Edited by Joseph H. Peterson, esotericarchives.com, Copyright © 1999, 2006. All rights reserved. Updated Nov 15, 2022.
NOTE: If you find this document or others in these archives useful, please do not copy except for private use.
See also the edition and transcription, which has been prepared by Sanne de Laat. |
This text was well known by the end of the fifteenth century. According to Joshua Trachtenberg, it was probably compiled in the thirteenth century.1 Trithemius mentions it as one of his sources for his Steganographia. It was also apparently used by Agrippa in his book On Occult Philosophy on which see the critical edition by V. Perrone Compagni. |
1. Jewish Magic and Superstition, p. 315. It should be noted that the term raz ("mystery") is borrowed from Old Avestan, and may suggest a Persian influence. |
The following English translation of the Book of the angel Raziel, is text is taken from Sloane MS. 3846 in the British Library, fols. 128r-157v. The text is closely related to that in Sloane 3826, though neither seems to be directly based on the other. A transcription of the text from Sl. 3826. has been prepared by Don Karr. I have noted some variants from Karr's transcription (abbreviated K). Another ms is:
| |
For Latin text, see:2 |
2. For more details, see Sophie Page, "Uplifting Souls: The Liber de essentia spirituum and the Liber Razielis in Claire Fanger, Invoking Angels: Theurgic Ideas and Practices, Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries (Magic in History) 2012, pp 95-112. |
Italian: Book 6 of the Latin text ("Liber Razielis") has been edited in Vol. 1 of Rebiger, Bill, Peter Schäfer, Evelyn Burkhardt, Gottfried Reeg, Henrik Wels, and Dorothea M. Salzer. Sefer ha-Razim I und II: das Buch der Geheimnisse I und II. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009. Compare with Michael Morgan Sepher Ha-Razim, the Book of the Mysteries: The Book of the Mysteries (Texts and Translations, No. 25.) (1983), English translation based on Margalioth's "reconstructed" Hebrew text (Jerusalem, 1966.) Hebrew text may be as early as 300 CE. For discussion see Merchavya, Chen, "Razim, Sefer Ha-," Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume XIII (NY: Macmillan, 1971), pp. 1594-95, and Niggemeyer, J.-H., Beschwörungsformeln aus dem "Buch der Geheimnisse (Sefer ha-Razim): Zur Topologie der magischen Rede, Judaistische Texte und Studien 3 (Hildesheim, NY: Georg Olms Verlag, 1975) Comments by JHP are in []. I have also resolved most of the tildes and abbreviations in the text. (Karr's transcription does not seem to have indicated the tildes or expanded them.)
NOTES: | |||||||||||||||||||||
The booke, entituled Cephar Raziel, contain'g seuen treatises, was written by William Parry of Clyffords Inne1 by Temple barre in London borne at Northof in the County of Flynt & at the charges of John Gwyne of Llandlos in the county of Mountgomericke Esquire in the year of our lord god a thousand five hunderd threscore & four et Anno Elizabetha dei gratia Angeliæ &c Reginæ sexto: | 1. i.e. Cliffords Inn, London. |
Londinij 2o Nouembris 1564. In the publique lib. at Oxford in the manuscript in Archivum A. 116.
[128v is blank] [129r]
Liber Salomonis | ||||||||||||||||||||||
In nomini dei potentis vivi & veri, & eterni &c. |
VRL1300 10v; Halle 5r. |
In the name of allmighty God living & very & everlasting &
without all end which is sayd Adonay, Saday, Ehye, Assereye I
begin this booke which is said Cephar Raziel with all his appurtynanuts2
in which be 7 tretises complete or fullfilled that is 7 books.
2. i.e. appurtenances. |
Dixit Salomon g'lia [=gloria] & laus cum multo honore &c3 |
3. VRL1300: Dixit Salomon grã [=gracia] & laus cum maximo honore... |
Salomon sayd glory & praysing with much honour be to god of all creatures he that is singuler which made all things at one tyme. And he is one god very mighty he alone that is & that was & which evermore shall be. & which had never an even or any like him neither he is to have. And he is singuler without end, Lord alone without corruption, holy, cleane, meke & great all things seeing, hearinge, & wise & in all things mighty. And I begin this booke to put an ensample3 that who ever that hath it blame it not till he have read & heard all or some what of it, & then prayse be god maker of all things. |
3. ensample: exemplar. |
These be the 9 precepts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Incipiunt precepta / here begine ye p[recepts] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Non credas esse plures nisi unum singularem &c. |
VRL1300 11r, Halle 5r, which call these de castigationibus Salomonis. |
And if thou with holdest these 9 precepts in the evermore thou shallt profitt more & more. Postquam sensus & scire & posse voluntas vera &c. After that witt & knowledge & might & very will overcometh all things with good witt & good discretion. |
5. ne trow, i.e. 'don't suppose', the English translation of 'Non credas.' 6. VRL1300: multos deos. 7. In marg: Idem. VRL1300: dilige tuos & extraneos per rationem.
8. Sothness: truth. K: soothes. |
Therefore I will expound or make plaine & open this Booke which
is of a great power & of a great vertue. I Salomon put such
a knowledge & such a distinction, & explanation in this booke to evry
man that readeth or studieth it, that he know whereof he was and from
whence he came. know ye that after I Salomon had xxx yeares
wich are halfe in the 5. day of the month of hebreys, which was the
sixt feriall7 day the sonne being in the signe of Leonis. In that
day was sent to me from Babylonie of some Prince that was
greater & more wor |
7. ferial: i.e. festival (Lat. feria). 8. VRL1300, Halle: venerabilior ("more venerable"). K: worshipfuller. |
Nota tempus in quo Salomon fuit pv adeptus istum librum & quomodo & a quo venit sibi. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Know thou the tyme in which Solomon gate (?) this booke & how & of whome it came to him. Iste liber est magnæ virtutis & magnis secreti &c.
This booke is of great vertue &
of greate privity. The name of the Prince that sent it to me
was Sameton,9 & one of the tway [=two] wisemen that brought it to
me was said Karmazail,10 & that other Zazont. The name of
this expounded in Latin is Angelus magnus secreti Creatoris.
That is to say the great Angell of the secret Creator. And in
hebrew Cephar Raziel that is the booke of Sothnes & of fullfilling
& it was the first booke after Adam written in language of Caldey [=Chaldaean]
& afterward translated in hebrue. And know each man that
readeth it, that in it is all Semiforax, that is the great name
compleate with all his names whole & euen & with his vertues &
his sacraments & I found in it 7 bookes that is 7 treatises. And
know yee that I found the first & the last full darke & the twey11
middle more playne. And allthoug I found them darke, I
expounded them as much as I could & might. And the 7 treatises
of this booke be these.
9. VRL1300: Zamechton. Halle 6v: Zametlicon. 10. VRL1300: Karimazayl. Halle: kazymazayl. K: Kamazan. 11. K: five. |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
And Then I began to write all these treatises
in a new volume for that one treatise without another suffiseth
not to the holynes of the worke; therefore I made an hole booke
to be made of 7. treatises. Therefore Solomon bad to his
writer Clarifaton11 that he should write it which knew well the
language of Caldey of Inde & of Ebrew [Hebrew] & Syrike & his right explanation
Notheles12 Salomon after that Clarifaton said corrected it & dressed13 after that
it should be the better & ordeined it in the better manner that he might.
Clarifaton said that was the writer of Solomon that this booke is of such
greate |
11. Halle: glarifacon. This paragraph is missing from VRL1300. 12. =Nonetheless? K: Methelis. 13. Dressed: prepared. Halle: exponebat ("set it forth, published it"). |
Dixit Salomon Qui videt & non cognoscit &c. |
VRL1300 12r; Halle 6r. |
Salomon said, who that
seeth & knoweth not is as he that is borne blind & knoweth not
colours, who that heareth & understandeth not is such as a deafe man
who that speaketh & cannot expoune the reason is as a dumb man.
who that considereth & knoweth not the consideration is such as a drunken
man. who that readeth plaine books, & understandeth not is as he that
dreameth. These proverbs Salomon said that a man beware well
in this booke. Salomon said in this booke hit (?) that Raziel the Angel
said to Adam that was the first man in this world And after that Moyses
said to other prophetes in sothnesse [=truth] & we trowith so.13
12. in soothness: in truth. 13. we troth so: we pledge it is so. |
[Of parchment or vellum] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dixit Angelus Salomoni, vt omnes |
VRL1300 12r; Halle 6v. |
Angell said to Solomon that all thy workings & peticions & wills be
fullfilled & it shall be made in all it that those shall couvite, that it
be in thy might. It behoueth yu that when thou haste this booke
of this or another examplar or ensample that those write it in such
manner in virgin parchmyn, & that it be not filthy neither of a dead
beast or in velume vitulino [=vellum], or in parchemyne of silke or in sattin14
or in cleane cloaths or in parchemyn of a lambe or of a kidde virgin
or of a fawne virgin & this is better then any of the other.
14. Lat. estari. K: 'Samatyne,' with 'sattin' written above. |
[Of the ink]
And the ynke which thou shalt write be it of cleane galles15 & be it
made with good white wine & hool [=whole] & with gum & vitriol & Mastick
& thur,16 & croco [=saffron]. And the third day where it shall well haue
residence, & shall be cleansed put thou there a little of Algaba &
of almea & put thou there of good muske or muske more then
of these three. And put thou there Ambram & balsamum & mirram
& lignum aloes & when the Incke [ink] shall be made be it boyled with
masticke & with thur & with ligno aloës & with somewhat of Thymiamate
& muculazarat & then clause17 it well with a cleane thynne cloth &
the cloth be it three fold. Afterward put there mustum18 [musk] & ambram [=ambergris] and
almeam [=red storax] & algalia [=civet] & balsamum & mirram [myrrh] all well grounded & thou shalt
meddle with the Inke full well. & the inke be it so by 3 dayes well couerd
in a sure place. And know thou that with this inke thou shalt write all the
holy names of God & of his Angells & of his Saints & all thing in which his
holy greate name is nempned19 or written, and all things that thou will werk (?)
truly to be fullfilled with thy well pleasing or with thy seruice & what euer
thou putteth in thy inke be it newe & bright & pure & good.
15. Galls, especially oak galls were a common ingredient in preparing inks. The Sword of Moses has a prescription for ink made with 'black myrrh (gall)'. Gall nuts are prescribed in Le Grand Grimoire for the ink used for pacts with devils. 16. thure: frankincense. 17. K: clense. 18. *muscum: musk. On these magical incenses also see Bruno, De Magia. 19. nempned: named. |
[Of the pen]And the Pen with which thou shalt write the holy name be it of greene reade gathered early ere the Sun arise & he that shall gather it he be cleane & washen in runnynge water or in a quicke well & he be clothed with cleane cloathes. And the Moone be it waxing with [130v] Capite Draconis, or with Joue, for that they be true & very. And when thou shalt gather it, thou shalt behold or looke toward the Easte & thou shalt say thus. Adonay el Saday Iuvate me ad complendum voluntates meas cum arundine ista. That is to say, [Adonay, El, Saday,] help ye me to fulfill my wille with this Reade [=reed]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
and when this is said thou shalt cutt one reade or tweyne or
as many as thou wilt with one stroke. And as Moyses said the
knife be it well playne & sharpe & hool [whole] as though we should
cut of a necke with it. And then take the Reade with thy cleane
hands &; make thou of it gobbets. And when thou wolte cutt
the penne, cut hit er that the Sunne arise or when it ariseth
with the pen & with this ynke thou shalt write all the names of
God holy seuerally. And as ofte as thou writest the name of the
Creatour be thou cleane & so leyne20 and scoured & in a cleane
place, & thou shalt fast ere thou shalt write by 3 days &
thou shalt be bathed in cleane water & thou shalt be rather
cleane by 9 dayes & cloth then thee with cleane cloths. And
ordeyne to thee an house or a cleane place made cleane well
with beesomes21 & washen & watered & suffumed. And ordeyne so
that when thou writest hold thou thy face toward the East. And
write then from morro till to midday till that thou eate. And
after that thou hast eaten or drunken thou shalt not write
in it any thing. And if thou wilt write sem~23 with his strengths
the number of the moone be it euen, & most in the day of the
Moone or of Mercury, or of Jovis [Jupiter], or Veneris [Venus]. And be thou ware of
Saturne, & of Sole upon all. And Salomon said if thou puttest
in the ynke of the bloode of a vowter or of a Turtur [turtle or turtle-dove], or of a
gander holly or all white the ynke shallbe much the better, &
with the more vertue. Also I say that if there were of Saphire
poudered & Smaragdo & Jagunua [=jacinth] & Topazio the Inke shall be
complete & fullfilled. And with this Inke & with this penne ought
to be written all the names of Sem[iforas]. And know thou that he
that shall write this booke ought to be cleane & fasting &
bathed & suffumed with precious aromatikes, that is with spices well
smelling. And it shall be great profitt to thee & to him that
maketh it or writeth it. And ech man that hath written this booke
or hath holden in his house euermore hold he god in mynde & his
holy angells & hit for which he hath made it, & he be euermore
suffumed. And glorify he god euermore. And put he his minde in wch
tymes of the iiij times of the yeare24 he shall worke, or of the iiij
tymes of the moneth or of the iiij times of the day with his night,
or of the iiij times of an houre. And euermore put he his mind to his
foure tymes which they ought to be as invenies in libro p'p'harum.
20. K: solleme. 21. besoms: a broom. 23. K: Semiforax. 24. K: day. |
Dixit Salomon. Sicut si esset Castrum &c |
VRL1300 13v; Halle 7v. |
Salomon said as
though there were a Castell full strong & his hightnes full great
& high & enhaunced & well on eich side with walles
environed & the gates in one place well strong & stable or ferme
& with keys closed, therefore it behoveth that who that would open
the gates of that close, & holsomly would enter into it, both with
out traueill of gift, & without brusing of his body. It is necessary
to haue the same keyes & none other of this Castill & of his gates
& of his Closings. Thus I say this that is for to know the starrs
& their names & their figures & their natures. And when they should
be good, & when they should be evill. And this I say of the fixe25
& of the 7 erratic.26 neuertheles consider thou euermore the nature
of the circle of the 12 signes that is the tuares.27 And therefore it
behoveth that eich man that hath this booke that he hold it cleanly
& keepe he hit with great reuerence & with great honour. And
who that hath it & can read it, ne read he it not, but if he were
before of full cleane of body & with great witte. And I make every
man to know or wite that he ought not to worke by this booke in vein,
neither without witte, neither without lawe or reason, & this is when
every man doth to the contrary or when any reptiles or wode beasts
should lett thee or do harmes to thee. And to know thou that although
thou haue might & trust for to worke by this booke. And allthough thou
might haue great trust in this, thou shalt not worke but with great right
or law & with much reason. And thus understand thou of all thy contrarie
And if thou workest otherwise by this booke then thou shouldest, thou
mightest much lett thee, that is if thou workest without reason, & if
thou were uncleane, or euill in thy selfe.
25. i.e. stars. 26. i.e. planets. 27. VRL1300: curribus ("chariots"). K: towards. |
Clauis istius libris est cognoscere & scire locu &c. |
VRL1300 14r; Halle 7v. |
The key of this booke is to know & wite the places of the 7 bodies aboue & their natures, & their sciences & their domes, & all their vertues after that it appeareth in the earth to us. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Formata debet esse omnis figura cum exemplo vero, &c.
Eich figure ought to be formed with very & true
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
28. trowe: suppose. 29. VRL1300 and the Halle ms leave half a page blank here for the intended figure, but they are never rendered. |
And in this key is one triangle, which signifieth knowing might & will for without these three may not any man do any thing in this world, neither attayne to any profitt. And Salomon said that the shafte of this key is as Raziel said to Adam vnite or one head. And the quadrate is as 4 virtues, that be in hearbs & wordes & beasts. And they be to the similitude of Elements which openeth & doth all. And the 7 wardes be 7 Angells which have might in the 7 heavens & in the 7 days of the weeke as furthermore I shall teach you. And the triangle signifieth man which is in body & soule & spirite. And these above said ledeth together all the world as it was compownded in highnes & in lownesse. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Postquam huivsque diximus oportet nos dicere, &c. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
After that we haue said hitherto it behoueth us to say for this booke
that is said of the key of the 7 bretherne. And these 7 bretherne haue
among themself 12. remes29 for to deuide or departe. And in eich reme
beth xxx cities. And in every city be 60 Castells, & in euery Castell 60
Caldee that is feldy or wilde townes. And this ensample Salomon found
& made distictions & said: There is one father & hath 7 Sonnes
& these 7 sonnes be germaynes30, for after that they be of the
same father germayne. And the elder is more hevy among all
other. And the middle in the middle more ordinate then all.
And other letle be in the |
29. reme: realm. Lat. regna. K: 'realmes' (here and in other passages). 30. germains: siblings. 31. =sothlie = truly? K: they. |
32. The seven planets in Hebrew are called שבתאי Shabathai/Sabbathi (Saturn), צדק Tzedeq/Zedeck (Jupiter), מאדים Madim (Mars), שמש Shemesh/Schemes (the Sun), נוגה Nogah/Noga (Venus), כוכב Cochab (Mercury), and לבנה Levanah (the Moon.) | |||||||||||||||||||||
know thou the houses of Planets. And Salomon put names to the 12 remes of germaynes. And they be said signes. And he beginneth to make distinction. And he gaue to the fighter that is Mars, that he should rest & should not fight in the reme of the signe of Arietis. And of this vertue he is in the reme of the East. And he gaue him in the reme of the world the signe of Scorpionis, that he should fight strongly & that he should neuer rest & he is in the 8th reme from the first. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
And afterward he gaue to the faire Noge i.e. veneri twey remes of the which one hath the halvendle1 (=sign?) of Tauri that is from the highnes of the head with his hornes till to the nauell. |
1. Halvendle (halfendele) = the half part. Lat. unum regnum est in signo medietatis tauri ("one of the realms is in the middle of the sign of Taurus"). |
Another is the 7th from the first that is Libra and
otherwhile venus is aboue that is in the north & otherwhile beneath
it is in the south. And so he hath enherited hit in tway parties.
And when he gaue to the Paintor which is the writer that is
Mercuries twey remes, of which one hath twey men embraced
that is clipping together himselfe. That other hath a faire virgin
winged & neuermore would be deuided or departed from women for
these ymages be such & he displeaseth euermore to go much
from the south into the North. And he gaue to the Malis (?)33 2. Lune
for that Leo goeth euermore one reme & for Leo wole not much
stand in her house & her signe is a fish [=Pisces], & that is said Cancer, wch
hath many feete & he signifieth by this Leo wole much go for
that Leo is under other brethern, this suster [=sister] alone.
33. VRL1300: Et deinde dedit discurrenti labana i.e. lune... ("and then he gave to the wandering Labana i.e. the Moon, ..."). K: Malix. |
And he gaue to the middle Brother which is the lord of all
other: & he commandeth all & is more onrned (?)34 or fayre
arrayed, therefore he gaue to him one Reme full strong in helte &
his signe is as the Lyon that sheweth him lord upon all beastes. So he
is stronger & of more lordshippe upon all his brethern. And then
remayned twey bretherne of the party of the South. And the
elder tooke twey remes one about another for this that he should
neuer be ouercomen in the signe of the Reme well meridionall or
south & he is one beast with one horne in his fronte. And the signe
of that other Reme is as a man that heldeth out many waters & this
broder is said the old Sabaday. And than taketh that other brother
for heritage on his right side the Reme with the signe of half a
man & of halfe an horse & it is said Sagittarius & on the left
side of Piscium. Know ye heere the natures of Signes. And
Salomon said, Aries is a Signe very hott & drie colericke &
so is Leo & Sagittarius & they haue might in the East. Taurus
is earthy cold & drie melancolious & so Virgo &
Capricornus & they haue might in the South. Gemini is very
hott & moyst & sanguine & so libra & Aquarius & they haue
might in the west. Cancer is watry feminine moist and
phligmaticke & so Scorpio & Pisces & they haue might in the North.
34. VRL1300: venerabilior ("more venerable"). K: adorned. |
Iam diximus de naturis & signis, & eorum complexionibus &c.
Now we hau said of natures & signes & of the Complexions
of them. And then say we of the nature & of the Complexions
of germaynes & what they signifieth. The first heigher
that is said the old, Sabaday is Saturnus the Nature of which is
cold & dry for that it is much straite & melancholiouse & it signifieth
fathers, & wrath & discord in lands. The second is said zedek, &
he is temperate for that he is betwixt the old Sabaday & the hott
Madin, & Zadek is hott & moist sanguine in fauour sweet, &
it draweth a good ayre & it signifieth good and honour & vertu.
The third is the fighter madyn & he is hott & dry euell &
lesser & brenner, rauisher & lyer. The forth is haminu [or hamina] i.e. Sol,
middle among other hole (?) & mighty & wor |
35. K: soughts. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Deinde Loquamus de septem fratribus quare dicuntur claues &c.
And then speak we of the 7 brethern why they be sayd
the keyes of the world, & which this world may not excuss neither
excuseth. And these were formed as 4 brethern, which be said the 4
elements & they hau after signification wit & discretion & might
complete & honest & strengt & everych may in his hemispheare yt
is empire. As an Emperour in his empire, or as a prince in his lordship.
And they hau might on the 7 parties which we seyne Climates. And
know thou that these bene mighty upon all beasts heere formed. And
Salomon said prophetes clepeth these brethern 7 quicke spirits & hooly
And wise men sayden that they were 7 lamps brennynge or 7 candlesticks
of light & of life. And all prophetes clepeth 7 heauenly bodies
which be 7 Planets & of cominle they be said 7 starrs. And 7 brethern
be kept of 4 beasts full of syen before & behynd which be the
parties of heuen. East, West, South, North. & they hau might in
these foure parties of the world & in 4 times, & in 4 natures with her
complexions & with all her parties & in the 4 Elements. And with this together
ledde and moued all things moueable of the commaundement of
God that put them in their places.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dixit Salomon Sicut fuerunt semper status superius &c.
said as there were euermore states aboue without corruption
so know thou that there is now & shall be euermore. And for this
we understandeth the bodies aboue cleane & good & made without
corruption. And the nether bodies uncleane euill treated &
broken & eich day they falleth & ben corrupted. And this
corruption resteth not neither is made weary of the which
we understand that the nether bodies mought not excuse
the ouer bodies. And all things which we sene beneath him
rote & beginnynge for things aboue. for things aboue be
with out life & withou dolour. And things beneath by the
contrarie hau death with dolour. & things aboue haue duringe
without corruption. And things beneth eich day faylleth &
be corrupted & minished. And all prophets sayn that if these
lacked any one of the ouer bodies that is of these that be much
aboue X. M |
36. K: ten thousand. 37. (?); K: confused. 38. K: seates. |
Et Dixit Hermes istam rationem super capita animalis &c.
And Hermes said this reason upon them
heads of beasts. Saturne hath the right eare, [Jupiter the left. The right nostril
to Mars,] Venus the
left, & Sol the right eye, Luna the left. Mercury the
mouth.39 These 7 hooles thet hau in power aboue upon the
head of a man. And Salomon said that a man is a
measure which is said Palmus made with hande in ye which
bene all the vertues of the world, & of the 7 planets & that
is only the head of a man. Wherefore every man is likened
to his Starre & to his Elements. And Salomon said when I
found a Spirite aboue retrograde or combust, or euill treated.
Thus I say that his body was euill treated beneath in which
it was like or he signified in hit. And who that were so wise
that he knew his Signe & planett & his starre aboue &
his sign~atoar,40 he might do good & euill to himselfe & other men
And the nativities of beasts beth demed such workings
you shall do with the helpe of god.
39. In marg: ![]() ![]() 40. K: signification. |
Postquam diximus de 12 figuris [*signes] & planetis &c.
After that we
haue said of thhe 12 figures [*signes] & planetts & of radiis of them
we should say that ech Planet that were in ascendence it is nempned coniunctio.
And how much the Latitude or bridth shall be lesse
so much the coniunction is said stronger & if there is more
latitude the coniunction is febler & so I say to thee in the middle
of heauen. And od the points of the 12 houses which be the
stronger places of all houses, I say the point of the first
degree of the house. And eich starre that were lesse & hath
upon himselfe another, thilke is said41 that it hath power &
goeth upon another
from starr to starre & this ech starr that
diuerseth from another by 60 degrees before & after: it is said
aspectus sextilis, that is the sixt beholdinge. And ech planet
that diuerseth 90 degrees before & behind, it is said in aspectu 4to.
that is in the 4th beholding. And ech planet that diuerseth 120
degrees before & behind it is said in aspectu tertio, that is in the
third beholding. And ech planet that diverseth by 180 degrees is
in opposition in that that [sic] it is in the Contrarie place. The[se] be the 7
beholdings & no mo duo tertii duo 4ti and duo sextiles, & unus
oppositus, that is to sey, tweyne42 in the third, tweyne in the fourth &
tweyne in the sixt & one contrary as against. The coniunction
is complete when they be in one degree. Double coniunction
of twey good or temperate sheweth double good. As twey euill
by the contrary sheweth much euill. Twey sextiles beholdinge the
ascendent auaileth one good of terno. And twey terni auaileth
in beholding the ascendent, one good fortune in the ascendent. And
twey quarti in beholding the ascendent auayleth one greiuous or
heavy, if there were euill sters. And twey opposita auaileth one
in fortunate in the ascendent or in the oppo~ita. And twey quarti
auaileth as much as a starr falling or combust or retrograde
that is letted in the ascendent, one fortune or tweyne in the
ascendent and another of sextili, & another of terni beholdinge
the ascendent sheweth much good hasty or highing. Twey evill
in the ascendent or one with another in opposito that is in the contrary
or of falling they shew
a greiuous & long impediment. And
if they be falling & letted it shall be wors, one fortunate in
ascendent beholden of twey ternis it sheweth much good, & how
much there were mo wittnesses upon the figure of which thou
enquirest or seekest, or of which thou workest so much it shall be
the better. And if three planets beholding the ascendent with good
beholding & twey euill, the good ouer the euill & so of other. One
infortune & in hascendent beholden of twey quartis sheweth much
griefe. Caput draconis is much better then cauda. Ech Planet
in his head of the same degree more Lordshippeth in the figure for
that it is twey in latitude to the weye of the Sunne & it profitteth
in going toward the party of the north. Ech planet in the tayle
of the dragon is ministring of his worke that goeth toward
the South.
41. thilk is said: the same is said. 42. tweyn: twain, i.e. two. |
Luna coniunct or ioyned with Saturnu & Marte
in the ascendent it constrayneth & thristeth43 diuells. Saturnus
maketh in deuills strenght & great power. Luna coniunct
or ioyned with Joue [Jupiter] & Venere [Venus] in ascendent it sheweth
great dilection & great loue in eich good thing. Luna ioyned
with Martis & Saturno in th [sic] ascendent it sheweth impediment
but if the planet were of good receiueying. Luna
ioyned with Sole in one point [sheweth] greate grace & that if they
were good. Luna ioyned in falling (?) & to Mercury in the
asce3ndent it sheweth the contrary. Luna in ascendent
by it selfe signifieth after that the planet to which it is
ioyned. Luna with Capite Draconis in the ascendent sheweth
good. Luna with Cauda [Draconis] or Combust or ioyned with
a starre
letted or in euill setting it sheweth much euill. When caput
Draconis Lune were with capite Saturni, & there were
Luna or Saturne & there is worke of celsan made it
signifieth upon burdinger (?) of deuills fowle & euill. Ech
planett that is with dracone of another & both be ioyned
it sheweth a soth & or vemp*eprke44, & more in the ascendent.
And if Caput draconis were of Jouis or Lune & these twey
coniunct or ioyned in th ascendent it sheweth much good &
encreasing of good & of honour. And if it were in cauda
not only when there were twey Cauda Draconis that is of
Lune & of other they be full euill when luna were with
them. When Caput draconis Lune were with capite draconis
Martis, & Luna & mars in thilke point it sheweth strength
& might. And if Cauda with Cauda & Luna & Mars together
it is full greivous & euill. after yt euerych is euill after
the place or beholding of another. Caput draconis & Luna
in Capite Arietis Luna Sol in Zamni sheweth great might &
great honour. And by the contrary in Libra beneth with cauda
draconis. Caput draconis with capite veneris sheweth much
loue & in cauda the contrary. Caput draconis mercurii
with capite draconis Lune sheweth worke of reason & of
voic & of many sownes [sounds]. And in cauda Lune with Mercury
& Saturno it sheweth us the beholdinge of many experiments.
Lune in capite sui draconis sheweth & if there were Jupiter
or venus it shall do the worke of Jouis or of Veneris & it shall
profitt in all good as these be good. Luna if it be in cauda sui
draconis & Mars
& Saturne with hit or they beholdeth it with
euill beholding sheweth as euill as we haue said of Saturnus &
Marte. And we haue said that Saturne norisheth diuills &
Mars draweth & thresteth & figureth them. And Saturnus
gathereth together many deuills; Venus & Saturnus gathereth
togeher diuills & winds from beneth. A good starre
in the ascendent & luna ioyned with a good starr
sheweth much good: and the begining in all hit in which were dn~s
quarte that is the |
43. thristeth: throws. 44. (?); K: "it sheweth a very soothe or try worke" |
Nota de exaltationibus. Know thou of exaltacions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dixit Hermes Saturnus exaltatur in Libra &c. Hermes
said Saturnus is anhaunced in libra. And Jupiter in Cancro. And
Mars in Capricorno. And Sol in Ariete. And Venus in Piscibus.
And Mercurius in Virgine. And Luna in Cancro. And know thou
that Saturnus gladeth or ioyneth in the 12 house. & Jupiter in the
2. & Mars in his 6. & Sol in the 9. And Venus in the 5. And
Mercurius in the Ascendent. & Luna in the 3. And th ascendent hath
12 vertues, & eich planet that is in it upon eich place of the Circle.
The 10 house hath 11 vertues. the 11 houses hath 10 vertues. The
7. 9. the forth 8. the fift 7. the ninth 6. the third 5. The second 4.
Th eight 3. The twelth 2. The 6. ove vertue. And euermore consider
you in all things that thou shallt do upon the planetts how it shall
be in the 12 house, & thou shall profitt if thou chesest [choosest] wel. And
Salomon said. Ech man that worketh by this booke it behoueth
that he know all these thinges, that is reasons, which here I wyl
not expowne to thee that is that thou know in which tyme thou were
[born] of the 4 tymes of the yeare. And in which month of the months
of Lune. And begin you from the Lunacion of the month of Mercury
where euer Luna prima were. And all secret or priuity
be yt axed in Saturno with aall deepnes. And all honour &
substance be it asked upon Joue. And all strife & battell &
hastinge of Marte. And all cleauenesse & lordshippe of Sole.
And all fairenes & dilections or loves & fattnesses of venere. And
all reasons & witts & subtilltyes of Mercurio. And all changing
& fortune of Luna. And of these 7 thou shalt aske euermore
councels where thou findest them in their houses &
signes. And Now we hau fullfilled here with the helpe of God the Treatise that is said Liber Clauis, that is the booke of the key. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Here endeth the first booke &
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
[134v] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Liber Secundus |
VRL1300 21v. |
Dixit Salomon sicut alæ auium sunt membra &c.
Salomon said | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dixit Salomon sicut Lapides sunt mundiores &c. Salomon said as stones be cleaner & fayrer then gold & in 4 vertues of this world as be stones, herbs, wordes & beastes. I say that in the beginning of this booke [Cepher] Raziel that was crowned with 7 stones of great power, & he put them in his booke. The first is Rubinus [ruby]. 2. carbunculus. The second Smaragdus [emerald]. The third Saphirus. The 4 berillus. the 5 Topazius. The 6 Jaguncia [jacinth]. the 7 Adamas. And of the vertues of these stones Raziel hath spoken & said that they were crowned of 7 Angells which hau might on the 7 heauens. & of the 7 dayes of the weeke. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
De Prima Ala.
Et dixit Salomon. Scias quod in prima ala sunt &c.
And Solomon
The second stone is Topazius of which of which the colour is cytrine as of gold. his
power is that if it be put in a caudron with feruent or boyling water
it with holdeth that it may not boyle which is for great
power of making could. And the vertue of it is that it maketh a man
chast that beareth it with him & it giueth benevolence or well willing
of great Lords. And his figure is a Faucon [falcon].
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
The third stone [135r] is smaragdus this stone is greene & faire upon all greenenesse, and it is not heavy as other. And his power ia to keepe the light, & it healeth the face. And it doth many wonderfull things. And his vertue is to encrease riches. And who that beareth it in gold prophecieth things to come. And the figure of it is Scarabeus that is a man~ flye. The 4th stone is Jaguncia [jacinth] the color of which is red as the graynes of an apple. Of these sothlie there will be well coloured some & some a little & some in the middle manner. his power is that he that beareth it is not infect with alien infirmity. his vertue is that he giueth health & honour, & keepeth the man bearing it hoole in ways or in Journeys. And his figure is a Lion well figured. The 5 stone Crisopazius of which the colour is greene & within it hath similitude as though it had golden dropps. And his power is to defende a man from the podagrie. And his vertue is that it maketh to prophecy things to come if it were in the hand cleane & chast. And his figure is the Image of an Asse.
The 6 stone is Saphirus the colour of
which is full ledy & faire as the colour of the pure cleane heauen.
his power is that he healeth all infirmities that wexeth in a man of
inflamacion & greuance of the eyes. And it cleanseth them much. And if
in this stone be grauen the head of a man with the beard it delivereth
a man from prison & from all pressure. And this stone accordeth to the power
of great Lords & of kings. If this stone be kept cleanly, reuerently & chastly
& that it be good oriental with it a man might attayne great honour &
the profitt of it that he seeketh & coueteth. And sem~en putteth there the
signe of a wether z. Arietis.45
45. K: the signe of a ram. Aries. |
The 7 stone is Berillus the colour of wch is of the eye or of sea water & some of them be round & some of 5 corners. This stone ought to be cleare wthin & cleane and his power is to chauf the hand closed of him that beareth it. And if it be set in gold it giueth great freindshipe betwixt twey men if thou touchest them with it. And his figure is Rana, that is a frogge & it is of great power for to make peace concord & loue. The 8 stone is Onix [onyx]. this stone is full blacke, & his power is to giue him that beareth it many dreadfull dreames & dreades. he that beholdeth himselfe in it hath power upon all deuills in constrayneing them & in cleping & in gatheringe them together in speculeo tabileo [jubileo?] coniuring as it behoueth. And his figure is the head of a camell or twey heads betwixt twey trees that be said mirti. the ninth stone is said Sardus the colour of which is red & faire, & his power is to make other stones fairer. his vertue is to giue good colour to him that beareth it, and it is put in gold. And if there be grauen in it Aquila that is an Egle [eagle] it giueth great honor. the tenth stone is Crisolitus and it is of golden colour & sparkling as fire. his power is to gather together deuills & winds. And his vertue is to defend the place where it is from euill spiritts & dead men that they do not there any euill. And that deuills obey to thee. And his figure is vulture that is a vowter. The 11 stone is said Cliotopia. And it is a stone of great power of which the colour is greene & faire & shineing & cleare with dropps like blood well red within. This stone is said the stone of wise men, of prophetes & of Philosophers. And this is honoured for twey things for the colour like to Smaragdo in greenesse, and in rednesse to Rubino. The price of this stone ouercometh the price of other, and of his vertues & proprieties. the power of this stone is that if it be put in any broad vessell full of water to the sunne it resolueth the water into vapour. And it maketh it to be raised upward till that into the forme of Rayn [rain] it be conuerted downeward. His vertue is that who that beareth it in the mouth or in the hand closed he may not be seene of any man. With this stone a man may haue power upon all deuills & make eich incantacion or enhantment [enchantment] that he woll. And in this stone ought to be grauen vespertino. thus he saith but I trowe it be vespertilio [135v] that is a backe46, or reremouse.47 |
46. backe: bat (Lat. vespertilio).
47. Dormouse. |
the 12 stone is Cristallus of which the colour is of water congeled of cold. his power is that he putteth asbtray of fire from him. And his vertue is that he encreaseth to norich [nourish] much mylke [milk] and good. And thou may take in it what vertue thou wilte. After that the houre shall be in which thou hast wrought. And after that the ymage shall be which thou hast made although they be many, & hit be seene easy. know thou that it hath many vertues. And his figure is a Griffon that is a fowle & a beast, for he hath 4 feete & 2 wings, & he is a great beast. the 13 stone is Cornelnia and it is likned to water in which bloode as the loture [i.e. lotion] or washing of blood. And his power is to stanche blood of the nostrills. And of these be grauen in hit a man well clothed holding a yarde48 in hande, it giueth honour to him yt beareth it. the 14 stone is Jaspis & it is thicke derke greene & red, & there be some greene & cleare & they be better then other. And there be some red thicke & dropped. And his power is that who yt beareth it, is not letted with venyme neither with serpent neither with Attercoppe [i.e. spider], neither with scorpion, & it defendeth a man from a feauer if in it be grauen Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
the 15 stone is yris [=iridescent quartz] & it is likened to Cristall or to gellij [jelly]1 & it hath corners, & if any man put it in an house to the beame of the sunne, so that the beames passe through it or by it, the colour appeareth of the Rayne bow [=rainbow]. And for this cause it is sayd yris that is the Rainbow. And this is his might for he hath 7 corners:2 And the vertue of it is to keep the place in which it is with health honestly & there ought to be grauen in hit a man that [+is] armed that beareth a bow & an arrowe. |
1. Lat. gellu ("cold"). 2. VRL1300 and Halle both read sex angulos ("six angles/corners"). Yris, i.e. iridescent quartz typically has the crystalline shape of a six-sided prism, and produces a rainbow when light is shined through it. |
the 16 stone is Corallus & it wexeth in riches of the sea as arbor inuersa that is a tree ouerturned. And it hath branches as a tree more till [two] to three palmes or pawmes & no more. And when it is drawen up it is greene & tender & when it is dried in the aire, & it is made red & hard as another stone & otherwhile it is founden white. And know thou that the red be better. And where this stone were it keepeth the house & the vineyard or the place from tempest pestilence & Torment & it keepeth the place with health & it defendeth a man from malefetis z. maleficiis & from all euill enchauntments. And his ymage is a man like to him that holdeth a sword in his hand. The 17 stone is prorsms or prossins & it is of greene colour & thicke & fayre & it helpeth malefetis & giueth to them grace to his ministery & taurus ought to be grauen in it. The 18 stone is said Catel & it is of great power both in dedes & in vertue the colour of which is like to Berill, but for it is derker than it although it haue within full cleare & cleane beames or strakes. And there be found some of 6 corners & some of 5. And his power is to enclepe deuills & to speake with them. And his vertue is, which if thou makest in the banke of a water & bringest the rote of Appii & [136r] the stone hanged to the necke in the skynne of an asse suffumed with mastice, thur, croco, & thou inclepest what dead man thou wolt that is knowen to thee & other. know thou that anone he shall appeare to thee & he shall be with thee in the same tyme. And graue thou in it a lapwing & before draganciam which is a middle herbe & it is said Columbrina. |
48. K adds "or a rod." |
The 19 stone is Celonites & it is greene as an herbe, And his power is that it wexeth and decreaseth as the moone. And his power is to make peace & concord betwixt tweyn if in it were the figure of a swallow. The 20 stone is calcedonius & it is white as betwixt Cristall & Berill or as gytus thicke bright. his power is to overcome plee. his vertue is to hold a man hole in an alien land. And his Image is a man that holdeth his right hand straight forth to heauen. The 21 stone is Cerannus. This stone is of diuers colours after diuers climates & diuers lands. Otherwhile white, otherwhile browne & greene & red. And els where it is likened to yron [iron] & somewhere to copper & to sulphure & it hath as roundletts painted & little drops. And his power is to defende a place from thundrings & lightnigs. And his vertue is to defende from all enemies. And write thou in hit in one partie Raphael, Michael, Gabriel. And on that other side Pantaseron, Micracon. Saidalson. And thou berest & hast it in thy power thou shalt ouercom all enemyes & thine aduersaries. the 22 stone is Ametistus & it hath the colour of wine upon a white cloath or of rose, or violett. And this hath might to chase away fendes. And his vertue is to defend from drunkennesse. And his figure is Vrsus that is a beare. the 23 stone is magnetis or magnes. And it is of great weight & like to ferro brunito. his power is that he draweth dead yron [iron] as nayles, knife & sword. And his vertue is that with it thou might be in what house thou wilt & doe what thou wilt with men & with things of the house suffuming the house of hit & with this men made enchantments. And graue thou in it a man 7, armed when Luna were in Ariete or Scorpione ioyned with Marte. And Sol (?) be it beholding them of terno aspectu. And know thou that what manner images thou grauest in this stone such enchantments thou might attayne and beare with thee & thou shalt profitte.
The 24 stone is Adamas
& it is of middle colour & the better hath somewhat of greennesse.
And his power is that with it other stones be grauen, & therefore we
haue put it more straunge, and more utter.49 And his power or vertue
is to keepe the members of a man safe & hole. And this stone is
more &
better it selfe at price in enchauntmenmts and in inuocations
of winds, spirits & deuills. And with this thou may send whateuer
fantasy thou wilt. And his figure is of 5 corners. And
know ech man who that woll beare with him a pretious stone, be
he pure & cleane, when he would doe any thing with them.
And eschew he or keepe himselfe from uncleannesse & keepe he
them reverently in a quy iche or in a cleane place. And
Raziel said in the houre in which thou wilt do of sem~ [Semiforas] beare
the three stones aboue said & thou shalt profitt.
49: K: openly. |
Dixit Salomon sicut aius corpus volare non pt &c. Salomon said as the body of a fowle ne may not fly without wing neither go wither he coueteth. So by science of one thing alone we mought not fullfill that wee desire. And for this we putte the second Key in this booke. And we say ne if [it?] the second, for that it maketh the second openinge. ffor as this world is closed with 4 elements: so this booke is closed with [i.e. encompassed by] 4 sciences & 4 vertues. And now we haue said of stones, now say we of herbes. Know thou that in herbs is vertue of the most that may be. And some of naturalls of this world beth yt liueth of them as they that haue reason. And some that flieth & some which swymmeth, & wch goeth & which crepeth. And know thou that of trees & herbs some liueth much & some middle & some litle & that is to the similitude of beasts. Know thou that among herbs there be some with which thou may do good & euill. As to heale & make sicke. And so understand thou in these that shall be said furthermore. And Adam said by a tree came wretchednes into the world that is by the tree I sinned in it. And Raziel said, An herbe shall be thy life. And Salomon said, A tree shall be & shall wexe of which the leaues shall not fall. And it shall be medicyne of men.
The second wing is to the similitude of 24 houres, & of 24 stones.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
De Secunda Ala. |
VRL 1300 25v. Halle 14b36 15v. |
Prima herba est acyl almalit &c. The first herbe is acyl almalit & it is said Corona regia, and in Latin Ros Marinus. This herbe hath a myddle tree50 & good odour, & little leaues & his power is to chaufe contorte the brayne. And if an house be suffumed with it, it chaceth away deuills. The same doth Pionia. |
Rosemary. 50. tree i.e. stalk or trunk. |
The second herbe is Artemesia & this is mother & first of other. But for that other is said Corona regis that is to say the Crowne of a kinge, we hau putt it first. Of this they saiden all that in all things that thou dost thou shalt put of it. And the leafe is middle greene on that one side & white on that other. And it wexeth middlly. And with this thou shalt clepe windes & all spiritts that thou wilt & thou shalt profitt. The third herbe is Canabus [cannabis] & it is long in shafte & clothes be made of it. The vertue of the Juse [juice] of it is to anoynt thee with it & with the iuce of arthemesy & ordyne thee before a mirrour of stele [steel] & clepe thou spiritts & thou shallt see them & thou shalt haue might of binding & of loosing deuills & other things. The 4 herbe is said feniculus & it hath small leaues & a longe shafte. And it is an holy herbe and worshipfull. And it is medicine of the eyen & it giueth good light & it chaceth away euill spiritts & euill eyen in the place where it is. The roote of it chaceth away euill things & helpeth the sight. The 5 herbe is cardamomu [=cardamom] & it is hott & of good complexion & it is of middle highnesse & it giueth [137r] gladnes to him that useth it. And gathereth together Spiritts. Eate thou this when thou clepest or makest invocation, & if thou wilt made fame of it. The 6 herbe is anisum [=anise] & it is of chastity ioyned to camphore & thou shalt see that spiritts should dread thee. And it is a cleane herbe & it maketh to see secrett things & priuy, & the fume of this ascendeth much. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The 7 herbe is Coriandrum, & this with holdeth the spirit of a man much with other, & it maketh a man as full of sleepe. And this gathereth much together the Spiritts. Wherefore euermore they standeth with it, so that it is said that if with this and Apio & iusquno [=henbane]51 thou make fumigatione compowned with much Lazaras z. leicula anone it gathereth together sp~ & therefore it is said herba sp~m [=spirituum]. |
51. VRL 1300 27r: apio & iusquiamo (?) K: insquiano. |
The 8 herbe is said persilium [=parsley] which hath greate might for to chace away the spiritts of roches.52 And his vertue is to breake the stone in the bladder of him that useth it. |
VRL 1300 27r: petroxillum 52. roches: rocks. (Lat. lapidem.) |
The 9 herbe is ypericon [=hypericon] & it is a middle herbe thirled the iuyce of hit seemeth bloode. This is of great power for with the iuce of it & wit croco [=crocus], & arthemesia & with fume of radicis Valeriane [=valerian root] if it be written upon what frendshippe thou wilt of a Prince of Spirits of the eyre and deuills know thou that anon it shall be that thou couetest. And so upon spirits & winds.
The 10
herb is Apium [=parsley or wild celery]. this is of great power upon
winds & deuills, and
fantasies, & it is shaded & touched to shade & the (?) cloude alstisse for
in it by winds & deuills & this alone maketh albo fortu~.1
VRL 1300 27r, Halle 16v: Et ista sola facit albohor. |
Vazebelil. z. martagon.52b
& they be much contrary for one is kept
with heauenly angells & another with deuills. z. apium. And this
breaketh the stone of the reynes [=kidneystones]. And a woman with child use
her it not, for it noyeth53 to the child. And it gathereth together
deuills when suffumigation is made with it nisqrmo [iusquiamo i.e. hyoscyam i.e. henbane] and arthemesia
[=artemisia i.e. mugwort]
Apium suffumed by 7 nights with fagar almeit,53b & gathered cleanly
& the roote of it put & dried & than tempered with aqua lapidis53c
suffume thou thee by enviroñ, when thou wilt, & thou shalt
see fantasies & deuills of diuerse maners.
52b. VRL 1300: uazabelil hoc est martango. Halle: nazabebil hoc est martagon. 53. Noy: annoy or vex. 53b. VRL 1300 27r, Halle 14b36 16v: fagaralmeyet. BoO: fagar Almaits roots. 53c. VRL1300 has aqua grandinis ("water from hail") instead of aqua lapidis. |
The 11 herbe is
Coriandrum [=coriander] of the secund kind which maketh to sleep much. And if
thou make suffumigation of hit & Croco & [=saffron] iusgrm~o [=iusquiamo = henbane] & apio~ and
papavere nigro [=black poppy] grounden together euenly & tempered with succo cicute [=hemlock juice]
& with ???.1 And then suffume thou the place where thou wilt
hide treasure when luna were ioyned to Soli in angulo terræ, that
is to say in the corner of the earth. Know thou that thilke treasore
shall neuer be found, & who that will take it away shall be made
fooles. And if in the houre of deposicion of the gold or siluer of the
stones or ymages thou suffumest with thur, must, succo, ligno aloës
costo (?) -- euermore deuills kepeth that place & euill winds. And know
thou that it might neuer be disolued or fond out without Sem~. or an
image made thereto by the point of starres.
1. VRL1300: desiccatis ("dried"); K: msk ("musk"). |
The 12 herbe is Satureia
this is of great vertue & of good odour & who that beareth it with
with arruc'la muris in the day of Veneris it giueth grace of goods
& it taketh away from the place windes & euill fantasies.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
The 13
herbe is that is said sta~ [=sancta]53b & this is middle in lenght & hath little
leaues: this ought to be holden worshippfully in holy places as in churches
for it defendeth the place from euill things. And with his prophetes madeth
dead men to speake that were dead by many dayes or fewe. In place
where is any euill he hath not might if he that bearetht it
clepeth him not. And it giueth to him might upon thing which
he would. And this herbe put upon the place where deuills
be closed it constrayneth them & bindeth them lest they might
moue themself. And Salomon said I found in the booke of
Hermetis54, that who that taketh water in the 4th houre of the night
& goeth upon the tombe of a dead man with Spirit he will
haue speech, cast he water upon the tombe with this herbe
ysopo. And the water be it suffumed with costo succo musto54b &
say surge, surge, surge, that is to say, "rise, rise, rise," & come
& speake to me. And do this by 3 nights, & in the third he
shall come to thי & he shall speake with thee of what thing
thou wilt.
53b. sca (with a macron) is a very common abbreviation for sancta ("sacred"). VRL 1300 27v; Halle 14_B_36 16v. Also called prophetarum in both those mss. Du Cange identifies prophetarum as the herb vettonica (=betony), which has a matching folklore going back to Roman physician Antonius Musa. In their printed Sepher Raziel, Don Karr and Stephen Skinner (p. 171) interpret sca as centaurea, citing "the Latin version", but this is not the case with the Vatican or Halle mss at least. 54. For Liber Hermetis see Sloane MS. 3847, fol. 84-100: Hermes. Trismegistus. Liber Magicus 17th cent. (Liber Hermetis tractans de 15 stellis 15 lapidibus 15 herb. et 15 harum rerum figuris.) 54b. VRL 1300 28r: subffumigata cum costo musco et suc et dicat...; Halle 17r: suffumigata cum costo musco et succo et suc et dicat... ("suffumigate with costus, musk, and juice, and say...") |
55. K: psyllium. 56. K: scicorda. |
The 15 herbe is maiorana
this keepeth an house by it selfe & defendeth from euill infirmities.
And Hermes said that genciana & veleriana [valerian] & maiorana [marjoram]
availeth much upon great honour of princes & of great men.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
The 16 herb is Draguncia. This is of great power & the highnesse
of the roote of it ioyned with the tung of Colubri which is lett
quicke. And the herbe be gathered when Sol is in the first degree
of Cancri [Cancer], & Luna beholdeth mercur~ or is in the house of mercur~,
or ioyned with him. Know thou that who that toucheth with this
Clausures57 they shall be opened to him anone. And hermes said
that it gathereth together winds & spiritts if mandragora were
with it & capillus de zoara.
57. K: clansures or locke. | |||||||||||||||||||||
The 17 herbe is Nepita. And if this
with maiorana & Athanasia & trifolio & Saluia, peruca, edera
& arthemesia with ysopo58 be ioyned & gathered together crescente
Luna die Jouis that is to say in the waxinge of the moone in the
day of Jouis [Jupiter] in the morrow when the Sunne wexeth from the first
degree of Arietis till into the first of Cancri. And when thou shalt
gather him be thou cleane & washen worshipfully & stand thou
toward the East. Know thou that the house & the place is
amended where these 9 herbs were ioyned together & put them
upon the gate of thy house & thou shalt profit euermore. And
these 9 herbs ioyned be like to rubine
58. K: maiorana and athanasia & trifolio and salina hermita edera and artemisia wth ysope | |||||||||||||||||||||
The 18 herbe is linu~ suffumigation
of the seed of this with sere~psillii .z. azarlochona & radix
viole & apii maketh to see in the ayre things to come & to say
many propheces.
See OP1.43: "So they say that fumes made with Lin-seed [linseed], and Flea-bane seed [psyllium, Lat. Psyllii], and roots of Violets, and Parsly [parsley], doth make one to fore-see [foresee] things to come, and doth conduce to prophecying." A more elaborate method can be found in Muzzi's edition of Grimorium Verum. |
The 19 herb is saluia [salvia]. This is of great vertue &
the long leafe of it as lingue Agni & sharpe. this breaketh or
disperseth euill shades & euill spiritts from the place where it is.
And it is good for to beare with him: for it holdeth a man hool, but
a sicke man hold he it not with him.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
The 20 herbe is Samina
[Sanina]. And so~men sayn that it is a tree. this is a tree of loue &
dilection, who that can chese it. And if this with somewhat of croci
& with Lingua Colubri be borne with him in a ring of gold and
somewhat of | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The 21 herb is Nasturcium. This holdeth the members hole & there were with it Origanum & Pulegium & arzolla & be borne together with thee & thou eatest of them, thou shalt be hool wthin & without. And so if thou anoyntest thee with them and were suffumed with marrubio, albofor, & reubarbaro, & herba thuris it shall defend of many infirmities. The 22 is an herb that it said Canna ferula. this is full dreadfull & greivous, & strong in worke. And if thou takest the iuce of it, & the iuice of cicute & ms~qim & Japsi barbati, & sandalum rubeñ & puprrm nigrum with this confection made fume thou what thou wilt, that thou see deuills and things & strang figures. And if Apm~ were with this know thou that from eich place suffumed deuills should flye, & if thou wilt thou might destroy euill spiritts. This suffumigation is full euill & dreadfull. for the fume of it & the worke ouercometh in malice & worketh most euill. And more strongly if Luna were with Saturno or in oppositio with Marte, that is in opposition of Martis. The 23 herb is calamintum & it is likened to n~ite [? K: mynte] & it is of great vertue in good suffumigacions, & if there is with it on~ta [? K: menta] & palma xpi~ z Pionia. These be holden taketh away euill winds and spirits from a place & euermore it is against fantasies. The 24 herb is Cicoreya. This is full good in all exorcisms & if it be ioyned with eri~go & pentafilon & ypericon & vrtica & verbena, and all be together & be borne at the necke & under the feete & be there the herb of 7 knotts & of 7 leaues z martagon & lilium domesticum & siluestre, that is tame and wild & herba angelica who euer hath these under the feete or sitteth about & putteth the other herbs to the necke & hath 7 rings of 7 mettalls in the fingers, know he that he shall haue might in binding & in loosinge, & in enchantinge & in unenchantinge, & for to do good & euill in eich place that thou wilt makeinge suffumigation of these 9 things. thur, albo, thymiamate, mastice, musco, ligno alöes [aloes], cassia, cinamomo. And if thou suffume thee with the things aboue said in environ & seist these names. Raphial [*Raphael], Gabriel, Michael, Cherubin, Seraphin, arrielim, pantaseron, micraton, sandalon, complete meam petitionem & meam voluntatem that is to say, fullfill ye my petition or axing & my will & they should fullfill it to thee. And these be the more names of the more 9 angells abouesaid. And know thou them & keepe them. And som~en sayn that they be the 9 orders of angells.
Heere endeth the 24 reasons upon the vertues of herbs of the
second wing. And these experiments were now written in party
in Raziele, although Salomon put to of this there, & of the
Saiues of Hermetis. And the herbs be put in the booke of Razielis
for that with them we may be excused & worke with
herbs as with Sem~ with fasting & words in good & euill.
And [let] no man Joyne himself to Semiforas till he know
himself in the first wing & in the second. And thus we
shall say all thing that shall be to us necessary with
the help of god.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
De tertia Ala. [The third wing.]Dixit Salomon super Alam tertiam sicut Corpus Solis &c. Salomon said upon the third wing as the body of the Sunne is more appearing & mighty upon all other bodies & brighter, & fairer & clearer. So the vertues of sensible beasts wch feeleth [K: flyeth] and sendeth out voice, & seeth. And so beasts of the third wing haue power upon the twey first wings of stones & of herbs & he put therefore in this Raziel 24 beasts with their names, & vertues & states. And the figures be 24 distincte & departed a twyne. And I will put upon eich element 6 beasts euerich distinct from other & euerich of his kynde. And as the fier is the high lord & distinct from the 4 Elements. And the life of them all is purer and cleaner among them, therefore I beginne to say upon the beasts of fire, for as eich of the 4 Elements hath his beast beneath, so the fire hath his aboue pure & cleane without corruption. And this fier that is aboue is not expounded of wexe & trees neither oyle, neither with other composition, but it is simple. And the things that liueth in it be the angels cleare & clean & bright like to the beames of the Sunne & like to the flame of the fire, or of a sparck of fire, or of a starre or of the Colour of Quickesiluer or of pure gold. And this similitude is naturall in the beasts of the fire, & the figures of them bene seeme such as the lighteninge in similitude & in deed. For as an Orison is a Messager to the Creator, so they be ready anon to good & euill & they seyn like things of prophetes that upon the 4 Elements be heauens with their beasts of which wee should say furthermore. The second spirit is much cleane, but derker then the ou~ & it is likened to the winde. And his figure after that he will take & after some of the 4 Elements to which he is ioyned, & he formeth himselfe in this manner either by water or by a cloude or by moystnes or by thicknes of some darkenes or he receaueth some body as fume of some kynde by falling in it either by vois or by sleep [K: shape] of a beast elemented by these he taketh forme after that the nature aboue disposeth.
The third
beast of which wisemen seyne is that euermore he fellowshippeth
spirit & most the corpulent & thicke of the spirit. And therefore his figure is
found by night in places of drede & it is heard & seene & that ofte tyme.
And the Colour of it is like to tp~i z after the nature of houre, ere it is
made, otherwhile to the similitude of the body of which it went out.
Wherefore sommen seeth otherwhile the soules of bodies in church The fourth beast is the winde. Eich day we hearen but we seen not although we seen other, & hearen not. And the works of the winde be seene to the eye after the party from which it cometh. And he hath such nature that if he is orientall or meridionall, that is East or South, he is hote. And if he is occidentall or septentrionall that is West or north he is cold. This we seene to haue greate power for it beareth clouds & waters, & tempests & haules [K: gayles]. And it stirreth the Sea, & troubleth the Sea & breaketh trees, & this is said quicke ayer, as the fire aboue is said quicke fire & simple. And therefore the Elements be said double or twey fold, that is to say fixe & moveable. Moueable it is that it dwelleth in the corners of the Earth althoug it descend from aboue. ffor the 7 aboue bindeth & looseth it for of them it descendeth & it was formed of them & this is a great saeg' [? K: figure] in sea, in ayre, & in land as it cometh temperate. The 5 beast or vision is a fantasie that is a shade to the similitude of diuers colours or manners compownd of diuerse together. And this forme is made in desert place or in a corrupt ayre. Or other while it descendeth from hills to the similitude or likenes of knights & they be sayd Exercitus antiquus that is an olde ofte [*host or army]. And otherwhile upon waters to the similitude of faire women & well clothed, or in meades, & some sayne that they be faces. And otherwhile this befalleth in a man of corruption or malice of complexions & of humours that be in a man, & they be said demonaici for that it ascendeth the head & falleth upon the eyne, & such corruption maketh to see many fantasies.
The 6 beast is
said Demon. This descendeth in highnes to lownes & he was formed
of pure matter without corruption. Wherefore he faileth not but shall
Animalia æris tertiæ alæ vocantur aues &c. Beasts of the ayre
of the third wing be cleped souls, for that they flyeth & they be of
4 menynge. One is said runnyng. Another flying, & swimminge &
going or creeping. Now say we of flying. And begynne we
first of Aquila that is an Egle [eagle], for that he is a fowle flyinge
much in height. And he hath Lordship upon all other fowles.
The Eagle hath such a nature that he taketh his sonns or birds
when they be little. And ascendeth them into a place when
the Sunne is high. And then he drepeth the face of them to the
Sunne & if they behold strongly the Sunn he deemeth them to be
his sons & good. And if they behold not, he deemeth to be
not his and euill & letteth them fall & dye. And a feather
of him freteth another fether. And he seeth farre by one
league or mile a little beast. A great beast sothly he seeth by
9 leagues or by a days Journey. The eye of him with the heart
haue great vertue & grace to a
The second fowle is
said Vultur that is a Vowter [vulture]. This hath great vertue in all his
members. The head of him helpeth against all dreames & against
craft of Magicke. And the feete helpe against malefetes.
And if an house be suffumed with 9 fethers of him it putteth out
from it euill spiritts. The gall of him helpeth the eyne better
then any thing of the world. Th' eyen of him put in the skinne
of a serpent, & the tong of him in a cloth of silke red
wlapped [sic wrapped] with them, helpeth in causes in which thou couitest to
ouercome & for to wynne the loue of another lord. The wings
of him put upon a bed defendeth a man sleeping from euill winds
& from all greevance & from euill spiritts, neither
The third fowle is Falco, that is a Falcon of whom
the vertue is that of great Lords he is sett att much price.
The boon of the highnes of the right wing ouercometh plees
both in rauishing and in takeing away alien thing. and the
heighnes of the left wing taketh away euill feuers. But
we ought not to slea venatiue foules neither
hounds although they haue many vertues in themselues. And know thou
that how many members be in euery beast, foule, fish or reptile, so
many vertues distincte hath euery member by himself.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
The 4 foule is
a turtur1 simple & good. netheles if thou takest the male & the
female together in a new potte with croco & provinca & cicorea
gathered together upon them which thou wolt ioyne together if
thou casteth the pouder of these upon them know thou that
anon they shall be ioyned together. And it giueth great loue [love] to him
that beareth the pouders with them.
1. Turtur: turtledove. | |||||||||||||||||||||
The 5 foule is said Vpupa, that
is a lapwing haueing a creast of fethers in the head as a cocke.
And he hath many vertues. This hath one boon in his wings & it
gathereth together deuills & spiritts of the ayer. The property of him is
that who euer taketh the hearte of him & wlappeth [wrappeth] it in hony,
And then assoone as he may swallow it, & drinketh the milke
of a white or red or a black cowe, know thou that it maketh
a man to say things to come. And he hath another vertue for who yt
cutteth of the necke where a cocke croweth not neither may be
heard, neither the voice of an hound, neither [where] wheate is sowen
there & when he cutteth of his necke inclepe the deuills & then
bear he with him the halfen deale of the blood. And of that other
halfen deale anoynt he himselfe, euermore shall go with him one
of the deuills that is to witte, he whom he can inclepe which shall
say many things to him.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
The 6 foule is said Ciconia1 that is an
haysoule, who that sleath him in the day of Lune & taketh the blood
of the heart of him & anoynteth himself with it & eateth the flesh
with se~re feni~l & with cardamomo & gariofilo, & ere he eate it suffume
he himself with good odours as with thure mastic & cinamom & other such
know thou yt he shall haue grace of enchanting which he wolle & of
coniuring & constrayning the spiritts of the ayer & other spiritts that goe
upon riuers & wells.
1. Crane or stork. | |||||||||||||||||||||
These 6 foules abouesaid be an ensample upon
all other. And when thou wilt know the vertue of any foule, do
thou after the precept of this booke, Raziel, upon the booke of visions
of Angells upon the begininge of tymes in the 12 months as thou shalt
see furthermore.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dicamus de piscibus marinus & aliis &c. Say we of fishes of the sea & other upon vi of them that is to witt of the more & middle that I should shew the vertues of them.
The first fish is Balena [whale], the fattnes
of which made liquid kept 7 yeares or more, for how much it is elder
so much it is better. It healeth a man from eich gout & euill wind if
he anoynt himself with it, if he anoynt the head with the blood of
him it helpeth him much & yeeldeth him strong & more hoole. And
it maketh to see verrt visions. The sperma of him is said Ambra.
If thou suffumest tombes with this it gathereth the spiritts aboue
downward. And of eich petition or axinge it maketh to giue answer.
And Hermes said there is not such suffumigacions for to inclepe Spirits
as Ambra & lignum aloes, costus, mustus, crocus & bloud of a lapwinge
with thimiamate.1
These be meate & drinke & gladnes of spirits
of the ayre. And these gathereth them together strongly &
full sone. And wise men say that the sperme & blood
& the heart of a baleyne be principalls for to command the winds &
spiritts who that maketh fumigations of them.
1. Agrippa quotes this in OP1.43. |
The second fish is said Delphin [dolphin]. And he is the knight of the sea. And as the Eagle hath might among foules, & the lion among beast in this manner hath the delphin in the Sea. Who that annoynteth of the bloode of him, the cloathes of twey freinds it maketh them enemyes or casteth the dry blood upon them. And who that beareth the heart of him maketh him hardy. The third fish is Cancer. this hath 6 feet, take & brenne him in panno livido & with the powders frote the teeth sofhlie it healeth them & yeeldeth them faire & cureth the Cancre in the mouth, if thou casteth it upon the fire wth somewhat of Stercosis humani combusti it gathereth together spirits. The 4 fish is bright as an horne betwixt palenesse & whitenesse z piscis claudims or Cepia. This fish hath many properties, & this enchanters & prophetts knoweth well which made with this their enchantments & their transfigurations. So that when they would that an house should seeme full of water, or that a riuer should enter by the gate, they tooke this fish & with thimiamati & ligno aloes & rosis & they fumiden an house & they cast there of the water of the Sea. And it seemed that the house were filled with water, & if he cast their blood it seemed bloud, & so if he cast Snow. And when they would that the earth should seme to quake then they cast there of the Earth of a plow. And they made there diuerse similitudes in all things after the thing which they put in the fumigation. And know thou that it dureth so much as the fumigacion in the house, & with the gall of him also they made many enchantments, for that this beast is much unlike to other. The 5 fish is Murena [eel], & he is lentiguromus (?) the vertue of this is that enchanters beareth the powder of him with them for to make enchantments. The 6 fish is rana viridis, & if thou take it upon what woman thou wilt and namest the names of the angels of the month in which thou were [K adds: borne as I thinke] which be furthermore within in libro visionum you might do good & euill of what woman you wilt.
And know thou yt
if these fishes & all other thou may know the vertues & properties
all by the booke of visuions of moneths. And so understand
you by like thing in all other things.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Primum animal est Leo. Ista bestia est valde fortis & The first beast is a Lyon [lion]. This beast is full strong in the breast & in the cheekes & he is of strong beholding or lookeing so that when other beasts seeth him they be moued togither with dread. And the skyne of him is of such vertue that if it be put with other skynes it destroyeth them & maketh [them] bare. & who that taketh the biting toothe of him that is cleped dens caninus & putteth it in gold it is good to take away & to take alien things. And the same doth a woolues [141r] tooth. & if thou maketh a purse of the heart of a lion full of blood musco & almea, & ligno aloes & thimiamate, & it were gadered upon whom thou wilt & thou maketh hote, know thou that in that houre he shall love thee much & doe thy bidding. And if thou inclepest with the blood of a goat the prince of deuills he shall be ready anon to do thy maundement. And so more kinga or he for whom thou dost. And the same I say of great women. The second beast is Elephans that is an Elephant & he is full great & when he is risen of herd he lieth, & when he falleth of herd he riseth for that therto he hath not knees disposed well. And the boone of the teeth of him is said Ebur that is Evory [ivory]. And if it be put in lectuaries it comforteth the feeblenes of the heart as much as margarita or more. And the bloud of him with the liver comforteth much fasting. The third beast is Ceruus that is an heart [hart] which liueth much, for that he reneweth as the moone or an Egle. Who that maketh suffumigacion of the hornes is chaseth away serpents, & by it self it chaseth away deuills. The 4 beast is Catus, that is a Catt, & he seeth better by night then by day, & who that taketh of him & of an yrchin & of a reremouse & maketh of alcofol & alcofolizeth his eyne he seeth well by night & by day. And if thou puttest <--25v--> there the eyne of an asse thou might see whether the spiritts & deuills of the ayre go in.
The 5 beast is mustela, that is a wesill, this bringeth forth her
issue at her moneth after Poets not after Philosophers. This helpeth
much when he is brent, & the skinne of him is written for to cause
loue betwixt tweyne.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
The 6 beast is Talpa1 that is a wandwarp
& dwelleth under the Earth & is likened to a mouse, with this
beast thou may make to come tempests, pestilences, haules, &
lightnings & comstacions & many euill things, if thou puttest
him bare & naked upon the Earth & ouerturned,
And with this thou may make discord & concord whom thou wilt,
for he is a cursed beast for that he healeth a man of
the fester when he is brent [burnt] & the powder ia incast.
1. Mole. | |||||||||||||||||||||
And when
thou wilt know the vertue of other beasts, do as it is said in libro visionum,
upon which aske thou this of the lord of vision that is
yt it appeare to the that thou askest, & couetest to know of a beast
which thou wilt.
This beast seeth not neither hath eyn. And know
thou that the vision of months is upon all things that thou askest or
would knowe. And God shallbe wth thee if of right thou axe. And
know thou that heere is fulfilled the third wing. And now beginn
we the fourth which is complement & fullfilling upon all the
[De quarta ala. The fourth wing.]Dixit Salomon sicut corpus vivum &c. Salomon said as a quicke body middle or great is not moued with three feete neither any foule lesse then with 2 wings, neither the world [141v] is gouerned lesse then with 4 elements. So this booke may not neither ought to be lesse then with 4 wings which be said 4 vertues. Wherefore Raziel said that who that shall be filled with this booke shall be as one of the prophets & he shall understand all vertues of things & powers of them. And if he understandeth well he shall be a quicke spirit & if he with holdeth (?) & worketh he shall be as an Angell. And therefore he put in this book 22 Elements of great vertue that is 22 letters or figures which the sons of Adae that is of Adam mought not excuse. 1. The first is Aleph א, that is A. This letter is three cornered & it signifieth life power & highnes & the principle or beginninge in all things. These putteth all things in their figures & in their principles. 2. The 2 is said beth ב, that is B, & it is full good in things which we desire in battayle & in plee, & euermore sheweth goodnes & profitt. 3. The third is said gimel ג, that is g. And it sheweth euill & greif & impediment in things. 4. The 4th is said deleth ד, that is d. this sheweth turbation & death of some man & harme to him. 5. The 5 is said he ה, that is h, & it sheweth price & honour & gladnes & it is full good in all thing. 6. The 6 is said vau ו, that is v, & it sheweth death, paine, & trauaile. 7. The 7 is said Zain ז, that is Z, & it sheweth penys & riches. 8. The 8 is said heth ח, that is h, & it signifieth long life & health. 9. The 9 is said thes [Teth] ט that is t, & it signifieth wrath woodnes & greif. 10. The 10 is said Joth [Yod] י, that is i, & it signifieth good life & gladnes & all good beginninge. 11. The 11 is said Caph כ, it sheweth in very gladnes & trauaile without profit. 12. The 12 is said Lameth ל & it sheweth gladnes & honour & profit. 13. The 13 is said mem מ, that is m, & it sheweth greife & otherwhile dolor.
14. The 14 is said num [Nun] נ, that is n.
It signifieth restoring of a freind & a visitation of him & profitt.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
[15. The 15 is said Samech ס...]1
1. Omitted. | |||||||||||||||||||||
16. The 16 is said ayn ע. It sheweth occasion or euill of a woman. 17. The 17 is said pe פ. It sheweth health. 18. The 18 is said fee פ that is f. & it sheweth bloud yshed [is shed] of good men & high. 19. The 19 is said Saday צ. It sheweth health. 20. The 20 is said Coph ק It sheweth hid life.
21. The 21 is said Res ר, that is r
& it sheweth a man that is fallen & is risen.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
22. The 22 is said Thau ת, that is
c. it sheweth greife & diminution.1
1. Note there are two forms of Pe, and the Shin is missing. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Now we haue said of the 4 wings upon the 22 letters that be upon the lawes of the table written. And know thou that there be no moe but onely 22 letters which be the roote of Sem~ [Semiforas], for with them it is formed & it is caused & is made & with out them it may not be. And some men seyne that Camalio found them, but it is not soth, but the Angell Raziell gaue them written to Adam in his booke that is said liber ignis. And with them all the booke of Sem~ written. And know eich man that readeth this booke that the Creator said to Raziel the names of Sem~ wherefore if thou canst transpose these 22 letters or figures as it beseemeth thou shalt attayne the great name of the Creator. And with it thou might do what thou wilt euermore with cleanes & with helpe of the Creator. Now we haue fulfilled this booke of the wing like to the angells that is Panthaseron Micracon Sandalon, for euerych of these hath 4 wings by mandement of the benigne angell, which the Creator sent to me that this book were better compounded & well ordeyned.
Heere endeth the second booke & beginneth the iii book of Thymiamatibus. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Liber tertius. |
Cp. VRL 1300 37r; Halle 14-B-36 22v. |
Dixit Angelus adæ fac thymiamata &c. The Angell said
to Adam make thymiamata. Thimiamata be confections of good odours
wth which thou shalt suffume & thou shalt please to Creacion &
thou shalt attayne to what thou wilt by this. And they of which they be made
be preciouse things which thou shalt find out of good odour & of good nature
& of cleane things. And when thou shalt do it be thou cleane of without
all filth. And then the Angell rested in that houre. And Adam remayned &
did that he might. And this Salomon expounded & said, I marvaile
why this is the booke of Moysy, also for the Creator said to Moysy
make thou Thymiamata & suffume thou in the hille1 when thou
wilt speake with me. Wherefore Salomon said, that suffumigacions &
sacrifice, & unction maketh to be opened the gates of the ayre & of
the fire & the gates of all other heauens. And by suffumigacions
a man may see heauenly things & priuities of the Creator. And
eich man know that they thirleth [drill] the Earth, water, & the lownesses.
And Salomon said as there be 7 heauens, & 7 starres, & 7 dayes in the
weeke, of which euerich is distinct & is not likened to his euen. So
know thou eich man that there be 7 suffumigations which wthholdeth wth
them the vertue of the 7 starrs, & maketh apaid [K: glad] the spirits of the ayre
And the Angells of heauens & deuills, of angells of the world. And
therefore for a man yeldeth to them it that is theirs. Therefore they
be pleased & apaide for the words which thou sayst, when thou prayest
or sayst the names of them or the names of the Creator. And for this
that thou dost when thou washest thee & for the gift that thou
giuest to them when thou suffumest. And these things yeldeth them
earthly & appearing to thee. And the spirituall & invisible that is
that neither euill men, neither beasts mought see thee if thou dost
strongly about thee & about whom thou dost.
1. The hill: Mt. Sinai. |
Thymiamata is made of
many things & these be principall upon the 7 dayes of the weeke. And
first say we [of] thymiamata of the Saturday for the starre of him is higher
& the Angell of him is mighty in the Earth.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
The first Thymiama [sic] of the Saturday ought to be of all good things & well smelling rootes as is Costus & herba thuris [=hog's fennel]. And that is Thymiama of good. And so I shall shew of all other as it beseemeth to good. And thymiama to other I shall say in an other place. Thymiama of the Sunday is thure, mastix, muscus & other such. And all other good gummes & of good odor in all good. And by the contrary in euill. Thymiama of the Munday is folium mirti, & lauri & leaues of good odor, & so understand thou in his contrary. Thymiama of the Tuesday is Sandalus rubeus, niger & albus, & all such trees & eich tree of aloes & cipresse, & so understand thou of eich tree. Thymiama of the Wednesday is made of all ryndes [*woods] as Cinamomo, cassia lignea & cortices [citri et] lauri & macis & so understand thou in other. Thymiama of the Thursday is nux muscata, [ut] gariofili & citruli & the rynd of arangiarum siccarx & pulverizatarum that is the rynde of orenges dry &d pouderd & all other fruits of good odors.
Thymiamana [sic] of the Friday is maus [*flores] rosa viole
& crocus and all other flowers of good odor.2
2. OP1.44: To Saturn are appropriated for fumes all odoriferous roots, as costus root, etc. and hog's fennel; to Jupiter, odoriferous fruits as nutmeg, cloves; to Mars all odoriferous wood as sandalwood, cypress, lignum-balsam, and lignum-aloes; to the Sun, all gums, as frankincense, mastic, benjamin, storax, labdanum [i.e. Cistus], amber [i.e. ambergris], and Musk; to Venus, flowers as roses, violets, saffron, and such like; to Mercury all peels of wood and fruit, as cinnamon, lignum cassia, mace, citron peel [i.e. lemon peel], and bayberries, and whatsoever seeds are odoriferous; to the Moon the leaves of all vegetables, as the leaf indum, the leaves of the myrtle, and bay-tree. |
And in the contrary to the
contrary put you all thymiamata stincking. And know thou that eich
thymiama of good odor gathereth together his spirits after that is his nature
& his colour & his strength. Thus I say for good, good, for better, better.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
And Hermes said of thymiamatibus that thymiama Lune is cinamonum & lignum aloes & mastix & crocus & costus & macis & et mirtus. Wee putteth this that eich of the Planetts haue a part in it & all this may be Luna, good & well fortunate by good spices & sharpe.3 |
3. OP1.44: But Hermes describes the most powerful fume to be, viz. that which is compounded of the seven aromatics, according to the powers of the seven planets, for it receives from Saturn, pepperwort; from Jupiter, nutmeg; from Mars, lignum-aloes; from the Sun, mastic; from Venus, saffron; from Mercury, cinnamon; and from the Moon, the myrtle. |
Although Salomon made distinction upon the days & planets of the
spices with the which a man ought to make thymiamata. And he
said that of Saturni is eich good roote in good, euill in euill. And of
Jouis all fruite, & of Martis eich tree, & of Solis eich gumme.
& of Veneris eich flower. And of Mercurii each rinde, & of Lune
eich leafe. And thus understand you in all other. & eich odorifr
herbe is of Veneris. And Raziel bade to Adam that he should
make good thymiamata & therefore Hermes understood that
eich thymiama is made of all good things, As of roote, tree, rinde,
leafe, flower, fruite & gumm. And yett seeds be put in it, as
bacre & cardamonum & wexe & put thou in it all good thing
& preciouse. And sythen he said Thymiama completum.
And the 24 (?) is some thymiama grecum or of greekes by which heathen men were wont to suffume idols & yet to day churches & aulers [K: altars] be suffumed, And it is said Thymiama Jouis & in sothnes who that useth these thymiamatibus be he cleane & chast & of all good will to the Creator he shall profitt.
Dixit Salomon super
suffumigia hermetis quod dur &c. Salomon said upon the
suffumigations of Hermetis which be said beneth & they be
7 manners with which be made sacrifices. Some be The second is that they washen themself & clenseth & dwelleth cleane. And therefore they trow to attayn their petition & asking & it is sothe. The 3 is that they do almes for god & for the holy angells of him. The 4 is that they sleeth & casteth the blood in the fire. The 5 is that they sleeth & brenneth all. The 6 is that they pray much in houers ordayned 7 tymes in the day, & 3 in the night. The 7 is to make fumigation with good things & well smellinge & euerych of these did this that he might attayne the sothnes of it that he axed & [so] he attayned it by the mandement of the Creator. And know thou that fumigacion ouercometh in all. Sothely who that suffumeth better to the eye it proneth [? K: proveth] & with this the wise man excuseth all other. And wite thou that who that can well know the natures of fumigacions he migh neigh to thilke spirits wch he would inclepe after the nature of fumigacions. And euermore consider thou the nature of the spirit & of the fumigacion & the spirits be constrayned by their contrary & be comforted by like things. Wherefore it is to witt that as a wise leche in giueing a medicine to a sick man remoueth the sickenes & in ledeth health. So fumigacion remoueth the contrary from the place if it be good. And with euill fumigacion be remoued good spirits & euill spirits also dreadeth for eich thing more loueth health then sicknes. And therefore it is said that Sulphur remoueth both good spirits & euill. And this is probation & pref [profit] after one way. And there [is] another way for lignum aloes gathereth together the spirits of ligni aloes & none other. And Sulphur chaseth them [143r] away & this is very reason. And then I say that Sulphur gathereth together his proper spirits & none other & they be full stronge & penetrate & thicke & be not seuerd or departed so soone from a place. But and if a place were suffumed with Sulphur & then were washen with water & suffumed wth ligno aloes, it doth draw away the spirits of Sulphur & induceth or inledeth his owne.
And know thou that the spirit of Azet that is quickesilver
& the spirit of Thuris be contrary although spirits yet with all
the deuills entreth & thirleth rather then the spirit of Thuris
wherefore euerich hath full great might. And if thou wilt
out draw the spirits, yet suffume thou with thur & they shall
go out. And so understand thou of all other spirits good & euill.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
And Salomon said know thou that as a phisitian putteth in a man
good pure oyntments & cleane, & they thirleth the body of a man
& heleth, So fumigacions thirleth the 4 Elemts & maketh
to se & know heauenly things which were euermore hevenly
& wch descendeth from heauens as be angells & spirits of the ayre & the
souls of dead men & deuills of lownesses & winds & spelunks [i.e. caves] &
of deepnesses & fantasies of desert places. Wherefore know thou
that all spiritualls with right fumigacion shall obey to thee &
shall come to the & they should do thy commandement.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
And Hermes
said that all things that was or is present or shall be knoweth that the
ouer nature ioyned with the nether by ordinance of tyme
& houre maketh one body & understanding & that he can
understand & know thilke things wherof creatures haue to liue
& themselfe to gouerne. Wherefore know thou that there be fumes
that chaseth away spirits & other that sleeth [K: steyeth] them, & constreyneth
[them] to come & other that quickeneth them & strengtheneth & giueth
might. And so by the contrary is some that destroyeth them &
taketh away their might. And this is the probacion of this for the fume
of an herte chaseth them away & this he said upon serpents.
And that chaseth them away is fumus am~ce [? K: amnecae] that is the fume of
fecis of oyle. And that, that sleeth them is the spettell of a fasting
man. And therefore he said that fumigacion is fullfilling of ayre
which hath not body, nethles fume destroyeth things that haue
body. And so fumigacion suffise it to us in all things beneath.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
And Raziel said, know thou that as water washeth all uncleanesse
And fire maketh liquid or molteth all mettalls & maketh clean
& fineth. And as the ayre is the life of a liueing man & the
Earth sustayneth or beareth ech body & nourisheth ech plant: So
understand thou that good Thymiama z. fumigacion is fullfilling
in the worke to be the invocations of spirits, & of
other things & well proporcioned with which Thymiama
is confect or medled. And were made in eich houre convenient
or accordinge.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dixit Salomon propter hoc pono horam & tempus &c. |
Cp. VRL 1300 40r; Halle 14-B-36 24r. |
Salomon said for this I put the houre & the tyme in the worke ffor in all houre in which a man will speake to a king or to a prince, he may not speake to them, neither in eich houre in which [143v] a Sonne axeth any thing of the father he giueth to him. Therefor it is darke to thee to chese the tyme & the houre upon these that they axert. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
This is qo tempus quidam that is sometymes said
Jovis: be it done in the day of Jovis & of Veneris in the day of
Veneris & of Martis in the day of Martis & of Saturni, in
the day of Sabote [=Sabbath]. And so of other that be done in invocacion
of spirits & in all praysings of Angells. And the fumigacion of
VRL 1300 40v: "cera alba balsamus muscus ambra thÿrus algalea almea thus mirra & oleum oliuarum." Almost identical is Halle 14-B-36 25r: "cera alba balsamus muscus ambra thyrus algalea almea thus et mirra et oleum oliuarum." ("white wax, balsam, musk, ambergris, thyrus (?), civet, storax, frankincense, myrrh, and olive oil.") |
And this oyntment be it well kept & well warded in a cleane place. Of (?) him after that also the clothings be cleane white, new, & good not broken neither blacke. And then suffume he himself worshippfully & the manner of suffumeing him self ought to be made in 7 manners toward the East, the North, the West & the South toward heauen aboce & toward the Earth beneath, & the 7th tyme all aboute. And as oft as thou dost this euer more dresse1 thy mind unto god & pray that he fullfill thy will. And know thou that I found in some old booke that these were the more fumigacions. Thus thymiama graecum. mastix, laudalus, galbanum, muscha-lazarat, mirra, & ambra. And these be collectors of spirits & placacions of them. |
1. dresse: direct or address. | |||||||||||||||||||||
And Solomon said when thou wilt gather together the spirits of the ayre do them in this manner. Cleanse thou thy selfe in the better manner that thou canst & go to a pit where thou wilt knowen to thee & suffume it & inclepe him by his owne proper name & lath him or pray him & that by three nights. And if he appeareth send thou him to a certaine place or to an house or to a quadeirie that is a place there 4 wayes meett or to a yard or garden & suffume thou the pit toward 4 parts & in the place where thou lathest also as I have said & then know thou that he shall come & he shall appeare to thee that thou shalt do this. Et dixit Hermes, quod spiritus quod apparent &c.. And hermes said that the spirits which appeareth in this world be these. Some sothly be heavenly & the prophet clepeth them Angells & they be bright & cleare as flame or a starre as we hav said. Other be ayry or of the aiyre & so many colours greene, bright & other such & of many figures. And other be fuyry [=fiery] & they be bright & red. And other be watrie & they be white & as bright faire or iron burnished or quicksilver. [144r] Other be that neigheth to men & be like to a white cloud or to a white cloath. And other be derke & dymme & of diverse formes which be said divells, which be hidd with the wind & they be in the deepnes of the sea & of lowness of spirits that bring with them haules & tempests & lightning. And wisemen clepeth them huge spirits & strong. Now we have said of the nature of spirits & putt to thy mind & thou shalt attayne with the helpe of God. Dixit Raziel. Sicut in aere puro claro &c. Raziel said. As in the pure, clere, & bright & cleane & peaceable ayre all things gladeth & ioyeth of it. So know thou that for cleannesse and fasting & washing of water & prayers and orison of the Creatour. And for naturall & cleane sufumigacon & very fayth or trust thou might please them which we hav said above. And Raziel said to Adam, know thou that in all maner the life of Angells is heele & cleane. And the suffumigium or suffumigacion is brede of spirits, which spirits liveth in fasting & cleanesse & charity, sacrifice with Orison be the houses of holy soules & trust is the auter [=author] of God [=good]. Wherefore eich man that hath these above said in himselfe he shall attayne or neigh & he shall profitt. And Solomon said, these be that befalleth in suffumigacion. Of suffumigacion anone shall come to us fumes & then odour & of the fume & cloud & of the cloud an high cloud & wind. And of the wind ascendeth the cloud higher & of the cloud an high wind, & of the wind ascendeth higher & is made a soule & of this the spirit is made higher. And of the spirit an Angell of heavens & of angells light & these be caused by cleane suffumigacions. And know thou that suffumigacions be of 7 maners. Some sothly sharpe & other penetratit or persinge, other sweete smelling other stinkinge, other simple, other meeke, other of grife other sothly of peace. And everych of these maners is after his odour said & nature & complexion. Wherefore Hermes said that as coldnes congeleth water with his cold. And as water of the sea is congealed with great heat & as azerta cona congeleth the water of wells. And everych of these congeleth the water, one with coldnes & another with hotnes, another by arte, another by nature & the matter is made one body & one gobbett [=piece]. And know thou that good suffumiacon gathereth together & constrayneth & maketh spirits to appeare in the ayre & secrete or privy things & it maketh them to take a body which our eyne [=eyes] seeth. And Salomon said as the Adamant draweth yron [=iron] to him self, so know thou that suffumigacon gathereth together & draweth the spirits of the ayre & maketh them to come to the place where thou doeth it & wold gather them together. And the wise men says suffumigacon is like to the roote of arzolle for as it ioyneth together [144v] gobbets of flesh into one. So suffumigacons gathereth together spirits of heavenly or heaven with the 4 Elements & they make that they taketh a body & spirits taketh visible bodies & palpable. And a body taken they fullfilleth that they be axed of them & that to likenes of a mirrour to which if there be sett before what figure thou wolt a like appeareth within. Thus fumigacion made cleanly & invocacion in the houre after the spirits proportionall. The spirits appeare to us & new operacions & workings with fullfillinge upon the thing which thou askest. And be thou never deceived in the knowledge of suffumigacions & put thou thy mind in them least they be transposed, & thou shalt fullfill as that were & after that thou doest as he said. And Salomon said I will touch some what to thee of the nature of suffumigacions. In colericke suffumigacions, who that useth it much, it maketh to see in sleepe, or in sothnes greene things & yelow & diverse colours. Melancholious fumigacion sheweth leady [=grayish] things. Sanguine fumigacions sheweth red things, & otherwhile it is sheweinge of purpure colour. Phlegmaticke fumigacion sheweth white things & faire and so understand thou after that the nature were & the appearing of spirits & of their colours & visions & the worke of them shall be after the sharpnes of it & the goodnes & direccion of fumigii, is fullfilling of the thing after that the ymage were firmed & the orison of the thing nempned & the trust for all is in the intention of the man and in the houre in which it is done. Now we have said how every of the Planets hath his fumigacions. Now say we the fumigacions of the 12 signes & of the 36 faces of them.
[Incenses for each decan.]
Nota secundum Hermetis de fumigiis.
And Hermes said And this Salomon holdeth for the more naturall for such spices we give & with them we suffume. And which maner fumigacion we give to the planetts, such we give to the dayes & houres. As the Sonday the first houre is of Sola & all the day together, we should give thus, masticen, & mustum. As we have said of planets in the beginning of this booke of thymiamatum. And so understand thou of all other. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[Incenses for the four seasons]Know thou the suffumigacion to tymes. |
VRL 1300 43v; Halle 14-B-36 26v. |
In primo tempore lignum aloes, thus, & crocum. In the second tyme thymiama, costum, masticen. In the 3 tyme, sandalo, cassia, mertum. In the 4 time mustum, succum & lignum balsami. And he gave to eich of the 4 tymes their spices or kinds, so he giveth to eich month one spice in order.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
[Incenses for the four cardinal directions]Dicamus nunc suffumigia 4 partium mundi &c. |
VRL 1300 43v; Halle 14-B-36 26v. |
Say we now suffumigacions of the 4 parties of the world & of the 4 Elements, for all things that be in this world be compounded of the elements or simples. Suffumigacions of the 4 parties of this world be these. Upon the party of the East & the fire serveth Ambra, Muscus & alba cera that is white waxe. Upon the party of the South & the Earth, algalia [=civet], almea [=storax], & tyriaca [=theriac].1 Upon the party of the West & the ayre, balsamus, Camphora & clarum olivanum [=olive oil]. Upon the North & the water lignum aloes, mux mustate, & macis.2 |
1. VRL 1300 reads: tinata; Halle 14b36 reads: cinata. I have not been able to identify a botanical with that name. Folger and Royal MS 17Axlii both read theriac. 2. VRL 1300: lignum aloes, muc, & macis. |
And Salomon said, eich man that wold do any thing by this booke
put he the mind to the chapters of thymiamate that he
know the kings & iustly can meddle them. And so know
thou that thou might easily worke by hit & without travaile
thou might fullfill all thing that thou desirest to set. Now
we have fullfilled one Chapter of fumigiis or fumigacions &
we will say furthermore hit upon which was our intention
with the helpe of God.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
[Liber temporum] |
VRL 1300 44r; Halle 14-B-36 27r. |
Here beginneth the 4 booke that speaketh upon tymes of the yeare.In nomine dei pii, Incipio scribere librum istum &c. In the name of the meke god I begin to write this booke that is said Cephar Raziel, which the Angell Raziel gave to Adam & it shall speake upon the 4 tymes of the yeare & month & day with his night how we should nempne eich thing. And know eich man that this is said the booke of tymes, & the Angell gave it that is said mighty & great by the mandement of the Creator quicke God & in all things mighty. And for that Adam should know all things by hit which he would know in this world what it is, what it was, & what it shall be in all things. 12 months of the yeare & dayes & houres & that by order & similitude of cleane fasting & of washings of sacrifices of fumigacions made by 7 dayes ere the first mone [=Moon] were & ere the sunne should ascend his tale i.e. the ascendent. And ere the sunne should ascend upon his starre. Zedet i.e. Jovis. And they should be [145v] nempned in this booke by month, holy angells that have might upon the 7 heavens formed of fire & the beholding of them fire & the life of him is fire. And they seeme clothed with fire & they be covered with fire & from the fire went out, & in the fire they dwell & they be of great fellowships mighty upon the 12 months of the yeare by the precept of the Creator of it which said the world by hit, & all angells be & were before it. & there be 7 powers before that face of it, & to eich of them is given might & hath a day of the month & of the weeke. And of them some be standing in environ, & some be some be sytting in chaires with great honour serving to the Creator & they be ever more ready & bound to goe out & to entre to come & to go & with all good & evill, what ever is made & to enchaunte & to put downe & to cover privy things & to discover or to make revelasion. And all this that we have said by the mandement of God. & all the more angells & lesse & the princes of them with their powers with their orders, or with their fellowships, they clepeth themselves everich with their names & which be Selly, i.e. high or soveraigne evermore they prayse God the Creator, which formed them. And allso all the powers of all heaven in the month & in the day in which he formed them. And they be all speaking to himself together as men. And Raziel said that these angells wrote these names & this booke, & he said that there be above 7 angells mighty upon 7 starres & these be 7 potestatesor powers mighty upon 7 days of the weeke & they be keepers of them & of the 24 houres of the day & of the 7 heavens & of the 12 signs & of all other things that governeth this world. And Raziel said to Adam behold, know, & withhold these 7 powers or potestates, which have power in the 7 heavens & the 7 stars. The names of which be these.
The names of the 7 heavens in which they be borne be these Samayn, Raquia, Saaquyn, Mahum, Maon, Zebal, Araboc.
Upon Samayn goeth These be the Angells that have power upon the 12 months of the yeare. The names of the months be these, of the yeare [146r] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Nysan, Yar, Zevan, tamus, Abelul, Tysiryn, Marquesnam, Quislep, Tobez, or Thebeth, Sabat, Adar, Post adar, Postmodo. |
i.e. Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Marcheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, and on leap years, Adar II. | |||||||||||||||||||||
The names
of Potestates be these & they be 12 capitalls, that is one upon
euerich month of Lune, & the rather is Oriel, Sasuyel,
Amariel, Noriel, Beraquiel, Maguynya, Scufriel, Barsiel, Adoniel,
Anael, Gabriel, Romiel, Laciel. And euerich of these hath
so many potestates, helpers, more or greater as there be days
in the month or many other seruants of them. And with the
aforesaid Angells a man may know all thing that is to come
in euery day & euery houre with the proper signs of them who
that knoweth them well. If he woll know of many
Reynes or few or when they shall be or if they shall be or no
& the day & houre when they shall falle. And a man
may know by them which is his signe & his starre. And he may
know of his life if it shall be long doinge or of short in the
world & other things either for a sick man or an hoole [=hail i.e. healthy] either
for a man or for a woman. Or he may know a sutill understanding
or sharpe. he may know what is to come & to do with
it that he woll. And the dayes of the yeare or of solis, alone
in which may be done the working of this booke by 365 & the
4 part of one day in the worke of dayes. The yeares of lune be
otherwhile 360 dayes or 4 houres & 46 minutes after the yeare
of lune. And the fullfilling of tymes is this. In one tyme be
3 months, & when the tymes be 4 Sothly til to 12. And knowe
thou that Nizan that is the first month entreth in the first day
of the first moone wheneuer were Luna prima of the month
of Martii, & so of other. And the first very tyme is from the first
point in which the Nota hanc partem bene. Note well this part. Primum opus istius libri quod est necessarium &c. The first worke of this booke that is necessary or needfull in all things that a man would do. And when thou wilt know when it is good to do a thing which thou wolt do, or thou wolt know when it is good to do, what things thou wolt of this world & thou canst not any thing thereof understand thou that thou account by 7 dayes before the first day of the moneth that is of the moneth of Luna. And in these 7 dayes ne be thou not pollute, neither eate thou a beast hauing blood, neither drinke thou wyne neither touch thou uncleane things, neither lye thou with a woman. And wash thou thee with cleane water running, all the 7 days ere the sonne ascend, & hold thou abstinence which we haue said, & suffume thou thee when thou were bathed with thur, ligno alöes and ambra, croco, costo, camphora, & mastice; & then take thou tway quicke Turtes [=turtledoves] & hoole without languor in themselves, or if thou wilt 2 white culuers [=pigeons] if thou might haue none other. And cutt of the necks fasting with a brased redde knife ouergilt, on euerych side cutting, & cutt of the necke of that one Turtur, on that one side, & that other on that other side. Afterward drawe out the intralls, but with holde the blood in a new glasen cup & cast into the fire. And wash thou thentrailes with cleane water. And then take 3 weights of muske, & 3 of croci, & thuris albi lucidi & cinamoni & 10 keyes of gariofili, & ligni alöes as much, & then take 12 grana piperis nigri & old white wine & sandalos & mustum & camphoram, & somewhat of hony & wyne all this with wine, & putt all medled in the entralls of the Turturs & fill them & diuide them into 7 parties or 7 members. And cast one member upon the colles of fire in the morrow, ere the sunne rise & that is to understand the 11 houre of the night, & when thou burnest the members, be thou couered with white cloth & standing the feete discalciated that is unhosed & unshod. Afterward [blank space approx 12 m-spaces] the names of angells wch be written that is seruinge to the month in which thou dost, for they be prayers & doers there, & know thou that eich day thou hast to say the names of Angells of that month 7 times. & in the 7 days thou shalt gather together the axen [=ashes] which thou hast made in thilke 7 dayes of the foresaid 7 members. And the house & the place in which thou shalt burne be it cleane. And when all this is done thou shalt dispose or ordayne a soleyne house cleane seuered to thee. And thou shalt spring th'aforsaid axen upon the earth in the middle of the house & thou shalt sleep there so that thou shalt do this. And then when thou entrest the bed thou shalt name the names of the Angells strong dreadfull mighty & high and then sleep thou & speake thou not with man. And then know that thou be well certayne [147v] & not dredfull that there shall come to thee some man & he shall shew himselfe to thee in the vision by night. And the similitude or likenes of him shall be of a worshipfull man then be thou strong & drede thou not & he shall not leaue himselfe to thee that it be a vision or a dreame but in very or soth manner. And axe thou what thou wilt & without doubt he shall giue to thee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dixit angelus Raziel, volo tibi dicere hoc complementum &c. |
VRL 1300 49v; Halle 14-B-36 31r. |
The angell Raziel said: I will say to thee this fullfilling the workeing that thou write by power & vertue & strength of this booke in which be written the powers of the months & of days of the yeare, & they haue power in eueriche month & in eich day for euermore. And know eich man who that gouerneth himself with them with cleannesse that they helpe him in all his deeds & in all his things. And they maketh him to know all his wills & they helpeth him to fullfill what euer he axeth with great power & strength & wisedome.
The names of Angells of the first month be.These be the names of the Angells which be mighty & most mighty & more mighty in the first month which is said Nisan: Oriel, Malaquitan, Acya, yaziel, paltysur, yesmachi, yariel, araton, Robica, Sephalya, Anaya, quesapule, semquiel, Sereriel, Malga, Ancason, Pacyta, Abdiel ram, asdon, Cafyel, nastiatori, Sugny, Aszrus, Sornadaf, Admyel, necamya, Caisaac, benyt, quor, Adzyriel.
The names of Angells of the 2 month which is said yar in language of hebrew.Safuel, Sambon (?), Cartemat, Axyel, Palthya, bacgar, galnius, necpis, Aaron, mauit, Aadon, quenael, quemon, Abraguy, yehoc, Adnyhya, Parciot, Macinoc, galus, gabymon, resegar, Affry, Absamon, Sarfaf, Alpyn, Carbyel, reguya, Achlas, Nadib, absafyabitan, palylet. And thou shalt name the names of these foresaid angells of this month yar in eich thing which thou shalt nempne in hit, & they should help thee, & shall make thee to know all thy will. The names of the Angells of the 3 month.These be the names of the angells which be keepers of the 3 month that is said Zynan [*Sivan] of which the first is Amariel, tatgriel, casinuch, nascyfa, almur, naamab, Mamicazicaran, Samy Sarach, Naaseyn, Andas, paltamus, Abrys, borzac, Saborhac, yayac, dalya, azygor, Mabsuf, Abnisor, Zenam, dersam, Cefanya, Maccator, Naboon, Adyel, Maasyel, Szarzyr, Cartalion, ady, ysar. And thou shalt nempne these names that be said in all things that thou dost & thou shalt profitt. The names of Angells of the 4 Month.These be the names of angells of the 4 month that is said Tamuth: Noriel, Satida, Asaf, Mazyca, Sarsac, Adryyaac, Nagron, [148r] gallgall, dauroc, Saracum, rematidda, lulyaraf, neditar, lyaf, Iaana, latayel, gauida, Nedyr, delgna, maadon, Samyel, Amrael, lezaidi, El, Ohoc, Nasyby, razy, arsoday, yadna, Caspa, garitan, Elisatun, paschanya, Maday. And thou shalt nempne these names abouesaid in all hit that thou wolt do & thou shalt profit. The names of Angells of the 5 month.These be the names of Angells of the 5 moneth that is said Ab. beraquyel, mauhy, or amaryahaya, byny, madrat, amantuliel, cassurofartis, nactif, necyt, pegnar, tablic, namnot, amacya, guatiel, reycat, gnynzy, palyel, gadat, nesguyraf, abrac, amytar, caruby, nachal, cabachloch, macrya sate, Essaf. And thou shalt nempne these names before said in all his hit that thou wolt do & thou shalt profit. The names of Angells of the 6 month.These be the names of Angells of the 6 month that is said Elul. Maguyny, arabyel, hanyel, nacery, yassar, rassy, boel, mathyel, naccamarif, zacdon, natac, rapyon, Saspi, Salhy, raseroph, malgel, Samtiel, yoas, gualaby, danpy, yamla, golum, Rasziel, Satpach, nassa, Myssy, Macracit, dadiel, Carciel, eftignap. And thou shalt nempne these names aboue said in eich thing, which thou wolt do, & thou shalt profit therein. The names of Angells of the 7 month.These be the names of the keepers of the 7 month, that is said Tysyryn. Suryel, sarycan, guabriza, szucariel, Sabybiel, ytrut, cullya, dadiel, marhum, abercaysdon, Sacdon, pagulan, arsabon, aspyramon, aguyel, fascy, racynas, altun, masulaef, Salamyel, Sasonnnyel, baracharan, yabuc, alycat, vtysacyaya, abay. And thou shalt nempne these names abouesaid in eich thing that thou wilt do, & thou shalt profit.
The names of Angells of the 8 month.These be the names of Angells of the 8 month that is said Marquesnan. barbyel, tiszdiel, raamych, nebubael, alysaf, baliel, arzaf, rasliel, alson, naspiel, becar, palyel, elysuaig, nap, nacxas, sansany, aosal, maarym, sascy, yalsenac, Ianbynp, magdiel, sarmas, maaliel, arsufael, nanistiorar, Vecabalaf, nadybael, sucyel, nabuel, saryel, sodiel, marcuel, palytam. And thou shalt nempne these names aboue said in eich thing that thou wilt & thou shalt profitt. The names of angells of the 9 month.These be the names of angells of the 9 month that is said quislep. Adonyel, radiel, Maduch, racyno, hyzy, maryel, azday, mandiel, gumyel, seryel, kery, sahaman, osmyn, sachiel, pazehemy, calchyhay, hehudael, necar, minael, arac, arariqniel, galuel, gima, satuel, elynzy, baquylaguel. And thou shalt name these names abouesaid in all it that thou doth, and thou shalt profit. The names of angells of the 10 month.These be the names of angells of the 10 month which haue might in the 10 month, that is said Thebul: Anael, amyel, acyor, naflya, rapinis, raacyel, pacuel, hahun, gnanrina, sucli, aslaqny, naspaya, neogri, somahy, hasasisgason, gascaszif, aczamy, macin, patinas, sarguamuf, oliab, saryel, Canyel, razyziel, pansa, nisquen, sarman, malisan, asyral, marymoc. And thou shalt name these names in it that thou wilt do & thou shalt profit. The names of angells of the 11 month.These be the names of angells that keep the 11 month, that is said cynanth, & which haue might in it: gabriel, israel, natriel, gazriel, nassam, abrysaf, zefael, zanoyel, Manuel, talyel, miriel, Sahmyel, guryel samhyel, daryel, banorsascy, satyn, nasiel, raufiel, talgnaf, librac, luel, daliel, guadriel, sahuhaf, myschyel. And thou shalt name these [148v] names before said in all thing that thou dost in the month & thou shalt fullfill. The names of angells of the 12 month.These be the names of angells of the 12 month that is said Adar: Romyel, Patyel, guryel, Laabiel, addriel, capdyel, acquiel, Malquiel, Samyel, Saryel, azryel, paamyel, carcyel el, amalach, parhaya, ytael, beryel, lael, tenebyel, pantan, panteron, ffanyel, falafon, mansiel, pantharon, labyel, Raguel, cetabyel, nyarpatuel. And thou shalt name these names in all things that thou dost & thou shalt profit. The names of Angells of the 13 month.These be the names of the angells of the 13 month. bisextilis which is said Adar the last in March: Lantyel, ardyel, nasmyel, celidaal, amyel, malgel, gabquiel, sasugos, barylagny, yabtasyper, Magos, Sangos, dragos, yayel, yel, yasmyel, stelhiyel, garasyn, Ceyabos, Sacadyel, guracap, gabanael, tamtyel.
These names
abousaid thou shalt name in all things that thou wilt do & they
shall fullfill all thy will with fasting & washing & fumigacion &
cleannenesse. And thus understand thou of euerich worke. And know
thou that the moneths of the hebreys [=Hebrews] & the months of romanes be
euened upon the month of March. And know thou well his number
& thou shalt profitt.
Scias quod postquam diximus de mensibus &c. Know thou that after that we have said of months we will say the names of the dayes of the weeke with his Angells full strong & mighty upon euerich day & eueryche in his day. The names of the Angells that serue in the day of Solis.And these be the names of hamine & his Angells be these: Danyel, Elyeyl, Saffeyeyl, dargoyeyl, yelbrayeyl, comaguyl, gebarbaya, faceyeyl, caran, neyeyl, Ialgylnenyl, bellitarz, raneyl, falha, hyeyl, armaquieyeyl, roncayl, gybril, zamayl, mychahe, zarfayeyl, ameyl, torayeil, ronmeyeyl, Rencatheyel, barhill, marhill, Roarhyl, Merkyl, Zaratyt, azrayeyl, anebynnyl, dennerzyn, yoecyn, necyl, hadzbeyeyl, Zarfeyeyl, Zarayl, anquihim, Ecytatynyn, Ezriah, yocaleme, detryel, aryeil, arnayel, veremedyn, unaraxxydyn. These be the mighty angells in the day of Solis, & name thou them worthyly & thou shalt profitt. The names of the Angells in the day of Lune.These be the names of angells that serue in the day of Lune. Semhahylyn, Scemehylyn, Iasrozyn, agrasnydyn, aymtylyn, Cathneylyn, abrasachysyn, Abracansyn, Layraiosyn, langhasyn, anaenyn, Mangaroryn, aczonyn, Montagyn, labelas, Mafatyn, feyharachyn, candanagyn, Laccudonyn, casfrubyn, bachramyn, barthaylyn, amnanyneylyn, hacoylyn, balganarychyn, aryeylyn, badeylyn, abranoryn, tarmanydyn, amdalysyn, sahgragynyn, adyamenyn, sacstoyeyn, latebayfanysyn, caybemynyn, nabyalyn, cizamanyn, abramacyn, laryagathyn, byfealyquyn, baycaladyn, gatoryn, asaphyn, daryenya, macneyelyn, [149r] gemraoryn, madarilyn, yebyryn, arylyn, faryelyn, nepenyelyn, branyelyn, astyeylyn, ceradadyn. These holy Angells in the day of Lune thou shalt name worthyly & thou shalt profit. The names of angells of the day of Martis.These be the names of angells that serue in the day of Martis, & they haue power upon red mettall & in his works. Samayelyn, tartaylyn, dippeyl, racyeylin, ffarabyn, cabyn, asymeylyn, mabareylyn, tra tralyeylynralbelyn, marmanyn, tarfanyeylyn, fuheylyn, ruffaraneylyn, rabfilyn, eralyn, euplyn, pyrtoplyn, brosylyn, cacitylyn, naffrynyn, impuryn, raffaylyn, nyrysyn, nyenyolyn, nybiryn, celabeyl, tubeylynn, haayn, veyn, paafyryn, cethenoylyn, letytyeylyn, Roraseyl, canntyl, baiteylyn, costyryn, montyelyn, albeylyn, paradibeylyn, alyeil, vaceyl, zalcyeyl, amadyeyl, usaryeyl, lyncodeneyl, daffrypeyl, unleyleyn, carszeneyl, grenyeyl, gabrynyn, narbeyl. The names of Angells yt serue in ye day of Mercury.These be the names that serue in the day of Mercury. Michael, Zamyrel, beerel, defuyel, arybyryel, boel, baryel, meryol, amyel, aol, semeol, aaon, beryon, ffarionon, kemerion, feyn, ameynyn, zemeynyn, cananyn, aal, merigal, pegal, gabal, leal, amneal, faranyal, gebyn, carybytyn, aucarylyn, metorylyn, nabyasilyn, fysfylyn, barssylyn, camfylyn, aanyturla, fenyturla, gemniturla, elmya, calnamya, rabynya, affya, myaga, tyogra, bee, ylaraorynyt, benenenyl. The names of Angells in the day of Jouis.These be the names of Angells that serue in the day of Jouis. Sachquyel, pachayel, tutyel, osflyel, labyel, caliel, benyel, tarael, Snynyel, ahyel, yebel, aucuyel, Jamyel, Janyel, Amyel, fanyel, ramuel, Santael, Saccynyel, galbyel, Lafyel, Maziel, gunfyel, ymrael, mesmiel, paryel, panhynyel, toupynel, abonyel, omyol, orfyel, ael, bearael, ymel, syymelyel, traacyel, mefenyel, antquiel, quisyel, cmmyriel, rofynyel, rubycyel, Jebrael, pecyel, carbyel, tymel, affarfytyryel, rarbudyel, cabrifyel, beel, bariel, chedaryel. The names of Angells in the day of Veneris.These be the names of angells that serue in the day of Veneris. Hasneyeyl, barnayeyl, varday, heil, alzeyeyl, szeyyeyl, vachayel, zeffayeyl, morayeyl, borayeyl, apheyeyl, arobylyn, canfylyn, amrylyn, zaryalyn, marylyn, bacorayelyn, kelfeyeylyn, arzayeylyn, ambayeryn, ayayeylyn, cadneyryn, alseyryn, asneyryn, abneyryn, monauryn, cazoryn, orysnyn, gedulyn, hareryn, namylyn, halylyn, hymeylyn, reseylyn, noraraabylyn, halyeylyn, laudulyn, & effylyn, theffealyn, patnylyn, keyalyn, naylyn, lebrayeyl, ablayeyl, tabraylaurayn, baxcalyn, bahoraelyn. The names of angells of the day of Saturne.These be the names of angells that serue in the day of Saturni or Sabot. Micraton, pacryton, Xepilon, capcyel, chenyton, alffyton, chenyon, Sandalson, panyon, almyon, expion, xaxon, calixon, homyon, melyson, aurion, temelion, refacbylyon, ononyteon, bexoraylon, paxilon, lelalyon, onoxyon, quylon, quyron, vixalimon, relyon, castilon, tytomon, Muryon, dedyon, dapsyon, lenanyon, foylylon, monychyon, gabyon, [149v] xaxonyon, xysaylyon, lexeiron, belon, memytylon, Saron, Salyon, xyon, naigron, aaryron, felyypon, ymnybron, raconeab, zalibron. These holy Angells & blessed bee they named in all thy very workes, & keep thee with them cleane & thou shalt profitt. The names of houres of the night.Ista sunt propria nomina horarum noctis. Prima hora etc. These be the proper names of hours of the night. The first houre of the night is said zedrin, the 2 byroyl, the 2 is said caym, the 4 hacyr, the 5 zaron, the 6 zzya, the 7 Nachlas, the 8 thasrac, the 9 Saphar, the 10 halaga, the 1 galcana, the 12 Sallan. And these be proper names which the 12 houres of the night haue, & thou shalt name in these that thou doest & thou shalt profit. These be the names of planetts & of their Angells by the Elements.These be the proper names Ista sunt nomina planetarum 7 & Angelorum super 4 elementa &c. These be the names of the 7 planetts & of the Angells upon the 4 elements, as is fire, ayre, earth, water, for without these & without the 7 aboue we may not do any thing. The first is the highest Sabaday, & Sabaday is said in the fire Campton. In the ayre Scynongoa. In the water Synyn, & in the earth onyon. And the names of angels of Sabaday upon the fire be these 3: lybyel, nybyel, phynytiel. & upon the ayre be these 3: Arfygyel, gael, nephyel. & upon the water be these: almepyel, hoquyel, fulytyel. & upon the Earth be these: Laryel, tepyel, esyel. Cedet is nempned upon the fire Pheon, & upon the ayre fydon, & upon the water Calyon, & on the Earth Mydon. & the names of the angells of Zedet on the fire be these 3: tynsyel, necanynael, fonyel. And upon the water be these 3: Meon, ykyel, yrynyel, & upon the Earth Palryel, tufyel, quyel. These be the names of the 3 which is Madyn: Upon the fire it is said roqnyel, upon the ayre pyryel, upon the water Caffyon. Upon the Earth Ignoson. And the Angells of Madyn on the fire be these 3: Kalyel, Kabryel, raloyl. & on the ayre be these 3: pyroyniel, flalonyel, carbyel. & on the water be these 3: Sqtrenyel, Camanyel, Zadriel. & on the earth be these 3: Cazabrtel, Pasaliel, Zebalyel. These be the names of hamine, upon the fire it is said yeye, on the ayre, don, & on the water, agla, & upon the Earth, On. And the Angells of hamine upon the fire be these 3: dandanyel, zaddanyel, Ellalyel. & on the ayre be these 3: Karaton, verryel, olyel. & on the water be these 3: Muracafel, pecyrael, Machael. & on the Earth be these: homycabel, lucyfel, locaryel. [150r] Noga is the 5, & is named upon the fire desayon: & in the ayre Clarifon, & in the water Narubyn, & in the Earth Cabyrns. These be the 3 angells of Noge upon the fire Capcyell, Debytael, deparael, & on the ayre Camyrael, Cacazael, nerazyel, & on the water Salonyel, emyel, exxaonyel, & on the Earth, paztyael, amnrael, Salanyel. These be the names of Cocab. Upon the fire it is said Pyztal, & in the ayre Cabran, & in the water facayl, & in the Earth tarzon. & the names of angells of Cocab upon the fire be these: Paradyel, darytyel, dameyel. & on the ayre be these ramatyel, loryquiell, bengaryel. And on the water be these: rinafonyel, Melytyel, Alatyel. & on the Earth these Alapyon, beryel, robyel. These be the names of Labane: Upon the fire it is said Claron. And upon the ayre becyla. And upon the water taffit. And upon the earth pantours. And the names of the angells of Labane: upon the fire be these: Gabryel, patricael, dylyel. And on the ayre be these barasyel, zfaziel. & on the water be these: Cazael, memyyel, pazycaton. & on the Earth be these: Snnyllyel, Lafaquael, tonyel. And name thou these aboue said in all it that thou dost & euermore consider thou the planett with which thou wilt worke and thou shalt profitt.
The names of the heauens in 4 tymes.Ista sunt nomina celorum in 4 temporibus &c. These be the names of the heauens in the 4 tymes. In the first tyme first it is named hacibor, In the 2 runuaquya, in the 3 Mestisnogna. In the fourth Saaemahon. These be the names of the heauens in the 4. And when thou wilt worke any worke, name thou the name of the heauens in the tyme in which thou workest.
These be the names of the fire in the 4 tymes.In the first tyme the first named qnoyzyl, in the 2 Enlubra, in the third Merayn, in the 4 aybedyn. And these angells haue might upon the fire & in the flame: Michael, Rafael, rasoyel, acdyel, roquyel, myryel, Iudam, malquyel, gazryel, amynyel, caryel, yafrael. And these thou shalt name euermore when thou dost any thing in the fire. These be the names of the Aire in 4 tymes.In the first tyme it is said yrstana, in the 2 furayl, in the 3 Oadyon, in the 4th gulynon. And the names of Angells that haue might upon the ayre be these: Rafael, guabriel, Michael, chorubyn, seraphyn, orychyn, pantaceron, Mycraton, Sandalson, barachyel, ragehyel, tobyel. And name thou them in all things that thou shalt do in the ayre & thou shalt profitte well with the helpe of god. Ista sunt nomina aquarum & maris in 4 temporibus &c.
These be the names of the waters & of the Sea in the 4 tymes.In the first tyme it is named Argustiz, in the 2 theon, in the 3 Maddriel, in the 4 Sebylgnadar. And the names of Angells of waters & of the Sea, be these: Urpenyel, armaryel, yyamnel, abrastas, Sapyel, vyotan, oryel, bachmyel, poracknel, acceryel, gallyel zsmyel. And name thou them upon waters & upon the Sea and [150v] thou shalt profitt. These be the names of the Earth in 4 tymes.In the first tyme it is said inguedon, in the 2 yabassa, in the 3 Cebel, in the 4 Aradon, & the Angells of the Earth be these: Samael, yatayel, baranyel, Oryel, arfanyel, tatgriel, danael, affariel, pactryel, bael, byenyel. And thou shalt name these names of Angells upon the Earth in these that thou hast don in it. These be the names of lowneses in the 4 tymes.In the first tyme it is said Haham, & his Angiel is Satuyel, in the 2 Cypaon, & his angell is Jacyel, In the 3 aeresac & his angell is ababact, in the 4 aycyhambabo, & his angell is Caanyel. These be the names of the 4 parties of the world. In the 4 tymes.In the first tyme the East is said Acbedan, in the 2 Cadrenac, in the 3 Abriel, in the 4 Acritael. These be the names of the North part in the 4 tymes: In the first tyme it is said Hemnyna, in the 2 abdich, In the 3 galgadar, in the 4 rabbysor. These be the names of the west part. In the first tyme Mahanahym, in the 2 Sitgor, in the third Zarzyr, in the 4 Rabyur. These be the names of the south part. In the 1 tyme Mansor, in the 2 Alparon, in the 3 Machuyel, in the 4 Thamny. These be the names of Angells in the 4 parts of the world. In the parte of the East these haue might or power: guabriel, raphael, Uryel, in the part of the North these: Adryel, yamyel, Zabdyel. And in the parte of the West these: Adtryel, Samael, Joel. And in the parte of the South these: Cocabyel, Saryel, Mychael. And name thou them upon all things that thou dost in the 4 parts of the world & thou shalt profitt. Names of the Planets proper in 4 tymes.Ista sunt nomina 7 stellarum qui sunt & vadunt &c. These be the names of the 7 Stares that be & goeth in the 7 heauens euerich by himselfe: Sabaday, Zedet, Madyn, Hamyna, Noga, Cocab, Labana. And euerrich of these hath his owne proper name upon the 4 times of the yeare as we shall say in this Chapter beneth. And Salomon said in explanation of this place. Wherefore euerich planet & euerich thinge before said changeth his name in eich tyme for his thinge, for heere standeth some tree & from thilke tree cometh to us 4 things, & of these 4 things, the 1 is when it buryoneth, the 2 is the flower, the 3 is the fruite, the 4 is the seed, when it is in it. Ergo the Sunne is said in the first time hott & moist, in the 2 hot & dry, in the 3 Cold & dry, in the 4 Colde & moist. These be the workings of the Sunne &d the properties of it upon all things. And for a other reason the names of things aboue said be changed in 4 parts of the yeare, ffor euerich tyme hath his Nature & his complexion in himselfe as [151r] we have said of water which is in the first tyme temperate And in the 2 hotte & in the 3 rotten & in the 4 congeled. And so other things of the world euerich by himself. To ensample why Raziel put his name to eich thing. In each thing be the 4 lords that haue might in eich thing & euerych in his tyme. And it is said that there be 4 Elements whereof one is fire, which hath might in the first tyme & so other. Wherefore know thou that euerich thing changeth his name as first we say a man: a child. And then a youngling, & then a middle man, & the 4th tyme an old man. And so things chaungeth their names who will clepe them a leader & this is in a man. And so understand thou of Mettall, & in all things that wexeth & liueth. And Salomon said & all other that it was more iust [=just] that eich thing should haue 7 names then 4, for that all they might descend of 4 bodise, & to them is giuen all the might. Sothely they put 4 names to euery thing that it were more easy to worke. These 4 names be assigned upon the city of dauid my ffather & myne, which had many names. Sothly Isaac the wiseman said that the first name was Remusale. And then Jebuysalem, Jeroboam, Jerusalem. And these names this Cyty receiued for 4 Lords that were in it, for euerich put to his proper name & for this like things of this world receiueth 4 names in themself or 7 or more after that god hath ordeyned. And ergo no man marvaile of these names of things in 4 times. In the higher heauen that is the first from the ouer partie & it is the 7 from the neather in hit serueth Sabaday. And his angell Capcyel. In the first tyme Sabaday is said Cuernes. In the 2 Palycos, In the 3 quyrtypos. In the 4 Panpotes. In the 6 heauen serueth Zedet & his angell is Satquiel, & the name Jouis. In the first tyme it is amanor. In 2 Sahybor. In the 3 Saym. In the 4 canynyel. In the 5 heuen serueth Madyn, & his Angell Balquiel, & the name of Martis in the 1 tyme is said aaryn, in the 2 Duron. In the 3 bearon, In the 4 Pantefos. In the 4th heauen serueth hamina & his angell dandanyel. In the first time the name of Solis is said halyom, in the 2 Adocham, In the third Cantopos. In the 4 Pantasus. In the 3 heauen serueth Noga & his Angell adzdyel. In the 1 time the name of Veneris is said Aporydicy. In the 2 Calyzo, in the 3 nympatz, in the 4 pontos. In the second heauen serueth Cocab, And his angell Satquiel. In the first tyme Mercurius is said armis, in the 2 anyocus. In the 3 Tholos. In the 4 Ancholos. In the first heauen serueth Labana & his angell Anael. In the first Luna is said Saluiti, In the 2 Sarico. In the 3 Naspilij.
In the 4th Affryquyn. And know thou that thou shalt name the names
of the starrs & of her Angells with their names in their 4
tymes & thou shalt profit when thou shalt know anything
of them.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Here beginneth the 5 booke that treateth of cleanesse.Dixit Salomon revelatum fuit mihi de isto libro &c. Salomon said It was shewed to me of this booke of Raziel & of many angells after that I had this booke & of these wch norished powers & vertues & matter & stength of ye 7 potestates aboue & that by the mandement [mandment: commandment] & obedience of the Creator or maker of the world. And they said thus. Salomon thou hast axed witte & wisedome & fairenes & might in will complete & nempned full great for euermore upon Earths. And know thou that all kings & lesse men that should come after thee & wch should here speake of thee, shall loue thee, & worship thee & should set price of thee & shall prayse thee & keep thou this booke & worke thou with it with reuerence and cleannesse. And Salomon said to the benigne Angell Natanael, which hath might in the ayre, And this evermore was fellowshipped to Salomon. / which be thilke 7 bodies which be seene aboue bright, faire, cleane & cleare, wch ceaseth neuer to go, neither the wayes of them be void & they faileth neuer, but euermore dureth goynge their wayes. And it that taryeth more in going his way fulfilleth it in 30 yeares. And then they appeare such as they were before & which went before thus they sawe. And thus it is said that they should be how long god would. And thus I say of an 100 yeares & a 1000 that they neuer be changed neither in quantity nor in colour, nor in might nor in moveing, but we haue found them as the prophetts & other old men founden. An[d] the angell Natanael said to Salomon, the 7 bright bodies which thou seest aboue be put beneath & they in going upward holdeth in ballance or in rule the 4 elemts beneath. And therfore the moueing of them cesseth not for such might the Creator gaue to them. And know thou that the matter of them is simple & pure without corruption & euermore durable. And the state of them is likened to the Lord that formed them, although they obey to him in all things. And Natanael said to Solomon know thou that in the heauens of these 7 bright bodies be angells [152r] without number mighty in all things. And everiche of them hath his proper mighte & his strength & vertue. And they be unlike among themself as men together or other beasts. & eueriche serueth of his office to the Creator that formed them or made them. And Salomon said to Nathanael wch is the life or the might or the seruice that these angells doth. And Nathanaell said the life of them is of cleannesse of Oryson, & of trustines & the might of them is of suffumigii, holocausti & sacraficii. And the seruice of them is, that when the Creator woll they go from place to place when any cleane man hath prayed [to] the Creator as it beseemeth. And then they do good or Euill as the Creator woll for in them is power, scyence & will complete. And Salomon said which be these 7 bright bodies & how be they named. And of what things serueth euerich. And Nathanael said that same that Raziel said to Adam. The higher of these that goeth slower is said Sabaday. And all the Remes of his heauen be full of yse [ice], snow, & haile, & wrath, rancor, & coldnes, & all the Angells that be there clothed with darknes full derke & the greatnes of them be full high & full long & small & upon the Earthes & upon deuills & upon darknesses & coldnesses & dryness. And this hath power upon winds of this nature & they have power of doing good & euill & the Angell of it is Boel crowned upon all other. In the second heauen standeth Zedet [Zedek] and all the Remes of hym. Dixit Salomon Rex filius Regis Dauid &c. Salomon the king the Sunn of Dauid the king said, that was king of Jerusalem, of Surye & Damaske of Egypt, Lord of Babylony, Prince of Scyences, couetouse of Cleanesses, ensercher of Priuities, keeper of good true men, auvyder of leasing of poore men, of vertues desirer upon l~re vertues & spedefullnesses of words busyly thinking, & most suttily [subtily] in minde enserchinge. I have enquired & knowne that in words is power, vertue, & effect & of all humour hool [whole] & health & there may be sufficient fulfillinge. And he said I see that the most fame is of wise men & prophetes by words & bookes which they haue lest into testimony of them. And I see that the sonns of Adam, & of Hermes & of Noe [=Noah] & their sonns & many of other prophets haue left bookes by their death by which they should claryfy their fame, & anentes men glory should remayne. And I see that my father king David compowned or made some booke in which bee contayned all orysons which he might knowe & find, which sothely latin men that is Romayns clepeth the saut' [psalter]. Which sith it is of prayers alone & of holy names of the Creator it is named the head of Orisons. In the same booke king Dauid wrote all things what euer he might knowe of Patriarkes & old wise men to the praysing of the Creatour. I sothly king Salomon long studying in holy words [152v] which vertues & miracles I found to be, while there is fullfilled in eich working trust & will. And I saw the books in which while I studied long I know Adam & hermes & Noe [=Noah] & Moyses & many other most wise men, I know of great privitees & the vertues of his books. Cum ergo veteres & antiquos Sapientes &c. When go [therefore] I understode old wise men to haue made books how or with what witt or with what art I might know the sciences of all the foresaid I enquired. And there answered some old man of good minde & understanding which was cleped Zebraymayl. And the king said Adam had a maker & Mr that is to wite or Lord maker & Gabriel to Mr. ffurthermore Hermes the discreete & most wise man & Moyses had a Mr & a freind that is to wit Crotum. Aaron sothly had a freind of which go [therefore] is made resistence that a wise man may not be without a Mr. how arrettest yu tho to [thou too] mow [may] be wise wth out Mr But that thou be wise, these I know to be necessary to thee. A wise Mr & discreete, longe, & continuall study many olde bookes of great wise men made, oft & ofter ouer red perfitt & amended, glad & continuall health of thy body, long life without cures [cares?] & trauayles quiete. Salomon said to the wise man, is not this possible to be done by a sharter way then that thou hast said aboue. Zebraymayl answered, king, by a lighter & shorter way then this ne unknow thou not to mowe be done. To whom Salomon [said,] how therefore. To whom the wise man [replied,] open thou privily & fully the arke of the Testament noman knowing or understanding. In which all secrets or priuitees & old wisdomes & words of great power & of vertue thou shalt find. By which not only thou shalt know things a passed but those that be present and those that be to come. Salomon answered, for this that thou hast answered to me I giue thancks to that high & blessed Creator which reigneth wthout beginning & liueth without end wch after yt it pleased to him all things with word alone he formed or made & there is not any more noble or mightier then he wthout whom no vertue or power is which giueth wisedome to wise men, he is that is of all things the first, syth he is wthout beginning of all things the last, sith there is none end of him, this is of all things maker of none y made of whom the Reme or reigning is & shallbe of whom all works be good And of whom the will ouer all is free sith there is none that may againe say to him.
Salomon trowinge
or trustinge to Zebraymayl made the arke of the testamony [testament] to
be brought before him. And he sought all the books of Moysy [=Moses] &
of Aaron, of Adam, & Noe [=Noah], & of their sons & of hermes & of other
prophets, & all other which he might find of the miracles of Words
& the vertues of them. And he sought all the old idolls of heathen
men & Images of divers tongs hauing writeings & all things
grauen which might be founde by all parts of the world he
made in his palace to be gathered together. And he brought
forth Mrs of euerych of the 72 on which should expownd to him
privy letters or hid y. c. in ebrue [Hebrew], Caldey, Cyriac [Syriac,] greeke written.
And to him they should expowne that were hidde. And when the
letters were expownded he saw the nure parte to accord with it
in vertues of wordes.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Rex ergo Salomon fecit archam nocte quadam apperiri &c.
Therefore [King] Salomon made the arke some night to be
opened, that in the arke with reasons afterward we should be
learned. Salomon said after that the soueraigne & the allmighty
Creator had infused the grace of his spirit in me. I opened
the arke of the Testament in which I found all
things which
long and studiously I had sought, Among which I found the
booke which is cleped1 Raziel which the Creator sent to
Adam by the angell Raziel when upon the brincks of the floud
of paradise weepinge the creator he prayed & of him forgiunes
of his sinnes he besought. And I found the booke which the
Creator gaue to Moyses in the hill, when he made him
partnes of his priuites in which 3 books, that is 3 reasons2 I
1. Cleped: named. 2. K: Orisons. |
The first the prophets clepeth Semiphoras which
the Creator gaue to Adam in paradise. The 2 booke is wch
the Creator gaue to Adam in paradice in the houre of necessity or
neede. The 3 is wch the Creator gaue to Moyses in the hall [sic hill] of
Sinay after that he had fullfilled the fasting. & Salomon said
I found in the Arke a pott full of Manna & the yard1 of
Moyses wch was changed into a Serpent, & eft from a serpent into
a yard. And the Tables of the Lawe & gobbetts of the first letters
which Moyses wrought* for the synne of the people brake. In
the ground sothly 3 of the Arke I founde some golden tables
quadrate or 4 cornered in which were 15 preciouse stones 12
tribes or lynages of Israel by similitude likened, & in euerich
stone were written the holy high names of the Creator of the booke
Semyforas [Semiphoras] outdrawen. And I found sund (?) boxe of marble haueing
greene colour as Jaspis coloured.
And in this boxe were 7 figures
& in eich figure 7 great & vertuous names of the Creator to Moyses
told. And other 7 which the Creator taught Adam in paradise. And
this is a secret or privity wch much leyned (? K: leaned) & couered ought worlly [K: worshipfully] to
be kept. I founde also about the extremities of the Arke 24
rings with names & figures of the Creator written Semiforas with
diuers colours written or figured. I my self Salomon haue minde
to haue had one of thilke rings in which I know to haue
found such vertue when I said make to rayne, it
reigned, whan I said est of thou hast made to rayne, so
make thilke rayne to cease, it ceased. And beside Jerusalem
the same reme aswell of tempests as of raynes
it did or made. And Salomon said I found Semoforas
with wch Moyses made the plagues in Egypt with
wch he dryed the red Sea, wth wch he drew out water of
the stone, wth wch he knew all the cleanesses of his people
with which he ouercame princes & kings & mighty men
wth wch what euer he would do he did. And that he wold
destroy he destroyed, wth wch what euer els good or of euil
he would he fullfilled at his owne will.
1. yard: staff. *. In margin: wroth. 3. sothly: truly. |
Capitulum Explanationis istius nominis Semoforas &c
The Capliter [chapter] of Explanation of this name Semiforum &c. it is
that angells & deuells & windes & men as well quicke as
dead. And all spiritts & all bodies dredeth Semiforas sothly
is said the first secret or priuily, & great old & muchy
leyned & hid of great vertue & power to gett what
euer he woud. Semiforas is a word which ought not
to be shewed to all men meither by hit but with great
necessity or anguish ought any man to worke. And then
with dread of the Creator he ought cleanly & meekely &
deuoutly to name it.Also Semiforas is roote & begining &
fundament of Orison, ensample of good life, trust of
mans body the Orison or prayer of a iust man the Creator
dreadinge. Salomon said aboue Sem~ [Semiforas] these be necessary wth
meeknes fastinge, wth Orison, trust, wth charity, cleanesse
with patience meekenes & constance of a man wth not wch
you might worke nothing with wch what euer thou
wolt thou shalt get when all vertues in workinge
by Sem~ ought to be, netheles these 7 that in meekenes
truelly, pacience abstinence, trust, charity, mercy ought in
him principally to be had or to abounde.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Si ergo per Semiphoras operaris volumus vz quod sumus &c.
If ergo [therefore] wee wod worke by Semiphoras It behoueth that we be
bright or cleane of body & in trust stedfast & from
falsnes & leasing1 fully departed. It behoueth also to
dread the Creator & the creatures of him. Among wch
we ought to dread most the Sunne wch giueth to us
light & derknes cold & heat wch is cause of changing of
tymes & of temperance of the ayre & of herbs. We ought
also to know the beholdinge (?) of the mone & the month wch
5 by hit 12 & 5, 13 be accompted as is said Nyssan yar tina~ &c.2
And we ought to know the waxeing
& decreasinge of the
moone when by it all creatures as the Sea, floudes & wells,
& all the neather bodies waxinge & decreasing taken & bloode
in the veynes & marrow in the head & in the bones after that
the moone taketh waxeinge & decreasing they be norished in thilke
also fusion and [in marg: Mercury] or molting of mettalls ne doubt thou not the
vertue of the moone to worke. We ought also to know Sabaday
i. Saturnum, by whom hunger & derth & all anguish in londs
befalleth. We ought also to know & dread Zedet [Zedek] i. Jouem [Jupiter], by whom
honour & health, & righteousnes & all good is had. We should
also know & dread Madyn i. Martem [Mars], of whom colours & strifes
& hate & battayles & leasing & all euills cometh. We ought also
to know & dread hamina i. Solem [the Sun], by whom we haue light and
darknes clearnes, by whom tymes as euill unto good & good into euill
be transmuted or chaunged. We ought also to know & dread Nogam
i. Venerem [Venus], by whom we haue meat & drinke & all necessarys
or things that be needfull, by whom peace & loue & dilection
among men is made fast & stable. We ought also to know &
dread Cocab i.e. Mercur [Mercury], for he is nigher to us than all untake
the Moone by whom merchandiss & vendisions or sellings & all
secular things be exercised. Therefore behold you tho that be
said & most the Spirits aboue said & thus thou shalt profitt
& what euer thou shalt axe of the Creator rightfully
thou shalt haue.
1. leasing: lying. 2. Hebrew month names are Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishri, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet,Shvat, and Adar. |
Heere beginneth the 6. booke that treateth of the names of heauens. |
I.e. Liber Semiforas. Cp. Halle 14-B-36 fol. 346r ff. ASV-SU.b.93 Occultissimorum Liber pp. 1-44. Cornell 4600 Bd. ms. 150 pp. 1 ff. |
dixit Salomon omnes co[mmun]iter horas & malas &c. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cumque per Semofor operaris voluent &c. When he would
worke by Semiforum first ere he beginn any thinge it
behoueth him to name the 7 names of angells, for some angells
be upon the 7 heauens. And upon the 7 planets & upon the 7 days
of the weeke & upon the 7 mettalls & upon the 7 colours. And
upon the 7 words haueinge power. The names of which be
these Raphael, gabriel, Samael, Michael, Saq'el, Anael,
Capciel. And these be ordeyned after that we ought to name
& to in clepe them in the 7 dayes early in this maner.
Nota Orationem.O Angeli Supradictis sitis meæ quonis quam volo querere auditores & mihi in omnibus auditores. that is to say. O the angells aboue said, be ye the hearers of my question or axing which I will enquire or axe & to me in all things helpers.
sothly wch we ought to name upon the 7 heauens & upon
the 7 planets be these. Capciel, Sacq'el, Samael, raphael,
anael, Michael, gabriel. And in all things in clepinge
these angells thou shalt profitt. When go [therefore] there be 7 heauens
that is to witt, Samaym, raaq'n, Saaquin, Maon, Mahon,
Zebul, Araboch. And there be 4 parts of the world that is
East, West, North & South, which angells in euerich heuen
& which in what part serueth say wee.
These be the Angells of the first heauen.
In primo celo, qd vocatur Samaym in 4 partibus &c. In the first
heauen that is cleped Samaym in the 4 parts of heaven serueth
these. Ffrom the party of the North, Elael, hyaeyel, vralbun, veallum,
ballyel, basy, unascayel. From the party of the South be these:
duramyel, darbyel, darquyel, hamum, anael, nayymel, alscini,
solquiel, zamel, hu Bayel, bactanael, carpaliel. From the party of the
East be these, Gabriel, gabrael, odrael, modyel, Raamyel,
Janael. From the party of the West be these, abson, soquyel.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Angells of the 2 heauen.
In 2o celo quod vocatur Roaqmya A parte Septentrionis &c. In the
second heauen that is cleped Roaqmya, ffrom the partie of the North serueth
these Angells. tyel, Jarael, Yenael, Nenael, Nelel, quyan, vefamiel.
from the partie of the South be these milba, nelya, balyer, calloyel,
Lyoly, batriel. from the partie of the East be these, maachyn.
another lre~ hath Cacmyel, Carioyel, betabaat. from the partie of
the West is An~ulus yesaraxye [Yesararye?]. in wch is written the name of
mycaceton in many manners expounded.
Angells of the 3 heauen.
In 3o Cælo quod vocatur Saaquin a parte Septentrionis &c. In the
third heauen that is cleped Saaquin. from the part of the North
serueth these. Ponyel, penael, penat, raphael, carynel, dorannel.
from the part of the South be these Parna, Sadyel, Lyenyel, uastanyel,
sanael, Samyel. from the part of the East be these Satquel,
quasiddu, Taranyel, taryescorat, amael, hufabria. Another
lre~ hath here last hyfaliel.
Angells of the 4th heauen.
In 4to Celo quod dicitur Maon seruiunt isti A parte Septentionis &c.
In the 4th heauen that is said Maon serueth these
ffrom the party of the North Rahumyel, hayuynyel, bacyel,
serapyel, Matyel, Serael. In the part of the South be these Saoryel [Sacryel?],
Mahanyel, gadiel, hosael, vaamyel, verascyel. In the part of the East
be these Capyel, bralyel, braalyel, raguel, gael, demael, calcas,
Atragon. in the part of the West be these. Lacana, astagna, rebquin [? K: nobquin],
Sonitas, Yael, Yas, Yaeb, Lael, Yyel.
Angells of the 5 heauen.
In 5o Cælo istis sunt quod dicitur Mahon.
[In the fifth heaven, that is said Mahon serveth these:]
In the part of the north serueth
these. hayel, hanyel, veal, quyel, margabyel, Saeprel, manyel.
In the part of the East be these Lanyfiel. Another lre~ hath
barquiel, raquiel, Samyfiel, roaziel, acel, farbieel, vranacha.
In the part of the west be these Anhael, pabliel, Velael, bortacz, Angells of the 6 heauen.
In 6 Cælo quod vocatur Cebul dices a parte 7tentrionis &c. In
the 6 heauen that is called Cebul. thou shalt say ffrom the North
part Est deus fortis & potens sine fine that is to say God is mighty
& strong without end. ffrom the part of the South thou shalt say
Deus sanctus paciens & misericors, that is to say, God
holy, pacient, & mercyfull. from the part of the East thou
shalt say Deus magne excelse & honorate per seculam,
that is to say Great God high & worshipped by worlds. ffrom
the part of the west thou shalt say Deus sapiens clare &
iuste, Deus tuam clementiam & sanctitatem exoro quod questionem
meam & opus meum & laborem meum hodie
complete & integre
perficere digneris qui vivis & regnas deus per v. s. b. Amen. id Est
God wise cleare & rightuouse god thy meeknes & thy holynes
I beseech that my question & my worke & my trauell do dayly
fully & holy thou vouchsafe to fulfill that liuest & raignest
god by all worlds of worlds so mote it be.
Angells 7 Celis.
In 7 Cælo est Semoforas scriptum in lib. vitæ &c. In the
7 heauen is Semoforas written in the booke of life.
In the name of the meeke & mercifull god of Israel
& of paradise & of heauen & of Earth & of the seas &
of hills & of all creatures.
finis 6i lib. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Here beginneth the 7th booke that treateth of names & of the vertues of them. |
Compare Halle 14-B-36 fol. 246v. |
Incipiunt litterae & verba & nomina Semoforum quem Deus &c.
Here beginneth the letters & words & names of Semoforas [Semiphoras]
which god the Creator gaue to Adam in paradise in wch be
4 letters wch to the 4 parts of the world, & to the 4 Elements
& to the 4 complexions & to the 4 natures of beastes
be likend. Such they be יהיהיהיה YHYHYHYH [in Hebrew letters] & by these letters pytiously & deuotly & meekly name thou that thy peticion in
all things be fullfilled. Salomon said there be said to be
7 Semoforas. And the first is the Semoforas of Adam in which be
contayned 4 chapters. The first is when Adam spake with
the Creator in paradise. The 2 is when he spake with the
Angells. The 3 when he spake with the deuills. The 4th
when he spake with men & with foules & fishes & beasts
& reptiles & wild beasts. The 5 whwn he spake with seeds
& herbs & trees & all waxing things. The 6 when he spake
with wynds & with the 4 Elements. The 7 when he spake
with the Sunne & the Moone & the starrs. And by these
7 vertues of Semoforas what euer he would do he did.
And wt euer he wold destroy he destroyed. And this
Semoforas Adam had when the Creator inspired grace in to him.
The first Semoforas.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Primus Semoforas est quem Creator Adam formavit &c. The
first Semophoras is when the Creator formed Adam & him
in paradise putting nempned or named [corrupt Hebrew] [=יהוה] that is to say
Yana1 the natures & vertues of wch aboue we haue declared.
If in great necessity or need thou namest this name meekly
& deuotely before the Creator grace & helpe ne doubt thou
not to finde.
1. יהוה per Halle 14-B-36. OP3.11: IAVA. Scheible reads "Jove." |
The second Semoforas.Semoforum Secundum est quando Adam locutus fuit &c.
The second
Semophoras is when Adam spake with the Angell which
brought to him these letters written the ensample of wch is
such [corrupt Hebrew].2 that is Yeseraye. And this name thou shalt
name when thou wilt speake with angells & they thy
question & thy worke without doubt shall fullfill.
2. Possibly AShR AHIH, i.e. "Asser Eheie", one of the names of God of 7 letters. |
The 3 Semoforas:
Tercium Semoforum est qu' locutus sit cum demonibus &c. The
3d Semoforas is whan he [i.e. Adam] spake with deuills & with dead men
& of them counsail he enquired & they sufficiently to him
answerd & all this he did with these lettres of wch this is the
explanacon Adonay Sabaoth, adonay cados, addonay amiora. And
these lettres thou shalt name whan thou wilt gather together
winds or deuills or spirits.
The 4 Sem'. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Quartum Semoforum est qu' animalia & spiritus &c. The 4th Semoforas is
when he bound & |
1. (?) Looks like Lagmne with a bar over the last 4 letters. Scheible: Lagumen. K: Lagume. |
The 5 Sem'.
Quintum Semoforum est qu' 7 nomina dix &c. The 5 Semoforas is
when he said the 7 names with which he bound seeds & trees
& these they be. Lyaham, Lyalgana, Lyafar, Viahirab, lelara,
lebaron, Laasasalos. And when thou would bind seeds or trees
thou shalt name the names abousaid & thou shalt binde.
The 6 Semforum.
Sextum Semoforum est magne virtutis &c. The 6 Sem' is of great
vertue & power of which these be the names. Letamynyn,
Letaglogen, Letafyryn, babaganarytyn, Letarinitim, Letagelogyn,
Letafalazyn. These names thou shalt name when thou
wilt that the Elemts & winds fullfill thy will in all things.
The 7 Semoforas.
Septimum Semoforum est magnum & virtuosum &c. The 7 Semoforas
is great & virtuous for they be the names of the Creator wch
thou oughtest to name in eich thing & in all thy worke
inclepe. And they be these. Elyaon, Yacna (Yaena?), adonay, Cados, ebreel,
Eloy, Ela, Agyel, ayom, suth, adon, sulela, eloym, deliom, yacy,
Elyn, delys, yacy, zazael, paliel, man, myel, enola, dylatan,
saday, alma, paxym. Another l're Saena, alym, catynal,
vza~, yaraf, calpy, calsas, safua (or safna), nycam, Saday, aglataon, Sya,
emanuel, Joth, lalaph, vm, via, tllan, domyfraël, muel, lalialins,
alla, phenor, Aglata, tyel, pyel, patriceron, chepheron, Baryon,
yael. And these thou shalt name in eich tyme that thou
workest upon the 4 elements, And what euer thou wilt do by them
it shall be done And what euer thou wilt destroy it shall be
destroyed & fordone.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Here beginneth Sem[oforas] that Moyses had. |
Compare Halle ms. 14-B-36 fol. 247r. |
Incipit Semoforum quod Dominus dedit Moysi &c. Here beginnethe
Semoforas that our Lord gaue to Moyses [=Moses]. And it is deuided
into 7 chapters. Of which the first is whan Moyses
ascended the hill & spake with the flame that environed
the buske [bush]. And the bush seemed to burne & netheles
it burnt not. The 2 when he spake with the Creator
in the hill. the 3 was when he deuided the red Sea
& passed thorough it. The 4th when the yarde [staff]
was changed into a serpent, & the serpent deuoured other.
The 5 is in wch be the names that was written in the
forehead of Aaron. The 6 is when he made the brasen
adder & the calf in brasse with the plagues of Egyptians
he smote. the 7 is when he reyned mana in deserte
& drew out water of the stone & led out the Childern
of Israel, from captivity.
Cap. primum
Hæc sunt nomina quae dixit moyses quae asc. &c. These be the
names that Moyses [=Moses] said when he ascended the hill &
spake with the flame. Maya, afi, zye, yaremye, vue,
bace, sare, binoe, maa, yasame, roy, lily, leoy, yly, yre,
cyloy, zalye, lee, or, see, loace, cadeloye, vle, meha,
ramechy, ry, hy, fosia, tu, nimi, sehye, ince, yelo,
habe, vele, hele, ede, quego, ramyehabe. And when thou
namest these names devoutly. Know thou thy worke
without doubt to be fullfilled.
Cap. 2um.
Hæc sunt nomina quae dixit Creator &c. These be the names
which the creator said to Moyses when he ascended the
hill. And spake with him. abgmcan, loaraceram, naodicras,
pecarcecays, acaptena, yegin, podayg, sauocicum. These be
[the names] with which the Temple of Bozale was founded.
These be the names of the prophet whan with the Angells
with wch the 4 parties of the world weare sealed with wch
thou might do many miracles. And beware lest thou name
them but chast & cleane & 3 dayes fasting & wt euer thou
wilt do by them thou shalt do trustily.
Cap.um 3um.
Hæc sunt nomina quae Moyses dixit &c. These be the names that
Moyses sayd when he deuided the red sea. ena, elaye, sayec,
helance, maace, lehahu, lelahu, alialie, quore, azaye,
boene, hyeha, ysale, mabeha, araya, arameloena, quoleye,
lyeneno, feayne, ye, ye, maleco, habona, nechee, hicero.
And when thou wilt haue grace of any man. These names
thou shalt name deuoutly & meekely & thou shalt haue.
Cap. 4m.
Hæc sunt nomina quae dixit Moyses que &c. These be the names
that Moyses said when the yard was changed into a serpent
of the enchanters & the prophets micracon. with these name
incleped en. Roepi, Saconich, patonit, piston, ycimor, hygaron,
ygmron, tenigaron, mycon, mycondasnos, castas, laceas, astas,
yecon, cyn, tabliust, tabla, nac, zacut. And these forsaid
names thou shalt name whan thou wilt fullfill thy question
or axeing.
Cap. 5m.
Hæc sunt nomina quae scripta erant in populo Aaron &c. These be
the names that were written in the people of Aaron
when he spake with the Creator Saday, hayloce, loez, elacy,
citonij, hazyhaya, yeynimoysey, accidasbarni,
huadonemi, eya, hyeba, vea, vaha, oyaha, eye, oye, ha, hya, haya,
zahya, hahyha, eyey, yaia, el, ebehel, va, va, va. keep well
these names abousaid for they be holy and vertuous, & these thou
shalt name that thou get that thou axest of the Creator.
Cap. 6m.
Hec sunt nomina quae scripta erant in virga Moysy &c. These
be the names that were written in the yard of Moyses
when he made the brasen serpent & destroyed the golden
calfe. when all that druncke in the well hadden a beard.
yana, yane, sya, abibhu, vanohya, accenol, tyogas, yena, eloym,
ya, vehu, yane, hay, ya, vehu, a hyaemed. And these names
conteyne in themselues many vertues, for with them thou shalt
destroy euill & all enchantments & presume thou not to
name them in the 7 worke.
Cap. 7m.Hæc sunt nomina quae moyses dixit que plut &c. These be the names that moyses said when manna reyned in desert & drawe out water of the Rocke & led out from Captivity the childern of Israel. Saday, samora, ebon, pheneton, eloy, eneyobceel, messyas, Jahe, yana, or eolyen. Whan thou wolt do any miracles, or if thou were in any anguish. These names thou shalt name & in all things thou shalt feele the helpe of them & the vertue. And when thou hast done this rekearse thou these words by which the names aboue said be expowned. Deus vive verax, magne, fortis potens pie, sancte munde, omni bonitate plene benedicte domine benedictum nomen tuum tu completer nraz compleas q~nem tu s~cor fac nos ad finem nostri operis pervenire tu largitor nobis integru complementum nostris operis elargir tu sancte & misericors nobis miserere nomen tuum yeseraye sit per seculam benedictum amen.
That is to say, God quick
very great stronge mighty, meke holy cleane, full of all
goodnes blessed lord be thy name thou
fulfiller fullfill our question thou maker, make us to
come to thend of or worke thou granter graunt us
hoal fullfilling of or worke thou holy & mercifull
haue mercy of us thy name yeseraye be it blessed by
worlds. Amen. In the name of the soueraigne
allmighty Creator I begine thexplanacion of his name
yeseraye that is to say god without begining & wth out
ende. Agla [K: Angilae] is the name of a prophet and properly
written in gold plate of liuing men. And who euer
bereth it upon himself & how long he hath it with
him he shall not dread sodaine death.
Here endeth the booke of Raziel of 7 treatises.ffinis Razielis.[158r] Here beginneth names that be necessary to euerich Christen man.
Hæc sunt nomina 4 Creatoris & unumquique est &c These
[be] the 4 names of the Creator & euerich is of 4 l~ros & prophets
bare them written in prciouse stones. And these be the
names. Johac, Jona, Eloy, Yena. And know thou who euer
beareth these names written in parchmyn that in hebrue
is named genil in gilden letters with him, lyflode & clothing
worshipfully lacketh not to him how long he hath them
with him.
A name to gett victory. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Hac est nomen cum que Josue fecit &c. This is the name wth
wch Josue made the sonne to stand in his place against his
proper nature1 wth wch he ouercame gabionitas & 34 kings &
this is a great name & vertuous dredfull & gasteleu.
Bachianodobalizlior, & thus bachiocoiodobaliz hac & this
name giueth vengeance of enemies & who that euer beareth
it with him a prison may not hold him, neither in battails
he may be ouercomen of any man.
1. Joshua 10:12-13. | |||||||||||||||||||||
For gladnes & against wrath & Ire.
Hoc est nomen quod dixit Creator Moysy &c. This is a name
that the Creator said to Moysis in the mont of Synay.
hacedion or hachedion, & this name removeth wrath
& sorow & it encreaseth gladnes & loue.
For victory.
Hoc est nomen quod Adam in infernis circuitu &c. This is a name
that Adam named in the environ of hell mephenoyphaton,
& who euer beareth it upon him any man shall not
mowe ouercome him.
Explicit. |