Transcription and translation by Joseph Peterson, Sep 9 2022; updated Jun 23, 2024.
Translation copyright 2022-2023 Joseph H. Peterson.
Some portions of the text can also be found in the Halle ms. ("H"), including some material lost from the Kassell ms.
An important German translation has been identified in Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, ms. Germ. Fol. 903. (16th ce).
It is based on a more complete Latin text than K.
Since all three known manuscripts are missing some text, all three are needed to reconstruct the complete text.
- ¶ Primus liber continet 3 tractatus in quo tradit artem inuocandi extra quamlibet spirituum vel plures generalem, et specialem artem, et cetera.
- ¶ Primum capitulum prima tractatus est prohemium tocius libri.
- ¶ 2 capitulum est oracio uniueralis itineris [= LTA oracio 17.] [L.1.f.1]
- ¶ 3 cap. est oracio inicialis intelligencie. [L.1.f.2.]
- ¶ 4 cap. est oracio loci benedicionis [= LTA oracio 15.]
- ¶ 5 cap. factio roboris sicli [oratio formationis cicli.] [L.1.f.3]
- ¶ 6 cap est oracio uniuersalis saturni [C.6. coniuratio uniuersalis Saturni.] [L.1.f.4]
- ¶ 7 cap est coniuratio apropriata [C.7. coniuratio apropriata.] [L.1.f.5]
- ¶ 8 capitulum, Inuocatio propria sathane primus uniuersalem. [L.1.f.6]
- ¶ 9 capitulum, coniuratio uniuersalis ad omnia. [L.1.f.7]
- ¶ 10 capitulum, Sememphoras generale. [L.1.f.10]
- ¶ 11 cap. de nominbus fortis, & generalibus omnibus operibus. [L.1.f.11]
- ¶ 12 cap. de ventis [L1.f12]
- ¶ 13 cap. de nominibus potentibus in partibus seculi [C.13. De rc] [L.1.f.13]
Here begins the contents of this book of the Science of Magic.
The first book contains 3 treatises, in which he treats of the art of invoking any spirit or the more general, and special art, etc.
- The first chapter of the first treatise is the preface to the whole book.
- Chapter 2 is the universal prayer for the journey (to the circle).
[= LTA prayer 17.]
- Chapter 3: The prayer of the initial intelligence (of the Primum Mobile).
- Chapter 4 is the prayer for blessing the place. [= LTA prayer 15.]
- Chapter 5: Preparing the circle’s strength. (The prayer for forming the circle.)
- Chapter 6 is the universal prayer of Saturn. (The universal conjuration of Saturn.)
- Chapter 7 is the appropriated conjuration.
- Chapter 8: The first universal invocation appropriate for Satan.
- Chapter 9: The universal conjuration for all things.
- Chapter 10: The general Semamphoras.
- Chapter 11: Concerning the strong names, and general to all works.
- Chapter 12: Concerning the winds.
- Chapter 13: Concerning the powerful names in the parts of the world.
- Tractatus secundus. Capitulum 1, coniuratio testimonialis primus temporis. [L.1.f.14]
- ¶ 2. cap. Coniuratio testimonialis 2, temporis. [L.1.f.26]
- ¶ 3. capitulum, coniuratio testimonialis tertii temporis. [L.1.f.31]
- ¶ 4. capitulum coniuratio testimonialis quarti temporis. [L.1.f.35]
- Tractatus 3, capitulum 1. Oratio testimonialis tertii temporis. [L.1.f.38]
- ¶ 2. capitulum oratio testimonialis pro quarto tempore. [L.1.f.46]
- ¶ 3. capitulum. oratio testimonialis pro secundo tempore. [L.1.f.49]
The second treatise
- Chapter 1, The testimonial conjuration of the first season.
- Chapter 2. The testimonial conjuration of the second season.
- Chapter 3. The testimony conjuration of the third season.
- Chapter 4. The testimony conjuration of the fourth season.
Treatise 3
- Chapter 1. Testimonial prayer of the third season.
- Chapter 2: Testimonial prayer for the fourth season.
- Chapter 3: Testimonial prayer for the second season.
- Incipit Secundus liber in quo determinat de anulo et aliis ad artem requisitis. Et continet 3 tractatis.
- Tractatus primus.
- ¶ 1. cap. 1 tractatus de anulo primo salomonis. [L.2.f.1]
- ¶ 2. cap. de anulis 7 planetarum. [L.2.f.1; Compare H 224r]
- ¶ 3. cap. de vestibus artis. [L.2.f.2]
- ¶ 4. cap. de corolla salomatica. [L.2.f.7]
- ¶ 5. cap. de corrigia salomatica. [L.2.f.7]
- ¶ 6. cap. de Sibilo. [L.2.f.8]
Here begins the second book, in which he deals with the ring and other things required for the Art, and it contains 3 treatises.
The first treatise.
- Chapter 1: Treatise concerning the first ring of Solomon.
- Chapter 2: Concerning the rings of the 7 planets.
- Chapter 3: Concerning the garments of the Art.
- Chapter 4: Concerning the chaplet of Solomon.
- Chapter 5: Concerning the thong of Solomon.
- Chapter 6: Concerning the whistle.
- Tractatus 2, cap. 1 de puribus planetarum. [L.2.f.9]
- ¶ 2. cap. de oracionibus planetarum. [L.2.f.10; Compare H 220r]
- ¶ 3. cap. de oracionibus spirituum planetarum. [L.2.f.11]
- ¶ 4. cap. de ense salomatico. [L.2.f.13]
- ¶ 5. cap. de tabula sememphoras. [L.2.f.14; Compare H 218r]
- ¶ 6. cap. de sedibus spirituum 6. [L.2.f.17]
- ¶ 7. cap. De sememphoras & alturis 7. [L.2.f.20]
- ¶ 8. cap. de factione karacterum. [L.2.f.26]
- ¶ 9. cap. De formatione ydem & officiis. [L.2.f.29]
- De officiis spirituum [L.2.f.33]
- ¶ 10. cap. de tribus anulis salomonis. [L.2.f.38]
- ¶ 11. cap. de sigillo salomonis, & ydea particulari. [L.2.f.41; Compare H 207r]
- De ydea [L.2.f.42]
- ¶ 12 capitulum. de Candariis Salomonis [L.2.f.46]
Treatise 2.
- Chapter 1: Concerning the guardianship of the planets.
- Chapter 2: Concerning the prayers of the planets.
- Chapter 3: Concerning the prayers of the spirits of the planets.
- Chapter 4: Concerning the Solomonic sword.
- Chapter 5: Concerning the Sememphoras table.
- Chapter 6: Concerning the six seats of the spirits.
- Chapter 7: Concerning the Sememphoras and the 7 heights.
- Chapter 8: Concerning the fashioning of characters.
- Chapter 9: Concerning the shaping of images and the offices.
- Concerning the offices of the spirit. (Oriennens, Baal, Agaros, Barbas....)
- Chapter 10: Concerning the three rings of Solomon. (4 rings are included)
- Chapter 11: Concerning the sigil of Solomon, and the particular ydea.
- Concerning the ydea (form, image, representation).
- Chapter 12: Concerning the Candaris of Solomon.
- Tractatus 3. capitulum 1, de corrigia, corona & ydea salomatica [L.2.f.49]
- De corona [L.2.f.49]
- ¶ 2. capitulum de fortificationibus 4 coniurationum [L.2.f.51]
- [vincula Salomonis] primum vinculum [L.2.f.55]
- Vinculum 2 Salomonis [L.2.f.57]
- 5. fortificatio [L.2.f.60]
- ¶ 3. cap. De reuolutione N. Semamphoras. [L.2.f.61; Compare H 213r]
Treatise 3.
- Chapter 1, Concerning the thong, the crown, and the ydea of Solomon.
- Concerning the crown.
- Chapter 2, Concerning the four strengthening conjurations.
- The chains of Solomon. The first chain.
- The second chain of Solomon.
- The strengthening.
- Chapter 3, Concerning the revolution of Semamphoras names.
- Incipit liber Tercius [de operibus particularibus], et habet duos tractatus [L.3.f.1]
- ¶ Primum capitulum. Tractatus primus de Inuocatione spirituum infra domum [L.3.f.1]
- Sigillum Angelorum [L.3.f.4]
- ¶ 2 capitulum. de vocatione sanctorum angelorum in circulo (=LIH part 2) [L.3.f.2]
- ¶ 3 capitulum de novem modis invocationis spirituum [de inuocatione spirituum secundum 9 operationes] (=LIH part 3) [L.3.f.8]
- de aliter sanctis angelis; de malignis angelis; de Ordine libri [L.3.f.10]
- quartum operatio de 4 regibus principius (qui sub Sathana sunt). De ydea eorum [L.3.f.21]
- Operatio 5 de 7 regibus; figura Circuli [L.3.f.29]
- Sigillum aereorum [Bethala suspensus in ethera...] [L.3.f.35]
- placcationem [Genealogia chyde ministri tartarei] [L.3.f.36 - L.3.f.66]
Here begins Book Three: Concerning particular operations, and it has two treatises.
- Chapter 1 of the First Treatise: Concerning the invocation of spirits beneath the house.
- The sigil of the angels.
- Chapter 2. Concerning the calling of holy angels into the circle.
- Chapter 3, Concerning the nine manners of invoking spirits
(concerning the invocation of spirits following nine operations.)
- Concerning holy angels otherwise; concerning evil angels; concerning the arrangement of the book.
- The fourth operation, concerning the four principal kings (which are under Satan).
- Concerning their idea/image.
- The fifth operation, concerning the 7 kings; the form of the circle.
- The sigil of the air (Bethala suspensus in ethera).
- The placating (Genealogia chyde ministers of Tartarus).
- Tractatus 2us
- ¶ Capitulum 1. de Almandali [missing from K, but see H 230r-233r]
- ¶ 2 cap. De ymaginibus et doctrina. [missing]
- ¶ 3 cap. De legionibus S. et officiis earum. [missing]
Second Treatise.
- Chapter 1, concerning the Almandal.
- Chapter 2, concerning images and teachings.
- Chapter 3, concerning the legions of spirits and their offices
- Incipit liber 4, et habet tractatus duos. [missing]
- ¶ Primum capitulum tractatus 1, de principiis magice essendi. [missing]
- ¶ 2 capitulum de principiis cognoscendi magice. [missing]
- ¶ 3 capitulum de sacratione. [missing]
- ¶ 4 cap. de oracionibus Artis Veteris. [beginning missing]
[resumes at L.4.f.8; cp H 265ff]
- ¶ 5 cap. de sacratione honorica (LIH part I) [L.4.f.15]
- ¶ 6 Capitulum. De Sigillo Dei [L.4.f.21]
- figura sigilli dei [L.4.f.22]
- ¶ 7 cap. De dignificatione. [L.4.f.23]
Here begins Book 4, and it has two treatises:
- Chapter 1, treatise 1, concerning the principles of being magical.
- Chapter 2, concerning the principles of the getting to know the magic.
- Chapter 3, concerning consecration.
- Chapter 4, concerning the prayers of the Old Art.
- Chapter 5, concerning the consecration of Honorius.
- Chapter 6, concerning the Sigil of God.
- The figure of the Sigil of God.
- Chapter 7. Concerning dignification.
- Tractatus 2 ca. 1. de oracionibus sememphoras [sparsorum] [L.4.f.25; cp H 284v]
- ¶ 2 cap. De 99 oracionibus nominum sparsorum sememphoras [L.4.f.30; Compare H 284r]
- ¶ 3 cap. Est Liber Trium Animarum [L.4.f.37; Compare H 275r]
- ¶ 4. ca. de angelis potentibus, et legionibus planetarum. [L.4.f.50; breaks off at L.4.f.81; Compare H 287v]
- ¶ 5. ca. de Dignificatione particulari veneris. [missing]
- ¶ 6. ca. de Dignificatione per Caput veneris. [missing]
- ¶ 7. ca. de Dignificatione per lunam, vel per alium planetarum. [missing]
- ¶ 8. ca. In quo continuat theoricam, et practicam (?) Lunaciones bonas. [missing]
- ¶ 9. ca. De decem preceptis artis. [missing all but last 5 lines]
Treatise 2.
- Chapter 1, concerning the Semamphoras prayers (dispersed).
- Chapter 2, concerning the 99 prayers of dispersed Semamphoras names.
- Chapter 3, is the Book of Three Souls.
- Chapter 4, concerning the powerful angels, and the legions of the planets.
- Chapter 5, concerning the particular dignification of Venus.
- Chapter 6, concerning dignification through the head of Venus.
- Chapter 7, concerning dignification through the moon, or the other planets.
- Chapter 8, in which he continues the theory and practice of good lunar cycles.
- Chapter 9. concerning the ten precepts of the Art.
- Incipit liber 5, qui continet 2 tractatus. [L.5.f.1]
- ¶ Capitulum 1. primi tractatus. De 11 celis & ymaginibus celi. [L.5.f.1]
- De Stellis fixis [L.5.f.2]
- Diffinicio de horis equalibus [L.5.f.8]
- De aspectibus [L.5.f.9]
- De ventis [L.5.f.11]
- ¶ 2. cap. In quo concludit ordinem rerum, & ordinem libri sacri. [L.5.f.11]
- ¶ 3. capitulum. De compositione tabularum secundum operationem salomonis. [L.5.f.13]
- Prima tabula (hebree) [L.5.f.14]
- Tabula hebrayca 2 [L.5.f.15]
- Tercia Tabula, Caldea vel Arabica. [L.5.f.16]
- Tabula grecorum [L.5.f.17]
- Tabula latinorum [L.5.f.18]
- ¶ 4. capitulum. De extractione nomina spirituum, secundum doctrinam salomonis. [L.5.f.22]
- [L.5.f.23-46 missing]
- ¶ 5. capitulum, de compositione tabularum secundum tos grecum. [missing]
- ¶ 6. cap. De significanciis litterarum 4 alphabetorum. [missing]
- ¶ 7. cap. De virtute & parte cuiuslibet littere secundum astra. [missing]
- ¶ 8. cap. De tabulis secundum opinionem aliorum sociorum. [missing beginning; resumes L.5.f.47]
- ¶ 9. cap. De tabulis secundum opinionem aliorum duorum. [L.5.f.48]
Here begins Book 5, which contains two treatises:
- Chapter 1 of the first treatise: Concerning the 11 heavens and images of the heavens.
- Concerning the fixed stars.
- The definition of equal hours.
- Concerning the aspects.
- Concerning the winds.
- Chapter 2, in which he concludes the arrangement of things, and the arrangement of the sacred book.
- Chapter 3, concerning the composition of tables according to the operation of Solomon.
- The first table (Hebrew).
- Hebraic table 2.
- The third table, Chaldean or Arabic.
- The Greek table.
- The Latin table.
- Chapter 4, concerning the extracting of the names of spirits, according to the teachings of Solomon.
- Chapter 5, concerning the composition of the tables according to Toz Grecus.
- Chapter 6, concerning the significances of the letters of the 4 alphabets.
- Chapter 7, concerning the virtue and part of any letter according to the stars.
- Chapter 8, concerning the tables according to the opinions of other associates.
- Chapter 9, concerning the tables according to the opinions of two others.
- Tractatus 2. capitulum 1. de docmatibus artis. [L.5.f.53]
- ¶ 2. capitulum de semamphoras expansis. [L.5.f.56]
- ¶ 3. cap. De modo scribendi nomina Dei. Et de pargamenis artis. [L.5.f.57]
- ¶ 4. cap. De officiis spirituum particularibus. [L.5.f.58]
- ¶ 5. cap. De Arte Incantandi, & disincantandi. [L.5.f.62; cp H 216r]
- ¶ 6. capitulum. De docmate cuiusdam operis particularum. [L.5.f.67]
- ¶ 7. capitulum. De opere Matris et filie. [L.5.f.68; cp H 236r]
- ¶ 8. cap. De fundamento omnium litterarum ex astris. [L.5.f.70]
- [L.5.f.71-L.5.f.94 missing]
- ¶ 9. cap. De correctione tabularum. [missing]
- ¶ 10. ca. De docmatibus artis in casu paupertatis. [missing]
- ¶ 11. capitulum. De inuocatione cuiuslibet spiritus particulariter. [missing]
- ¶ 12. capitulum. De sacra lege Et letania sancta. [missing all but end, L.5.f.95]
- ¶ 13. capitulum. De operibus rasielis, & officio cuiuslibet spiritus per nomen eius inueniendo [L.5.f.95]
Treatise 2.
- Chapter 1, concerning the doctrines of the Art.
- Chapter 2, concerning the dispersed Semamphoras.
- Chapter 3, concerning the manner of writing the names of God. And concerning parchment arts.
- Chapter 4, concerning the particular offices of spirits.
- Chapter 5, concerning the Art of incantation and disincantation.
- Chapter 6, concerning the doctrine of the certain particular works.
- Chapter 7, concerning the work of the mother and daughter.
- Chapter 8, concerning the foundation of all letters from the stars.
- Chapter 9, concerning the correction of the tables.
- Chapter 10, concerning the doctrines in case of poverty.
- Chapter 11, concerning the invocation of any particular spirit.
- Chapter 12, concerning the sacred law and the sacred litany.
- Chapter 13, concerning the works of Raziel, and the office of any spirit through discovering its name.
¶ In nomine Domini, amen. Incipit Summa sacre magice Magistri
Berengari Ganelli philosophi.
In the name of the Lord, Amen. Here begins the Compendium of Sacred Magic of Berengar Ganell, master of philosophy.
Magica est scientia artandi spiritus malignos et benignos per nomen
dei et per nomina sua, ac per nomina seculi rerum. Unde sequitur quod
magica est scientia verborum, quia omne nomen est verbum, cum verbum
sit omnis res que lingua profertur, si litteris scribi possit. Multe
autem scientie sunt verborum, ut gramatica, logica, rectorica, magica,
sed diversi mode, quia gramatica est de verbo quo ad congruitatem, et
logica quo ad discernendum veritatem, et rectorica quo ad justitiam
denotandum, sed magica est de verbo quo ad spiritualem substanciam coartandum.
Magic is the science of constraining good and evil spirits through
the name of God, and through their own names, and through the names
of the things of the world. From which it follows that magic is
the science of words, because each name is a word, since a word
can be anything which can be produced by the tongue, if it can
be written in letters. Nevertheless there are many other sciences
of words, such as grammar, logic, rhetoric, and magic, but they
differ in various ways, because grammar seeks agreement
about words, and logic is for discerning the truth, and rhetoric
for observing justice, but magic is about the word that seeks to
confine the spiritual substance.