel. // In 3 gladio: samael, satriel [*satiel], ituraiel, amiabiel [*amabiel] // In 4 gladio hanahel, ratquiel, salguyel. // In 5 gladio. gabriel, mychael, samyel, Atithael. // In 6 gladio, mychael, myel, sarapiel. // In 7o [boel], capciel [*caphciel], mycraton, satquiel, quibus non omnibus dominatur.5 Et per omnia que de deo sunt dicenda et intelligenda, et per illud signum salomonis a domino datum et per capud principis vestri belzebub, cui debetis obedire, et per ista nomina sacra [sabaoth], sella, 91, tiros [*ciros], 92, ebion [*obiron], 93, [nomygon], oriel, 94, theos, 95, hespelli, 96, quatinus vos barthan ... et eos spiritus et cetera. |
5. "quibus non omnibus dominatur": S3: "qui vobis omnibus dominatur...." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
// Tunc flexis genibus contra 4 mundi partes eis coniungitur penitus, qui a omnes alii non possunt quod hii possunt, et eciam una cum luna referunt consilia secretorum omnium in respectu aliorum et sua forma clara est. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// Tunc semel dicat, flexis genibus contra 4 mundi partes. {A}ramorule, thanthalatisthen, 97, rabud, thanthalatisthen, 28, 29, principium et finis, 30, 31, 32, te suppliciter exoro et invoco, ut tuo iudicio convicti et constricti veniant advocati et dent michi responsa vera de quibus interrogavero non nocentes alicui creature, non ledentes, non frementes, non furientes nec me sociosque meos vel aliquam creaturam terrentes, neminem offendentes set peticionibus meis [obedientes] pocius et que precepero diligenter adimplentes. |
Then say once towards the four parts of the universe with bent knees:
'[A]ramorul, Thanthalatisthes, 97, Rabud, Thanthalatistha, 28, 29, the beginning and the end, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 I humbly beg and call upon you, that by your judgment they may be bound and constrained to come and give true answers to those things which I shall ask them, not hurting any creature, (35) not hurting or roaring or raging against either me or my associates or frightening any creatures, offending nobody, but rather [+obeying] my petitions and diligently fulfilling my orders.’1 |
1. Compare Heptameron: "Amorule...."; Folger pp. 195-196; D252 130r-131r. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
// Tunc stans pedibus sibila sepcies percuciat et tunc semel circueat [136v] circulum dicens, Bethala et cetera usque ad occurrite. // Tunc stans in medio circuli aperta manu super aerem eis signum ostendat dicens. Sigillo salomonis veniant advocati et dent michi responsum verum. |
Then standing on his feet, he should strike the whistle seven-times, and then circumabulate once around the circle, saying ‘Bethala’ etc. up to 'you meet!' Then standing in the middle of the circle with the open hand over the air to them he should show the sign saying: 'To the seal of Solomon the counsellors may come and may give to me true answers.' |
Incipit placacio spirituum.{G}eneolia, chide,6 ministri tartaree sedis primathie, principes prepotentes sedis apoloice, potestates maonamirie, ego vos invoco et invocando vos coniuro atque superne maiestatis munitus virtute potenter imparo per eum qui dixit et factum est, cui obediunt omnes creature. Et per hoc nomen ineffabile tetragramaton, ioht, he, uau, deleth, in quo plasmatum est omne seculum, quo audito: omnes exercitus celestium terrestrium et infernalium creaturarum tremunt et colunt, quatinus cito et sine mora et omni occasione cessante ab universis mundi partibus adveniatis: racionabiliter de omnibus quecumque interogavero respondeatis non nocentes michi nec sociis meis, non mencientes set pocius veritatem dicentes et veniatis {pa}cifice manifestantes quod cupimus coniu{rat}i per nomen eterni vivi et veri dei, 97. |
Here begins the placating of the spirits.Geneolia, Chide, ministers of the Tartarean seat of the primate’s office, mighty princes of the seat of Apologia, powers of Maonamiria, I invoke you and by invoking you I conjure and protected by the strength of the heavenly majesty, I potently command you through Him who spoke, and it was done, whom all creatures obey, and through this ineffable name "Tetragrammaton": Ioht, He, Vau, Daleth, through which all the ages were formed, which heard, all celestial, terrestrial, and infernal hosts tremble at worship that you cease all pretexts and come quickly and without delay, from all parts of the world, responding rationally to everything which I will ask, not harming me nor my associates, (42) not speaking deceptively, but rather truthfully and may you come peacefully, revealing what we wish, being conjured with the eternal name of the living and true God, 97.7 |
6. S3: "Geuolia chide." GH, following only Sl. 3854 here, reads "{.}eneolia, chide." 7. Name 97 is "Elyorem." Compare H, pp. 120-122: "Beralanensis, Baldachiensis, .... by the name of the living and true God, Helioren [*Heliorem]." |
Quo facto statim apparebunt visiones infinite et illusiones sicut choros, organa, cithare et omnia instrumenta dulcissima, ut possint socios ad exitum provocare, quia supra magistrum nichil possunt. Illis vero transactis, venient exercitus militum et ballivorum ut debeant pro timore de circulo fugere. // Post hec venient sagittarii cum omnium ferarum genere ac si eos crederent devorare. Set operans providus loquatur sociis dicens. Nolite timere ecce signum domini creatoris nostri, convertimini ad eum quia potens est vos eripere de ore malignancium. |
With that done, immediately infinite visions and illusions will appear, such as choirs, organs, lutes, and all the sorts of the sweetest instruments, in order to provoke the associates to flee, because they are able to exert no such influence over the master. (44) After this armies of soldiers and bailiffs will come, in order to frighten them to flee from the circle. (45) After these archers and all types of all wild beasts will come, and act as if they intended to devour them. But he should set about to speak to the associates saying, "Have no fear. Behold the sign of the Lord, our creator. Turn back to him, because he has the power to snatch you away from the jaws of the wicked." |
// Tunc dicat magister spiritibus manu clausa, fugiat hinc iniquitas vestra virtute vexilli dei. Et tunc aperiat7, ut obedire cogantur. Et statim nichil socii videbunt. Tunc confortando eos dic. Sicio. Potemus. Quid vobis videtur? Nolite timere. Sperantes autem in domino misericordia circumdabit. Letamini igitur in domino et gloriamini. Et scias quod de cetero non timebunt. |
(47) Then the master, with closed hands, says as follows to the spirits: “Flee hence with your iniquities, by virtue of the banner of God.” And then he should uncover [the Seal of God],7 to compel them to obey, and immediately the associates will see them no more. (48) Then encourage them, saying, “I am thirsty. We may drink. What does it seem like to you? Don’t be afraid, but put your hope in the mercy of the Lord. Therefore rejoice in the Lord.” And know that they will fear no more. |
7. S3 adds "signum dei." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
[col. 2]
// Tunc dicat eis quod de cetero non loquantur. Et tunc in medio circuli conversus teneat manum dextram in aere dicens. Ecce Opus sacratissimum. i.e. signum dei. Et est [*Ecce] mirabilis i.e. tota quasi accidentalis dei potencia descripcio. Ecce capita8 vestra prefigurata scilicet boal. erunt. rata ad destruccionem vestram Sanctissimis dei nominibus exornata. Ecce [signum]9 salomonis cum suis literis karacteribus et figuris quod ante vestram adduxi presenciam. Ecce personam exorcizatoris in medio exorcismi, qui est optime a deo munitus, intrepidus providus viribus qui potenter vos exorcizando vocavit et vocat. Venite igitur cum omni festinacione o aye, samye [*saraye], ne differatis venire per nomina eterna vivi et veri dei, 98, 99, et per hoc presens sacratissimum opus et per sanctum sigillum quod super vos potenter imperat, et per virtutem celestium spirituum et per personam exorcizatoris coniurati festinate venire et obedire preceptori vestro qui vocatur occinnomos.10 |
(49) Then tell them that they should not speak any more, and then, in the middle of the circle, he should hold his right hand in the air, saying, (50) “Behold the most sacred work. Behold this wonderful depiction. Behold your divisions prefigured, embellished with the most holy names of God. (51) Behold the sign of Solomon with its letters, characters, and figures, which I have brought before your presence. (52) Behold the person of the exorcist in the midst of the exorcism, who has been well fortified by God, undaunted, prepared with powers, who has powerfully called you, and calls you with exorcising. (53) Come therefore with all haste, O Aye, Samye, come without delay. Through the eternal names of the living and true God, 98, 99, and by this most holy work, and by the Holy Seal, (54) which commands power over you, and by the virtue of the heavenly spirits, and by the person of the exorcist who is conjuring you, hasten to come and obey your master, who is called "Occinnomos." |
8. S3: "Ecce opus sacratissimum est signum dei, et est mirabilis descripcio.
Id est tota quasi accidentalis dei potencia. Ecce capita...."
9. So S3. Sl. 3854 is missing the word; GH: "[sigillum]". H reads "pentaculum." 10. Compare Heptameron, p. 123 |
Hic sibilet undique semel et statim videbit motus et signa propria, set non nocebunt de cetero. // Et tunc dicat sicut homo ferens imperium divine, maiestatis et quasi eos in infimo suppeditans. // Quid tardatis? que est ista mora quam facitis? properate vos et obedite preceptori vestro, bathac2 super Abrac ruens, Abeor super Aberor. Et statim venient in forma propria, Si illis venientibus dum fuerint circa circulum dicat magister ostendens eis sigillum. Ecce coniuracionem vestram, nolite inobedientes fieri. Et statim videbit eos in forma pulcherrima et pacifica dicentes: Pete quod viso nunc, parati sumus quicquid preceperis adimplere, quia nos dominus subiugavit. Tunc pete quod vis et tibi fiet, vel aliis, pro quibus volueris operari. |
(55) Here he should whistle1 once on each side, and immediately he will see movements and relevant signs, but they will not harm anything. And then he should speak like one bearing the command of divine majesty, and as if they are humbly satisfying your needs: (56) “Why are you not yet here? What is the reason for your delay? Hurry and obey the commands of your master, Bachac rushing upon Abrac, Abeor over Aberor.” (57) And they will come immediately in their proper forms, .... |
1. Regarding the magic whistle, see CXL. 2. GH: Bachac. |
[Quartum opus vel tractatus.]Capitula 4i tractatus de terreis angelis.{D}e incarceratis habendis. // De carceribus reserandis. // De thesauris et metallis et lapidibus preciosis et omnibus rebus absconditis habendis. // De apparencia corporum mortuorum quod loquantur et resuscitata apparea[n]t. [137r] // De apparencia creacionis animalium de terra. // Set ista duo subtraximus quia erant contra domini voluntatem, scilicet mortuum apparenter suscitare, et animalia de terra apparenter creare. Finiunt capitula 4i tractatus. |
[Fourth Book or Treatise.](CXXXIV) Chapters of the Fourth Treatise. Concerning the angels of the Earth....... |
Incipit modus operandi in eis. |
(CXXXV) The beginning of the way of operating in them. |
{E}odem enim modo quo
in precedenti opere continetur potes operari
de istis spiritibus terreis si suffumigium
et nomina mutarentur, circulus et sigilla.
// De quibus spiritibus breviter hic dicamus,
qui sunt turpissimi et omni pravitate pleni.
// Eorum natura est radices arborum et segetum
exstirpare thesauros occultos in terra custodire
et conservare, terremotus facere, fundamenta
civitatum vel castrorum destruere,
homines in cisternis deprimere et cavernis, Incarceratos
temptare, homines destruere, lapides
preciosos in terra occultos adlibitum
dare, et nocere cuicumque. Corpora eorum sunt
ita grossa sicut et alta, magna et terribilia,
quorum pedes sunt quilibet 10 digitorum in
quibus sunt ungues ad modum serpentum, et
habent 5 vultus in capite. Unus est bufonis,
alter leonis, tercius serpentis, quartus hominis mortui
lugentis et plangentis, quintus hominis
incomprehensibilis. Duos tigrides gerunt in cauda.
Tenent in manibus duos dracones, color[um] eorum
nigerrimus omni nigredine inestimabili. Sunt
autem 5. Corniger rex meridionalis, et
habet 4 ministros in 4 mundi partibus. // Trocornifer
in oriente. // Malafer in occidente.
// Euiraber in meridie. // Mulcifer in septemtrione.
Et quilibet habet legiones centum, et
in qualibet sunt demones 4500, qui omnes istis
4 obediunt et subduntur. // Et isti 4 sunt
qui possunt omnes alios spiritus a thesauris
absconditis fugare ligare et constringere,
et sunt ministri infernales. // Princeps
eorum est labadau, eius coadiutor est Asmodeus
qui dat thesaurum indestructibilem cuiuslibet
monete. Motus eorum est castrorum ruina, segetum
et plantarum exstirpacio. Signum est
quod totus mundus videbitur destrui invocanti.
// Suffumigium eorum est sulphur.
// Circulus eorum concavus et rotundus
et distet a circulo magistri per 9 pedes.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sigillum terre.{H}oreaua, recolia, narex, axo, et abdia, laadia, cauethlegia, byaron, eleymath, thetanyra, adulaua, mathia, nysmaria, pergaria, perelyn, pernigyn, perlabudyn, perkedusyn, perbatusyn, pergalmegue, garaneu, ut tartari cogerentur. |
The Seal of the Earth.{H}oreaua, recolia, narex, axo, and abdia, laadia, cauethlegia, byaron, eleymath, thetanyra, adulaua. Mathia, nysmaria, pergaria, perelyn, pernigyn, perlabudyn, perkedusyn, perbatusyn, pergalmegue, garaneu, in order that they might be collected in the infernal region. |
Coaccio eorum sive coniuracio. |
Calling them forth, or the conjuration. |
{I}nvoco vos terree potestates, et invocando coniuro, et cetera, ut supra in precedenti opere. // Tunc cum dixerint quid vis pete quod vis et fiet. // Set melius est scribere peticionem in tegula nova vel tegulis1 cum carbonibus et in eorum ponere circulo et sic eos non audies, nec videbis, et tum quicquid petitum fuerit facient in instanti. Et de istis nunquam vel raro Christianus se intromittit, nec eorum consilia sunt credenda. |
“I call upon you, O powers of the earth, and I invoke and conjure you…” and so on, as given in the preceding work. Then, when they have said “what do you wish?”, ask what you wish, and it will happen. But it is better to write the petition on a new tile (or tiles) with charcoal, and put them in the circle, and thus you will neither hear them nor see them, and then whatever has been desired, they will make happen in an instant. And concerning these, a Christian should seldom or never let himself enter into dealings with them, nor should their advice be believed. |
1. So Sl. 3854 fol. 137r col. 2. GH misreads "vel tegula" and marks the phrase as an accretion to be deleted, but it is clear the plural was intended, since it speaks of placing them in the circle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Circulus, in quo apparent spiritus.
equalitas -- terre
Ground level.
Circle in which the spirit appears. |
// In hac operacione sz de angelis terreis duo
isti circuli necessarii. Iste primus, qui est concavus,
est in quo veniunt advocati, set iste secundus est
planus in quo invocans stare debet et debet distare a ![]() primo per 9 pedes. Et de hiis maxime operantur pagani, et rarissime Christiani. |
In this operation, namely regarding the angels of the earth, two circles are necessary: The first one is hollow; it is where the ones summoned come, but the second should be level, in which the one calling-upon them should stand, and it should stand nine feet apart from the first. And it is especially the pagans who operate with these, and very rarely should Christians. |
Incipit Quintus liber.[Primum capitulum quinti tractatus.] |
Beginning of the Fifth Book.(CXXXVI) The First chapter of the Fifth Treatise. |
{I}ncipit quintus et ultimus tractatus de exposicione predictorum in generali. In 4 primis tractatibus quia in libro honorii sunt 5 tractatus. // Primus de visione divina. // Secundus de angelis bonis. // Tercius de aereis. // Quartus de terreis. // Quintus de exposicione horum. {D}e visione divina. // De cognicione potestatis divine. // De absolucione peccatorum ne homo incidat in peccatum mortale. // De redempcione trium animarum a purgatorio. // Omnium autem horum 5 operum precedencium ordo iacet suo modo verissimo situatus. // De primo enim iam patet peticio explanata. // De secundo autem taliter postulabis, ut abluto corpore me vivente mea possit anima cum tua incomprehensibili potencia a te cognita cum tuis sanctis angelis tuam cognoscere potestatem. // De 3o taliter postulabis, ut abluto corpore te cum tuis novem angelorum ordinibus me vivente mea possit anima collaudare, et meorum concedas veniam peccatorum. // Quarto taliter est dicendum ut abluto corpore dehinc nullam possim committere maculam peccatorum, set meo vivente corpore puro corde, mente et opere te cum tuis novem angelorum ordinibus mea possit anima collaudare et cetera. Quinta peticio taliter situetur, ut meo abluto corpore te <te>cum tuis et cetera. Ex tua gracia N, N, N tales a penis purgatorii eripias et suorum veniam tribuas peccatorum, ut ipsi iam defuncti, tuam possint agnoscere, laudare et glorificare maiestatem. // Istud eim opus potes novies facere sine ira dei, et qualibet vice secundum quod predixi tres animas impetrabis. // Et scias quod de omnibus aliis si eodem modo petieris optinebis. // Vel sic. Ut abluto corpore celestes, igneas, aereas, aquaticas et terreas efficaciter possim cognoscere potestates. |
2m capitulum quinti tractatus de consecracione hincausti sigilli dei eterni vivi et veri operantis.{D}eus invisibilis, deus inestimabilis, deus ineffabilis, deus incommutabilis, deus incoruptibilis, deus piissime deus dulcissime, deus [col. 2] excelse deus gloriose deus inrnense deus tocius misericordie. Ego licet indignus vel plenus iniquitate, dolo et malicia, suplex ad tuam venio misericordiam orans ac deprecans ut non respicias ad universa et innumerabilia peccata mea, set sicut consuevisti peccatorum misereri et preces humilium exaudire, ita me famulum tuum N, licet indignum exaudire digneris clamantem ad te pro hac benediccione huius creature sanguinis ut ipse aptus et dignus efficiatur pro hincausto sigilli tui sacri et preciosi et nomen tuum [*nominis tui] semenphoras ita ut aptitudinem quam optinere debet optineat per sanctissimum nomen tuum quod 4 literis scribitur ioht, he, vau, deleth, agla, eloy, yaym, theos, deus. Quo audito: celestia, terrestria et infernalia tremunt et colunt. Et per hec sanctissima nomina, on, alpha, et ω, principium et finis, el, ely, eloe, eloy, elion, sother, emanuel, sabaoth, adonay, egge, ya, ya, ye, ye, benedicatur hec cruoris creatura et preparetur et apertatur [*aptetur] pro hincausto sacri sigilli tui et sanctissimi nominis semenphoras tui quod est benedictum per infinita secula seculorum, amen. |
Oracio.{D}omine Iesu Christe per ineffabilem misericordiam tuam parce michi et miserere mei et exaudi me nunc per invocacionem nominis trinitatis patris et filii et spiritus sancti, ut acceptas habeas et tibi placeant oraciones et verba oris mei per invocacionem tuorum sanctorum 100 nominum, scilicet agla, monhon et cetera humiliter et fideliter deprecans licet ego indignus tamen in te confidens ut sanctifices et benedicas cruorem istum per sanctissima nomina tua predicta et per nomen semenphoras 72 literarum quatinus per virtutem et sanctitatem et potestatem eorundem nominum et per virtutem et potestatem tuam divinam sit cruor iste consecratus + benedictus + confirmatus + per virtutem sacratissimi corporis et sanguinis tui ut virtutem quam optinere debet et aptitudinem optineat et efficaciter sine aliqua fallacia veraciter valeat ad scribendum sigillum tuum sanctum ut sanctam virtutem optineat <verba et efficaciter sine aliqua fallacia veraciter valeat ad scribendum sigillum tuum sanctum cccc>, et potestatem habeat ad quam est institutum, prestante domino qui sedet in altissimis, [138r] cui sit laus honor et gloria per infinita secula seculorum amen. |
Oracio benediccionis.{B}enedicat te pater + benedicat te filius + benedicat te spiritus sanctus +. Sancta mater domini nostri Iesu Christi te benedicat et sanctificet ut virtutem sacramenti in sigillo dei ex te scribendo o cruor optineas quam optinere debes, benedicant te omnes sancte virgines, benedicant te hodie et in omni tempore omnes sancti et electi dei, omnes virtutes celestes te benedicant et confirment angeli omnes et archangeli, virtutes, principatus, potestates, troni, dominaciones, cherubyn et seraphin, ex auctoritate et licencia dei te benedicant, per merita et oraciones omnium sanctorum tuorum domine Iesu Christe benedicas + et sanctifices + et consecres + cruorem istum sigilli dei et confirmes per omnipotenciam tuam et virtutem et potestatem optineat sigillum tuum de eo scribendum quam debet et ad quam est institutum et confirmatum prestante domino nostro Iesu Christo cuius regnum et imperium sine fine manet in secula seculorum. Amen. |
{A}ntequam iste 3 oraciones supra cruorem dicantur procedenter versus ierusalem, dicatur supra eum exorcismus salis quod ponitur in aqua, ter, nisi quod nomina sic debent mutari. // Exorcizo te creatura cruoris loco de creatura salis, et qui per salomonem te in sigillum dei mitti iussit, loco dei [*de], qui per heliseum te in aqua mitti iussit, et sic de aliis. Illo autem exorcismo sic ter dicto cum stola in collo, dic ter oraciones tres precedentes. Quo facto? sigilli domini cruor erit benedictus. |
Tercium capitulum quinti tractatus de exposicione precepti missarum dati in primo tractatu et subintellecti in quolibet tractatuum premissorum. |
(CXXXVIII) The third chapter of the Fifth Treatise, concerning the exposition of teachings of the Masses given in the first treatise.... |
Prima dies.{I}n prima die secunde mundacionis dicet sacerdos missam alicuius diei dominice extra ieiunium vel alicuius secundum maiorem effectum quem habet ad illam, in loco prefacionis dicat hanc oracionem. // Nos tibi semper et ubique gracias agere. Domine sancte pater omnipotens eterne deus per Christum dominum nostrum per quem maiestatem tuam laudant angeli adorant dominaciones tremunt potestates. Celi celorumque virtutes [col. 2] ac beata seraphin socia exultacione concelebrant, cum quibus et nostras voces et cetera. Secunda dies.{I}n secunda die hanc loco prefacionis, cum missa Apostolorum. // Te domine suppliciter exorare ut gregem tuum pastor eterne non desera<n>s set per beatos apostolos tuos et cetera. 3a dies.{I}n 3a die missam ieiunii vel quadragesime et hanc oracionem, Nos tibi semper et ubique gracias agere, Domine sancte pater omnipotens eterne deus. Qui corporali ieiunio vicia et cetera. 4a dies.{I}n 4a die missam de nativitate imperatricis angelorum [et]. // Et te in nativitate beate marie et cetera. 5a dies.{I}n 5a die missam annunciacionis eiusdem [et]. // Et te in annunciacione et cetera. 6a dies.{I}n 6a die missam nativitatis Christi et ista sit prefacio // Quia per incarnati verbi misterium nova et cetera. 7a dies.{I}n 7a die missam epiphanie et prefacio, Quia cum unigenitus tuus in substancia nostre, et cetera. 8a dies.{I}n 8a die missam purificacionis. Et prefacio, Et te in purificacione beate marie. 9a dies.{I}n nona die missam resurreccionis. Et prefacio. <Et> te quidem domine omni tempore set in hac potissimum nocte vel die gloriosius predicare cum pascha nostrum et cetera. 10a dies.{I}n 10a die missam ascencionis, et prefacio. Qui post resurreccionem suam omnibus discipulis suis manifestus apparuit, et cetera. XIa dies.{I}n XIa die missam assumpcionis beate marie et prefacio sit. Et te in assumpcione et cetera. 12a dies.{I}n 12a die missam omnium sanctorum, et prefacio apostolorum sit, nisi quod vox apostolorum in vocem omnium sanctorum commutetur. 13a dies.{I}n 13a die missam angelorum et prefacio apostolorum nisi quod beati apostoli in beatos angelos transmutentur. 14a dies.{I}n 14a die missam spiritus sancti et prefacio sit, Qui ascendens super omnes celos et cetera. 15a dies.In quintadecima die missam sancte crucis et prefacio sit, Qui salutem humani generis in ligno et cetera. 16a dies.[138v]{I}n 16a die missam trinitatis et prefacio sit, Qui cum unigenito filio tuo et spiritu sancto unus es<t> deus et cetera. |
Quartum capitulum quinti tractatus de inicio aggrediendi opus invocacionis.{E}xcitacio ventorum est principium operandi in illa XIa hora diei operis sacri et debet fieri extra domum longe a circulo ad duo stadia vel tria. Et debet prius esse bene preparatus de necessariis suis, de optimo vino de 7 ensibus, de sibilo, de virgula coruli, de sigillis, de signo dei, de thure, de thuribulo, de candela virginea et sic de aliis ut prius patet. |
(CXXXIX) Fourth chapter of the Fifth Treatise, concerning the beginning of undertaking the work of invocation..... |
// Et scias quod in illa pelle ubi est sigillum domini debent esse tria sigilla predicta sub signo: ita quod pendeant de manu. // Sigillum angelorum sit immediate sub signo dei, et Sub illo sigillum aereorum et sub illo terreorum. |
Et quando cognoscentur motus eorum appropinquare oportet ire ad circulum et delere 7 nomina creatoris, et tunc item ut prius extra iuxta circulum excitare, et cum videbitis motus eorum intrare circulum et facere ut est predictum. |
// Virga autem sit quadrata et in uno latere scribatur in summitate, adonay. In secundo latere sabaoth. In 3o hiskiros, in 4o Emanuel. In medio virge fiat pentagonus salomonis et ubi virga tenetur crux, et sic erit parata operi sacro et miro. |
But the wand should have four sides. On one side should be written “Adonay;” on the second side “Sabaoth;” on the third, “Hiskiros;” on the fourth “Emanuel.” On the middle of the wand make the pentagonal figure of Solomon, and where the wand is held, a cross, and thus it will be prepared for sacred and wonderful works. |
Hiskiros: Greek ισχυρος, Iskhiros (Mighty One). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quintum capitulum quinti tractatus de composicione sibili et exposicione cuiusdam dicti in 3o tractatu. |
(CXL) Fifth Chapter of the Fifth Treatise, concerning the composition of the whistle, and an explanation of certain sayings in the Third Treatise. |
{F}ac sibilum de ere albo vel de argento vel de auro vel avellana, et sit eptagonum, id est septem latera habens, sit grossum ad placitum, sit longum ad longitudinem trium digitorum. // Tunc in summitate eius sculpatur hoc nomen, on. Et inferius in alia summitate beel. Et in latere primo ubi est forus sibili scribatur nomen regis orientalis, scilicet barthan. In secundo latere a dextris nomen regis consol, scilicet formione. In 3o regis meridiei, scilicet yammax. In 4o regis nogahelis, scilicet sarabocres. In 5 latere regis [col. 2] occidentalis, scilicet harthan. In 6o regis frigicapicis, Abaa. In 7o regis septemtrionalis, maymon. Et postea benedic eum sicut cruorem nisi quod mutabis nomen, et ubi dicebatur in sigillum dei te mitti iussit, nunc dices, in clamatum spirituum te clangere iussit. |
Make a whistle from white copper,1 or from silver, or from gold, or even hazel, and it should be heptagonal, i.e. having seven sides. It may be as large as you please, and its length should be as long as three fingers. .... |
1. White copper: an alloy of copper and nickel, often including zinc. This is an example of how Honorius minimizes the need for expensive instruments and ingredients. See Gehr, Damaris, “Luxus und Luxusdiskurse in der gelehrten lateinischen Magie des 12. bis 14. Jahrhunderts” in Jutta Eming/ Gaby Pailer /Franziska Schössler / Johannes Traulsen (eds.), Fremde - Luxus - Räume, Konzeptionen von Luxus in Vormoderne und Moderne, Frank & Timme, Berlin 2015, pp. 147-165. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Et scias quod quando vocantur angeli boni non debet habere sibilum neque virgam neque ensem [*enses], et tu debes stare extra circulum, et ipsi debent apparere infra circulum, qui debet esse altus tribus pedibus et semis. // Set in aliis aereis et terreis oportet predicta habere. Set differt inter illos quia illi aerei apparent extra circulum in aere homine existente infra circulum qui debet esse totus planus sicut +epiparet+. Set in terreis sic est quod ipsi apparent infra circulum concavum, profundum et rotundum homine existente infra alium circulum, ab illis circulis predictis, qui tamen similiter debet esse planus et equus et circa eum scripta solum 4 nomina dei, prout patet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// Angeli hore sunt qui regnant in hora operis angeli diei qui in die operis, Angeli mensis angeli lune, vel principii mensis Angeli faciei qui regnant facie ubi est eorum dominium ascendente. Temporis omnes insimul et principes eorum omnium sunt 7, ut patuit supra, casziel, satquiel et cetera. // Adhuc sunt 7 superiores, scilicet barachiel, uriel et cetera. |
The angels of the hour are those who rule in the hour of the work, the angels of the day in which you work, the angels of the month the angels of the Moon or of the beginning of the month, the angels of the face (or aspect) which reign in the face where their dominion is, with the ascendant .... |
Here Honorius seems to assume the reader has a fuller treatment. Darm. Hs-1410 18v mentions Barachiel, Uriel, and Acroel [=Hocroel] in its version of Messahalla De Anulis septem Planetarum. |
Explicit liber de vita anime racionalis, qui liber sacer vel liber angelorum vel liber iuratus nuncupatur, quem fecit honorius magister thebarum. Hic est liber quo deus in hac vita facialiter quit videri. Hic est liber quo quilibet potest salvari et in vitam eternam procul dubio deduci. Hic est liber quo infernus et purgatorium queunt sine morte videri, hic est liber quo omnis creatura exceptis novem ordinibus angelorum possunt subiugari. Hic est liber quo omnes siencie possunt haberi. Hic est liber quo substancia imbecillissima potest substancias robustissimas et devincere et subiugare. Hic est liber quem nulla lex habet nisi Christiana, et si habet, nil [139r] sibi prodest. Hic est liber qui est maius iocale a domino datum omni alio iocali exclusis sacramentis. Hic est liber quo natura corporalis et visibilis cum incorporali et invisibili alloqui racionari et instrui potest. Hic est liber quo innumerabiles thesauri haberi possunt. Et multa alia per hunc fieri queunt que narrare dispendium esset. Ideo merito Sacer nuncupatur. |
(CXLI)Here ends the book concerning the life of the rational soul, which is called the Sacred Book, or the Book of the Angels, or the Sworn Book, which was made by Honorius, the master of Thebes. This is the book with which one is able to see God face to face, while still alive. This is the book, with which anyone is able to be saved and without doubt led into eternal life. This is the book, with which Hell and Purgatory can be seen without dying. This is the book, whereby all creatures are able to be subjugated, except for the nine orders of angels. This is the book, whereby all knowledge can be obtained. This is the book, whereby one with the weakest nature is able to subdue and subjugate those with the strongest natures. This is the book, which no law has except Christian, and those of other faiths will find nothing useful for themselves in it. This is the book, which is the greatest jewel of all given by the Lord, other than the sacraments. This is the book, whereby one of corporeal and visible nature is able speak to, reason with, and be instructed by those with incorporeal and invisible natures. This is the book, whereby innumerable treasures can be obtained. And many other things can be done through this, more than can be told. Therefore it is rightly called sacred. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scriptus fuit liber iste et completus Die martis hora 10a que est ho |
The writing of this book has been completed on the tenth hour of this day, Tuesday, which is ho....1 |
1. The manuscript breaks off right in the middle of this colophon. |
[71r] heare foloweth an other worke for the angels of the .7. heav-| ens, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
and of the .4. tymes or seasons of the yeare accordin-| ge to the nature and dysposissione of the .7. planettes and | celestiall bodies, and fyrst heare begeneth the names of the | .4. seasonns of the yeare and the angels that haue rewle | and goverment in the sayde tymes, wt the names of the pr-| incipall head or rewler of every signe, and the names of þe | principall head or rewler of the yearth, wt the names of þe | .2. lyghtes that Is the Sonne and the mone, which haue | workinge in there qualytes, in the .4. quarters or seaso-| nnes of the yeare accordinge to the providence will and | pleasuer of the allmighty god of his Incomperhensibili-| te created and made */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* | |
This text is not part of the Sworn Book proper, but is found
appended to it in manuscript R.
Compare with de Abano's Heptameron. |
The names of the springe tyme Is called + talui + ./.| The name of somer Is called + casmaram + ././.| The name of harvest Is called + ardarael + ./.| The name of winter Is called + farlae + ././.| Thes angels do rewle and governe in the springe tyme. /././.|
Thes angells do rewle and governe in the somer tyme.
Thes angells do rewle and governe in þe harvest tyme.
Thes angells do rewle and governe in the winter season.
Thes be the angells of the .12. signes. */*/*/*/*/*/* |
Compare Agrippa III, ch 24. |
Thes be the angells of the .28. mancions of þe mone
[75r] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thes be the angells of the .4. wynes and princies. |
Compare OP3.24. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thes be the angells of the .4. elementes & dominators.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[72 angels from Schemhamphoras]
Et hi sunt qui præsident septuaginta duobus quinariis coe-|
lestibus, totidemqe nationibus et linguis, et humani corpor-|
is artubus, cooperanturqe septuaginta duobus synagogæ |
senioribus, totidemqe christi discipulis. et nomina eorum sec-|
undum extractionem quam faciunt cabalistæ patent in hac |
These two paragraphs appear to have been quoted
verbatim from the 1533 edition of Agrippa,
OP3.25. Cf.
V. Perrone Compagni, p. 473 ll. 7-19.
Agrippa got this from Francesco Georgi (or Zorzi)
De harmonia mundi: Venetiis, 1525,
1: 4, 13, f. 61v; 2: 7, 23, f. 328r.
"And these are those that are set over the seventy-two Celestial quinaries, and so many Nations, and tongues, and joints of man's body, and cooperate with the seventy-two seniors of the Synagogue, and so many disciples of Christ: and their names according to the extraction which the Cabalists make, are manifest in this following table, according to one manner which we have spoke of. Now there are many other manner or ways of making Schemhamphorae out of those verses, as when all three are in a right order written one after the other, from the right to the left, besides those which are extracted by the tables of Ziruph, and the tables of commutations, of which we made mention above. And because these tables serve for all names, as well divine, as angelical, we shall therefore subjoin them to this chapter." |
The third column of the table is actually on fol. 76r. Hebrew lettering per Agrippa is here omitted. |
[76v-78v] [fols. 76v-78r have unlabeled drawings of identical angels. 78v is blank.] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[79r]The angels of the .7. planetts after the opinione of zevell */*/*/*/*![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Compare Sl. 3847 107v, appended to Liber Imaginum Zebel alias Zoel: Sat. nomina Angelorum Saturni sunt haec, Sathir, Onach, an teid, prothotans, gaym.... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The names of the angels of the .xii. signes![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The names of the princes of the .xii. altytudes are thes folowinge. |
Compare angels of the xii altitudes in Almandel (or Almadel). See Veenstra, 'The Holy Almandel' in Bremmer, Jan N., and Jan R. Veenstra. The Metamorphosis of Magic from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period. Leuven: Peeters, 2002, p. 203, n 29. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() ![]() ![]() [79v] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The angels of the .7. planetts after the opinion of honorius././.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The names of the angels of the .xii. signes after the opinion of honorius././.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Cp. Agrippa OP2.14. |
The angels of the .xxviii. mancions of the mone././.Geniel + enediel + amixiel + azariel + caiel + dirachiel + seheliel + amnediel + barbiel + ardesiel + neciel + abdizuel + iazeriel + ergediel + ataliel + azeruel + adriel + egiviel + amutiel + kiriel + bethnael + geliel + requiel + abrinael + aziel + tagriel + atheniel + amnixiel +[80r] Thes are the princes of the .4. windes././.Of the est Is + michael + of the west Is + raphael + of the northe Is + gabriel + of the sowghte is + nariel + vel vriel + Thes are the dominators and reulers of the .4. elementes././.
Of the ayer Is + cherub + of the water Is + tharsis + of the yearthe
Is + ariel + of the fyer Is + seruph + vel nathaniel +
Thes are the angels that beare the great name of god called in the hebrewe tunge schemhamphorasvehuiah + Ieliel + sitael + elemiah + mahasiah + lelahel + achaiah + cahethel + haziel + aladiah + lamah + hahaiah + Iezalel + mebahel + hariel + hakamiah + leuiah + caliel + leuuiah + pahaliah + nelchael + Ieiael + melahel + hahuiah + nitthaiah + haaiah + Ierathel + seehiah + reiial + omael + lecabel + vasariah + Iehuiah + lehahiah + chauakiah + manadel + Aniel + haamiab + rehael + Ieiazel + hahahel + michael + veualiah + Ielahiah + sealiah + ariel + asaliah + michael + vehuel + daniel + hahasiah + Imamiah + nanael + nithael + Mehahiah + poiel + nemamiah + Ieialel + harakel + mizrael + vmahel + Iahhel + annauel + mehekiel + damahiah + meniel + eiael + habuiah + roehel + Iabamiah + haiaiel + mamiah + [finis] |